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View Full Version : [REQ] HDBits

12-29-2009, 07:59 PM
hey all.. not sure if invites are open, but i am currently seeking one.. mainly looking for a site that has hdtv caps of movies not yet on bluray..

mainly a usenet user, but i do still maintain a few torrent sites, so a ratio proof can be provided..

just shoot me a PM.. thanks guys.

12-29-2009, 08:25 PM
Invites are not available at the moment.

12-29-2009, 08:25 PM
Invites closed m8

12-29-2009, 09:05 PM
If you use usenet and want most of the kind of high quality hd caps that are posted on HDBits (as well as many full BD uploads), then check out ABHDTV.net

It costs $20/year but it has what you're looking for. Basically every BD disc and most of the tv cappers post their stuff there.

If you don't need it spotted, check out anything in a.b.hdtv, c-XXX is a capture and bd-XXX is a bluray disc. But some posters post under this secretive method with passwords so not all the discs are easy to find without the forum.

If you just want the BD stuff (they don't spot captures) then check out binaryinvasion.com in their retail-hd section they spot all the aforementioned rapidoor posts.