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View Full Version : [REQ] WhatCD

12-20-2009, 03:42 PM
Hello, I would truly appreciate an invitation to WhatCD.

I'm a keen and active user, dedicated and loyal to the tracker I work with and committed to only 2 trackers: PTM and AW-HD with over 2.3TB of data uploaded aggregated.

I would like to use WhatCD as my exclusive music tracker.

Promise to keep great ratio and give high grade REP to sender.


My email is bibi4k at gmail.

12-20-2009, 03:43 PM

12-20-2009, 04:50 PM
Is the trend to post a link to that page on every What.cd request? Count me in. :lol:

Promise to keep great ratio and give high grade REP to sender.

Since you can only give one point per rep, I don't know what you mean with "high grade". Either way (this is one of my trademark expressions), you should get a bit more active - no offense, but I doubt you'll get invited with 8 posts.

12-20-2009, 05:05 PM
It's just an easier way to get in =/

I'm not particularly a fan of difficult to seed music trackers, but if the OP is really as "passionate" about music as he says he is, the interview should be a piece of cake. It also saves a lot of headaches when both the invitee and the inviter could potentially get banned, especially when the inviter is just trying to do a good deed and isn't aware of their anal invite policies.

Then again, if you stay active on these forums you could make a couple of "friends" and ask them "privately" for an invite ;) (or if your country is banned from IRC).

12-20-2009, 05:07 PM
It's just an easier way to get in =/

I'm not particularly a fan of difficult to seed music trackers, but if the OP is really as "passionate" about music as he says he is, the interview should be a piece of cake. It also saves a lot of headaches when both the invitee and the inviter could potentially get banned, especially when the inviter is just trying to do a good deed and isn't aware of their anal invite policies.

Then again, if you stay active on these forums you could make a couple of "friends" and ask them "privately" for an invite ;) (or if your country is banned from IRC).


That's what I meant to say really... As far as I knew the 'interview' was the easiest and safest way to get invited to WhatCD

12-20-2009, 10:00 PM
Well, I wish it was that easy.

Just tried the interview route. I've learnt the material (which I was mostly familiar with - but what the heck - gave it another look), strictly memorized the interview rules, etc.

This is, shamelessly, the transcript (interviewer's name removed):

[23:45] * Now talking in #what.cd-invites
23:45] <bibi4k> !queue http://www.speedtest.net/result/65843xx.png
[23:45] -ZeroBot- You have successfully queued - you are currently in position 3. We cannot give estimated wait times.
[23:46] <%xx> Hello bibi4k
[23:46] <bibi4k> hi
[23:46] <%xx> Where do you live?
[23:46] <bibi4k> israel
[23:46] <%xx> You can't interview
[23:46] <bibi4k> banned?
[23:46] <%xx> yes
[23:46] <%xx> you
[23:47] <bibi4k> because of where i live?
[23:47] <%xx> you'll have to find someone to extend you an invite
[23:47] <%xx> yes
[23:47] <bibi4k> something personal?
[23:47] <%xx> How could it possibly be personal?
[23:47] <bibi4k> i don't see any other reason
[23:48] * You were kicked by CommandServ (Your entire country [Portugal] is banned from the invites channel. This is because of the very high proportion of users from this area being bad for the site - either leechers, traders, sellers and/or
Session Close: Sun Dec 20 23:48:08 2009

This is really upsetting. It's a rough capital world, I guess, being categorized and judged by other's actions.

Oh well...


12-20-2009, 10:12 PM
thats kind of sad,baning the whole country,because of some people

12-20-2009, 10:19 PM
I agree with the interviewer. How the hell could it be something personal? The interviewer doesnt even know you.:huh:

Tough luck your country must be banned. Hopefully someone else will extend an invite to you.

12-20-2009, 11:01 PM
I don't get it.You say Israel and at the end it says Portugal ?:unsure:

12-20-2009, 11:41 PM
I don't get it.You say Israel and at the end it says Portugal ?:unsure:

Yes, beats me. I was kicked before I had the chance to query... :dry:

I agree with the interviewer. How the hell could it be something personal? The interviewer doesnt even know you.:huh:

Tough luck your country must be banned. Hopefully someone else will extend an invite to you.

I'm sure you understand that my question was cynical.

it just pisses me off that knowing my strict ways of always keeping a great ratio, taking this whole trackers issue very seriously, I'm being judged by some bad experience accumulated (or not) in my country.

12-21-2009, 12:10 AM
it just pisses me off that knowing my strict ways of always keeping a great ratio, taking this whole trackers issue very seriously, I'm being judged by some bad experience accumulated (or not) in my country.


But unlike it is the case at other trackers, at least you can still get in if a friend invites you.

12-21-2009, 12:15 AM
Try getting on waffles, since your country banned.

12-21-2009, 07:22 AM
Try getting on waffles, since your country banned.

Actually, Israel is not banned from WhatCD. As the guy said, I may still be invited by one of the current members. They do not interview people from Israel though.

So coming back to my original question - I'd truly appreciate getting an invitation to this site.


12-21-2009, 07:30 AM
Edit: Nevermind