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01-22-2010, 11:31 PM

...what killed it?

01-23-2010, 01:31 AM
I thought this was about an airline carrier (our only major one is Air Canada after all)... What a missed comedic opportunity.


01-23-2010, 01:31 AM
I thought this was about an airline carrier (our only major one is Air Canada after all)... What a missed comedic opportunity.


01-23-2010, 02:46 AM
But you digress...

01-23-2010, 07:35 AM
My point was diverted to another terminal. I should be receiving it (hopefully) in 3-5 days.


01-23-2010, 07:22 PM
Well, this thread could never have attained any degree of seriousity, given it's subject.

Air America wasn't ever blessed with any sort of competence or relevance, and even a massive injection of "public" money could not have saved it.

Even Obama seems not to have noticed it's impending demise.

Given his propensity for throwing our cash around, I'd say that fact sets the seal on A.A. for good.

02-04-2010, 01:53 AM

...what killed it?

Capitalism killed Air America. Supply and Demand. Air America simply supplied that which there is/was no demand for. One can only hate their own country for so long. It taxes the mind and the emotions to drone along in an entitlement mindset. This is what Air America was selling. Pity,hate,loathing for ones country. Sophomoric Drivel.

02-04-2010, 09:31 PM

...what killed it?

Capitalism killed Air America. Supply and Demand. Air America simply supplied that which there is/was no demand for. One can only hate their own country for so long. It taxes the mind and the emotions to drone along in an entitlement mindset. This is what Air America was selling. Pity,hate,loathing for ones country. Sophomoric Drivel.

Your use of truth and logic is unfair.

02-07-2010, 04:21 PM
Liberals "pity, hate, loathe" their country?
And you think that's true and logical?

That's pathetic.

02-07-2010, 05:36 PM
Liberals "pity, hate, loathe" their country?
And you think that's true and logical?

That's pathetic.

They exist, undeniably, and more than a few of them are government operators.

That's a fact.

I don't think anyone would seriously claim all liberals believe such things.

The great lot of liberals are merely dupes.

02-07-2010, 06:47 PM
And conservatives, who lionize folks like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin are what, geniuses?

Kettle, meet pot.

02-07-2010, 07:49 PM
Don't know about Sarah, but at least Rush can make money on the radio, and plenty of it, no government involved.

The same cannot be said for Air America, nor any of it's featured, um... talent.

What about that, anyway?

02-07-2010, 08:11 PM
There are liberal talkers that make money, you are comparing a company that tried to set up its own national network to one that just syndicates out.

02-07-2010, 08:16 PM
Liberals "pity, hate, loathe" their country?
And you think that's true and logical?

That's pathetic.

They exist, undeniably, and more than a few of them are government operators.

That's a fact.

Care to give an example?

Do any conservatives "pity, hate and loathe" their country?" because you don't seem too happy right now.

Bear in mind that there is a difference between hating your country and not agreeing with a political viewpoint.

02-07-2010, 08:58 PM
There are liberal talkers that make money, you are comparing a company that tried to set up its own national network to one that just syndicates out.

Air America was formulated and staffed by the best you've got, and it fell flat on it's face.

What, then, is your point?

They exist, undeniably, and more than a few of them are government operators.

That's a fact.

Care to give an example?

Do any conservatives "pity, hate and loathe" their country?" because you don't seem too happy right now.

Bear in mind that there is a difference between hating your country and not agreeing with a political viewpoint.

I don't seem too happy?

I am super-fine, believe me, no matter the occupant of the Oval Office.

As to the other, I could say Michelle Obama, but.

Okay, here's one, even though he didn't make the cut, I can argue that B.O. wanted him, and would have been perfectly happy to have him:

Van Jones.

Anyone who admires Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez can be safely assumed to hate America, at least as currently constituted.

And what about that twit who was all over YouTube shouting about how much she admired Chairman Mao, et. al.?

02-07-2010, 09:41 PM
The best I have? Oh sorry I forgot, everyone that questions your logic in any way is a liberal.

