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View Full Version : Hardidsk Partition Extension with motive to get one single 150 GB partition

03-07-2010, 03:41 PM
K..... I have this Seagate hardisk of 250 GB....

Initially I created 4 partitions on the disk C: 30, D: 78,E: 78, F: 47, this was working out for me fine..untill this problem arrived
Now that I download a lot of stuff from Torrents(Private Tracker).... I need a single bigger partition so that I can seed the downloaded stuff
hence a 78 GB partition is not working out for me....

I went for dumping of complete data of one partition of 78 GB.... and deleting that partition...
The partition on which I store downloaded data is also of 78 GB and have 24.9 GB of free space on it...
Partition C:, F: of 30 GB and 47 GB has 1.44 GB, 818 MB of free space...

I tried to extend my torrenting partition(E:) drive with a thought that existing E: drive and the unallocated partition of 78 gb can be combined together but I am not able to do so.....

The whole motive of all this step is to get a single big partition of 150 GB FOR storing DOWNLOADED DATA AT one single place....
What should I do in this circumstance.... As I dont have any more space that I can clear of data on Torrenting drive and hence delete the partition and then create one big partition

What will you techies advice....

03-07-2010, 04:48 PM
What OS are you running?

03-07-2010, 11:39 PM
I am running Windows 7 x86........

In Disk Managment option, the extend volume option is not coming when I right click on the E: drive....
Though I have 78 GB free unpartitioned space...

Here goes the screenie related to my problem...

http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/548/screenieza.png (http://img97.imageshack.us/i/screenieza.png/)

Yippie... I got a way out.....

Actually in disk managment you can extend from left to right(means a filled disk on left hand side can be extended to a free space on right hand side but vise versa is not allowed........)

So I dumped all the remaining data on left disk, deleted the right partition and extended the left partition(the option of extnd volume on right click was coming now....)

Here is the screenie after merging....

http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/7271/solved.png (http://img121.imageshack.us/i/solved.png/)