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View Full Version : Piracy Isn’t Killing The Movie Industry, Greed Is

02-23-2010, 12:14 AM
http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3548/blockbuster.jpgPiracy Isn’t Killing The Movie Industry, Greed Is
February 22, 2010

" At the box-office the major movie studios are raking in record profits, but their continuing refusal to widely adopt online business opportunities are hindering progress. According to the head of the Blockbuster video chain, the movie industry’s greed is to blame for holding back innovation.

First off, we have to make it clear that the major movie studios are doing great at the box-office, despite movie piracy riding at an all-time high. Other parts of the movie industry, such as video rental outlets, do seem to struggle and they have the studios to thank for this, not piracy.

In January of this year Warner Bros. announced that new DVDs will not be available at online rental outlet Netflix for the first month after they are released in stores. Warner Bros. hoped that this would increase DVD sales. However, the most likely side effect is an increase in piracy and a loss of income to Netflix.

It is a step back in a time where consumers are screaming for on-demand access and the flexibility to choose the option they want for their video consumption. The studios are clearly skeptical of all these ‘new’ technologies and are frantically adding restrictions to maximize their revenues, ignoring all market signals.

The greed of the music studios hasn’t gone unnoticed by Paul Uniacke, head of the Video Ezy and Blockbuster video rental chains. “Studio greed is what’s holding back video-on-demand,” he said in response to the studios demands to pay huge sums of money upfront if they want to offer on-demand streams.

“Movie studios are still as arrogant as the music moguls were before digital downloads and piracy destroyed them. The only thing that’s protecting the movie studios (from more widespread illegal downloading) now is file size,” Uniacke added.

Much like the big music labels, the studios are trying to control how people consume media to an extent where it becomes impossible for innovative retailers to offer a product that can compete with piracy. By this process they are killing their own business and that of many retailers, while blaming piracy for the damages.

Consumers demand convenience, availability and a high quality product for a fair price. Still, the decisions of the music labels and movie studios are mostly heading in the opposite direction as they cling to their old business of trying to safeguard their monopolies. "

:source: Source: Piracy Isn’t Killing The Movie Industry, Greed Is (http://torrentfreak.com/piracy-isnt-killing-the-movie-industry-greed-is-100222/):view: Homepage: TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com)

02-23-2010, 07:00 AM
Seriously, this article said a rational

02-23-2010, 08:34 AM
Its already hard enough to get a new release from netflix and now the wait will be even longer for wb titles. Netflix thinks being able to add a few shows to its streaming library was a good trade. I think they should have fought the studios about the new release delay.

Even music at 99 cents a song is still a rip off when you consider that less than 5 cents of it even goes to the artist.
Sell songs for 10 - 50 cents and do movie rentals for $2 or less and maybe they will get more customers.

02-25-2010, 07:40 PM
I do not enjoy PAYING for the "privilege" of watching ads in a theater after standing in line up to three times! The 'only' alternative being sacrificing access to the good middle seats?

Wrong. I'm not playing unless I _determine_ a movie is worth the theater experience in advance.

For my money I expect ZERO ads, no more than three previews, darkness, SILENCES, no trillion lumen LCDs from pdas/phones (young a$$hats and old a$$hats alike)

.. or I'll wait until it's _available_ on DVD or HD-DVD (blueray is NOT winning. the 'adult' industry has backed hd-dvd)

Whatever the market will bear? $13/ticket here or $4/ticket in wyoming. @OP/mod poll for non-matinee non-discount prices for a glorious display of greed

re: music greed

I'm not WASTING money on raped tracks (mp3).

DRM? no sale!

FLAC or no sale!