Your examples are crap and are just Palinesques "the real America" examples of "anyone that disagrees with my viewpoint hates America". We've had this discussion before.

I note you dodged the question " are there any conservative America haters?"

02-07-2010, 10:29 PM
The best I have? Oh sorry I forgot, everyone that questions your logic in any way is a liberal.

Your examples are crap and are just Palinesques "the real America" examples of "anyone that disagrees with my viewpoint hates America". We've had this discussion before.

I note you dodged the question " are there any conservative America haters?"

If you'd like to pick a new line-up and re-finance another iteration of Air America, feel free...and the fact is, you are a liberal.

As to the other, I don't use terms such as "the real America", or "anyone that disagrees with my viewpoint hates America", so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

As to your last, I didn't recognize it as an actual question, so I didn't feel I needed to answer it.

Next time maybe try to be less rhetorical.

02-07-2010, 11:30 PM
Air America was formulated and staffed by the best you've got, and it fell flat on it's face.

What a comforting- if erroneous- thought that must be for you.
Using your logic, Congressional Republicans represent the best and brightest and Sarah Palin is your de facto intellectual leader.

Hope you're happy.

02-07-2010, 11:35 PM
I can't speak for your real life persona, but your Internet persona-

You don't have to actually use the terms, but the terms describe you to a T. You get your talking points in your inbox and suffer a seizure if anything puts them in doubt.

Was the question mark confusing you?

Okay you you didn't think it was a question the first time.

I note that you dodged actually answering it when you admitted it was a question.

So just for you know it is a question to you.

Are there any conservative America haters?

I'll be even more specific and state that I am talking about AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES.

I won't hold my breath waiting.

BTW. All media is taking a hit at the moment. Even the networks your leader is syndicated on are having to cut back drastically.

02-08-2010, 02:01 AM
I can't speak for your real life persona, but your Internet persona-

You don't have to actually use the terms, but the terms describe you to a T. You get your talking points in your inbox and suffer a seizure if anything puts them in doubt.

Was the question mark confusing you?

Okay you you didn't think it was a question the first time.

I note that you dodged actually answering it when you admitted it was a question.

So just for you know it is a question to you.

Are there any conservative America haters?

I'll be even more specific and state that I am talking about AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES.

I won't hold my breath waiting.

BTW. All media is taking a hit at the moment. Even the networks your leader is syndicated on are having to cut back drastically.

I'll answer what you seem to be asking, but only because I am feeling indulgent-

I don't feel that there are any whom I would define as conservative that are America-hating.

You, on the other hand, are probably champing at the bit to bring up skinheads and the like, claiming they are conservative.

I don't know how they feel about America, but no conservative I know or admire would claim them.

So, to answer your question, by the parameters I have just delineated, I will say no.

I don't know what the rest of your post is about, and I strongly suspect you don't either.

02-08-2010, 02:05 AM
Air America was formulated and staffed by the best you've got, and it fell flat on it's face.

What a comforting- if erroneous- thought that must be for you.
Using your logic, Congressional Republicans represent the best and brightest and Sarah Palin is your de facto intellectual leader.

Hope you're happy.

I stand by my post.

Air America fell flat on it's ideological face, and the only reason I can see for that is a certain bankruptcy of content.

If you've got other suspicions I'd love to hear them, because your knocking conservatives doesn't quite tell the story, now, does it.

02-08-2010, 02:26 AM
Air America fell flat on it's ideological face, and the only reason I can see for that is a certain bankruptcy of content.

And thus we reach the crux of the debate.

Air America fails as a business and you equate that with a failure of ideology.
Don't allow for the fact that businesses fail all the time- radio stations included- for various, more mundane reasons other than political purity.
Of more relevance to this case, media distribution has become so much more diverse that radio, as an industry, has become increasingly irrelevant to the process.
I myself never listen to radio, haven't even got one in my car.

