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View Full Version : y majority of the terrorists r muslims

04-01-2010, 12:05 PM
why why ?

04-01-2010, 12:06 PM
where do i begin ?

international politics ?...

the governments ?

the israel - palestinian conflicts

the 911 suicide bomb attack ?

the indo pakistan division

colonial rule ?

british conquest ?

the crusades ?

04-01-2010, 12:09 PM
its not just mental people ..

04-01-2010, 12:09 PM
most of them are

04-03-2010, 12:50 PM
man .. who r the terrorists?

who killed thousand of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine !!!

r they muslims?

the countries who did this either usa or israel .. doesn't deserve to be called terrorists?

what makes usa go with its army to iraq ?

what makes irael go with its army to lebanon?

stealing them lands, killing women, killing children, killing old men, killing innocent ppl all of this isn't terrorism?

the muslims u talking about .. they r some small stupid groups talking with name of islam .. but we know nothing about them .. and islam didn't order any one to do this

give an example for islamic country attacked other country and stolen its land and killed its citizens

04-03-2010, 12:52 PM

04-03-2010, 12:55 PM
suck my dick

04-03-2010, 01:03 PM
chalice, why don;t you fucking teach this guy English.I see you 2 are in love already.

04-03-2010, 02:55 PM
man .. who r the terrorists?

who killed thousand of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine !!!

r they muslims?

the countries who did this either usa or israel .. doesn't deserve to be called terrorists?

what makes usa go with its army to iraq ?

what makes irael go with its army to lebanon?

stealing them lands, killing women, killing children, killing old men, killing innocent ppl all of this isn't terrorism?

the muslims u talking about .. they r some small stupid groups talking with name of islam .. but we know nothing about them .. and islam didn't order any one to do this

give an example for islamic country attacked other country and stolen its land and killed its citizens


04-04-2010, 01:39 AM
man .. who r the terrorists?

who killed thousand of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine !!!

r they muslims?

the countries who did this either usa or israel .. doesn't deserve to be called terrorists?

what makes usa go with its army to iraq ?

what makes irael go with its army to lebanon?

stealing them lands, killing women, killing children, killing old men, killing innocent ppl all of this isn't terrorism?

the muslims u talking about .. they r some small stupid groups talking with name of islam .. but we know nothing about them .. and islam didn't order any one to do this

give an example for islamic country attacked other country and stolen its land and killed its citizens

Get. A. Fucking. Clue. :dabs:

04-04-2010, 09:14 AM
man .. who r the terrorists?

who killed thousand of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine !!!

r they muslims?

the countries who did this either usa or israel .. doesn't deserve to be called terrorists?

what makes usa go with its army to iraq ?

what makes irael go with its army to lebanon?

stealing them lands, killing women, killing children, killing old men, killing innocent ppl all of this isn't terrorism?

the muslims u talking about .. they r some small stupid groups talking with name of islam .. but we know nothing about them .. and islam didn't order any one to do this

give an example for islamic country attacked other country and stolen its land and killed its citizens

Get. A. Fucking. Clue. :dabs:

my english isn't perfect, can u explain little more what do u want to say ?

04-04-2010, 10:28 AM
give an example for islamic country attacked other country and stolen its land and killed its citizens

Iraq invaded Kuwait

04-04-2010, 10:29 AM
give an example for islamic country attacked other country and stolen its land and killed its citizens

Iraq invaded Kuwait



04-04-2010, 10:58 AM
give an example for islamic country attacked other country and stolen its land and killed its citizens

Iraq invaded Kuwait

There's in Islam two Types: Sunnah and Sheiah

Iraq r Sheiah and they also doesn't do as the Islam order

does president Sadam represent all Muslims so that for this even u call all Muslims and arab terrorists ?

although what the American government do .. i respect the American citizens and i'm sure that most of them are peaceful ppl

04-04-2010, 11:00 AM
why is america behind every war ?

why ?

04-04-2010, 11:04 AM
what is this new world order this bush senior is talking about ?

actually i was in saudi and i was a kid when a missile hit a building next to ours

04-04-2010, 11:07 AM
i stil dont know whose missile was that ....

but i remember wearing a mask .. a long elephant like trunk like thing ...

and ceiling all the doors with scotch tape and lying inside a blanket

04-04-2010, 11:14 AM
don't know .. ur government makes u feel that if u went to any arabic country, u'll find them hiding bombs underneath them clothes waiting for u to pass beside them to destroy u !!

we r peaceful ppl like any country or maybe more .. any country maybe has some problems or some criminals or some explosions .. this doesn't mean that this country isn't a safe place and its citizens r terrorists.

for example .. i c tens of videos of thiefs in USA who enters the Super Markets and shots clients or the cashier or even the owner of the super market..

do u know that the guns and shotguns r not widespread here like this?

and this happens maybe once every five years if happened?

does this make me say that Americans r terrorists and they kill the innocent ppl in the supermarket ?

or should i say the criminals in USA kills the innocent ppl in the supermarket or in the street?

every place must have criminals as it has the good ppl

should i say that all Americans are terrorists cause them government went to another countries and destroyed its buildings, stolen its lands, killed its citizens, .. etc?

or when i c that if even one citizen doesn't agree with this government in what it does and c that this is wrong .. i may say this time that not all the americans, only them government?

you should distinguish between the good and the bad .. who does crimes called criminal whatever his relegion or his nationality or his place his name in everywhere is criminal not the reverse ..

u shouldn't call all muslims terrorists when u c a small stupid group think that it's doing the god's orders by killing innocents or destroying hotels or airplanes .. etc

read this : http://www.travbuddy.com/Is-Cairo-safe-for-Americans-v1003

u maybe change ur mind ...

best regards...

04-04-2010, 11:17 AM
anoneemuse, what's ur nationality?

and what's this missile in SA u r talking about?

04-04-2010, 08:03 PM
u shouldn't call all muslims terrorists when u c a small stupid group think that it's doing the god's orders by killing innocents or destroying hotels or airplanes .. etc

I don't recall anyone saying that all Muslims were terrorists. He asked why the majority of terrorists are Muslims. Those are two very different statements.

should i say that all Americans are terrorists cause them government went to another countries and destroyed its buildings, stolen its lands, killed its citizens, .. etc?

The USA has never done that. Ever.

04-04-2010, 09:48 PM
Iraq invaded Kuwait

There's in Islam two Types: Sunnah and Sheiah

Iraq r Sheiah and they also doesn't do as the Islam order

does president Sadam represent all Muslims so that for this even u call all Muslims and arab terrorists ?

although what the American government do .. i respect the American citizens and i'm sure that most of them are peaceful ppl
You said 'name one muslim country that invaded another, took it's lands and killed it's citizens, I did that, then you start explaining about different sects, the fact remains your original premise failed, Iraq did invade Kuwait and for good measure Iraq & Iran had an 8 year long war which killed hundreds of thousands.