HDCP? death to your fascism...

you're only promoting the other kind of 'piracy'... access to what I've already paid for.. but on devices of MY CHOOSING

piracy is otherwise good for media sales as studies have shown repeatedly


03-01-2010, 06:29 AM
Piracy is just a tool in the wrong hands.if there were no piracy what was the solution for us to enjoy everything we need without having to pay for it

03-12-2010, 08:51 PM
if you really like a movie you'll go and see it in the cinema,as my friend whom watches a movie home and if he really likes it he goes to watch in at the cinema

03-13-2010, 06:52 AM
If they were smart, they would have a site which allows you to stream a movie for a few dollars, with the ability to download for a bit more and even better order the dvd for a bit extra.

I personally go to the movies for the experience of going to the movies. If I download a movie, I would not have gone to the movies to watch it either way and I wouldn't waste the money on buy the dvd. >.>

Also as slaughterads mentioned, I expect silence at a movie theater, not some teenagers trying to get 'their ins' on a fat girl who wont stop giggling and throwing the pop corn every time they try something.

Actually whomever starting selling popcorn at the movie theater first was a retard.

03-16-2010, 05:27 AM
i cant stand the greedy bastards in the movie industry. they have more money than I could ever dream of having, and they bitch cause they want more.

mr. nails
03-23-2010, 02:09 AM
whomever starting selling popcorn at the movie theater first was a retard.

if "whomever" decided to sale popcorn never did movie theatres wouldn't be here now for these refreshments is what kept the theatres alive.

as for piracy killing the movie industry i don't concur. recent times have shown that if a movie is intriguing enough ppl will pay for it. as some have already posted though if we are expected to pay $10-$30 for a seat in said theatres and it's noisy, broken down (ie: shit sound) and dirty that's not gonna fly. hell, i know ppl that won't even go to the theatre now because certain films ONLY play in "3D."

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03-24-2010, 09:18 PM
hahaha this is so stupid omg. There are two kind of people, those o buy movies and those who download the movies, and those that download it, will wait the time that is need for the release, and there is nothing they can do to change this.

03-26-2010, 05:49 PM
reminds me of a south park episode, where britney spears had to buy a smaller private jet because of the downloading

Why should i feel sorry for people with more money than an entire city?

03-26-2010, 09:36 PM
I'm sure it is affecting sales some what. If we were not able to download we would be renting videos and most likely buying more videos. For me rentals would go up but I still wouldn't buy anymore than I do now.

They are thriving and can survive just fine with all the pirating going on. Now they are coming out with more movies than we can consume. Even in a sharing world where you can grab any video you want you still skip over many. The market is saturated with stuff and high theater and new release prices aren't attractive to consumers.

I enjoy being able to go on the net and grab whatever I want in a hour or less. I couldn't imagine going back to a video store. Netflix is sucking also. A friend of mine signed up and has had certain movies on his list for months. It may not be netflix's fault and the studios screwing with them on how many copies they will send out. The delay on wb titles was supposed to give them more discs than normal after the 30 days and it doesn't seem to be happening.

And the other issue is that pirated versions are better in some ways. No bs drm or unskippable previews. Something needs to be done to set the studios straight. I would like a fairly priced legal solution.

04-03-2010, 08:14 PM
Gotta agree with lots of peeps out there, but money will always be someones GOD? Actors becoming Directors whats all that about, some cant even ACT!!!!! Sandra BullOCKS last film "Blind Side" was she really responable for doing both jobs that got her the OSCAR? I wonder, plus - remind me what was it she PAID herself? now thats just one of the top 5, the rest are MEN - EASTWOOD, STALONE,DAMON,wait for it HANKS & COSTNER all pay themselves & us suckers pay them. Here ends the lesson. but there are lots more out there. STOP being greedy.

04-04-2010, 12:44 PM
yes i will also download lots of music if it is avaible @ cheap rate online legally !

04-05-2010, 09:13 AM

How many of you peeps have paid out good money to watch a Movie,... which turns out to be utter Trash.......

Who gets ripped off big time when buying confectionary at the Cinema,,,,:angry:

04-18-2010, 06:16 PM
When i wait a movie to appear the first time when i visualise it is at cinema...so i am not killing movie industry:))