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View Full Version : ftp with multithread connection or multi connection

01-20-2010, 04:44 PM

I just want to ask......
I subscribe with my isp with 4Mbps connection for the internet.
however, I only can max out my speed for FTP(500KBps) only when I make multiple ftp connection or multithread it using either filezilla or cuteftp or using FDM with site explorer function with 16-20 connection. because if I use single connection or single thread, I can only get around 50KBps for download speed.

My problem is occur when my seedbox provider is sending an email said that I am abuse the ftp connection to their server. They said that they only allow 2 simultaneous connection for FTP transfer even thought the spec of the server based on my experience can handle much burden.

The spec of the server is like below

Intel Xeon Quad 4x 2.83+ GHz
300 GB
4 users
8 GB(Shared)

So, my question is, is there any seedbox provider that can give up to 20 connection (single file with 20 thread per files or any as long it is no above the limit) per user to download the files and I want to know because I maybe will jump to it after my subscribe is expired.


01-20-2010, 07:14 PM
Get a VPS off seedboxservers or fastsh.

01-20-2010, 09:57 PM
You have 4 Mbps connection. Your server has 100 Mbps connection shared among 4 users i.e. 25 Mbps per user.
Now the question is what's bigger: 4 Mbps or 25 Mbps? :huh: Simple math shows that you underuse your service and not abuse it.

Been with many seedbox providers for some time and always used like 10 simultaneous FTP threads to improve my connectivity to the server and never got abuse warnings for that.

So just give us a link to the seedbox provider you use for further information ;)

01-21-2010, 02:15 AM
You have 4 Mbps connection. Your server has 100 Mbps connection shared among 4 users i.e. 25 Mbps per user.
Now the question is what's bigger: 4 Mbps or 25 Mbps? :huh: Simple math shows that you underuse your service and not abuse it.

Been with many seedbox providers for some time and always used like 10 simultaneous FTP threads to improve my connectivity to the server and never got abuse warnings for that.

So just give us a link to the seedbox provider you use for further information ;)


Also, some info on their web is just not true......
From my case, it say that they doesn't give any vnc access as their is no gui on their server because I have a private tracker that must online from the server then only it can download the torrent. And also it say that Unlimited FTP Accounts so it can handle as much as possible of number of account then make me wonders about the warning.

this is the quote from their reply email.

You are using way more than your limit, we recommend only 2 simultaneous connections but you are using 7.Since the box is shared it will be good if you limit your connections.The files will be queued there is no extra benefit using more simultaneous connections.

but at the time they send this email to me, I just only download 1 files with 10 threads using FDM and others is queue for download after the one is finish..... Makes me wondering about it.

01-21-2010, 07:16 AM
BTW, a seedbox you ordered is no more than a shared seedbox, it usually comes with no GUI access or multiple FTP accounts, those are common description of a dedicated server or VPS. Looks like some dedi information on their homepage mystified you and you have messed up your seedbox plan with dedi plans.

Nevertheless, you have 100% right to use as many FTP connections as the last bit of 2GB RAM assigned to you with the seedbox runs out OR average CPU usage exceeds 25%. Theoretically that my be 1000 simultaneous connections as 1 FTP thread currently uses only 700kB RAM and 0% CPU time at my seedbox.

So why did you decide to order from them and avoid major players in the seedbox market?

01-21-2010, 07:57 AM
BTW, a seedbox you ordered is no more than a shared seedbox, it usually comes with no GUI access or multiple FTP accounts, those are common description of a dedicated server or VPS. Looks like some dedi information on their homepage mystified you and you have messed up your seedbox plan with dedi plans.

sorry, I didn't quite understand or get what u mean here. At first, I know that my plan is a shared seedbox as it mention there that it will be shared among 4 user which is ok for me because I on the SB300 package. But, what make me become weird is the warning that they send to me because, from my previous experience, even with 2GB ram, I can use up to 32 ftp connection using cuteftp(4 files download with 8 threads for each files). This server only just use athlon x2 56++ processor with 6 people in the server. However, I didn't like it because it limit the download slot to 5 only but unlimited slot for seeding. I need at least 40 download slot (or maybe unlimited download slot) and unlimited seed slot because I am heavy downloader. However, I am thight on my budget because the exchange rate between my country currency to us dollar is somewhere around 3.0-3.5. So, I always find the seedbox with the spec like above but still have 4-6 user and have at least 250-350GB space. so that is my situation.

Nevertheless, you have 100% right to use as many FTP connections as the last bit of 2GB RAM assigned to you with the seedbox runs out OR average CPU usage exceeds 25%. Theoretically that my be 1000 simultaneous connections as 1 FTP thread currently uses only 700kB RAM and 0% CPU time at my seedbox.

Yes, I understand about the shared seedbox environment and didn't understand what they warning me because of the ftp connection.

So why did you decide to order from them and avoid major players in the seedbox market?

I didn't avoid major players in the seedbox market but the tight budget make me to make a hard decision. Before this I have a dedi kimsufi c-05 server that order from superseeder.eu but the 500GB space is too much for me and the cost is somewhere 59 dollars without setup fee at first time. I have terminate the service because there is one month that I didn't have internet connection so no point I rent the server for 2nd month. But, when I try to subscribe back from them, the ovh have impose the setup fee that make the cost skyrocket for me. My budget is around 35-40 usd per month and really need unlimited or at least 40 slot for download and unlimited slot for seeding. don't mind if it is 100Mbps connection or 200Mbps connection as long as it will be shared by 3-5 people with the required space. I have try the ultraseed economy 5 package but it frustrated me because of their problem that occur before that make me lost all my data without have chances to download it back. that make my ratio in private tracker goes down to 0.9 because I need to download all back.

01-21-2010, 03:01 PM
Active Torrents: Unlimited
FTP Access: Yes
VNC aAccess : Yes
Software: uTorrent(1.8.4)+webGUI
Customers on server: 1
Hard Disk: 1x250GB
Disk type: SATA2
SwitchPort: 100mbps
Traffic: Unlimited

€38.00 EUR Monthly