04-04-2010, 09:56 PM
Iraq invaded Kuwait

There's in Islam two Types: Sunnah and Sheiah

Iraq r Sheiah and they also doesn't do as the Islam order

does president Sadam represent all Muslims so that for this even u call all Muslims and arab terrorists ?

although what the American government do .. i respect the American citizens and i'm sure that most of them are peaceful ppl

Most of them do not how to read lol lol

04-04-2010, 09:57 PM

Like yourself then.

04-04-2010, 09:58 PM
No bitch like yourself

04-04-2010, 09:59 PM
It's like going to ireland, somehow you will be blown up by those cowers IRA babies

04-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Proves my point, doesn't it.

04-04-2010, 10:00 PM
It's like going to ireland, somehow you will be blown out by those cowers IRA babies


What does that even fucking mean?

04-04-2010, 10:01 PM
IRA ah you don't know? Ireland is the garbage disposal from England, and so on, know you know...

04-04-2010, 10:03 PM
Chalice could you please write english, not Irish yibirish? thank you

04-04-2010, 10:03 PM
Nope. Care to qualify?

Please explain.

04-04-2010, 11:01 PM
I don't recall anyone saying that all Muslims were terrorists. He asked why the majority of terrorists are Muslims. Those are two very different statements.

should i say that all Americans are terrorists cause them government went to another countries and destroyed its buildings, stolen its lands, killed its citizens, .. etc?

The USA has never done that. Ever.

1- why completely different, no.. u can say very similar .. and most of ppl trying to say that muslim or arabic = terrorist .. and here it is the title of the topic says: y the majority of terrorists r muslims!!

and i'm trying to explain that this happens by stupid small groups not by the majority.. Hope u understood

i gave an example of the other accidents like stealing a supermarket and killing innocents either in the supermarket or elsewhere .. i think u have an idea about these accidents for sure .. and u know that it wasn't done by Muslims and u know very well that it's not little or small number.

the statistics of crimes in USA only each minute is horrible .. each minute there's number of innocent ppl being killed, number of women being raped, number of forced robberies .. all of this are different types of terrorism doesn't happen in muslim countries or by muslims .. however nobody talking about it or mention that this is terrorism .. everybody is talking about what happened in 11 september however there's much evidences that it wasn't done by muslims ... and even if .. i tell u this doesn't shame islam and not all muslims or even most of them as u r trying to say even think like this .. and tell u again what happens in the wars .. isn't it a terrorism !!

what happened in 1945 by the two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki which was erased and millions of ppl were killed .. doesn't this represent to u any type of terrorism ? was this done by muslims? who r u trying to fake? ur selves or who?!! i really wonder ...

when did muslim country kill this amount of innocent ppl and do this horrible crimes in the name of war ?!!

2- what do u call attacking Iraq then ?!

04-04-2010, 11:02 PM
Spastic much, mate?

04-04-2010, 11:06 PM
There's in Islam two Types: Sunnah and Sheiah

Iraq r Sheiah and they also doesn't do as the Islam order

does president Sadam represent all Muslims so that for this even u call all Muslims and arab terrorists ?

although what the American government do .. i respect the American citizens and i'm sure that most of them are peaceful ppl
You said 'name one muslim country that invaded another, took it's lands and killed it's citizens, I did that, then you start explaining about different sects, the fact remains your original premise failed, Iraq did invade Kuwait and for good measure Iraq & Iran had an 8 year long war which killed hundreds of thousands.

LOL, so u call one country with one war "MAJORITY" , read the title of this topic again and tell me the explanation ...

04-04-2010, 11:49 PM
1- why completely different, no.. u can say very similar .. and most of ppl trying to say that muslim or arabic = terrorist .. and here it is the title of the topic says: y the majority of terrorists r muslims!! and i'm trying to explain that this happens by stupid small groups not by the majority.. Hope u understood

You obviously don't understand how different those two statements are. They are not even remotely similar. Perhaps it is a language barrier and you need a proper translation, cause you ain't gettin' it. :idunno:

the statistics of crimes in USA only each minute is horrible .. each minute there's number of innocent ppl being killed, number of women being raped, number of forced robberies .. all of this are different types of terrorism doesn't happen in muslim countries or by muslims ..

I wouldn't give local robberies, rapes, or murders the appellation of "terrorism", nor would anyone else.

Websters defines it as: "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons."

Comparing extremist religious groups and their methods of international terrorism and bombings to someone robbing a store is fucking laughable.

I'm also quite certain that your pseudo-logic of made up statistics would crumble under the slightest scrutiny, but I can't be arsed.

what happened in 1945 by the two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki which was erased and millions of ppl were killed .. doesn't this represent to u any type of terrorism ? was this done by muslims? who r u trying to fake? ur selves or who?!! i really wonder ...

when did muslim country kill this amount of innocent ppl and do this horrible crimes in the name of war ?!!

2- what do u call attacking Iraq then ?!

Oh, c'mon...

Japan declared War on the United States and attacked Pearl Harbor (and numerous other cities). Only after Japan continued to reject surrender and peace terms did the United States bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even after the bombings and ultimate surrender, the United States had no intention whatsoever of stealing Japanese lands.

And I shouldn't have to comment on why the United States (and 20+ other countries) are in Iraq. The facts regarding that are easily accessible at every corner of the internet. You obviously have your own opinions firmly established.

04-05-2010, 01:22 AM
its ok man .. i c that u r one of the intelligent polite ppl that i respect in USA who think in good way and so that i said .. i can't say all USA citizens r (bad) cause i know there's some ppl like u have good mind

my friend what's the difference between killing innocents using bombs or guns !!

if the difference here is the attack against government or against public .. i don't think that there's much attacks on governments from muslims as this idea is widespread here and this topic says "majority of terrorists are muslims"

What is the terrorism in 11 Sep's attack?!! isn't it killing innocents?? or u think that the terrorism in that definition u mentioned means terrifying the government [lol]

the same .. i say that killing innocents anywhere for any reason is terrorism .. this is my mind .. when innocent man (or woman) goes to supermarket only wants to buy some objects and get out to his grave .. what happened to him is terrorism ..

as what happened to the employees in the WTC in 11 sep they went to them jobs and went out from there to them graves is a terrorism .. this is the point .. killing innocents

what happened in Japan is horrible anyway bro .. killing millions isn't good idea anyway .. i saw the movie of Pearl Harbor soon .. and its from the American POV fro sure .. but however .. not a suitable reason to completely destroy two complete countries using these types of weapons which is forbidden internationally

i don't care about the 20+ countries who went to support usa in iraq .. i care .. who started the war there ? and y ?

anyway .. listen in brief .. to finish this dialogue ..

there's common idea in the west or in USA specially after the 11 September attacks that arab and muslims are terrorists .. this is very clear to the blind

i wanted to correct this point for u my friend .. we are peaceful nations like ur .. or maybe more .. our countries more quite and safe than urs .. u'll never go to the super market and get killed cause a stupid thief wanna take some money .. i want more peace between our countries however i'm not a politic man or i have any benefit from this ..

