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View Full Version : Sharing software recommendations?

01-16-2010, 04:49 PM
What would be a good browser based way to share files with a couple of family members? I know when I looked at that type of software a few years ago there were some webservers that were configured to do file sharing, but I am not familiar with anything current day.

Basically I need to:

* share large files
* have images and videos thumbnailed
* allow comments
* system is private (i.e. userid/password)

I dont really care about them having the ability to upload - though it wouldnt be bad to have that as well..

Anything anyone can think of?


01-21-2010, 08:18 PM
try opera browser, it has file sharing direct from your PC only for those you send the link to however you do need to have your pc on as they download direct from your pc. Hope this helps.

01-23-2010, 06:36 PM
nah it really doesnt.. opera unite is a kludge solution at best..

HFS comes pretty close to doing what I want to do, but it doesnt support https.. i may end up having to code something.. if anyone else has any suggestions please feel free to share.