View Full Version : ErgoMotion Keyboard Auto-Changes Position

01-09-2010, 03:35 AM
http://media.bestofmicro.com/Smartfish-ErgoMotion,T-D-235633-1.jpgErgoMotion Keyboard Auto-Changes Position
January 8, 2010

" The ErgoMotion carries a hefty price, but it's slated to reduce keyboard-related injury.

Let's face it: all those long nights of Tweets, Facebooking, guild chatting, and just plain IM messaging can be hard on the hands. Many keyboard manufacturers have invested tons of time and money into producing peripherals that reduce the impact of long hauls across the trusted QWERTY. Now Smartfish is taking the ergonomic design one step further by producing the robotic ErgoMotion keyboard.

What makes this keyboard different from other designs is that it features a patented motion-system that actually studies your typing frequency. But don't fret: it's not secretly recording everything you type, but rather analyzes how you type and adjusts your hand and wrist position accordingly to reduce the chance of Repetitive Stress Injury.

Overall, the keyboard will move through seven different dynamic positions, periodically adjusting the slope and radial alignment of the hands and wrists to avoid fixed positions that constrict movement. The keyboard's radial adjustment alleviates the wrist's horizontal rotation; the keyboard also simultaneously alternates forward and reverse slopes to change the wrists’ arch.

The Smartfish ErgoMotion Keyboard won't be cheap, costing a meaty $149.95. Smartfish said that its ErgoMotion Keyboard will be sold this March through Amazon or the Smartfish online store. Check out the video below to see this unique keyboard in all of its robotic glory.

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:source: Source: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/ErgoMotion-Keyboard-Smartfish-Stress-Windows,news-5512.html:view: Homepage: http://www.tomsguide.com