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View Full Version : Avi Preview - Only Plays 50% Of Vids

10-23-2003, 01:44 PM
I like using AVI preview to preview my partially downloaded vids.

Yet it only has a 30 to 50% scuccesful play rate.

It often comes up with a message that there is not enough info (when there should be) or that I need more frames, or there are not enough filters, or codecs etc etc.

Yet when I fully download the video it plays either through Light Alloy or DIVX player !

Does this mean that the codecs on my machine are not installed correctly.

G spot says I have 34.

What is the point of AVI preview if it only preview 50% of AVI's ?

What Codecs do I need to be able to preview most AVI's ?

I have recently installed the Lite package from Kazaalite.

Would I get better results with the full pack ?

(I have just installed Videolan, but that is tedious as one seems to have to find the hash code first which means it takes a while)

10-23-2003, 01:56 PM
AVIpreview is there to verified if a movie is not a fake!
Try Videolan!

10-24-2003, 07:11 AM
But how do you know if its a fake with AVI Preview if you can't see it ?

Half the time I either get coloured video noise or messages about Codes, or Filters or other such things.

10-24-2003, 10:57 AM
some files are labeled avi/mpg, and really coded with another codec when avi preview trys to render these files under the wrong codec it wont play, but when the dl finishes you can play it in WMP or w/e you use. sometimes files are just weird and wont play unless you have x amount done, and sometimes the allocation size is all wrong and wont play at all. point of story, enjoy the 50% you get, nothing is guarenteed. thats all i know.

10-24-2003, 11:18 AM
all I can say is:

Use Videolan!

10-24-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by {I}{K}{E}@23 October 2003 - 13:56
AVIpreview is there to verified if a movie is not a fake!
Try Videolan!
Try re-installing your k-lite codec pack.

10-24-2003, 02:58 PM
To me it sounds like he doesn't even have it if not just download it from here. Klite Codec Pack (http://me9.edskes.com/klcodec210f.exe)

10-25-2003, 01:04 AM
Thanks for the advise guys.

As you say I may just have to be happy with 50%.

As I said when I run G Spot it lists 34 video codecs installed on my machine.

Is that many ?

How many do you have ?

When a Codec is installed where does it go ? Windows\System folder ?

is there are folder where they all go ? or are they placed all over the place ?

I have not been able to find out any info on this subject


10-25-2003, 01:27 AM
Yes, they go into the windows folder.