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View Full Version : I have IPT, Demoniod > I want BitMe ...Please : )

03-25-2010, 04:22 PM

I've been chasing a BitMe invite for a very long time, and would really like to check out that site.

I have:
1 x IP Torrents
1 x Demoniod

If someone could help out I would appreciate it very much.


03-25-2010, 04:47 PM
you'll have a better chance if you give those away for free,earn rep points and make requests...REMEMBER this was just an advice

03-25-2010, 05:03 PM
Like he said but with the rep points.
Anyway I doubt if anyone will trade you BitMe for either of those and besides that the site is strongly anti-trade .If either you or your trader/inviter are found out you can kiss your account good-bye.

Also you apparently just got into Bitspyder which is roughly comparably .Why not take some time and enjoy that site before looking for more since it quite possibly fill all your "needs " anyway .FST isn't a cookie store and in my experience too many or too frequent requesting is counterproductive as it has the effect of turning people off to you.
Lastly BitMe really isn't that difficult a site to get into if you a don't trade and are a decent person, then if you do ever get in you won't have to hide anything or always be worrying you will be turfed out.

03-26-2010, 03:47 AM
@coolman, @idoleyes787
Thanks for the advice. It's much appreciated.

I do recently have an account with BitSpyder, and I am grateful for that. It's just that everyone seems to say BitMe is the best site around, and I'm sure you know how it is when curiosity gets the better of you.

I'm looking for a site that has lots of web content. Tutorials, code, design stuff, scripts etc.

I'll close this thread once this comment is read otherwise it'll be kinda pointless me writing now.. Ha.

Peace :)