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View Full Version : SQN destined to die

01-10-2010, 11:44 PM
For the first time we need more donors to keep this wonderfull community alive. You won't be helping an individual, you'll be helping a whole, your community...and yourself. SqN will die in 10 days if nobody wants to help!
Donations are 0% and we need 100€ to pay the server.

//SqN staff

Interesting. I've seen a couple of announcements that are like this and never have I seen one like this from SQN staff.

01-11-2010, 12:06 AM
Never heard of this site, but this is a clear evidence it's ran by kiddies who don't even have 100€ in their pockets.
Stay clear.

01-11-2010, 12:23 AM
Never heard of this site


01-11-2010, 01:06 AM
Won't bother click the link, the kids need money for milk and cookies at high school = no tracker.

01-11-2010, 05:18 AM
This tracker had failure written all over it from the very beginning. Doesn't matter how nice it looks.

I'm bored.

01-11-2010, 07:52 AM
Never even heard of it.

01-11-2010, 08:21 AM
Donations are 0% and we need 100€ to pay the server.

100€ to pay the server :lol:

I hope die !

01-11-2010, 08:25 AM
I really wonder how elektROnik staff manages to run a tracker,without even asking for donations.??....Its been more than a year they haven't ever asked for donations from its member.

01-11-2010, 12:10 PM
I really wonder how elektROnik staff manages to run a tracker,without even asking for donations.??....Its been more than a year they haven't ever asked for donations from its member.
Yeah, that's really interesting. I've seen some members with donor stars, though, so they were accepting donations in the past, right? But I still can't get how they survive without any help from outside.

And what about SqN, I don't think they will be missed. There're some better general music tracker around :ermm:

01-11-2010, 01:28 PM
Wait a sec, are they really asking for 100€!!

01-11-2010, 03:43 PM
are they really asking for 100€!!

Maybe not directly, but if you read the first post...

01-11-2010, 03:50 PM
Maybe not directly, but if you read the first post...
I've read it, but it's actually shocking that someone would run a torrent tracker while not having 100€!!

01-11-2010, 04:01 PM
it's actually shocking that someone would run a torrent tracker while not having 100€!!

That's what made Cabalo think what he posted. :lol:

01-11-2010, 07:02 PM
Yeah like other many tracker's staff have 100$ in their pockets. Beggers :/ :D

01-11-2010, 08:17 PM
it means if i make a deal with SQN and donate 100$ i can buy the site, host, etc? it would be a deal interesting.

01-11-2010, 08:23 PM
I really wonder how elektROnik staff manages to run a tracker,without even asking for donations.??....Its been more than a year they haven't ever asked for donations from its member.
ISP deals :whistling

01-11-2010, 09:01 PM
I feel bad for the people who do choose to donate if the site does not reach it's goal and indeed shuts down.

01-11-2010, 09:40 PM
. . . this new music tracker is one of the most visually stunning torrent sites we’ve ever come across. But don’t let this aesthetically pleasing beauty fool you - there’s actually some torrents underneath the hood of this one . . .lol

is fsf kidding?

01-11-2010, 09:48 PM
is fsf kidding?
not kidding, just kissing asses (as usual)

01-11-2010, 09:53 PM
. . . this new music tracker is one of the most visually stunning torrent sites we’ve ever come across. But don’t let this aesthetically pleasing beauty fool you - there’s actually some torrents underneath the hood of this one . . .lol

is fsf kidding?It's called journalism. And he's become quite good at it ;)...he can make any tracker sound like it's the next big thing :).

But we all appreciate the info, I certainly do, and its up to you to judge things as you see it, which we do very much in the comments :).

01-11-2010, 09:55 PM
he can make any tracker sound like it's the next big thing :).

That I can agree with :lol:

01-11-2010, 11:56 PM

is fsf kidding?It's called journalism. And he's become quite good at it ;)...he can make any tracker sound like it's the next big thing :).

if journalism read fsf articles, he would facepalm, fact. :pinch:

01-12-2010, 12:58 AM
It's called journalism. And he's become quite good at it ;)...he can make any tracker sound like it's the next big thing :).

if journalism read fsf articles, he would facepalm, fact. :pinch:Lol you think it's much worse than a lot of mainstream media (like fox news)? Not that I want to get off topic on another issue, but I don't agree ;). Unless you mean good journalism, in which case I can't say I disagree ;).

Filenetworks blog is now "advertising" SqN though....:facepalm:

01-12-2010, 01:05 AM
good journalism... ? lol

01-12-2010, 01:34 AM
I don't think they are closing at all, they are giving out invites at their IRC channel right now.

01-12-2010, 02:13 AM
I don't think they are closing at all, they are giving out invites at their IRC channel right now.
... more potential donors :naughty:

01-12-2010, 02:25 AM
if journalism read fsf articles, he would facepalm, fact. :pinch:Lol you think it's much worse than a lot of mainstream media (like fox news)? Not that I want to get off topic on another issue, but I don't agree ;). Unless you mean good journalism, in which case I can't say I disagree ;).

Filenetworks blog is now "advertising" SqN though....:facepalm:

We're not advertising anything. Just letting everyone know they are giving out invites on IRC - as we have done many times before for many trackers out there.

01-12-2010, 10:34 PM
We're not advertising anything. Just letting everyone know they are giving out invites on IRC - as we have done many times before for many trackers out there.

They probably donated to you for your services. :shifty:

01-13-2010, 08:17 AM
We're not advertising anything. Just letting everyone know they are giving out invites on IRC - as we have done many times before for many trackers out there.

They probably donated to you for your services. :shifty:

lol. You can check with any tracker admin/sysop/staff or anyone else and see if we ever accepted any sort of donations (monetary or otherwise) to post an article on the blog. And can you see a donate button on our site?

