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View Full Version : Would A Boycott Really Work?

Mad Cat
10-21-2003, 09:05 PM
A lot of the people in this forum talk about boycotting the music industry. I know that a lot of people do use Kazaa and all that, but a few million people not buying CDs really would not make much of a difference. Think of all the people that buy CDs, a lot of them know nothing of filesharing at all, or if they do, they don't have PCs internet connections etc etc.

It may hurt music industries, but in the end what is it going to do?
Its not going to make the music industry just give up and give away music, and I seriously doubt they would drop the incredibly high prices of their CDs when they know people will still pay for them.

In the end will it make a difference at all?

10-21-2003, 10:47 PM
I guess we'd never know unless we try.

If i for instance don't think it'll work so i dont try it, same as you...and most everyone...then NO it won't. However, a few(3) million people not buying their 7 CDs average a year(conservative guess) X ($18, around here Midwest USA)=????


Hmmmm....maybe my math is wrong

10-21-2003, 11:03 PM
It seems to me that a boycott already has worked.

I, and millions of others (apparently), have refused to pay absurd prices for substandard product for years now.
The current RIAA shenanigans are the result.
Go ahead, blame me.

10-22-2003, 06:34 AM
yep simple if they somehow find a way to get rid of filesahring im never buyign a CD again before fileshring was around I was buyign 5 CDs a week at insain 30 bucks each and 10 bucks each for a single damm song.

well they soon forget that don't they

10-22-2003, 11:27 AM
I hardly ever buy new CD's anyway, and not because of filesharing. If you wait a couple of years most things eventually end up in the "Bargain Basement" anyway...


People who buy new CD's are mugs. :lol:

10-22-2003, 12:06 PM
yes it would work if nobody bought cd for 2 month the whole industry would be on their knees

Mad Cat
10-22-2003, 01:02 PM
But the thing is, the usic industry is billions per year, not a few hundred million. I am already boycotting CDs, namely because they are a rip off, but as long as people buy them, the companies will squeeze every damn penny they can.

Also, if the companies do lose more because of file sharers, whats to stop them from raising the prices for the people that do buy CDs.
That really would piss on the boycott bonfire.

10-22-2003, 02:45 PM
Are we boycotting the CDs or just getting the music from Kazaa for free instead?

10-22-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Will_518@22 October 2003 - 14:45
Are we boycotting the CDs or just getting the music from Kazaa for free instead?
Yay, getting it for free instead!!!

10-22-2003, 06:21 PM
I would say both. I work as a DJ (mobile&club), I used to buy CDs just to do give-aways...but now nope! T-shirts and things unrelated to ANY ASCAP members. I find myself using some songs from DL but not alot since we subscribe to music services like PromoOnly, and most of the time it's music videos/or tracks off a 12".

Usually we would buy 12 CDs/mo. just to give away.

10-23-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by kazaalite911@23 October 2003 - 00:21
I would say both. I work as a DJ (mobile&club), I used to buy CDs just to do give-aways...but now nope! T-shirts and things unrelated to ANY ASCAP members. I find myself using some songs from DL but not alot since we subscribe to music services like PromoOnly, and most of the time it's music videos/or tracks off a 12".

Usually we would buy 12 CDs/mo. just to give away.

I will also buy cds so that I can share them. Other people won't have to buy that at least...

vivitron 15
10-23-2003, 09:16 PM
imo a boycott is just plain stupid.

lets consider the "ideal" according to this theory:

no-one buys cds anymore=no more cds made=no more filesharing

and as already pointed out, the way that the record companies will try to get their costs back for the money lost chasing us is clearly by an increase in prices.

if you think about it for a moment, you all say that you would buy cds again if the prices were to drop, but the best way to make them drop would be to start buying cds again
more sales=more money=ability to offer for cheaper, cos everyone buys "in bulk"
no more p2p=no need to pay people to chase p2p=less money given out=ability to reduce costs

this idea is a good one, but it will never work IMHO

10-23-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Mad Cat@21 October 2003 - 16:05
A lot of the people in this forum talk about boycotting the music industry. I know that a lot of people do use Kazaa and all that, but a few million people not buying CDs really would not make much of a difference. Think of all the people that buy CDs, a lot of them know nothing of filesharing at all, or if they do, they don't have PCs internet connections etc etc.

