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View Full Version : GA: IPT and/or revTT

02-27-2010, 05:40 AM
ok this is my first giveaway and i dont have anything special but i have found these two sites to be very useful to me and i was hoping someone else might as well.
Ok well as the title says i have
a couple invites to IPT and possibly an invite to revTT i could give away to the right users
from what i've seen on other giveaways the right way to determine this is looking at ratio proofs so if you could get me 2 ratio proofs and i guess a speedtest id be more than happy to send you an invite if you are deemed worthy :D
thanks in advance to all who participate and hopefully my first giveaway will be a successful one

02-27-2010, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the offer, I have PM'd you my details. Fingers crossed!

02-28-2010, 06:39 PM
ok invite sent! i still have another invite or 2 to revTT and a couple to IPT as well if anyone else is interested. Also please post in this thread as well as PMing me

02-28-2010, 06:47 PM
Can i have Revtt invite???
I will PM you

02-28-2010, 07:27 PM
Can i have Revtt invite???
I will PM you

Last one didn't last long ?


02-28-2010, 08:27 PM
Invite received, many thanks!

03-01-2010, 01:05 AM
thanks IdolEyes787 i also reviewed his old posts and saw multiple ppl accusing him of being a trader
sorry NETVIRUS i cant give you an invite, if you are truly seeking an invite because you would like to better the revTT community than i wish you luck in the future

03-01-2010, 01:24 AM
Hey .. just threw you over a PM for an IPT consideration. xD Hope to hear from ya soon me bucco

03-01-2010, 05:26 AM
Hi, I would like to apply for an invite for RevTT. I will PM you the ratios & speed test. Thanks

03-01-2010, 06:07 AM
Remember that these countries:

Saudi Arabia

are banned from RevTT.

From this point on however no new members from these countries will be allowed. Failure to comply with this will result is the loss of both accounts.

Better make sure where your invitee is living.

03-01-2010, 06:10 AM
Remember that these countries:

are banned from RevTT.

From this point on however no new members from these countries will be allowed. Failure to comply with this will result is the loss of both accounts.Better make sure where your invitee is living.
Thanks for the update. I currently live in Vancouver, Canada. Did anyone watch the closing ceremony? :D

03-01-2010, 07:11 AM
thanks polarbear i actually had to reject a guy who applied from one of those countries earlier today because i saw that thanks for the reminder tho
i know i wouldnt be surprised if i had forgotten that and screwed myself over so i appreciate the reminder

03-01-2010, 07:37 AM
Those countries are represented quite well in the FST invite section. I'd say 90% of the members dealing with invites here are from one of those banned countries.

Ask the lazy ass bittorrent staff here to locate his IP if you don't want to risk your account.

If they refuse to do it, keep your invites. It's not worth wasting a RevTT account for a stupid FST giveaway. Believe me.

03-01-2010, 07:44 AM
yeah i only noticed cuz it showed it in the guys speedtest server location earlier... i think after i asked about it he realized he was caught and tried to lie about it but like you said i would rather not waste my account for someone i dont know and probably never will so unfortunately i've only given out 1 invite today.

03-02-2010, 03:05 PM
still looking to give out some invites to good potential members if anyones interested...

03-02-2010, 03:16 PM
If they refuse to do it, keep your invites. It's not worth wasting a RevTT account for a stupid FST giveaway. Believe me.


03-02-2010, 03:31 PM
Need an invite to RevTT,...Pretty please... :lips: :cry:


03-02-2010, 03:55 PM
Can I have the IPT invite please :)

03-02-2010, 05:36 PM
i need both of you to PM me to ratio proofs and a speedtest
i'm not picky just need to see that you can contribute

03-03-2010, 06:51 AM
for future reference i'm going to check you post history for trading and if i find this be ready to explain yourself and dont be surprised if i chose to deny you anyway, sorry but its against the rules of every tracker i've ever been on and i dont wanna waste my account b/c of someone i've never met... nothing personal
also if any future if you could explain why you want the invite just so i know what you plan on contributing it would also be appreciated

03-03-2010, 07:55 AM
for future reference i'm going to check you post history for trading and if i find this be ready to explain yourself and dont be surprised if i chose to deny you anyway, sorry but its against the rules of every tracker i've ever been on and i dont wanna waste my account b/c of someone i've never met... nothing personal
also if any future if you could explain why you want the invite just so i know what you plan on contributing it would also be appreciated

I have given out a lot of invites in my time, but I have never scrutinized the recipient to this extent.....

If you're going to be paranoid about any future penalty you may incur due to giving out invites.....
just don't do it,...caus you're always taking a risk....

I thank you for your consideration...but you keep your invites,...I'll just have to wait until open Reg...

But I'll be damned if I'm going to be a circus monkey made to jump hoops

just for an invite......

