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View Full Version : I Have Only Posted In Bookworld Twice

10-24-2003, 06:35 AM
As I stated in the topic title I have only posted twice in Bookworld
and I have been in this world only a few more times then that.

This is realy strange considering my love of reading.
Books have always been a major part of my life.
I truly believe they saved my life as a child.

I wont bore you with details.....but lets just say I had a terrible childhood.
When ever life was more than I could bare,I had my lovely stories to escape to.
I could open up a book and I was no longer the scared littel boy hiding
from the monster who's breath reeked of alcohol and evil intentions.
I was Peter in the land of Narnia on my way to Cair Paravel defending
all that was good and true.
I could take a ride on the back of an eagle or dive under the sea and hunt
for lost treasure.
Books and the art of reading helped me through many a rough spot in life
moments of sheer boredom,rainy days,long waits at the bus stop, You name it.

I learned to read at the age of four,by the age of five I was reading Hardy Boy mysteries.
I taught myself to speed read but rarely do.(such a waste of a good book)

So it seems strange to me that I am been a member of this world.
I guess part of it has to do with my adversion to E-books.
Such a terrible way to read in my opinion (If u enjoy reading this way no offense was meant....just not my cup of tea)

I just wanted to say hello to all of you that loves reading as much as I do.
and introduce myself......Hi I'm brotherdoobie nice to meet you ,and I hope
to be part of this community and share my thoughts with you on the subject
of my true first love..... books and the art of reading them :)

Peace brotherdoobie

10-24-2003, 06:49 AM

10-24-2003, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by uNz[i]@24 October 2003 - 01:49
Thank You! :)

Peace brotherdoobie

10-24-2003, 09:53 AM
You don't have to talk about ebooks. ;) If you want to analyze Myrtle and Jordan from The Great Gatsby, feel free to do so.