It may hurt music industries, but in the end what is it going to do?
Its not going to make the music industry just give up and give away music, and I seriously doubt they would drop the incredibly high prices of their CDs when they know people will still pay for them.

In the end will it make a difference at all?
Actually Universal Studions already lowered their CD prices from $19.95 to like 12.95 or $13.95 to try and get more people to stop Filesharing and buy CDs again so in a way, it is working...

10-24-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by vivitron 15@23 October 2003 - 21:16
if you think about it for a moment, you all say that you would buy cds again if the prices were to drop, but the best way to make them drop would be to start buying cds again
more sales=more money=ability to offer for cheaper, cos everyone buys "in bulk"

CDs 10years ago=$14-$20+(if i remember right)
CDs NOW=$14-$20+

hmmmmm....sales definitely increased since cassettes went out the door...did the price drop??? not so....

buy from music subscribers if you want variety...pretend your a DJ, make up a DJ company name, call PROMOONLY or other music services. Its cheaper than buying from the store and you get all the hits, since that's what most people want anyways.

10-24-2003, 09:38 PM
Surely a boycott only proves that piracy reduces profits, and so will ultimately give them more cause, more support and eventually more legal power to prosecute?

10-25-2003, 04:40 AM
your forgettign differnt coutries get ripped off more like me being in AUstralia you can get top 40 shit crap for 20 bucks but the god stuff is 30 bucks

and 10 bucks for a single is insaine

10-25-2003, 04:53 AM
a boycott would deffinetly work
no one buying new releases means no new music on the P2P networks so it is mutualy assured destruction.
but a limited boycott say boycott the products through the heaviest selling period,Christmas, would definetly have some impact
someone said already that the current boycott has brought the RIAA into action
so how to hit back?
the only way is to get them through thier wallets and put up with the no new music scenario for a bit.
there is plenty of stuff out thier already and face it most new music sucks anyways
but as to not buying music you should support those musicians who support us

10-25-2003, 04:58 AM

Mad Cat
10-26-2003, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by tarzan@25 October 2003 - 04:53
a boycott would deffinetly work
no one buying new releases means no new music on the P2P networks so it is mutualy assured destruction.
but a limited boycott say boycott the products through the heaviest selling period,Christmas, would definetly have some impact
someone said already that the current boycott has brought the RIAA into action
so how to hit back?
the only way is to get them through thier wallets and put up with the no new music scenario for a bit.
there is plenty of stuff out thier already and face it most new music sucks anyways
but as to not buying music you should support those musicians who support us
Yes, but what I'm saying is that currently around 3,000,000 people are connected to Kazaa. If these people (all of them I mean) boycotted CDs it would be a blow, but not enough to make a difference.

I do agree with you that most music sucks these days. Its shows like Pop Idol (American Idol for all you from the states) that is making it even worse. Its industry created, just for the record companies to get more money. Think of all the mindless millions who buy CDs...
Anyone that heard that song by the Fast Food Rockers can back this up.
How long long was that in the UK charts for? (oh and don't get me started on Mr. Friggin' Blobby)

Most of these mindless millions take all they know from things off the TV, or what newspapers say, and these newspapers will take anything and blow it out of proportion totally (the GTA series, and even Day of Defeat for Half-Life are victims of this, but in those cases it can help).

Actually, expanding on what I said above about the newspapers could be good for P2P. More will learn about it, BUT it could turn more against it.

Mad Cat
10-26-2003, 09:55 AM
Oh, and mix this all with the fact that most Record Companies are part of larger companies, Virgin and Sony are examples (Sony owns a few companies as you may already know, from Record Labels to film companies), a lot of the companies have so many millions and billions already, that they have enough to support themselves while in a "recession."