But, in j2Land, being a big radio personality not only makes one rich but politically correct.
Air America goes dark and it must be due to a flaw in their political leanings.
Rush Limbaugh is a giant radio success ergo his political views must be right.
The market has spoken, right?

02-08-2010, 03:09 AM

I'll answer what you seem to be asking, but only because I am feeling indulgent-

I don't feel that there are any whom I would define as conservative that are America-hating.

You, on the other hand, are probably champing at the bit to bring up skinheads and the like, claiming they are conservative.

I don't know how they feel about America, but no conservative I know or admire would claim them.

So, to answer your question, by the parameters I have just delineated, I will say no.

I don't know what the rest of your post is about, and I strongly suspect you don't either.

How the fuck would skinheads come into it?

You seem blissfully ignorant of you own rhetoric. You call liberals anti American You haven't given any examples of why, but your ilk, yes I put you in there with Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Rove and Bachmann, all share the same stance- "I'm American and your view doesn't match my ideology so you must logically be anti American. Any ideas you have that I don't like must be anti American. All the time doing EXACTLY the same things for which you call lefties America haters.

Well I don't recall any lefty saying the right wingers hate America. I've heard them use incendiary language against them but never heard them call righties anti American.

A prime example of how you feel only your ideology is American is the title of your thread "Isn't this what Americans fear..." You may think this is unfair and it may well be, but I only have what you post to go by.

I've posted before, America is many people of differing views. Not one of them has a monopoly on patriotism.

We can disagree with our sons, we can criticize them, and can say they deserve what they get if they err and they need to accept responsibility. Yet we stand by them. We do so because we love them. @ Clocker, don't you have one of those American hating sabotaged brake pedal imports? Probably good it has no radio, it would only play ABBA.

02-08-2010, 10:58 AM
Air America fell flat on it's ideological face, and the only reason I can see for that is a certain bankruptcy of content.

And thus we reach the crux of the debate.

Air America fails as a business and you equate that with a failure of ideology.
Don't allow for the fact that businesses fail all the time- radio stations included- for various, more mundane reasons other than political purity.
Of more relevance to this case, media distribution has become so much more diverse that radio, as an industry, has become increasingly irrelevant to the process.
I myself never listen to radio, haven't even got one in my car.

But, in j2Land, being a big radio personality not only makes one rich but politically correct.
Air America goes dark and it must be due to a flaw in their political leanings.
Rush Limbaugh is a giant radio success ergo his political views must be right.
The market has spoken, right?

Do you mean to say something other than the market spoke in the case of Air America?

You call liberals anti American...

"I'm American and your view doesn't match my ideology so you must logically be anti American. Any ideas you have that I don't like must be anti American...

Well I don't recall any lefty saying the right wingers hate America. I've...never heard them call righties anti American.

A prime example of how you feel only your ideology is American is the title of your thread "Isn't this what Americans fear..." You may think this is unfair and it may well be, but I only have what you post to go by.

I've posted before, America is many people of differing views. Not one of them has a monopoly on patriotism.

We can disagree with our sons, we can criticize them, and can say they deserve what they get if they err and they need to accept responsibility. Yet we stand by them. We do so because we love them. @ Clocker, don't you have one of those American hating sabotaged brake pedal imports? Probably good it has no radio, it would only play ABBA.

I have never accused anyone here of Anti-Americanism, much less you or Clocker.

If you can find a quote, I'd love to see it.

The connection between my thread and what you purport to be true as to my intent is unsupportable.

I am a probably a bigger fan of foreign iron than domestic, though I will admit to not having driven as many of them as I would have preferred, due to availability.

My most recent purchase is most definitely a foreign job, though with a domestic manufacturer's tag.

Isn't that ironic.

So, as usual, your postage is bereft of logic and content, but that's nothing new.

02-08-2010, 12:31 PM
Do you mean to say something other than the market spoke in the case of Air America?

No, you did.
Something about falling on it's ideological face and bankruptcy of content.

02-08-2010, 08:39 PM

Why, in your opinion, is there no more Air America?

