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View Full Version : The Movie Doesn't Play

10-19-2003, 05:01 AM
I'm downloadin a movie and tried previewing it using the avi previewer but there's nuttin. :huh: U see that the previewer is renderint the file, u see the time when it's done, u see the movie progressing but u don't see no movie.
I really one some help so is there anyone outthere wit it?
:unsure: :(

10-19-2003, 05:09 AM
3 possible reasons why it dont play...

1.) did you install kazaa lite codec pack, if not goto here (http://www.klitesite.com/) and get it

2.) it possibly is a fake movie, if that happpens get
a verified hash or try a bittorrent download

3.) you didnt let it download enough, to insure a good
preview let it dowbnload atleast 10megs

10-19-2003, 05:13 AM
I have the codec pack......i'ma let it download as u said in 3......but wat the hell is a bittorrent download??? :unsure: :unsure:

10-19-2003, 05:21 AM
lol its ok....bittorent is just a newer kind of p2p but not a p2p at the same time...do you really want me to explain?

10-19-2003, 06:54 AM
bittorrent is nice, just read about it when you get the chance, or have someone explain it to you, its pretty simple, just different. youd like it :flowers: