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02-27-2010, 02:18 PM
Does anybody here knows the procedure that goes after being released on P2P?

Just wondering, it might not be the obvious.

02-27-2010, 05:00 PM
wtf are you talking about

02-27-2010, 07:15 PM
set rlsgrp "$release"
regsub -nocase {[._-]int$|\_internal$|_house$} $rlsgrp {} rlsgrp
set t [split $rlsgrp -]
if {[llength $t] > 1} {set grp [lindex $t end]} else {set grp "NOGRP"}
for each i $spgrps {if {[string match -noc *$i $rlsgrp]} {set grp "$i"}}
set affro [mysqlexec $handle "INSERT INTO predb (rlsname,section,ctime,grp) VALUES ('$release' , '$section' , '[unixtime]' , '$grp')"]
basically addpre assigns the nogrp tag.

02-28-2010, 06:40 AM
I see.. so it's the scene still who uploads it to the topsites.

Thanks for clearing my doubts, was just curious.

02-28-2010, 01:13 PM
if its not scene it can be called nogrp usually meaning an individual uploaded it. If its scene and was not uploaded by a group it will be -IND (individual)