Only i met several Americans like u maybe worse, maybe better .. but however .. i found them lovely ppl and peaceful also and so i'm interested to make u also understand that we r not terrorists .. we also like u .. like the peace in the whole world ...

u know, if i (or we) hate u .. i wasn't have to say anything .. i just may stand silent and let u think as u like and never mind ... but as i told u .. cause we like this country .. and we respect this ppl .. i wanted to correct the wrong ideas about us .. don't want any hate to exist between us .. want only peace ...

Best Regards...

04-05-2010, 02:29 AM
Anyone knows where I can get a Spastic-English dictionary?

04-05-2010, 02:37 AM
Anyone knows where I can get a Spastic-English dictionary?

I'd try Wal-Mart.

04-05-2010, 03:42 AM
now watch this pics in these two topics and tell me what's ur opinion ...



I think u know very well where is this photos, and who did this for sure !!

what do u think now about ur government ?!

04-05-2010, 04:14 AM
i don't know why but i wanna chat live with any american or british person.

04-05-2010, 04:59 AM
You said 'name one muslim country that invaded another, took it's lands and killed it's citizens, I did that, then you start explaining about different sects, the fact remains your original premise failed, Iraq did invade Kuwait and for good measure Iraq & Iran had an 8 year long war which killed hundreds of thousands.

LOL, so u call one country with one war "MAJORITY" , read the title of this topic again and tell me the explanation ...

It wasn't ONE war I just quoted but TWO, I can go on because there is quite a list. There is the 20 yes count them 20 year war between Syria and Lebanon.
Muslims are no less warlike than anyone else, and the sectarian violence is some of the worst in the world. Your original argument still fails (more & more actually) and going off topic because the point is lost is the sign or a poor debator.

04-05-2010, 05:06 AM
now watch this pics in these two topics and tell me what's ur opinion ...



I think u know very well where is this photos, and who did this for sure !!

what do u think now about ur government ?!

Fuck you and your high horse. Your arguments have now gone right out the fucking window.

I have (and nor you) have any idea about the context of those photos, who they are, where they were taken, or what circumstance they were taken. And the fact that the signatures alone from the posters feature Arabs with machine guns and show a support for Osama Bin Laden show an obvious bias.

04-05-2010, 09:55 AM
Lol, I didn't know that Skiz was so naive. It's a fact that the US have been interfering with other nations business at least since the 1st world war and president Wilson. Whether that's a good thing or not is another question, though.

04-05-2010, 11:18 AM
now watch this pics in these two topics and tell me what's ur opinion ...



I think u know very well where is this photos, and who did this for sure !!

what do u think now about ur government ?!

Fuck you and your high horse. Your arguments have now gone right out the fucking window.

I have (and nor you) have any idea about the context of those photos, who they are, where they were taken, or what circumstance they were taken. And the fact that the signatures alone from the posters feature Arabs with machine guns and show a support for Osama Bin Laden show an obvious bias.

fuck me !!

LOL .. u r showing really that u r peaceful polite persons every where .. u don't know even how to speak in polite way without badmouthing others and respect the other point of view and go through a serious controversy

once u find no way to run and all evidence r against u and shows that u r only some animal criminals ur asses then getting red and start badmouthing and abusing others as u don't have another way to defend ur selves cause u r completely wrong but trying to fake the world with some shit like (peace, and united nations, and humans rights)

Who told u that i don't know who are in this pics or where or this shit?! r u kidding ?!

don't u know what the fuck is in this pictures, its ur fucking army agonizing the Iraqi citizens, didn't u c this pics before?! didn't u here about Abu Gharib prison?! either those citizens r criminals or not (even if criminals, what are them crimes and what's ur position to judge them) but anyway .. even if criminals .. is this the humans rights then? is this the peace? do u treat ur criminals like this? r n't these army animals terrorists?

electrifying ppl, forcing them to take of them clothes, painting them nude bodies with shit, beating them till death, cutting them sex organs, forcing them to do some horrible porn positions which exist only in ur sick minds cause u r some gays and bitches, and take photos to them and distribute it everywhere .. even dead ppl mock at them !!

is this the peace u r talking about .. is this the shit reason ur government faked u that they r going to do in Iraq? WTF .. they don't rape women only .. they rape men too !!!

this is the freedom of Iraq they went to .. what a farce .. and which asshole believe this shit ?!!!

u really wonder the signature of arabs holding machine guns ?! WTF .. what do u want them to hold then defending them selves against these savages? Machine dildos???

the americans always commit the worst war crimes ever (in Vietnam, in Japan, in Iraq) in addition to supporting some other criminal countries .. no need to mention them names here or now... and then come with them asses and talking about freedom and democracy and humans rights and so on of this shit .. and in fact we c the worst crimes against humanity is done by those Americans who claims that they r against it, and fill the universe's hurts with hate till an attack like that in 11 September occur, and then points accusing fingers to the Muslims and Arabs and say: u r terrorists ..

don't talk about terrorism as what u do with the other nations humans doesn't even belong to humanity....

now when u c the facts clear as the sun in the middle of the sky .. and find no answer against ur horrible crimes .. and u find noway to say acceptable defense against this .. u start looking like an asshole again and ur asses getting red and start acting like a barbarian who doesn't have except the rude words in his dictionary like (fuck, hell, shit, bitch ... blablabla)

but we don't get acceptable reply or explanation if there's .. or recognizing the real fact ... this doesn't occur from u for sure

so i wasn't suppose to pay u any attention from the beginning and try to give u suitable reasons or replies or explanations as u don't want to recognize facts .. u want only to say some shit and being agreed with even if wrong otherwise .. badmouthing others

so if u don't like my explanation dear asshole .. and it doesn't like ur ass .. tell u something to comfort ur bloody ass ...... its ok .. we are terrorists either u like this or not .. and if u believe so .. don't come with ur wet pants to our countries and stay in ur peaceful ones and take care while ur mother plays with a dildo .. it might be explosive :whistling

04-05-2010, 11:57 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention, everyone from Africa is innocent (untill proven guilty, that is, the problem is that people sometimes don't want to wait that long).

04-05-2010, 12:01 PM
Eugene Terreblanche was bludgeoned to death the other day by a 21 year old and a 15 year old over a wage dispute.

An apropos way to go, if you bloody well ask me.

He died unpeacefully in his sleep. Natural justice ftw.

04-05-2010, 12:23 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention, everyone from Africa is innocent (untill proven guilty, that is, the problem is that people sometimes don't want to wait that long).

not in Africa .. i think this should be everywhere .. innocent untill proven guilty .. or u wanna be guilty even without a proof ?!!!

Eugene Terreblanche was bludgeoned to death the other day by a 21 year old and a 15 year old over a wage dispute.

An apropos way to go, if you bloody well ask me.

He died unpeacefully in his sleep. Natural justice ftw.

i don't know that person u r talking about, but anyway .. i say again we rn't talking about individuals or single events, we are talking about the whole country or the whole nation's policy ..

single or group doesn't represent a country .. but a war or an army represent a country ...

04-05-2010, 12:26 PM
Lol, I didn't know that Skiz was so naive. It's a fact that the US have been interfering with other nations business at least since the 1st world war and president Wilson. Whether that's a good thing or not is another question, though.

It seems that people from texas are like that, they talk and they don't know what they are saying, look at bush, the poor guy was alwaays lost in translation, it must be the water they drink. lol lol

04-05-2010, 12:28 PM
No, I didn't really think you'd know who Eugene Terreblanche was.

The odds were firmly stacked against you. Wot with you being a fucking plank and all.

04-05-2010, 12:47 PM
No, I didn't really think you'd know who Eugene Terreblanche was.

The odds were firmly stacked against you. Wot with you being a fucking plank and all.

mmm.. again understood speech .. again uncivilized way to reply .. if u can't reply in meaningful way .. so don't reply or don't expect one from me ....

04-05-2010, 12:57 PM
No, I didn't really think you'd know who Eugene Terreblanche was.

The odds were firmly stacked against you. Wot with you being a fucking plank and all.

mmm.. again understood speech .. again uncivilized way to reply .. if u can't reply in meaningful way .. so don't reply or don't expect one from me ....

Uncivilised? Moi?

Hey, I'm not the terrorist, you are.

Please stop the suicide bombings. It's just not funny any more.

It'll be all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.

04-05-2010, 05:27 PM
Lol, I didn't know that Skiz was so naive. It's a fact that the US have been interfering with other nations business at least since the 1st world war and president Wilson. Whether that's a good thing or not is another question, though.

If you'd bother to read my posts on the subject, you'd know quite well that you're flat out wrong there. I actually have no idea where you drummed up that idea as it certainly wasn't so much as hinted at in one my posts. One of my strongest beliefs right now is that we (the United States) should mind our own business in many of these world affairs.

04-05-2010, 05:28 PM
Fuck you and your high horse. Your arguments have now gone right out the fucking window.

I have (and nor you) have any idea about the context of those photos, who they are, where they were taken, or what circumstance they were taken. And the fact that the signatures alone from the posters feature Arabs with machine guns and show a support for Osama Bin Laden show an obvious bias.

fuck me !!

LOL .. u r showing really that u r peaceful polite persons every where .. u don't know even how to speak in polite way without badmouthing others and respect the other point of view and go through a serious controversy

once u find no way to run and all evidence r against u and shows that u r only some animal criminals ur asses then getting red and start badmouthing and abusing others as u don't have another way to defend ur selves cause u r completely wrong but trying to fake the world with some shit like (peace, and united nations, and humans rights)

Who told u that i don't know who are in this pics or where or this shit?! r u kidding ?!

don't u know what the fuck is in this pictures, its ur fucking army agonizing the Iraqi citizens, didn't u c this pics before?! didn't u here about Abu Gharib prison?! either those citizens r criminals or not (even if criminals, what are them crimes and what's ur position to judge them) but anyway .. even if criminals .. is this the humans rights then? is this the peace? do u treat ur criminals like this? r n't these army animals terrorists?

electrifying ppl, forcing them to take of them clothes, painting them nude bodies with shit, beating them till death, cutting them sex organs, forcing them to do some horrible porn positions which exist only in ur sick minds cause u r some gays and bitches, and take photos to them and distribute it everywhere .. even dead ppl mock at them !!

is this the peace u r talking about .. is this the shit reason ur government faked u that they r going to do in Iraq? WTF .. they don't rape women only .. they rape men too !!!

this is the freedom of Iraq they went to .. what a farce .. and which asshole believe this shit ?!!!

u really wonder the signature of arabs holding machine guns ?! WTF .. what do u want them to hold then defending them selves against these savages? Machine dildos???

the americans always commit the worst war crimes ever (in Vietnam, in Japan, in Iraq) in addition to supporting some other criminal countries .. no need to mention them names here or now... and then come with them asses and talking about freedom and democracy and humans rights and so on of this shit .. and in fact we c the worst crimes against humanity is done by those Americans who claims that they r against it, and fill the universe's hurts with hate till an attack like that in 11 September occur, and then points accusing fingers to the Muslims and Arabs and say: u r terrorists ..

don't talk about terrorism as what u do with the other nations humans doesn't even belong to humanity....

now when u c the facts clear as the sun in the middle of the sky .. and find no answer against ur horrible crimes .. and u find noway to say acceptable defense against this .. u start looking like an asshole again and ur asses getting red and start acting like a barbarian who doesn't have except the rude words in his dictionary like (fuck, hell, shit, bitch ... blablabla)

but we don't get acceptable reply or explanation if there's .. or recognizing the real fact ... this doesn't occur from u for sure

so i wasn't suppose to pay u any attention from the beginning and try to give u suitable reasons or replies or explanations as u don't want to recognize facts .. u want only to say some shit and being agreed with even if wrong otherwise .. badmouthing others

so if u don't like my explanation dear asshole .. and it doesn't like ur ass .. tell u something to comfort ur bloody ass ...... its ok .. we are terrorists either u like this or not .. and if u believe so .. don't come with ur wet pants to our countries and stay in ur peaceful ones and take care while ur mother plays with a dildo .. it might be explosive :whistling

There isn't even a slight chance that I'm going to read that.

04-05-2010, 05:48 PM
I don't recall anyone saying that all Muslims were terrorists. He asked why the majority of terrorists are Muslims. Those are two very different statements.

should i say that all Americans are terrorists cause them government went to another countries and destroyed its buildings, stolen its lands, killed its citizens, .. etc?

The USA has never done that. Ever.

Apart from stealing lands I beg to differ. Hence my post.

I see that you got the point, though.

04-05-2010, 06:09 PM
fuck me !!

LOL .. u r showing really that u r peaceful polite persons every where .. u don't know even how to speak in polite way without badmouthing others and respect the other point of view and go through a serious controversy

once u find no way to run and all evidence r against u and shows that u r only some animal criminals ur asses then getting red and start badmouthing and abusing others as u don't have another way to defend ur selves cause u r completely wrong but trying to fake the world with some shit like (peace, and united nations, and humans rights)

Who told u that i don't know who are in this pics or where or this shit?! r u kidding ?!

don't u know what the fuck is in this pictures, its ur fucking army agonizing the Iraqi citizens, didn't u c this pics before?! didn't u here about Abu Gharib prison?! either those citizens r criminals or not (even if criminals, what are them crimes and what's ur position to judge them) but anyway .. even if criminals .. is this the humans rights then? is this the peace? do u treat ur criminals like this? r n't these army animals terrorists?

electrifying ppl, forcing them to take of them clothes, painting them nude bodies with shit, beating them till death, cutting them sex organs, forcing them to do some horrible porn positions which exist only in ur sick minds cause u r some gays and bitches, and take photos to them and distribute it everywhere .. even dead ppl mock at them !!

is this the peace u r talking about .. is this the shit reason ur government faked u that they r going to do in Iraq? WTF .. they don't rape women only .. they rape men too !!!

this is the freedom of Iraq they went to .. what a farce .. and which asshole believe this shit ?!!!

u really wonder the signature of arabs holding machine guns ?! WTF .. what do u want them to hold then defending them selves against these savages? Machine dildos???

the americans always commit the worst war crimes ever (in Vietnam, in Japan, in Iraq) in addition to supporting some other criminal countries .. no need to mention them names here or now... and then come with them asses and talking about freedom and democracy and humans rights and so on of this shit .. and in fact we c the worst crimes against humanity is done by those Americans who claims that they r against it, and fill the universe's hurts with hate till an attack like that in 11 September occur, and then points accusing fingers to the Muslims and Arabs and say: u r terrorists ..

don't talk about terrorism as what u do with the other nations humans doesn't even belong to humanity....

now when u c the facts clear as the sun in the middle of the sky .. and find no answer against ur horrible crimes .. and u find noway to say acceptable defense against this .. u start looking like an asshole again and ur asses getting red and start acting like a barbarian who doesn't have except the rude words in his dictionary like (fuck, hell, shit, bitch ... blablabla)

but we don't get acceptable reply or explanation if there's .. or recognizing the real fact ... this doesn't occur from u for sure

so i wasn't suppose to pay u any attention from the beginning and try to give u suitable reasons or replies or explanations as u don't want to recognize facts .. u want only to say some shit and being agreed with even if wrong otherwise .. badmouthing others

so if u don't like my explanation dear asshole .. and it doesn't like ur ass .. tell u something to comfort ur bloody ass ...... its ok .. we are terrorists either u like this or not .. and if u believe so .. don't come with ur wet pants to our countries and stay in ur peaceful ones and take care while ur mother plays with a dildo .. it might be explosive :whistling

There isn't even a slight chance that I'm going to read that.

it doesn't matter .. :whistling

04-05-2010, 07:27 PM
suck my dick

04-05-2010, 08:38 PM
fuck me !!

LOL .. u r showing really that u r peaceful polite persons every where .. u don't know even how to speak in polite way without badmouthing others and respect the other point of view and go through a serious controversy

once u find no way to run and all evidence r against u and shows that u r only some animal criminals ur asses then getting red and start badmouthing and abusing others as u don't have another way to defend ur selves cause u r completely wrong but trying to fake the world with some shit like (peace, and united nations, and humans rights)

Who told u that i don't know who are in this pics or where or this shit?! r u kidding ?!

don't u know what the fuck is in this pictures, its ur fucking army agonizing the Iraqi citizens, didn't u c this pics before?! didn't u here about Abu Gharib prison?! either those citizens r criminals or not (even if criminals, what are them crimes and what's ur position to judge them) but anyway .. even if criminals .. is this the humans rights then? is this the peace? do u treat ur criminals like this? r n't these army animals terrorists?

electrifying ppl, forcing them to take of them clothes, painting them nude bodies with shit, beating them till death, cutting them sex organs, forcing them to do some horrible porn positions which exist only in ur sick minds cause u r some gays and bitches, and take photos to them and distribute it everywhere .. even dead ppl mock at them !!

is this the peace u r talking about .. is this the shit reason ur government faked u that they r going to do in Iraq? WTF .. they don't rape women only .. they rape men too !!!

this is the freedom of Iraq they went to .. what a farce .. and which asshole believe this shit ?!!!

u really wonder the signature of arabs holding machine guns ?! WTF .. what do u want them to hold then defending them selves against these savages? Machine dildos???

the americans always commit the worst war crimes ever (in Vietnam, in Japan, in Iraq) in addition to supporting some other criminal countries .. no need to mention them names here or now... and then come with them asses and talking about freedom and democracy and humans rights and so on of this shit .. and in fact we c the worst crimes against humanity is done by those Americans who claims that they r against it, and fill the universe's hurts with hate till an attack like that in 11 September occur, and then points accusing fingers to the Muslims and Arabs and say: u r terrorists ..

don't talk about terrorism as what u do with the other nations humans doesn't even belong to humanity....

now when u c the facts clear as the sun in the middle of the sky .. and find no answer against ur horrible crimes .. and u find noway to say acceptable defense against this .. u start looking like an asshole again and ur asses getting red and start acting like a barbarian who doesn't have except the rude words in his dictionary like (fuck, hell, shit, bitch ... blablabla)

but we don't get acceptable reply or explanation if there's .. or recognizing the real fact ... this doesn't occur from u for sure

so i wasn't suppose to pay u any attention from the beginning and try to give u suitable reasons or replies or explanations as u don't want to recognize facts .. u want only to say some shit and being agreed with even if wrong otherwise .. badmouthing others

so if u don't like my explanation dear asshole .. and it doesn't like ur ass .. tell u something to comfort ur bloody ass ...... its ok .. we are terrorists either u like this or not .. and if u believe so .. don't come with ur wet pants to our countries and stay in ur peaceful ones and take care while ur mother plays with a dildo .. it might be explosive :whistling

There isn't even a slight chance that I'm going to read that.