03-03-2010, 04:04 PM
We'll then you should understand why its frustrating to do a giveaway... because unfortunately its hard to find a user to give an invite to thats going to follow the rules and actually contribute something not just collect and trade invites...

03-03-2010, 04:53 PM
anonymous0711 is a reputed member in IPT

03-03-2010, 07:46 PM
I have given out a lot of invites in my time, but I have never scrutinized the recipient to this extent.....

But I'll be damned if I'm going to be a circus monkey made to jump hoops

just for an invite......

I didn't have to do much to get an invite from this giveaway, I wouldn't call sending a ratio proof and a speedtest jumping through hoops. Many of the giveaways i've seen recently require more from you (i.e. member of this forum for so long, ratio proof with a certain number of gigs upload etc.). The main requirements as far as I am concerned are that you are not a trader or have not been banned from tracker you want an invite to. In my opinion that is pretty reasonable!

03-03-2010, 07:51 PM
Romania is not banned ... I have account there;)

03-04-2010, 12:53 AM
We'll then you should understand why its frustrating to do a giveaway... because unfortunately its hard to find a user to give an invite to thats going to follow the rules and actually contribute something not just collect and trade invites...

Well if it's Torrent Site rules you're referring to,,,,if I remember correctly they require you only to distribute invites to people that you know personally.

Which clearly is not the case here.....

03-04-2010, 01:36 AM
Roxxy please stop trolling on my thread you arent contributing anything productive and you are diverting the focus of it which is to give away invites to people i think would contribute something. I would really like to just move past this issue and if you still have a problem just PM me.

03-04-2010, 05:50 AM
for future reference i'm going to check you post history for trading and if i find this be ready to explain yourself and dont be surprised if i chose to deny you anyway, sorry but its against the rules of every tracker i've ever been on and i dont wanna waste my account b/c of someone i've never met... nothing personal
also if any future if you could explain why you want the invite just so i know what you plan on contributing it would also be appreciated

I have given out a lot of invites in my time, but I have never scrutinized the recipient to this extent.....

If you're going to be paranoid about any future penalty you may incur due to giving out invites.....
just don't do it,...caus you're always taking a risk....

I thank you for your consideration...but you keep your invites,...I'll just have to wait until open Reg...

But I'll be damned if I'm going to be a circus monkey made to jump hoops

just for an invite......

Whoa!! How ignorant! If you have paid attention to giveaways around here in the past, people have always requested things like speed tests, and screen shots. If you haven't noticed this, then what your reading (or not reading) is going in one eyeball & out the other one. :blink: Also, to simply ask someone to state why they want to be apart of that community is pretty typical, and vital to a giveaway.

I give much props to anonymous0711 for handling this thread the way he is. For being new, he is being very cautious and adapting to how things are done around here very well...And that's why you've seen some users post helpful things for him. If you think someone is just going to give you an invite just because you ask or because of your pretty font or avatar then you need to reconsider your approach to utilizing this community again. I'm not trying to be an ass but to see a new user come here and do things the right way in a respectable manner to try and help others and have you insult his thread because of you being prude just really irks me.

Anyhow, good giveaway! :lol:

03-04-2010, 06:52 AM
thanks Chief_Garbonzo and i appreciate the support from everyone else as well hopefully from now on this thread will be able to stay dedicated to the giveaway and ill be able to find more valuable future members for both of these sites

03-04-2010, 10:48 AM
Whoa!! How ignorant! If you have paid attention to giveaways around here in the past, people have always requested things like speed tests, and screen shots. If you haven't noticed this, then what your reading (or not reading) is going in one eyeball & out the other one. :blink: Also, to simply ask someone to state why they want to be apart of that community is pretty typical, and vital to a giveaway.

I give much props to anonymous0711 for handling this thread the way he is. For being new, he is being very cautious and adapting to how things are done around here very well...And that's why you've seen some users post helpful things for him. If you think someone is just going to give you an invite just because you ask or because of your pretty font or avatar then you need to reconsider your approach to utilizing this community again. I'm not trying to be an ass but to see a new user come here and do things the right way in a respectable manner to try and help others and have you insult his thread because of you being prude just really irks me.

Anyhow, good giveaway! :lol:

You're the ignorant one Einstein,...You shouldn't denigrate me if you don't know all the facts....
You don't know what was said in Pim....for instance.

I did provide a speed test and 2 referrals....

It's his attitude in Pim which which came across as a third degree which was only applied to the last few invites....
He made the criteria for the last 2 invites more stringent by asking a heap of questions in Pim....

He's a hypocrite because he doesn't approve of trading invites but is happy to give them out free......Both against the rules of the Torrent sites...

And don't forget,....shouldn't a community help the newbies just starting of in torrenting.

Where are they going to get their invites from,...they have no referrals.

So before you start taking sides without having all the facts,...you had better go back and tuck you head where the sun don't shine....cause you haven't a voice in this....


