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Secret Squirrel
10-16-2003, 11:38 PM
DC++ is a file sharing program where u connect to "hubs" kinda like channels on mirc except u dun d/l from the bot, u d/l from other people on the hubs. I've been usin DC++ for various things like rare anime, games, movies and stuff but theres not a lot of hubs left.

Does anyone know of any good hubs or places to join for gamez, movies, animes, and all that good stuff. You can get DC++ HERE (http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/)

10-17-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Secret Squirrel@16 October 2003 - 23:38
DC++ is a file sharing program where u connect to "hubs" kinda like channels on mirc except u dun d/l from the bot, u d/l from other people on the hubs. I've been usin DC++ for various things like rare anime, games, movies and stuff but theres not a lot of hubs left.

Does anyone know of any good hubs or places to join for gamez, movies, animes, and all that good stuff. You can get DC++ HERE (http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/)
hehe check my sig if u like good house music, also check for other public hub lists as some are not actuell anymore ,also many hubs have gone private cause of the riaa also go to the dc++ forum and check for the public hub lists there :D

10-17-2003, 02:13 PM
its time for me to take my ass in DC++, any1 with potent knowledge guide me about it and this glass :beerchug: is for any1 who teaches me shit about DC++

10-17-2003, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by mEtho@17 October 2003 - 14:13
its time for me to take my ass in DC++, any1 with potent knowledge guide me about it and this glass :beerchug: is for any1 who teaches me shit about DC++
ok prepare to fill that glass :D give me 15 minutes and u will get an answer

10-17-2003, 04:21 PM
ok here goes :http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/ thats where u get dc++

open, install , up in the left corner u will see something that looks like a monitor ,klick it . this opens the page where u can dl the hub list (list of rooms to go to) but first u need to enter a public hub list download page - check these ,one of them should work !

http://www.netconnexions.co.uk/dc/publichu...fig.txt.bz2< (http://www.netconnexions.co.uk/dc/publichublist.config.txt.bz2<)
^^^^--- Ultimate Hub Search Engine list. Many doubles and outdated stuff. *Extremely unstable* - not recommended. (9000+ hubs)

^^^^--- ImperialNet. Seem VERY unstable atm., try twice&#33; Very strict on which chars gets through. (2500+ hubs)

^^^^--- Sid&#39;s. Stable, rather fast. Cool list&#33; (2000+ hubs)

^^^^--- Sandos DreamLand. Stable. Extensive list. (1100+ hubs)

^^^^--- Spykie. Stable. Extensive list. (1100+ hubs)

^^^^--- FreeSpace (Wuky?). (600+ hubs)

^^^^--- The "original" Neo-Modus DC list. Stable.

^^^^--- The Finnish Hub List. Stable, small(ish), very nice. (110+ hubs).


to get the hublist downloaded first open settings :klick download there u see a blank space for the public hub list url : enter one of the above please :P

it could take a bit to download so wait ,if it does not work klick refresh or try another -u may need some paitence though

do the rest of your settings : stuff to share etc (dont share porn as most hubs will kick u for that , as well as incomplete dl, etc

some hubs have mindest sharing gb for example 1, 5, 10 100 gb etc as well as mindest number of ul slots ie the more hubs your in the more slots u have to open &#33;
once in a hub ( rooom ) check rules first -this is very important as u could accidently to something wrong and get kicked ( u dont want that do u ?)

downloads will start again if u disconnect (if the user is still there .if u find a hub u like klick on it in the public hub list to add it to favorites so u will find it again

so i think that should do it if not pm me or reply and i will answer any other questions &#33;

whew enough said so get me my bier m8 :D

10-18-2003, 12:21 AM
nanotek u made my day, its to late now and i am gona read ur post again 2morrow morning to much better but i gota say it has everything,

you r my man dude u r my man for DC++ shit

oh hell yeah i will pm you cos when u trying something new shit happens&#33;

good one :D ;)

EDIT: i forgot to give u this glass as i promised :lol: :D


10-18-2003, 02:34 PM
cheers m8 :beerchug: