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10-24-2003, 03:50 PM
LONDON, October 23, 2003 -- If you live any decent amount of time in the USA, as I do, broadcast media will drive you nuts. So it's been fascinating watching what has been going on in our media over the past few months. The attacks on the BBC by Tony Blair and his government, joinging forces with Rupert Murdoch and his executives at BSkyB, must be viewed in the context of what's already become a fait accompli in the United States -- the diminution of public space, especially public broadcasting space, by the ever more powerful forces of privatization.

The effort in America dates back more than a decade, with attacks on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) as a 'left-wing' network; with US$300 million in appropriations from Congress being held up by then-Senator Robert Dole; and with carefully co-ordinated conservative ad hominem blasts against such supposedly 'left-wing presences' on public television as Bill Moyers, David Fanning (who produces the pre-eminent documentary strand "Frontline,") and Rory O'Connor and Danny Schechter of Globalvision, and their purportedly 'hard-line Marxist' human rights series "South Africa Now" and "Rights and Wrongs."

Eventually the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, led by then-Speaker Newt Gingrich, went so far as to attempt to get rid of PBS entirely. Although the Gingrich effort failed to destroy public broadcasting, it was left weakened and more vulnerable than ever -- dependent on an increasingly polarized Congress for funding, and prone to staving off extinction and striving for more 'balance' by funding explicitly conservative programmes, producers and hosts.

Here in Britain, of course, the BBC has one great advantage over PBS in America -- the freedom from such political pressure that is afforded by the annual license fee that TV owners pay to fund BBC programming. This ensures that the Beeb is far less vulnerable to political pressures than PBS, which must get its appropriations approved every year from Congress.

The BBC is supported instead by an annual tax of £116 (US$195) paid by every British household that owns one or more televisions. The tax raises as much as $4.2 billion for the BBC every year and nobody in government can reapportion it or redistribute it. Thus the BBC, unlike every other public-broadcasting system in the world, is not only well funded but also well protected from politicians.


Every ten years, though, there's a charter review in which the budget and performance of the BBC is re-assessed. The next one is in 2006 and as the BBC is one of the most influential institutions in British life, the upcoming review will be one of the nation's most profound political battles. As media maven Michael Wolff puts it, it's all "about getting a piece of the pie. Or at least it's a fight about Murdoch's piece of the pie."

Not surprisingly, then, Rupert Murdoch and his political cronies have begun to lay the groundwork for an all-out assault on the BBC and the annual fee. While they will probably not be able to eliminate it, their endless attacks, slanted polls, and political pressuring may well result in a lessening of the amount the BBC gets annually, thus weakening the BEEB as a 'public' competitor to all private interests, but especially to the multi-channel Murdochian news and entertainment network BSkyB.

All this must be viewed through the prism of what otherwise appears the oddest of couplings: Rupert and Tony Blair. Blair first became Prime Minister owing in large measure to the endorsements of the traditionally right wing Murdoch press. It now seems apparent that Blair made a devilish pact years ago to garner Murdoch's support, despite their obvious political differences, and Murdoch is now collecting his payback on the instalment plan.

Couple this scenario with the BBC's controversial Iraq War reporting, the drama over reporter Andrew Gilligan's accusation that the Blair government "sexed up" the WMD dossier, (which led, in turn, to the suicide of weapons expert and BBC source David Kelly,) and the Blair government's resultant assault on the BBC -- and the interests of Blair, Murdoch and the American right-wing can be seen to merge.

Part of the Blair animosity toward the BBC is that he is in partnership with Murdoch, and this is in part Murdoch's war with the BBC.

Thus Blair and his then-mouthpiece Alastair Campbell went to war against the BBC with two aims: one, to distract attention from whether the nation and the world was deceived on the road to war against Saddam; the other to soften up the BBC for Rupert down the line, and reduce British broadcasting to what one Labour Party renegade, Claire Short, has termed "the sort of commercially dominated, biased news reporting that controls the US airwaves."


Announcing the formation of a charter advisory panel, Tessa Jowell, Labour's culture secretary, recently announced that everything was up for grabs, including how the BBC "should be funded and regulated and whether it delivers good value for money."

And Gerald Kaufman, the Labour member of Parliament who, as chairman of the Commons committee on culture and the media, has emerged as one of the BBC's most vocal opponents, was even more blunt. "The BBC is no longer relied on in the way it was," claimed Kaufman. "It's placed itself in a situation where its word isn't accepted automatically anymore. It's gone from being an institution to just another broadcaster, and a shoddy one at that."

Add to all this the next salvo -- Murdoch crony Tony Ball's recent claims that growing public antagonism is the real threat to the BBC's future. Citing his own poll, Ball claimed that more than half of all Brits don't think they are getting their money's worth from the license fee (or 'unfair tax' as Ball terms it,) that money spent by the BBC is 'money coerced,' and so on.

Ball posits that "today, television is much more democratic," and that "anyone can launch a TV channel." And he adds that the forthcoming BBC charter review provides an opportunity to start "from first principles." In other words, let's throw out the past and re-examine from scratch, a highly dangerous proposition of course when dealing with "compulsory taxes" like the license fee.