03-04-2010, 12:38 PM
Just one thing:
The QUOTE tags are incorrectly done :P
You can continue now :)

03-04-2010, 01:59 PM
Just one thing:
The QUOTE tags are incorrectly done :P
You can continue now :)

Whoa!! How ignorant! this is the internet, incorrect quoting is acceptable :P

03-04-2010, 03:52 PM
Just one thing:
The QUOTE tags are incorrectly done :P
You can continue now :)

Whoa!! How ignorant! this is the internet, incorrect quoting is acceptable :P

However ignorant it may be,it did have an effect :naughty:

03-04-2010, 05:44 PM
This is his giveaway! If you don't want to answer his questions or follow his rules, then move on! I have no way of knowing what goes on in pm's. I'm going off of what you are posting publicly that others can see. He's a hypocrite because he won't trade but wants to invite people??!!? OMG. I'm very against trading too, but yet I still will invite people. I always ask people questions, and get to know them before I even invite them, which is what your supposed to do, is know the person before you invite them. So if you don't like his giveaway or questions in PM then just move on, don't post in his thread about how he's making you jump through hoops like a circus monkey. No one is forcing you to participate in this give away. Btw, a community can help new people in torrenting, around here there are many useful guides & tutorials on how things work in the tracker world. I started from scratch by myself from the bottom, and slowly met people, and made friends, and progressed to some nice places. Don't expect everyone to help you get the sites you want to be on. It comes with time & respect. In this case, you lacked the respect to follow his rules and that's why he's probably not going to help you. When you do your own giveaway you can make your own rules up and not ask vital questions like he is, and just give out the invite to anyone who asks, who could be a scammer, and then next time you login to the tracker, your staring at an account disabled screen because the person you didn't know so well that you invited broke the rules.

03-04-2010, 06:16 PM
not taking anyone's side but just telling u
not all trackers hate invite give away forums, more over in invite forums we invite those people whom we know for some time and whom we trust.

I agree this cannot be said to be 100% right, but it is better to giveaway invites in invite forums then to keep it in your account of no use, moreover if a person giving invites in invite forum is considered a culprit then the person asking for invite through invite forum is a bigger culprit.

03-04-2010, 06:51 PM
@roxxy i simply asked you to explain you history of trading which i am not interested in anymore because at this point it doesnt matter im not giving you an invite so please just keep anything you have to yourself you are spamming my thread and i have asked you multiple times to stop
also i have looked at the rules of both of these sites and did not see anything prohibiting giving away invites. Everything you have said here has been a waste of my time and im tired of asking you to stop.
I never said i wanted to help newer members i started torrenting not to long ago and have moved up without the help of giveaways. I just figured that my success could be passed on to other and decided that this giveaway would help me do so but because of the endless amount of spam that was started and is continually provoked by you i havent been able to accomplish as much as i thought i would be able to and it is unfortunate.

Please confine any furthur opinions to PM and we can discuss it there
having said that i have 1 question... why does this still matter to you?

03-05-2010, 02:45 AM
@roxxy i simply asked you to explain you history of trading which i am not interested in anymore because at this point it doesnt matter im not giving you an invite so please just keep anything you have to yourself you are spamming my thread and i have asked you multiple times to stop
also i have looked at the rules of both of these sites and did not see anything prohibiting giving away invites. Everything you have said here has been a waste of my time and im tired of asking you to stop.
I never said i wanted to help newer members i started torrenting not to long ago and have moved up without the help of giveaways. I just figured that my success could be passed on to other and decided that this giveaway would help me do so but because of the endless amount of spam that was started and is continually provoked by you i havent been able to accomplish as much as i thought i would be able to and it is unfortunate.

Please confine any furthur opinions to PM and we can discuss it there
having said that i have 1 question... why does this still matter to you?

This is not about any desperate need on my part for a RevTT invite...Sooner or later the site will have open Reg....

I have been in torrenting for about ten years,... and have been in FST longer than most of the people posting in this thread....

You need to understand that when you overly scrutinize another member.... you cast doubt on their integrity and credibility....

If you don't want to give a particular person an invite,...just pass them over...You don't owe them any explanation.....
all you have to say is invites are gone.

In this instance by asking a heap of questions and then saying no invite,...you risk offending that member...

A little diplomacy goes a long way.....


03-05-2010, 05:28 AM
well im not an especially diplomatic person and i dont really care to be so get off of my thread anything further can be said in PM and if that isnt diplomatic enough for you ill have to ask a mod to stop you from trolling my thread

03-06-2010, 12:09 PM
I have been in torrenting for about ten years,...

You mean from year 2000
I dont know in that year have the torrent world or not
I am from the year of 2002 in the torrent world

03-07-2010, 04:15 AM
i still have 2 revtt invites and 2 IPT invites to give away