View Full Version : Astraweb server connection and speed problem

03-21-2010, 03:28 AM
Ok i'm to NZB i mean it just started today with all that fun stuff i have 1 question maybe some1 can help me ok I have an accts with Astraweb and out of their 3 General Servers only 1 is working or should i say downloading and it is the european server other 2 are connected but not downloading and my downlaod speed is bad really bad only 135 kbs on 10 Mbit down line ok what do i do any help to get better speeds:) here are the servers

European Server:

US Server:

03-21-2010, 08:51 AM
Do a tracert and post the results, that will let folks see who's local system you're on, plus the 'route' the data takes to get to the servers.

Example (from me to the us site in Santa Clara/San Jose, CA):

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 91 ms 45 ms 24 ms L100.STTLWA-DSL-01.verizon-gni.net [
3 69 ms 167 ms 178 ms G4-1-2101.STTLWA-LCR-01.verizon-gni.net [184.19.
4 141 ms 251 ms 73 ms
5 117 ms 195 ms 84 ms 0.so-7-1-0.XT1.SEA7.ALTER.NET []
6 253 ms 189 ms 215 ms 0.so-2-0-0.XT1.SEA1.ALTER.NET []
7 131 ms 134 ms 305 ms POS4-0.BR2.SEA1.ALTER.NET []
8 521 ms 181 ms 212 ms oc48-7-1.car4.seattle1.level3.net []

9 287 ms 227 ms 358 ms ae-31-51.ebr1.Seattle1.Level3.net []

10 179 ms 277 ms 272 ms ae-7-7.ebr2.SanJose1.Level3.net []
11 211 ms 120 ms 107 ms ae-82-82.csw3.SanJose1.Level3.net []

12 153 ms 60 ms 320 ms ae-3-89.edge8.SanJose1.Level3.net []

13 114 ms 170 ms 206 ms SEARCHTECH.edge8.SanJose1.Level3.net [
14 191 ms 202 ms 222 ms 169.sjc.astraweb.com []

Don't get to concerned about the delays, this is with my 'local link' running about at an 80%+ load (typical for me).

From Mr. Verizon, it gets handed off to Alternet to go across town, then to Level3 for some 'long haul' from Seattle to San Jose, then out to Astraweb. Pretty straightforward.

For the Euro server (in Amsterdam):

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 136 ms 109 ms 326 ms L100.STTLWA-DSL-01.verizon-gni.net [
3 156 ms 281 ms 356 ms G4-1-2101.STTLWA-LCR-01.verizon-gni.net [184.19.
4 157 ms 29 ms 79 ms
5 150 ms 225 ms 178 ms 0.so-7-1-0.XT1.SEA7.ALTER.NET []
6 97 ms 186 ms 120 ms 0.so-2-0-0.XT1.SEA1.ALTER.NET []
7 25 ms 26 ms 25 ms POS6-0.BR2.SEA1.ALTER.NET []
8 101 ms 211 ms 197 ms so6-1-0-2488M.ar4.SEA1.gblx.net []

9 351 ms 244 ms 372 ms te1-2-10G.ar2.AMS1.gblx.net []
10 264 ms 284 ms 245 ms
11 373 ms 187 ms 404 ms

Same handoff to Alternet to go across town, then to a Global Crossing post on a link that goes across north America to link with a trans-Atlantic submarine cable, pops out in Amsterdam, and across town to the server farm there. Again, very straightforward.

The link to Europe is around 8K+ miles, and if one is d/l'ing from there vrs. San Jose, the speed and 'snappiness' is noticeably a bit sluggish. But due to the fact that the 'entry' port is fairly local to me at the Seattle Global Crossing POP, it's not bad at all (instead of being handed off to multiple carriers to get across the US to the east coast).

I have no trouble filling up my link with only 2 'connections', and if I'm pushing 100$, 3.

03-21-2010, 12:50 PM
Do a tracert and post the results, that will let folks see who's local system you're on, plus the 'route' the data takes to get to the servers.
ok the question is how do i do that no clue

03-22-2010, 02:21 AM
ok the question is how do i do that no clue

Your license to serf the internet is hereby suspended :w00t:

Surely you can ping the sites (in a command prompt); trace route to them by issuing the command 'tracert' and then the site name or ip address:

tracert us.news.astraweb.com


the second most important command to use when figuring out internet connectivity, after 'ping'

03-22-2010, 02:54 AM
ok i got the answer i picked a wrong plan i got the one for 10$ where the one i need is this one for 11$ unlimited DSL http://www.news.astraweb.com/specials/kleverig-11.html and than i should get around 1.2 meg so i issue a ticket should have answer by tomo

03-22-2010, 05:49 AM
LOTS of folks (me included) jumped from Giganews to Astra (I had used Astra for years and years for 'fills' as they've always had 'block' accounts) when the $11 deal launched.

When retention rates started skyrocketing (like in NOTHING scrolled off anymore), they did have a bit of a shaky period, exacerbated by posters who scaled back the pars percentage at about the same time. NOT GOOD.

I'm still d/l'ing stuff from around that 'era', circa mid-08, and there's a couple of things that I hold onto, that I know I'll never get 'repaired'.

But both Astra and Giga were having major problems with 'gaps' and 'skips' during that period of time, I think half of it was the server systems and the other poor upload programs/users (i.e., folks that simply loaded up those programs and 'went', with no check to see if anything 'Actually' got there, or got distributed from that server to any others.

But I haven't seen any problems whatsoever with anything under 400 days retention.

03-26-2010, 02:36 AM
Ok i switched to unlimited DSL and wam,bam the speed is sweet thanx