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View Full Version : Rar/Unrar on seedbox.

12-07-2009, 03:35 PM
Hello there;

I hope i'm posting in the correct forum.

I'm using FTPrush to connect to my seedbox , and I was wondering if there was a way to send RAR and UNRAR commands through the app itself without using SSH or shell commands.

The server is based on ProFTPD, and I have root access to it.

If there any other ways to easily rar and unrar files on a box, I'd love to know how.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks :)

12-07-2009, 09:30 PM
Closest thing I've seen is:

But it's shareware..Can't seem to find the author's website..

Or ZipDeploy

Check it out though. I didn't look too deep, but it doesn't seen to handle RAR'd files..

Otherwise since you have root, next best may be VNC, and unrar through the GUI friend..

Oh forgot to ask, you don't happen to have TorrentFlux b4Rt - That interface has an unrar plugin..

12-08-2009, 04:15 AM
I do not believe Proftpd allows rar/unrar commands - i don't think its the FTP client that makes it possible; the server has to be able to accept the FTP commands. glftpd allows rar I believe, but not proftpd (at least - i have yet to find out how).

Another option is to use Winscp... this does still require ssh access though, but you don't need to do it via commandline (so - depends why you didn't want ssh...) It is a gui - you can create custom commands that allow you to rar and unrar just by right click on the file and/or folders and select from the menu of custom comamnds you create.

The custom command lines are

to rar: rar a -r -m0 -v180m "!?&Archive Name:?archive.rar!" !&

to unrar: rar e "!"

tar: tar -cvf "!?&Archive Name:?archive.tar!" !&

unrar: tar -xf "!"

cksfv a rar package (assuming cksfv installed): cksfv -i -f "!"

You can even execute commands (./"!") , chown, chmod, etc.

12-08-2009, 02:15 PM

thanks!! I guess this is the best solution.

2 questions:

1) How can I make the 200mb rar command name the default archive as the name of the files themselves, and not 'archive.rar' ?

2) Can i extract archoves with password through this way???

Thanks again!!!

12-09-2009, 09:54 AM

thanks!! I guess this is the best solution.

2 questions:

1) How can I make the 200mb rar command name the default archive as the name of the files themselves, and not 'archive.rar' ?

2) Can i extract archoves with password through this way???

Thanks again!!!

Not sure about 1, i would like to know as well. But i've already figured out 2:
unrar x -p"!?&password:?testing!" "!"

Replace "testing" with any other password.

12-09-2009, 03:30 PM
thanks :)

12-09-2009, 03:38 PM
for the first question

rar a -r -m0 -v200m "!?&Archive Name:?archive.rar!" !&

m0 means no compression
-v200m means 200mb file sizes
-r means to recurse subdirectories (if you don't put -r, it won't do the folders)

so essentially whatever you put after -v is the file size

edit: oops! i misread the question.. i'm not sure how to set it to the file name.. i haven't figured that out - i always copy and paste the folder name in the archive.rar popup box. Even when doing it via commandline, you have to specify the filename for the rar file - so.. I"m not sure if its possible

07-16-2012, 04:56 PM
Hi guys I'm hoping you can help me out? I'm looking for the correct command to add a password to my rar file, for example I am trying to create rar files of 1GB size

which should look something like this I think?

rar a -m0 -v1000240k "!?&Enter an Archive Name:?archive.rar!" !&

Now I want to add a password to that command above, thats where I'm stuck, any help would be appreciated

07-16-2012, 06:00 PM
Hi guys I'm hoping you can help me out? I'm looking for the correct command to add a password to my rar file

Add -pPASSWORDGOESHERE to your switches.

07-16-2012, 06:06 PM
Hi guys I'm hoping you can help me out? I'm looking for the correct command to add a password to my rar file

Add -pPASSWORDGOESHERE to your switches.

Thanks for the quick response anon, so it should look like this now?

rar a -m0 -v1000240k -ppassword "!?&Enter an Archive Name:?archive.rar!" !&

and I replace the word password with what I want?

07-16-2012, 06:22 PM
Yes sir. And if you'd like to encrypt the filenames as well (so that the archive can't be opened at all without the password), you can use -hp instead of -p.