If you want to know more information feel free to PM me (because i feel we are hijacking this thread).

01-13-2010, 09:48 AM
Wait a sec, are they really asking for 100€!!

For the first time we need more donors to keep this wonderfull community alive. You won't be helping an individual, you'll be helping a whole, your community...and yourself. SqN will die in 10 days if nobody wants to help!
Donations are 0% and we need 100€ to pay the server.

And it looks like dey got some 50 bucks as for now

01-14-2010, 08:14 AM
donate donate donate, that's the point:D

01-20-2010, 01:50 AM
I was away for some days...meant to post this.

good journalism... ? lol'lol' doesn't count as an opinion unless you explain it ;)...

Lol you think it's much worse than a lot of mainstream media (like fox news)? Not that I want to get off topic on another issue, but I don't agree ;). Unless you mean good journalism, in which case I can't say I disagree ;).

Filenetworks blog is now "advertising" SqN though....:facepalm:

We're not advertising anything.No i don't mean technically...but virtually, in the sense that almost everyone in the reader population won't benefit out of the article, and agrees that the site is going to fail (no one should seriously consider a tracker whose owner says 'SqN will die in 10 days if nobody wants to help!') - the only one to really benefit out of the article is the owner of the tracker who might get a few more donations, before likely shutting down eventually anyway. It certainly feels like low quality 'advertising' when it's that situation.

Anyway your blog is fantastic, and so is sharky's. but I like to voice my opinion on certain things ;). I guess if someone approaches you it's a bit rude to just say no I think your site is going to shut down soon anyway, your site is a joke etc...but think about it - in a good newspaper the journalist/editor makes a decision on what is newsworthy...so politely declining for the few rare situations that just look like a joke should be normal, really...unless ofc u don't think sqn is a joke.

01-20-2010, 03:58 AM
this new music tracker is one of the most visually stunning torrent sites we’ve ever come across.

just a no go post: I prefer the MIT design :P

01-20-2010, 10:47 AM
'lol' doesn't count as an opinion unless you explain it ;)...
a simple 'lol' can mean more than words :rolleyes:

01-20-2010, 02:35 PM
Site has gone offine.....RIP???

01-20-2010, 02:43 PM

01-20-2010, 02:54 PM
how much is it now?

01-20-2010, 04:11 PM
lol. I think this is the first site I've seen fail over 15 €.

01-20-2010, 04:16 PM
What was the point of recruiting new members then?:dabs:

01-20-2010, 04:40 PM
how much is it now?

Donations were 85% this morning,15 € short:gossip:

01-20-2010, 04:41 PM
So they will be gone after next month.

01-20-2010, 04:49 PM
the tracker is down...

01-20-2010, 06:07 PM
how much is it now?

Donations were 85% this morning,15 € short:gossip:
They closed the tracker for 15€? :huh:

Oh... my... God...

01-20-2010, 06:10 PM
No official word yet so its not all over,although both tracker and site are down :whistling

01-20-2010, 06:37 PM
Maybe they pulled an SCT and ran off to buy a copy of MW2, some soda and chips.

01-20-2010, 06:50 PM
nothin serious ... they might be moving to a new server ? :whistle:

01-21-2010, 03:45 AM
Maybe they pulled an SCT and ran off to buy a copy of MW2, some soda and chips.

:closedeye Get a clue on what you're talking about before randomly blurting it.

Also, 15 euros short? Really? None of the staff could come up with 15 euros? Where do they live? How did they even start the tracker? I've seen people donate more than 200 euros per tracker when their regular donation period time is around, and this tracker's full community couldn't even come up with 100?


01-21-2010, 07:45 AM
Maybe they pulled an SCT and ran off to buy a copy of MW2, some soda and chips.

:closedeye Get a clue on what you're talking about before randomly blurting it.


This shouldnt be compared to ScT

01-21-2010, 07:50 AM
What does SQN stands for?

01-21-2010, 07:56 AM
What does SQN stands for?

Scene Quality N :P

They wish(ed?) to remain secret about the url so I wont say it:yup:

01-21-2010, 08:27 AM
It was so secret, no one even joined or showed interest, besides the usual collectors and traders.

01-21-2010, 09:11 AM
It was so secret, no one even joined or showed interest, besides the usual collectors and traders.

LOL. So secret that nobody can help by donating.

Well, I do not agree with the way that the tracker was asking for money. If they can not even pay 100 £ or $ from their own pocket, then I'm being suspecious about them.

Edit: thx Zac for the info.

01-22-2010, 03:46 PM
SQN is up again :D

01-23-2010, 05:20 PM
Won't bother click the link, the kids need money for milk and cookies at high school = no tracker.

you are such a troll...megauberultratroll

I'm good friend with one of the staff members, even if it is from another country.And they have jobs, finished schools, universities, not like you(probably, i'm not sure).

The server cost more.And in this 8 months, users have not paid 20% of costs with the server (1.5-2k euros)in total.
So if you don't know about situation, don't comment only for posts, because you have >5500.It's easy to comment, hard to understand.
You know good dedicat server below 250 euros for months, to run 15-17k peers, 7k torrents ? If you know, tell me to inform the staff from there to change'it.
I'm not SqN lawer(maybe i post here from my friend, but he don't know about this), but here all kids comment all the day, and forget about life.
And btw, it is not my first account here, but I have forgotten my password from here and from my old email.

01-30-2010, 05:40 PM
The site is still propagating the new DNS. A temp URL to SqN can be found here:

01-30-2010, 05:47 PM
A huge thanks goes to KS-202 for teh info! :D