See in the end it's just easier to blew something up.

04-05-2010, 09:11 PM
I don't recall anyone saying that all Muslims were terrorists. He asked why the majority of terrorists are Muslims. Those are two very different statements.

The USA has never done that. Ever.

Apart from stealing lands I beg to differ. Hence my post.

I see that you got the point, though.

Not in a malicious manner as omara suggested. No, no it hasn't.

Have buildings been destroyed and civilians lost their lives in engagements that the USA participated in? Of course. War is a bitch. Shit happens, and all.

We are usually fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. We have also played a major factor in rebuilding these countries' infrastructure from current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and dating as far back as post WWII Japan.

The bottom line is this - the USA has never gone in and attacked another country in a malevolent manner.

04-05-2010, 09:23 PM
shit happens

04-05-2010, 09:33 PM
We are usually fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves.

04-05-2010, 09:51 PM
suck my dick

r u talking to me?!

04-05-2010, 10:12 PM
Apart from stealing lands I beg to differ. Hence my post.

I see that you got the point, though.

Not in a malicious manner as omara suggested. No, no it hasn't.

Have buildings been destroyed and civilians lost their lives in engagements that the USA participated in? Of course. War is a bitch. Shit happens, and all.

We are usually fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. We have also played a major factor in rebuilding these countries' infrastructure from current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and dating as far back as post WWII Japan.

The bottom line is this - the USA has never gone in and attacked another country in a malevolent manner.

No, I'm going to have to call you on this one on several key points.

In the case of Vietnam how in any way did the U.S. help in rebuilding infrastructure ? One of the major offensives of this war was the deforestation of large areas of the Mekong Delta with four chemical agents, agent orange being the most famous of the four of the so called rainbow herbicides. Dioxins were the key component of all four agents the second most poisonous substance known to man after plutonium.
Some areas of land are still not arable to this day, and second and third generation genetic mutations are still being caused.
I can go through the whole history lesson but the basic fact is there was no North and South Vietnam before the US' involvement, it was a proxy war between the two superpowers in which two million Vietnamese people died for their country. They had virtually unanimously 'as a nation' voted in a communist government after the ousting of the french colonial forces in 1954.
In no way was the U.S. a benevolent protector 'helping those who can't help themselves' from any foreign invader, a democratically elected government was fighting for the land of it's people, that America did not agree with the political ideology does not give it the right to topple the government or wage war on the people.
The major reason for taking this conflict from a 'police action' to a 'war' was the attack on the destroyer U.S.S. Maddox in the Tonkin Gulf an attack which was smoke & mirrors, a trumped charge to bring more force to the conflict after which the U.S. simply poured progressively more men and materiel into the conflict in an attempt to crush a people and what they had wanted and been fighting for for the last 20 years before the U.S. arrived.
(for further reading on america's secret war in vietnam 'The Pentagon Papers' a leaked top secret military report on the war is an excellent source and since it was internal government study an accurate appraisal ).
If history though, isn't your thing, we can always go to current events. The war in Afghanistan had exactly what aim ? I know it was the first strike in the ill defined 'War on Terror' but exactly why did it start ?
I mean the original premise was that the government of Afghanistan was harboring Osama Bin Laden, but then he was also being harbored by Pakistan and had training camps in both countries. I mean if your going to go and pick on a country to invade wouldn't you want to nail the military dictatorship that took the country by armed force ? But that military dictatorship was America's 'friend' and the reason why Bin Laden was never found was he simply slipped over the border.
Which leaves us with the war on terror in Afghanistan. The countries infrastructure had not even recovered properly from the last invader that spent eight years warring on the people. The current evil doers the Taliban had only been in power for 5 years before the invasion. Incidentally since the government has been toppled and the original objective to capture Bin Laden has not been achieved why is there currently a war ? In fighting the Taliban the U.S. is fighting a fundamentalist religious belief, it would be like waging war on the baptists, no amount of bombing is going to change their beliefs. The fundamental truth of this war is that the U.S. is not going to change the beliefs of the people by warring on them.
Once again though the U.S. is being selective, there are other fundamentalist islamic states out there, some far wealthier ones that actually do support and fund terrorist groups yet the U.S. has not got around to them in the war on terror and in continuing to wage war in an already war torn country that has had it's infrastucture blasted back to the stone age, the U.S. is not in any way being a benevolent benefactor, helping those who cannot help themselves.

04-05-2010, 10:45 PM
The bottom line is this - the USA has never gone in and attacked another country in a malevolent manner.

Is there some other way to attack a country ? :unsure:

04-05-2010, 10:47 PM
The bottom line is this - the USA has never gone in and attacked another country in a malevolent manner.

Is there some other way to attack a country ? :unsure:

Try some love, mate. Attack a country with love.

That hurts the worstest. You knows it.

04-05-2010, 10:54 PM
Apart from stealing lands I beg to differ. Hence my post.

I see that you got the point, though.

Not in a malicious manner as omara suggested. No, no it hasn't.

Have buildings been destroyed and civilians lost their lives in engagements that the USA participated in? Of course. War is a bitch. Shit happens, and all.

We are usually fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. We have also played a major factor in rebuilding these countries' infrastructure from current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and dating as far back as post WWII Japan.

The bottom line is this - the USA has never gone in and attacked another country in a malevolent manner.

mmm .. so which type of [fighting] that was in this pics in Abu Gharib Prison ?!

The description u mentioned like if u and ur brother are fighting, then i come (a stranger) and kill your brother ... do you think that you will be happy because i did?

do you want to convince who that USA spent hundreds Billions of Dollars to fight for those who can't fight for them selves ? :blink:

i predict to c happy nation so for this sacrification .. them happiness is very clear in the pics i showed ..

mmmmm.. u gave us a real acceptable reason for this wars (America fight for those who can't fight for themselves) :hooray:

04-05-2010, 10:55 PM
The bottom line is this - the USA has never gone in and attacked another country in a malevolent manner.

Is there some other way to attack a country ? :unsure:

Is there some other way to attack a country ? :unsure:

Try some love, mate. Attack a country with love.

That hurts the worstest. You knows it.

LOL :lol::lol:

04-06-2010, 12:15 AM
I just thought I'd share this. A muslim colleague of mine just shared this with me and I found it very strengthening.


04-06-2010, 10:38 AM
I just thought I'd share this. A muslim colleague of mine just shared this with me and I found it very strengthening.


Thanks alot bro :)

This is the behavior of most of Muslims ...

Don't know y this attack against them ?!

