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View Full Version : HDBits.org help

02-22-2010, 07:08 AM
Can anyone help me with hdbits.org irc invite or who can tell me how can speek with someone from hdbits.org staff please?I don't know what happened, I was mostly seeding the last few weeks and today I wasn't able to login

02-22-2010, 07:15 AM
join the hdbits help channel, not main channel. That one is invite only


02-22-2010, 07:31 AM
join the hdbits help channel, not main channel. That one is invite only

Not working....:(
Staff please or other solutions...

02-22-2010, 10:21 AM
you just have to wait eventualy someone will be there :)

02-22-2010, 10:24 AM
you just have to wait eventualy someone will be there :)
I wait!

02-22-2010, 01:27 PM
what did you do to violate the rules were youc heating

02-22-2010, 01:55 PM
You kidding right? I installed the new OS Windows 7 and I upgraded to utorrent 2.0 and after that all my torrents where red. I was confused and I wanted to check my account but I couldn't it show'ed disabled

02-22-2010, 02:49 PM
I'm not on HDbits so I don't know whats allowed/banned but perhaps you should've checked what clients were whitelisted before downloading UT 2.0, as it's relatively new and hasn't been whitelisted at every tracker.

Here's an older version, 1.8.5, if you need it:


02-22-2010, 03:19 PM

More client updates! - 22/02/10

Deluge 1.21 will be re-allowed here shortly, since they now use a version of libtorrent that reports download like µTorrent and other clients. It will be allowed probably a day or two from now, assuming I don't forget.
Older Vuze versions are banned. Only 4.3.x is allowed now.
ktorrent 2.x is banned, but the 4.x betas are allowed.
µTorrent 2.0.1 beta is now allowed, 1.8.4 is no longer allowed.
Transmission 1.8.x is banned due to genuine bugs in its tracker reporting (discovered by Waffles), but 1.9 is allowed since it has been verified to be fixed.
Deluge 1.21 will be re-allowed here shortly, since they now use a version of libtorrent that reports download like µTorrent and other clients. It will be allowed probably a day or two from now, assuming I don't forget. Older Vuze versions are banned. Only 4.3.x is allowed now. ktorrent 2.x is banned, but the 4.x betas are allowed. µTorrent 2.0.1 beta is now allowed, 1.8.4 is no longer allowed. Transmission 1.8.x is banned due to genuine bugs in its tracker reporting (discovered by Waffles), but 1.9 is allowed since it has been verified to be fixed.
Client version updates - 03/02/10

Transmission 1.8.x is now allowed. 1.61, 1.76 and 1.77 (Linux only) are the only old versions allowed now.
uTorrent 1.8.4, 1.8.5, 2.0 and 2.1 are allowed. uTorrent Mac 0.9.3 is now allowed.
KTorrent 3.4.x is allowed.
These version updates apply to sdbits too.

02-22-2010, 05:06 PM
I doubt they disabled you just for using a banned client. Keep us informed.

02-24-2010, 07:02 AM
Please inform us as to the decision as I just invited you to HDBits.ro. If not here then by PM, please. I'd rather hear from you before I ask others questions...

02-24-2010, 07:46 AM
hdbits.org is a dream tracker to HDmania..

i wish you`ll be solved very well..

02-24-2010, 03:46 PM
Network: irc.p2p-network.net
Channel: #hdbits.support
Dont get anyone irc key cuz if they notice, they will ban him as well.
Hope your problem will sort it out soon just wait at support channel for give someone you to +voice also change your irc name with tracker nick name...

02-24-2010, 05:53 PM
they dont like romania at hdbits. one more slot for a good user.

02-25-2010, 05:59 PM
I'm going to give it a couple of days to see if I can talk to staff member on #hdbits.support.Still wait the "voice" I'm not going to PM them on IRC because the topic in the support channel says not to, and if I break that rule, it won't help my case.Anyway thanks for support guys!