In the ideal world then, from Murdoch's vantage point, the BBC would become something much more like public television in the U.S. -- there, but hardly there. Now, with charter review coming up, if he can grab a little more leverage and power at the expense of the BBC, he will certainly do it -- and his lapdog Tony Blair will be yipping along with him every step along the "fair-and-balanced" way to the Foxification of England.

-- Dame Anita Roddick is a board member of Mediachannel.org, the global media watchdog.

10-24-2003, 04:25 PM
The bbc are a cornerstone of british society.

has anyone checked out their website it is fantastic for news/schools and just about any information you could want.

I agree that some of their programing is kinda crap but they have produced some of the best programs ever to be shown on telly.

dr who, only fools and horses or red dwarf for example.

rupert murdoch is a money grabbing bastard who i would not trust as far i could throw him. i could easily afford sky if i wanted it but all the adverts on channels i have to pay for is just plain taking the piss. :angry:

what would happen if funding was removed from the bbc. people would be left with say 6 free channles(with freeview) that have very little content and have way too many ads. especially since in the goverments wisdom they decided to sell off the terrestial fequencies to 3g phone companies. soon everyone will have to have a digi box of some kind. makes perfect sense for murdoch to kneecap the bbc now while everyone is confused about all this new digital technology.

I have seen american television and i would rather not have a telly then watch it. it is just a constant barrage of adverts.

the bbc will hopefully be placing its entire archive online soon. this is alot of content and how else can they pay for this unless it is funded by the public.

£120 is alot to pay for a service which not everyone may enjoy. i could understand if cost cutting measures where put into place such as a slight reduction in the liscense fee but all the money should remain for the bbc exclusively.

10-24-2003, 04:42 PM
If there had never been a BBC, we would never have had Monty Python, and all the progs that spawned. No other TV channel would have had the guts to make them, they always have one eye on the advertising revenue.


Rat Faced
10-24-2003, 04:52 PM
I agree.

I dont watch much of BBC televison. However, even though I have cable and watch this a LOT more, it does grate on me that i pay AND get adverts.

When i watch a film on BBC I know it wont be spoilt by those bloody adverts, and i also TRUST what im being told in the news or a docmentary a lot more than i do from Sky News.

There programming goes from the downright crap (eg Eastenders) to works of genius (Red Dwarf, Only Fools etc), and although I dont watch 'em myself; i do understand that they have to put some "Culture" shows on too...... (God i hate Opera :( )

We can only hope that if the allotment does go down, that the stuff they cut will be Local Radio and the World Service.

You should note though that the BBC isnt reliant on the License Fee alone (although its the majority chunk of their coffers)

They also own the "UK" series of channels (UK Gold etc) which are profitable and do advertise. They "Export" a lot of programs, and they have their fingers in a lot of other pies...

I think that they will survive by expanding all their "Profitable" enterprises...

This does not mean id agree with any cut in the License Fee :angry:

10-24-2003, 06:23 PM
I'm a Brit and i like our BBC it's nice to turn on BBC and get a rest from adverts
i'm sick of adverts, as must be everyone else, they're on TV, the net, coming through the letterbox, the phone, stuck to your windsreen, people accost you in the street, mgazines, walls, everywhere you look and listen, there's ads :angry:

10-25-2003, 12:13 AM
The Beeb is not perfect but it is consistently the best on offer. It has real local interest programmes and a range and depth of quality TV to rival anyone. Their wildlife, history and documentary programmes are polished and authorative and they did make Monty Python. :)

Sky is a pale copy of the Beeb with far too many adverts. Programmes that take one hour on Sky run for only 45 minutes on the Beeb.

25% of the time for adverts is excessive, especially when they charge so much to get access - far more than the BBC licence fee. If I flick through the channels I usually end up with one of the BBC channels simply because of the sheer statistical probability of hitting adverts on the other channels. I think after the initial worry that Sky would result in the demise of the BBC I am now a lot more confident that this will not happen - Sky simply isn't in the same league.

10-25-2003, 12:18 AM
But on the other hand, would we have Sky the net etc if not for adverts paying them????

10-25-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Billy_Dean@24 October 2003 - 17:42
If there had never been a BBC, we would never have had Monty Python, and all the progs that spawned. No other TV channel would have had the guts to make them, they always have one eye on the advertising revenue.

Showcase likely would've been. Maybe Bravo.

But they aren't exported at all. ;)

I've seen Sky before, and I wasn't terribly impressed. Would much rather watch BBC. And there is nothing wrong with opera.

But take heart, I think Sky has fewer advertisements than ABC or FOX.


10-25-2003, 12:31 AM

Not sure, but I do know I pay £18 a month for Sky which is twice what I pay for the BBC. Some people pay nearly £40 a month for all the sports and movie channels, yet they are still swamped with adverts. However Skys ouput of homemade TV is pathetic compared to the BBC or even ITV; which has less advert time than Sky per hour.