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View Full Version : 0day Music DDL forums

02-23-2010, 02:33 AM
I already know about 0daymusic.org. And it really is a fantastic site. But...the music is hosted at Uploaded.to. And I got horrible speeds from there(40kb/s is usually my highest).

So are there any other 0day music DDL sites that are just as good as 0daymusic, but host the files at a different hoster? Preferably RS, MU, or MF.


02-23-2010, 03:11 AM
I don't think another one like him exist. After you need to select contents you listen like club-team.net for Club Music.

02-23-2010, 09:47 PM
Yeah, I don't think there are any others either. I looked through Snoop's bookmark list before making this thread, and the site http://www.rlslog.net had one of the 0day albums I was looking for, but not the other. I found the other by using this music blog searcher: http://captaincrawl.com/index.php.

Oh well... Thanks for the reply though.

03-06-2010, 03:56 AM
mexican-taint primarily rap

i use these

03-06-2010, 07:56 AM
Thanks for the reply.

Flacshare I already know of and use. But that's not a forum that indexes all the new 0day music releases. But newalbum.org sounds like something I'm looking for. I'll check it out.

03-06-2010, 10:24 AM
some german sites like iload.to n company have a whole load of 0day music
they use MU , RS etc... but beware, use a anti pop up stuff because they really
have a mass of ads which sucks... sad to see big ressources wasted lol

03-06-2010, 02:02 PM
No particular genre?


But seriously no site can compare to 0daymusic except some .pl boards.

EDIT: Forums:


03-07-2010, 06:17 AM
Thank you Snoop and ilovenzb. Looks like the sites you guys mentioned is what I'm looking for. :)

And for genre's, I'm particularly interested in blues, reggae, and jazz. But I doubt there's any sites/forums that cater to only these three genre's. So a site with all genre's works perfectly fine.

Thanks guys.

EDIT: Oh wow, looks like 0daymusic.biz and 0day.musicore is all electronic music? Or am I missing something?

I forgot about SoundArea. It's not bad, but it misses a lot of the releases that 0daymusic.org indexes. Looks like that site may be the best 0day indexer there is. Too bad they host the music on such a bad hoster.

And Snoop, iloaded.to looks pretty good. Thanks. :)

03-07-2010, 11:21 AM
It is really sad that you are downloading very slow on uploaded.to because 0daymusic is a very good site on the net and i like them very much. the content there is amazing and you can contact them because there ftp service offer. othwerwise you should not pay for warez! : -)

03-07-2010, 11:42 PM
I know, it does suck. I don't know why I'm getting slow speeds. I'm sure if I went premium I would get full download speed, but 0daymusic.org is the only site that I use that hosts to Upload.to, so buying premium would be a bit of a waste for me. Not to mention that I don't use the site enough to justify a premium account. The scene releases a lot of, what I call, "crap". So only here and there I find something, that in my opinion, is worth downloading.

No biggie though. I'll use 0daymusic to look at what's been released daily(the site has an excellent layout). And if there's something that I want then I'll just search at iloaded.to to see if it's there and grab it through RS.

03-07-2010, 11:49 PM
I know, it does suck. I don't know why I'm getting slow speeds. I'm sure if I went premium I would get full download speed, but 0daymusic.org is the only site that I use that hosts to Upload.to

You mean Uploaded.to? Because there's this CGI proxy which appears to give you, well, decent speeds:

Without it I get horrible transfer rates - as we've discussed in the past :D

03-08-2010, 02:17 AM
Oh yeah! I forgot all about that. Thanks for reminding me. :P I'll give this a try and see if my speeds are any better.


EDIT: Actually, how exactly do you use this? I'm using Opera, and I opened the file at 0daymusic.org that I wanted. Then I copy/pasted that Upload.to page onto the proxy page and hit go. The timer counts down, I start the download, but the download immediately finishes(0B in size Opera says the file is), but doesn't appear on my Desktop. So I must be doing something wrong.

Yeah, I tried opening 0daymusic.org in the proxy, and going from there. But I get the same result. Opera says the file is 0B in size.

03-08-2010, 03:47 AM

I've found that it's mostly German sites that use Upload.to. SceneLoad and most of their partners use that upload host.

If it makes you feel better I have slow speeds on it too, I've asked around on various forums and they complained about the slow speeds and low download limits.

Personally I liked it because you could use a FTP client to upload to it and wait times were fast, I think it's 5sec?

03-08-2010, 06:03 AM
Thank you, iLOVENZB. Hopefully I can get anon's suggestion of using a proxy to get faster speeds. But luckily the German site that Snoop recommend uploads there files to a few different hosters(one being RS), so I'm pretty happy with that site. Tried it out if you haven't already. It's pretty nice.

03-08-2010, 07:52 AM
Funkin', Rapid8 supports Uploaded.to. Try that.


03-11-2010, 04:43 AM
yeah and when u use rapid8 it downloads even slower sometimes :lol:

03-11-2010, 08:15 AM
Thanks ilovenzb, but I'm not even able to get the site to work. Everytime I try to download it tells me to disable my adblock, which it is. :huh:

No biggie though. But thanks for the suggestion.