02-09-2010, 02:06 AM
Air America was formulated and staffed by the best you've got, and it fell flat on it's face.

What, then, is your point?

They exist, undeniably, and more than a few of them are government operators.

That's a fact.

Care to give an example?

Do any conservatives "pity, hate and loathe" their country?" because you don't seem too happy right now.

Bear in mind that there is a difference between hating your country and not agreeing with a political viewpoint.

I don't seem too happy?

I am super-fine, believe me, no matter the occupant of the Oval Office.

As to the other, I could say Michelle Obama, but.

Okay, here's one, even though he didn't make the cut, I can argue that B.O. wanted him, and would have been perfectly happy to have him:

Van Jones.

Anyone who admires Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez can be safely assumed to hate America, at least as currently constituted.

And what about that twit who was all over YouTube shouting about how much she admired Chairman Mao, et. al.?

Please explain what does it have to do admiring Hugo Chavez with hating America?

02-09-2010, 02:17 AM
Air America was formulated and staffed by the best you've got, and it fell flat on it's face.

What, then, is your point?

Care to give an example?

Do any conservatives "pity, hate and loathe" their country?" because you don't seem too happy right now.

Bear in mind that there is a difference between hating your country and not agreeing with a political viewpoint.

I don't seem too happy?

I am super-fine, believe me, no matter the occupant of the Oval Office.

As to the other, I could say Michelle Obama, but.

Okay, here's one, even though he didn't make the cut, I can argue that B.O. wanted him, and would have been perfectly happy to have him:

Van Jones.

Anyone who admires Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez can be safely assumed to hate America, at least as currently constituted.

And what about that twit who was all over YouTube shouting about how much she admired Chairman Mao, et. al.?

Please explain what does it have to do admiring Hugo Chavez with hating America?

It's simple logic.

To admire Chavez is to admire a fascist socialist.

To admire a fascist socialist is to despise a representative republic, which is what we are.

02-09-2010, 02:32 AM

Why, in your opinion, is there no more Air America?
Because it was a radio station and who listens to regular radio anymore?
Since I believe that liberals tend to skew younger than conservatives and younger people tend to get info/entertainment through a wider spectrum of media, targeting a liberal demographic through an old-fashioned media was a bad idea from the start.

Had nothing to do with the message and everything to do with the way the message was delivered.

It's simple logic.

To admire Chavez is to admire a fascist socialist.

To admire a fascist socialist is to despise a representative republic, which is what we are.
"Simple" yes, "logic" no.
If I admire Jennifer Anniston must I then despise Angelina Jolie?

As usual, you display an "either/or", "black/white" mentality.

02-09-2010, 10:55 AM
Because it was a radio station and who listens to regular radio anymore?
Since I believe that liberals tend to skew younger than conservatives and younger people tend to get info/entertainment through a wider spectrum of media, targeting a liberal demographic through an old-fashioned media was a bad idea from the start.

Had nothing to do with the message and everything to do with the way the message was delivered.

Then why didn't these all-knowing liberals incorporate that into their plan, and why are they so begrudging of conservative radio's success if conservative radio is aiming at old farts liberals don't consider their audience to begin with?

It seems to me that the liberals conducted their little media experiment with the same consideration for financial viability as always, not giving quality a thought while spending money to no practical effect.

It's simple logic.

To admire Chavez is to admire a fascist socialist.

To admire a fascist socialist is to despise a representative republic, which is what we are.

"Simple" yes, "logic" no.
If I admire Jennifer Anniston must I then despise Angelina Jolie?

As usual, you display an "either/or", "black/white" mentality.

Leave me alone - I'm keel-hauling a pentoveggie.

This must be done, and u no it's troo.

02-09-2010, 01:43 PM
It seems to me that the liberals conducted their little media experiment with the same consideration for financial viability as always, not giving quality a thought while spending money to no practical effect.

Probably learned from their conservative Republican brothers on Wall Street.
Let's not pretend that conservatives have some sort of lock on fiscal responsibility, Bush 2 and Reagan both disprove that theory.