That's a comment i read under one of these videos:

Great story! I am one American who sees that the anti-Muslim propaganda we see/hear daily is nonsense. People are people regrdless of religion. This guy in the video is awesome.
Granpa Seth

which shows that i wasn't wrong when i said that there's much lovely Americans .. peaceful and respectful.

unfortunately .. didn't meat one here yet :noes:

04-06-2010, 04:52 PM
suck my dick

r u talking to me?!
suck my dick

04-06-2010, 05:51 PM
r u talking to me?!
suck my dick


don't ever talk to ur father this way again :angry:

04-06-2010, 09:17 PM
suck my dick


don't ever talk to ur father this way again :angry:
i promise daddy.

04-06-2010, 09:20 PM

don't ever talk to ur father this way again :angry:
i promise daddy.

good boy :yup:

04-06-2010, 09:52 PM
Thanks alot bro :)

This is the behavior of most of Muslims ...

Don't know y this attack against them ?!

That's a comment i read under one of these videos:

Great story! I am one American who sees that the anti-Muslim propaganda we see/hear daily is nonsense. People are people regrdless of religion. This guy in the video is awesome.
Granpa Sethwhich shows that i wasn't wrong when i said that there's much lovely Americans .. peaceful and respectful.

Don't believe it America is the great Santini .The nice part is just a lot of hooey that the US military-industrial complex feeds you to get you to lower your guard and while you are looking the other way ,dreaming of puppies and Jessica Alba's ass next thing you know they are shoving a bayonet between your shoulder blades and Islamistan is the 51st state.
Be ever vigilante my friend , Oprah is just Rambo with a lot more adipose and better PR.
Remember as that great Lithuanian Charles Bronson said "The price of liberty is eternal vigilantism"
Seriously does anyone here really want to live in a world without burkas?

04-06-2010, 09:56 PM
opening a thread like this on a "multi-cultural" forum,where people from various religions and nationalities meet,calling people from a certain religion terrorist's,is unethical i think..it would be nice if the OP decides to close this thread,instead of flamming a dispute,that has no end

04-06-2010, 11:39 PM
Thanks alot bro :)

This is the behavior of most of Muslims ...

Don't know y this attack against them ?!

That's a comment i read under one of these videos:
which shows that i wasn't wrong when i said that there's much lovely Americans .. peaceful and respectful.

Don't believe it America is the great Santini .The nice part is just a lot of hooey that the US military-industrial complex feeds you to get you to lower your guard and while you are looking the other way ,dreaming of puppies and Jessica Alba's ass next thing you know they are shoving a bayonet between your shoulder blades and Islamistan is the 51st state.
Be ever vigilante my friend , Oprah is just Rambo with a lot more adipose and better PR.
Remember as that great Lithuanian Charles Bronson said "The price of liberty is eternal vigilantism"
Seriously does anyone here really want to live in a world without burkas?

i can't understand what r u trying to say :wacko:

04-06-2010, 11:40 PM
opening a thread like this on a "multi-cultural" forum,where people from various religions and nationalities meet,calling people from a certain religion terrorist's,is unethical i think..it would be nice if the OP decides to close this thread,instead of flamming a dispute,that has no end

good suggestion .. bro

04-06-2010, 11:49 PM
opening a thread like this on a "multi-cultural" forum,where people from various religions and nationalities meet,calling people from a certain religion terrorist's,is unethical i think..it would be nice if the OP decides to close this thread,instead of flamming a dispute,that has no end

If you take a look at the name of the OP you will see that it is a troll spambombing this section of the forum with random inflamatory threads. This one succeeded magnificently thanks to Omara.
I have the OP and her other nicks on ignore so am blissfully ignorant to what the spamtard is saying most of the time, maybe others should do the same since she knows a nerve has been struck ?

A little hint for future reference though boys & girls, this is the lounge whimpering and saying I don't like that thread I think it should be closed doesn't cut it here! Either grow a pair, and continue in this section, or go off elsewhere and hide behind the moderators skirts. The lounge is the wild wild west and you're just fodder for the shooting gallery.

04-07-2010, 12:12 AM
Don't believe it America is the great Santini .The nice part is just a lot of hooey that the US military-industrial complex feeds you to get you to lower your guard and while you are looking the other way ,dreaming of puppies and Jessica Alba's ass next thing you know they are shoving a bayonet between your shoulder blades and Islamistan is the 51st state.
Be ever vigilante my friend , Oprah is just Rambo with a lot more adipose and better PR.
Remember as that great Lithuanian Charles Bronson said "The price of liberty is eternal vigilantism"
Seriously does anyone here really want to live in a world without burkas?

i can't understand what r u trying to say :wacko:

I guess that's another 5 minutes of my life totally wasted then.:wacko:

New motto "Bombs not words" no one ever misunderstood an M26.

04-07-2010, 11:42 AM

04-07-2010, 05:48 PM
i can't understand what r u trying to say :wacko:

I guess that's another 5 minutes of my life totally wasted then.:wacko:

New motto "Bombs not words" no one ever misunderstood an M26.

mmmm .. i think if u had seen my previous thread u'll easily conclude that english isn't my first language .. so i think u need to explain little for me .. if u want ..

if not .. no problems .. and i understood nothing :noes:

this is not a shame .. its very easy .. if i told u any word in my language like this (kos omak) and its in english letters however i'm using other litters (arabic) .. but u'll understand nothing

and so i understood from ur language .. nothing

04-07-2010, 05:52 PM
Iraq invaded Kuwait

There's in Islam two Types: Sunnah and Sheiah

Iraq r Sheiah and they also doesn't do as the Islam order

does president Sadam represent all Muslims so that for this even u call all Muslims and arab terrorists ?

although what the American government do .. i respect the American citizens and i'm sure that most of them are peaceful ppl

Saddam was Sunni you ignorant mong and so is Kuwait .

In fact Saddam abused the Shiite in Iraq and have along war with Iran and Saddam was supported by the US at that time.


04-07-2010, 05:54 PM
Please shut the fuck up and don't speak anymore .

04-07-2010, 05:56 PM
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

04-07-2010, 07:46 PM
Please shut the fuck up and don't speak anymore .

do u want me to shut up !!!!

r u drunk or something !!!

who's this asshole ?!

r u the judge of the world or what ....

what's the problem that saddam was sunni and invaded Kuwait ?

this is enough reason to prove the title of this stupid discussion

go and fuck ur self :dry:

04-07-2010, 08:03 PM
making this broad statement such as this would only bring out the best discussion of course..... :frusty::frusty: :nuke:

04-07-2010, 09:31 PM
Omara, when are you finally gonna suicide bomb yourself ? time is running out :(

04-07-2010, 09:46 PM
Omara, when are you finally gonna suicide bomb yourself ? time is running out :(

when i get enough of ur mother's ass :whistling

04-07-2010, 10:16 PM
well said.

