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View Full Version : [Req] Bitme

01-12-2010, 05:53 PM
On September 2008 I made thread here asking for Bitme invite.
the next day I made a thread trying to trade Demonoid for Bitme (that was I while ago, I was a very fresh n00b)
the day after that I made a thread again asking for Bitme

Now after a year, I still wasn't able to get that invite, and I need it even more and more.

You see, I'm studying Software Engineering, and having some resources on JAVA GUI would really help me with me exams.
I'm also trying to get my CCNA and I need some videos on that.
and I'm an amateur photographer, and would really like to get some Video Tuts to improve myself(you can visit my portfolio here http://********.com (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/#) (Look there, below the Twitter link))

I'm a member in Docs and Bitspyder, they have great content, but on the JAVA and Photography thing, I couldn't find what I wanted.

-I'm keeping good ratio on some sites I'm using now (Bitspyder, TvT.ro, TvT.com, TL, Docs) and I can give screenshots and direct links if needed.

- I have a seedbox (a VPS @ ******.com shared with a friend, and I have uTorrent WebUI & SSH access)
http://i.imagehost.org/******* (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/#)
and I can take more screennshots if needed

-I'm now logging in and creating this thread using my seedbox's SSH (you can ask a Mod to verify that for you)

I apologize for writing so much and I hope you consider me :happy:

Edit: I have edited to hide some personal info

01-12-2010, 06:01 PM
I would love to invite you there bro....but was really wondering about this post of yours. :ermm:

Try getting into docspedia.org , imo better than Bitme/bitspyder

Docs is good, I'm with you on that, but in no way better than Bitme, just take a look at the content and alive torrents count

Its easy seeding in docspedia. So why will i download a documentary or anything from a tracker which is difficult to seed.
I get whatever i need in Docs.
I agree with you, but somehow I still fight it


Were you a member on Bitme.org ever before??

01-12-2010, 08:36 PM
Docs is good, I'm with you on that, but in no way better than Bitme, just take a look at the content and alive torrents count
Were you a member on Bitme.org ever before??

Well, bitme is a well know tracker and I think you don't necessarily need to be there to "defend it"...

I'm not a member at what.cd but if someone asks, I would say that what.cd is one of (if not the) best music tracker out there and I could even recommend waffles to and I'm not a user there neither :huh:

we know this is wrong but sometimes we just try to say too much "pretending" we know something :P

I really think that's the case... maybe I'm wrong but I see a genuine request here...

ps: I don't get invites to bitme anymore because of a request I though was genuine and the "genuine requester" cheated :angry: But if I still had invites I would think about giving one to you Adrian

01-12-2010, 09:28 PM
@Glitterstep, for the first post, Docs has so many dead torrents (or large ones with non-connectable seeds)
and the Bitme content, I always hear about it on reviews and from friends over IRC and stuff like that.
and for the the second post, I agree you can find so many good things on Docs, but I can't find the Photography stuff I want, that's why I still fight the sound in me that tells me that Docs is good.
I hope you consider me, thank you again for reading

@7th, thank you very much for backing me up, I've only said what I said coz I REALLY idolized Bitme and to me it's like a dream, for over a year and I still can't get in there.

01-12-2010, 09:36 PM
Well, I was just saying what I thought about that... anyway, if I were to give you an invite (if I could) I would still kind of investigate you...

I simple don't know you to "defend" you (or back you up as you said) =/

good luck Adrian!

01-12-2010, 09:59 PM
anyway, if I were to give you an invite (if I could) I would still kind of investigate you...
and I'd be happy to provide you (or anyone who asks) with any info needed

I simple don't know you to "defend" you (or back you up as you said) =/
well anyway thx

01-13-2010, 12:19 AM
pm me your e-mail address

01-13-2010, 04:05 AM
pm me your e-mail address

there you go Adrian :)

if you get inside bitme, don't ever mess with your account and if you get invites, you better know well who you're going to invite just to don't end up like me :P

... or worse :ermm:

01-13-2010, 07:45 AM
@th0r: PM sent

if you get inside bitme, don't ever mess with your account and if you get invites, you better know well who you're going to invite just to don't end up like me
... or worse
If I get the invite, I'm not gonna look at it as just an invite or just an account at Bitme, it's a dream.. more than a year of hoping and wishing, so I'm gonna take a freaking good care of it.

01-13-2010, 08:49 AM
@th0r: PM sent

if you get inside bitme, don't ever mess with your account and if you get invites, you better know well who you're going to invite just to don't end up like me
... or worse
If I get the invite, I'm not gonna look at it as just an invite or just an account at Bitme, it's a dream.. more than a year of hoping and wishing, so I'm gonna take a freaking good care of it.

Great man.I'm sure you'll be a very good member out there. :happy:

01-13-2010, 09:01 AM
Great man.I'm sure you'll be a very good member out there. :happy:


01-14-2010, 07:17 AM
@th0r, thank you very much