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View Full Version : LastTorrents Review

02-01-2010, 01:58 PM









04-06-2011, 09:34 AM
One of the slowest trackers I have ever come across with dialup download speeds which are less than adequate. Also, a torrent taken only a few times yet showing it was snatched over 1300 times is more than a little misleading LOL. Math problems? Slightly! Especially when it takes over 24 hours to download a 350M file.

04-13-2011, 06:01 PM
probably in your village traffic speed on lasttorrents is an issue.

04-27-2011, 11:02 PM
I have my doubts. I run seedboxes with the following clients: uTorrent, rtorrent, TorrentFlux, and Deluge and have been leeching a 4 GiB file for over 28 days straight now steady and still only 90.2% complete at this moment. Have seeded same file back 11 times over on the other hand. Since I can download at over 12MiB with no problems, speed is not my issue kids :D I transfer over 5TB of traffic every month so can't say that I am the problem :lol:

05-02-2011, 08:43 AM
very good tracker:)

08-07-2011, 09:59 PM
LastTorrents.org (old BitTorrents.ro aka BiTT) romanian tracker

http://lasttorrents.org open registration,

torrents 60,000 cc
users: 200,000 cc

08-07-2011, 10:19 PM

They had a "only Power Users and above can access new torrents" policy, but I'm not sure that's still in place.

08-17-2011, 02:43 PM
To have a motivation for the members to become power users?

08-17-2011, 04:02 PM
If memory serves me well, they didn't want users to hit & run on new torrents. So instead of putting wait times depending on your ratio, they're directly off-limits to you for a week until you become PU.

08-17-2011, 06:08 PM
I have an account there , I'm also a very good friend to a staff member there .... Great overall tracker , you can find lots of old torrents still seeded on there and as the speed goes .... just perfect .

08-18-2011, 09:32 AM

I am one of the staff members on LastTorrents and I can assure you all that we have one of the highest speeds possible. Romanian users usually have extremely high upload speeds. On top of that, we have an enormous amount of seeders/leechers, so you can rest assured that you can download our torrents at maximum speed.

@LeafBasher, the very low speed you encoutered might have been because of the age of that particular torrent. Very old torrents (or unpopular ones) usually lose their seeders and speed gets low (or very low). It is probably the reason why you couldn't download that particular torrent.

Given the fact that an overwhelming percentage of our user base is romanian, we obviously concentrate on them the most. But if at any time one of you has a problem or a question about anything related to the site, don't hesitate to send me a message.

PS: Right now, our registration page is only in romanian (I think we're gonna fix that) but, if you want an account, there are 2 ways to get it:

1). Get one of your friends to invite you (if they already have an account, of course.... and invites).
2). If you buy a premium account on our partner site (don't know if I'm allowed to post the link here), you automatically receive a VIP account on our site. The payment is done via PayPal. The VIP status is valid for 45 days, after which it will be demoted to User or Power User, depending on your ratio. Price is about 6 euros (or 9 USD). If you want more details (or help), don't hesitate to contact me.

08-18-2011, 02:41 PM
10x 4 share bro :)

08-18-2011, 03:29 PM
@ Marcony

Could you, give Lasttorrents statistic? Seeder? Lecher? Users?

thank you very much :)

08-18-2011, 04:30 PM
Hey there, good to see LT staff joining the discussion.

As robogo said, we'd appreciate it if you could post some stats. This is to update the WTO (What Trackers Offer) list. Right now, we only have a couple of estimates - ince you're staff, you can probably supply accurate information.

While you're at it, I'd like to know if the "only Power Users can access new torrents" policy is still in place, and why it was implemented. :)

08-19-2011, 06:57 AM
Hi again.

I would love to give you all those stats, but the staff is forbidden to share that information with anyone. Not even our uploaders are allowed to know. The reason for this is... well, a long story. I can only tell you that, considering the users and/or peers count, we are the 2nd largest Romanian tracker. I can give you the torrent stats if you want: we have about 55 K active torrents (60 K, if you count the dead ones too).

I see that, in the WTO section, we are registered to be with Open Signup. That is not completely true, as I said in my previous post. The only way to register is with payment. Most of the time, the invites are disabled (except for the VIP class, but I'm not 100 % sure, I have to check that). They were enabled in the last week because we just celebrated 5 years of existence.

As for the Last 10 Days section: yes, only Power Users and above can download from there **. It is still in place and will probably remain so for a long time. We implemented it because we want to encourage all of our users to seed and not to hit'n'run. We can say there have been some significant improvements by using this technique. Yes, there are still users that cheat and hit'n'run, but it's a lot better than before. Also, it is very easy to maintain your ratio (and thus your Power User status) because of the huge seeders/leechers numbers.

Something else that is very important about the browse: every night at 2 AM (Server Time) some torrents will move to and from the Freeleech section based on the number of seeders and leechers. Some users forget that and their download ends up being counted.

** = it's not such a big deal. Less than 1 % of all torrents are there.

08-19-2011, 12:23 PM
I see. We're counting dead torrents as it gives a more accurate portrayal of the tracker's content, so it looks like estimates weren't that off after all :P

I suppose "Invite request/referral" gets pretty close to the system you mention your site has, so I changed its availability to that. Thanks for the corrections and insight regarding the PU thingy :)

08-23-2011, 09:43 AM
Lasttorrents: (old BitTorrents.Ro)


I was born 5 years ago . I only had 3 uploaders and 1 sysop. There were only 24 torrents in my database and around 200 peers. As time went by I grew bigger and bigger. I always told myself : I am different , I'm not like the others, One day I'm gonna show everybody what I'm capable of. Now i have over (number censored by GOD) peers , more than (number censored by GOD) users and no less than 79,819 torrents.

My name is Lasttorrents and on august 15 I turned 5!
Please deposit your presents and best wishes here

I offer you instead 1 week to invite your friends using our invite system now operational. (more to come this week)
18.08.2011 - 50 GB of upload was given to everyone. ENJOY
20.08.2011 - You may download everthing you want this weekend with out fear for your ratio. No download or upload will be recorded. FREE WEEKEND.

79,819 torrents Total
Active : 55-60.000 torrent

08-23-2011, 11:39 AM
79 K is incorrect. Sorry.

08-23-2011, 12:55 PM
Now i have over (number censored by GOD) peers , more than (number censored by GOD) users and no less than 79,819 torrents.

79 K is incorrect. Sorry.

I do not understand?

08-23-2011, 07:18 PM
It's probably a typo. The guy who wrote it probably wanted to type 59 instead of 79. Doesn't really matter that much...

08-23-2011, 08:01 PM
Sysop guy wrote the main page news release


I was born 5 years ago . I only had 3 uploaders and 1 sysop. There were only 24 torrents in my database and around 200 peers. As time went by I grew bigger and bigger. I always told myself : I am different , I'm not like the others, One day I'm gonna show everybody what I'm capable of. Now i have over (number censored by GOD) peers , more than (number censored by GOD) users and no less than 79,819 torrents.

My name is Lasttorrents and on august 15 I turned 5!
Please deposit your presents and best wishes here

I offer you instead 1 week to invite your friends using our invite system now operational. (more to come this week)
18.08.2011 - 50 GB of upload was given to everyone. ENJOY
20.08.2011 - You may download everthing you want this weekend with out fear for your ratio. No download or upload will be recorded. FREE WEEKEND.

Now we also have a contest!

he does not know, interesting :huh: :lol: