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View Full Version : Is ovisan racist? Or megabyteme stupid?

12-21-2009, 02:07 AM
Ok, we haven't had enough drama this week, so I am accepting this challenge...

This all started when ovisan reopened a 2 1/2 month old thread (started by none other than Swepsycho) regarding CN. CN, as most people are aware, enjoys their privacy.

Ovisan reopened this thread and made the following posts found here: http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-general-bittorrent-43/t-how-is-cn-invit-system-370016/page10

I wonder why fst staff protect cn tracker this much. Most of us know how to get in there by now and that they opened their doors for everyone and also for those I quote 'traded more than a year ago'. It will close before its staffers will learn how to run a tracker.

How many reviews have been deleted before and also why today?

Just be careful with donating lads. it may follow sct's example: ask for money and then vanish, like magic.

Is not that but I ve heard their staff tried to ban another of my accounts. This is their 4th failed attempt to get me banned. I ve stopped fighting with this bunch of power hungry small kids when I ve found out where they all come from and their age. Now it all makes sense.


And the funny thing is that they were the only ones who believed Rambo and his dog Dildo Da Bussboy is their attempts to catch another villan, but in fact they were, well at least da Dildo, the real traders.

going back to CN we can easily see how desperate they are that they posted a tutorial on how to get in their 'hard to get in' tracker. It was probably posted here many times. But nobody can take my pleasure and stop me doing it again

In response to the pic (and the fact that I think ovisan is an asshole anyway) , I reported this here.

I firmly believe ovisan was making a racial slander against the staff members at CN. Why else would he post a pic featuring ethnic people and say, again...
I ve stopped fighting with this bunch of power hungry small kids when I ve found out where they all come from and their age. Now it all makes sense.

So, ovisan has requested this poll. Personally, I believe I wasted enough time responding to his attempt at making me look like I am trying to "kiss arse" at CN by getting their review pics removed on tinypic.

And, here is what is at "stake"...

If you agree that his photo was a racial slight/slander, then and I will
The catch is: if you are right and I posted a racial picture and upset the Indians or Pakistani I promise i will leave this place and stop bothering you or your e'friends' you are so proud of and you protect and love.

If you agree that ovisan's was not making a racial slight/slander with his pic then I, megabyteme will publicly apologize for any trouble, stress, or slander I may have caused ovisan. I believe he wants to hear "I megabyteme was stupid, again." I accept.

Anyway, if you want the full details of this "conflict", check out ovisan's thread and my defenses to it here: http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-lounge-10/t-megabyteme-wubs-cn-383920

Sorry the thing is so lengthy, guys.

The poll will be open for 7 days. Your votes can be seen by everyone.

12-21-2009, 02:18 AM
I've fed this thread to the dogs.

12-21-2009, 02:20 AM
I voted stupid since you made this thread. :P

12-21-2009, 02:27 AM
who the fuck cares ....

spend your time on real life problems dude ..

12-21-2009, 02:29 AM
As I mentioned, this was NOT my idea. I have a real life.

I did this because I was challenged to do it.

12-21-2009, 02:33 AM
A burning question for you megabyteme, why the fuck do you care what ovisan thinks ?

12-21-2009, 02:39 AM
Ever have a chihuahua hump your leg? It's a lot like that- eventually, you want it off. :\

12-21-2009, 06:11 AM
So now you call me gypsy? Isn't that racist magabiteme mate?

12-21-2009, 06:13 AM
A burning question for you megabyteme, why the fuck do you care what ovisan thinks ?

He thinks he's Zorro

12-21-2009, 06:30 AM
I had nothing to do with the "gypsy" thing you stupid fuck. It's a screencap from the pic you posted... :frusty:

As others have said, "why am I wasting my time with you?" :idunno:

If there is one thing that is becoming more and more clear, it is that NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU OR YOUR CONSTANT PETTY RIVALRIES, ovisan.

Let it go... as was said when you made your "megabyteme wubs CN" thread.

12-21-2009, 06:41 AM
Okay I bleave you mate, that must be tinipic tagging 'gipsy' on random files. It makes sense.

Btw, you should have let me do this my way, I wouldn't have offended you, but no you had to do it yre way with a mile long post I cant even be bovered to read. And also you have put the question wrong, course thet every1 will voste for the 'stupid' answer, cause it far more attractive than the 'racist' one. You just dug your own hole here mate. And another thing, this thread could bring more publicity to CN than I could ever imagine

12-21-2009, 06:54 AM
Yeah, I'm done with you and this poll. Getting caught up in your drama was the stupid part...I concede that your pic and comment were not racist. If you want me to say I was stupid, so be it. As per the agreement, I apologize to you for any stress or slander my comment caused you, ovisan. Best of luck to you with all the people who are "out to get you banned", etc.

We are done. I have no interest in future contact/discussion with you. Say your peace, in 2 days from now, I am adding you to "ignore" where you belonged long ago. It would be best if you would do me the same courtesy.

I am having this thread closed now. Feel free to post links to this in your thread.

As of this time, 52 people have viewed it and only 2 have bothered to vote- one indicating that he voted against me because I made the thread. No one cares.

12-21-2009, 08:22 AM
/me dunno !

12-21-2009, 10:56 AM
This poll isn't exactly fair to be honest... if it was really for the benefit of the members in so far as having this 'argument' settled then it really should have a "who cares" option (which I think you'll find may prove popular).

You keep 'walking away' saying you're done with each other yet both keep coming back to have another go. No-one can claim the moral high ground because in reality you're both as bad as each other...

I've never had cause to look for it, but doesn't this board have an 'ignore' option where you could both just ignore each other if you can't just settle your differences??

If you're both so "over it" then sort it out ffs :lol:

Oh, and btw.... Merry Christmas to you both :D

12-21-2009, 11:51 AM
I requested that this thread be closed 2 or 3 hours ago (there are no mods during this time off day).

I also mentioned that I would give him 2 days to say his peace before ignoring him.

I don't remember seeing ovy's request to be done with this anywhere...

You really didn't read much did you, Burnsy?

Oh well, this has been a dead end since the beginning- can't say I blame you.