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View Full Version : [REQ] TranceRoute

01-12-2010, 04:24 PM
I have become a trance/house enthusiast over the past couple of months and am really looking to dig deeper into the genre. I really do have a passion for electronic music and have been to Electric Zoo this past year in Randall's Island, New York. This year, I am planning on going to Ultra Music Festival in Miami which should be two days of nonstop fun.

I had an ScT account, but now that they are finished, I only have a Demonoid account. Links to my ratio and speed test are shown below.

Ratio: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/3917/demn.jpg
Speed Test: http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2641/speedtestcx.jpg

PS: The ratio image is the same image as the user Frizz used in Malago's giveaway thread due to the fact that Frizz and I are in fact the same person. Do an IP check if you like.

01-12-2010, 04:29 PM

01-12-2010, 04:40 PM
Ultra Music Festival in Miami

:w00t:... Have fun !!

PS: The ratio image is the same image as the user Frizz used in Malago's giveaway thread due to the fact that Frizz and I are in fact the same person. Do an IP check if you like.

Why two accounts.. ?

I'll invite you in a day or two (i dunno what are the consequences if you create 2 accounts).
And bro.. I don't care about net connection and all.
Are you a member on any other tracker?

01-12-2010, 05:02 PM
I'll invite you in a day or two (i dunno what are the consequences if you create 2 accounts).

Nothing good, that's for sure. You could end up risking your own account.

01-12-2010, 10:39 PM
I posted under the giveaway as Frizz (my other account) but did not fully read the requirements. I did not have the 30 posts (under Frizz) and I do not have 2 ratio proofs from music trackers.

Yeah, UMF should be absolutely amazing. Can't wait! As for the two accounts, I made the "Frizz" account a while ago when I couldn't remember the password to my current "kazaaman" account. When I revisited FST, I was unaware that I was signed in as "Frizz" and posted under the giveaway without fully reading the OPs conditions.

I did not know about this; I'll contact a mod and let them know.

01-13-2010, 06:17 AM
as for the two accounts, i made the "frizz" account a while ago when i couldn't remember the password to my current "kazaaman" account. When i revisited fst, i was unaware that i was signed in as "frizz" and posted under the giveaway without fully reading the ops conditions.

invite code sent....enjoy!!
Read rules and faq well