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01-08-2010, 06:26 PM
have AOM
need PT
or another good offer

trading AOM because i don't need it, so i need another and good tracker at last.

PM Me.

All the best,
Nadav Jena

08-03-2010, 08:13 PM
dont bother trying to trade the account. its strictly forbidden as you very well know. accounts will be closed if this is discovered

08-03-2010, 08:14 PM
His privileges have been disabled. He'll have to trade it elsewhere.

08-03-2010, 08:30 PM
what is forbidden ? PT trade or AOM trade ?

08-03-2010, 08:34 PM
What Jacqueline means is that those trackers forbid trading. FST itself doesn't.

08-03-2010, 08:47 PM
yes that is indeed what i mean. i know some accounts have been stolen and the staff will do anything to prevent stolen accounts being sold or traded.

so thats why i said: dont waiste your money on this. buy yourself something more useful :)

08-03-2010, 08:52 PM
oh... but thanks buddy for sharing this info

08-04-2010, 05:24 AM
you are welcome. i have read a funny message here on FST and somebody said: you have a bigger chance being hit by a bus then be accepted on AOM. that put a smile on my face. but its indeed true. most of the people that are looking for an account are beginners in magic. sites like demonoid are a much better place for them to be. anyway.. thanks and i wish you a magical day ;)

12-27-2013, 06:45 PM
Hahagaga What a joke :)
A site that cant expand, or develop into something better, though its never been that good anyway, and to think its only what you call an Elite Site :(

JAC you blow your own horn with no sound, better off joining any other magic site, but AOM, as we know what your all about, preening your own EGO
I watch your posts, and see how you conduct yourself, you just cant, and never will have a good site, especially if it foundations were built on bad ground

Like gaining my trust to be staff, and then stealing my user database, and emails, so you can message them, you also starting banning my users, then recruiting them for yourself, taking my files, as i upload them onto my site, so you could then take them to AOM,
And if that aint bad enough, you then start spewing my forums with extreme gay porn, trying hack it, NO actually hacking it, and taking my site down for days, so it was then impossible for my users to use it in peace

Now you just take files from other sites, but are unwilling to contribute into those same sites you use to bolster your lame site, you then put a price on those same files, and call them VIP
Your scum, and you are only fooling those that are blind, as i see no respect deserved here for you, and never will

12-27-2013, 08:21 PM
Hahagaga What a joke :)
A site that cant expand, or develop into something better, though its never been that good anyway, and to think its only what you call an Elite Site :(

JAC you blow your own horn with no sound, better off joining any other magic site, but AOM, as we know what your all about, preening your own EGO
I watch your posts, and see how you conduct yourself, you just cant, and never will have a good site, especially if it foundations were built on bad ground

Like gaining my trust to be staff, and then stealing my user database, and emails, so you can message them, you also starting banning my users, then recruiting them for yourself, taking my files, as i upload them onto my site, so you could then take them to AOM,
And if that aint bad enough, you then start spewing my forums with extreme gay porn, trying hack it, NO actually hacking it, and taking my site down for days, so it was then impossible for my users to use it in peace

Now you just take files from other sites, but are unwilling to contribute into those same sites you use to bolster your lame site, you then put a price on those same files, and call them VIP
Your scum, and you are only fooling those that are blind, as i see no respect deserved here for you, and never will

For those keeping score,this is what mental looks like.:)

12-27-2013, 09:17 PM
Mental, and Mad, please change the record please, as your beginning to sound like an AOM Parrot
Or better still one of there arm puppets, that they seem to accumulate within forums
I just the post facts ;)

Remember we will be opening another recruit site soon on this address here :-
http://artofmisdirection.us (http://filesharingtalk.com/external/?http://artofmisdirection.us)

You already know we got a Magic Trade Site coming soon here :-
www.MagicTraderz.com (http://filesharingtalk.com/external/?http://www.MagicTraderz.com)

Lets see if you can make the grade within our magic community LMFAO http://i.fststatic.com/smilies/smile.gif

Maybe you can get in our Trick Illusion Magic Site here :-
http://mindchaos.us/ (http://filesharingtalk.com/external/?http://mindchaos.us/)

12-27-2013, 10:26 PM
Like gaining my trust to be staff, and then stealing my user database, and emails, so you can message them, you also starting banning my users, then recruiting them for yourself, taking my files, as i upload them onto my site, so you could then take them to AOM,
And if that aint bad enough, you then start spewing my forums with extreme gay porn, trying hack it, NO actually hacking it, and taking my site down for days, so it was then impossible for my users to use it in peace

:lol::lol::glag: That's some serious ownage there. No wonder you are such a whiney, blubbering mess after all this time. :)

12-28-2013, 02:56 AM
And whats deluded, or crazy about trying to educate people on how torrent sites work, because we all know its important to have as many peers on one torrent, and tracker, rather than 20???
And a site thats based on just taking content from another site to bolster its own failings is not really good in anyway, shape, or form
Especially if it entails taking there user base, and doing other tricks to upset that sites peaceful running

Plus i see some of you have avoided my questions yet again, but if it pleases you carry on, but your making no point here to the topic in hand

Heres how AOM Lenaud01 gains your trust, so never let him near your main site, or staff area, as he will screw you over, and this was him back in 2007 :-
http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/8316/x996.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/440/x996.jpg/)

AND i could post alot more, as ive been dealing with AOMs shit for years :-
http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/3008/8dzy.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/8dzy.jpg/)

HOW about there posts on hacking me in forums, these aint my posts, these come straight from AOM :-
http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/4892/vn28.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/vn28.jpg/)

SVEN was there biggest file taker from our site, and got praised for it, with comments like, Nice Steal
And you all think its bullshit, when its just the plain truth :-
http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/4742/t0xu.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/t0xu.jpg/)

http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4622/s99b.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/s99b.jpg/)

JAC never cared for the time i spent getting my site together, or even my server costs
But i guess its a case of when the shoes on the other foot again, its ok to do what you like :-
http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/589/6ror.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/24/6ror.jpg/)

AOM is scum, and has been built on bad ground, and foundations, and those who know what went on, will never forget that
JAC you may come across as a good person, but in reality your not, and those who left us now miss out on 1000 of great magic files, and its through you, and Lenaud01 tricking them into thinking your something your definitely not
As our magic file base is a 1000X better than AOMs could ever hope to be, or gain, and thats with less than 10 members

AOM will say we got pro magicians, and only pro magicians can get in, and seem to think i dont know any, or have any on my site, or within my site, but i was doing this years before i met any of them lot, and still trade with the best of the best
We are still there doing our stuff, but on a smaller scale to what we wanted to do originally, but now we dont bother with forums, or any type of community, as AOM, and MT, along with the others ruined that, as we cant see the point in having 100s of forums

And if JAC remembers, or Lenaud01, we offered to close all our torrent sites, but only if they just left us with a forum, and there site linked to us, as the files did not interest us, and still dont now, as we get all what we want either way, but they wasnt interested in peace
Anyway we will carry on as usual, and only those with a good Ip, a Valid Email, and a good time set in putting into our recruit sites, will gain access to our site, apart from that we are going nowhere, and never will

Theres nothing on AOM that we aint got, and that goes for all sites, we are at the top of the food chain, and get all what we want either way, and the only ones missing out are the fools supporting AOM

12-28-2013, 04:59 AM
our magic file base is a 1000X better than AOMs could ever hope to be, or gain, and thats with less than 10 members

You don't have a torrent site, you have a carpool. :mellow:

12-28-2013, 01:17 PM

12-28-2013, 06:20 PM
I hate locking threads here, but having this nonsensical barrage going on a single one is enough.