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View Full Version : PC Games: All time Top 5/ 2009 Top 5

12-26-2009, 09:22 AM
^ Topic. Answer by posting yours.

My all time top PC games are:

1) CS 1.6
2) CS Source
3) Kotor
4) Morrowind
5) EA Sports NHL Series

Honorable mentions:
-Dragon Age: Origins is top notch, but I haven't beat that yet, and I don't know which of those top 5 I could knock off.
-Rome Total War
-Half Life (1)
-Fallout 3
-Sim City 4
-Diablo II - Lord of Destruction

Top 5 for 2009 are:

1) Dragon Age: Origins
4) Plants VS Zombies
5) Braid

DA: O was the only '09 game I played from this year lol, except Braid which was too pretentious to be great. Fallout 3 and Crysis Warhead were awesome though, and I played those this year even though they were from Q4 08.

12-27-2009, 02:11 PM
It's always so hard to chose a number of games as bests T.S.O.L., but I'll try:

My probably all time top PC games, not in order but the first one, are:
1) Baldur's Gate 2 (this one is in order hehe)
2) Baldur's Gate 1
3) Doom
4) HL1
5) Mass Effect? Quake Arena? Wolf: Enemy Territory?

TOP 5 for 2009, not in orther:
1) Dragon Age: Origins
2) Borderlands
3) Risen (quite good game)
4) Plants VS Zombies (very nice during a few hours)
5) COD: MW2

I didn't include best 2009 games like SF IV that can also be played on PC cause I just played them on consoles... I stuck to what I played on PC only...

ps:Kotor is indeed an awesome game but I played it on xbox

12-27-2009, 06:44 PM
Top 5 to me:-

1)cs 1.6
3)HL 1
5)fallout 3

top 5 for this year:-
3)Dragon Age Origins

12-29-2009, 09:14 PM
All time 5:
1. System Shock
2. Star Control 2
3. Age of Empires 2
4. Tribes 2
5. Deus Ex
Doom, Half-Life, Sim City, King's Quest series just miss

This year:
1. L4D2
2. Dragon Age: Origins
3. COD:MW2
Didn't buy a whole lot of PC games this year LOL

12-29-2009, 09:41 PM
All time:
1. CS 1.6
2. FIFA (99-10)
4. NHL (99-10)
5. The Sims

1. F4D2
2. COD:MW2
3. Dragon Age
4. ----
5. ----

12-31-2009, 02:27 AM
All Time:
1. CS:S
2. TF2
3. UT
(Can you tell I like shooters? :P)
4. Starcraft
5. Rollercoaster Tycoon (Best. Simulator. Ever.)

This Year:

Other than playing CS:S and TF2, I haven't really played much else this year. I think the only other two I tried out that came out this year were COD:MW2 and Prototype. I actually really liked Prototype, the story was nearly non existent but the controls were incredibly fluid, I thought it deserved better than what it got from reviews. COD was pretty decent as well, but as everyone else has said, the single player is really short. And the lack of dedicated servers killed the multiplayer =/.

01-01-2010, 04:46 PM
omg ,, where's prince of persia ?:(

01-01-2010, 05:52 PM
Tough question. So many games leave a memory behind, not sure which one to place where. Im not going to stick to a top 5 and just mention them. So in no particular order:

Kotor 1 - Enjoyed the story line alot. Almost felt bad for ending it. <3 Bastila
Return to Castle Wolfestein - First release and the free edition (Enemy Territory) was a very enjoyable team game. One of the best. SP was fun too.
Rollercoaster Tycoon - One of the more fun sims out there.
Unreal Tournament - First game was awesome, loved the custom maps instagib matches. Very fast phased.
Dragon Age Origins - Top notch rpg, good replayability.

01-02-2010, 05:52 PM
Top 5 of all-time:

1) Half-Life
2) Team Fortress 2
3) BioShock
4) RollerCoaster Tycoon
5) Habbo Hotel

Half-Life and BioShock were amazing games with great stories, TF2 is outright addicting, RCT is a classic, and Habbo Hotel is great for finding 12-year-olds to troll / cyber with (creepy, I know).

01-02-2010, 06:22 PM
All Time:
1) PES 6
2) CS 1,6
3) Age of empire 2,3
4) Fifa Street
5) Doom

This year :
1) PES 2010
2) Dragon Age: Origins
3) COD:MW2
4) ........
5) ........