04-08-2010, 01:06 AM
O fuck it everyone are terrorists, depending what side u r on denotes who u think the terroist is.

04-08-2010, 10:43 PM
^Yes, I can agree with the above.
As soon as I saw the title, I knew a storm was coming.

04-08-2010, 10:52 PM
storm if there's much muslims in this section

but i feel no muslims here except me !!!

and thousands of other religions who agree or disagree with me ..

04-08-2010, 10:59 PM
FOX and CNN will choose to depict news to justify their country's war. That doesn't mean the majority of terrorists are Muslim nationality, and you're be ignorant to take any American news coverage as an unbiased international perspective on anything.

For example, go over to Europe and look at the terror attacks depicted by their media. Alot of internal terrorism, which has nothing to do with Muslims.

04-08-2010, 11:54 PM
FOX and CNN will choose to depict news to justify their country's war. That doesn't mean the majority of terrorists are Muslim nationality, and you're be ignorant to take any American news coverage as an unbiased international perspective on anything.

For example, go over to Europe and look at the terror attacks depicted by their media. Alot of internal terrorism, which has nothing to do with Muslims.

aha, thx for explaining this point man .. really didn't know it b4 ;)

04-09-2010, 03:41 AM
[QUOTE=TrueSounds;3430586]FOX and CNN will choose to depict news to justify their country's war.

That's completely untrue. It doesn't matter though, omara will take it as gospel because he read it on the internets.

04-09-2010, 10:36 AM
That's completely untrue. It doesn't matter though, omara will take it as gospel because he read it on the internets.

how did u know that this is untrue

were u a politic man?

its very clear that u really know nothing about ur country's politic bro ...

it should fake u .. it wouldn't tell u we r bad .. we r rising wars on other countries for (the real reason) ...

no it should give u some stupid reasons which will be believed only by u cause u live in usa and c only (cnn and fox) news ...

which really (must) depict news to justify their country's war as mentioned by turesounds ...

the faked one are u man not me .. this is for real .. i don't blame u .. most ppl except few believe in what they live in since them born

04-09-2010, 11:42 AM
hey guys im new here and this topic is controversial.but i wud like to contribute.first of all if someone do a crime agains humanity he aint a muslim anymore(one of the fundamental preaching of islam as any other religion is not to hurt anyone) so you cannot say he is muslim or w/e actually he is not religious anymore.

and second of all somebody was talkin about 9/11 incident and thats controversial too.nobody knows actually who did it,even the us officials are also suspects and watch some documentaries related to it and that might help you to comprehend the fucking idea that usa can do anythin(even kill its own ppl) just to be on the top spots in the world.
and okay at last if you disagree with my first point then think of hitler he was christian(only if you disagree with my first point) and he killed more human beings and he has done more acts of terrorism than all the so called muslim terrorists during th e past 50 years.

and please be open minded and read stuff and try not to kiss usa ass on everything...and please im not throwin my statements on anyone personally.its just this topic is so controversial..



04-09-2010, 01:45 PM
storm if there's much muslims in this section

but i feel no muslims here except me !!!

and thousands of other religions who agree or disagree with me ..

I am a Muslim and i think that you're an asshole :happy:.

04-09-2010, 02:22 PM

04-09-2010, 02:28 PM
hey guys im new here and this topic is controversial.but i wud like to contribute.first of all if someone do a crime agains humanity he aint a muslim anymore(one of the fundamental preaching of islam as any other religion is not to hurt anyone) so you cannot say he is muslim or w/e actually he is not religious anymore.

and second of all somebody was talkin about 9/11 incident and thats controversial too.nobody knows actually who did it,even the us officials are also suspects and watch some documentaries related to it and that might help you to comprehend the fucking idea that usa can do anythin(even kill its own ppl) just to be on the top spots in the world.
and okay at last if you disagree with my first point then think of hitler he was christian(only if you disagree with my first point) and he killed more human beings and he has done more acts of terrorism than all the so called muslim terrorists during th e past 50 years.

and please be open minded and read stuff and try not to kiss usa ass on everything...and please im not throwin my statements on anyone personally.its just this topic is so controversial..



Everyone knows that all the 9/11 attackers were Muslims from AL Qaeda and they were very well educated Muslims probably know about Islam more than most of you who claim to be muslims will ever know.

The question is whether the US governement knew about these attacks before and let it happen anyway to make excuse to do its own agenda.

The Us government and the UK have been interfering in the middle east for very long time and they have supported Israel blindly since its creation and are responsible for taking our land and killing millions of innocent Muslims .. so when someone fight back he's a terrorist !

Just fuck off the middle east and let us live maybe then peace would prevail .

04-09-2010, 02:38 PM
hey guys im new here and this topic is controversial.but i wud like to contribute.first of all if someone do a crime agains humanity he aint a muslim anymore(one of the fundamental preaching of islam as any other religion is not to hurt anyone) so you cannot say he is muslim or w/e actually he is not religious anymore.

and second of all somebody was talkin about 9/11 incident and thats controversial too.nobody knows actually who did it,even the us officials are also suspects and watch some documentaries related to it and that might help you to comprehend the fucking idea that usa can do anythin(even kill its own ppl) just to be on the top spots in the world.
and okay at last if you disagree with my first point then think of hitler he was christian(only if you disagree with my first point) and he killed more human beings and he has done more acts of terrorism than all the so called muslim terrorists during th e past 50 years.

and please be open minded and read stuff and try not to kiss usa ass on everything...and please im not throwin my statements on anyone personally.its just this topic is so controversial..



well said

storm if there's much muslims in this section

but i feel no muslims here except me !!!

and thousands of other religions who agree or disagree with me ..

I am a Muslim and i think that you're an asshole :happy:.

u think? i suspect !

u r the asshole really and looks like if u know nothing ..

revise ur information again and check the real perpetrator of 9-11 attack

04-09-2010, 02:40 PM

04-09-2010, 06:09 PM
Not in a malicious manner as omara suggested. No, no it hasn't.

Have buildings been destroyed and civilians lost their lives in engagements that the USA participated in? Of course. War is a bitch. Shit happens, and all.

We are usually fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. We have also played a major factor in rebuilding these countries' infrastructure from current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and dating as far back as post WWII Japan.

The bottom line is this - the USA has never gone in and attacked another country in a malevolent manner.

No, I'm going to have to call you on this one on several key points.

In the case of Vietnam how in any way did the U.S. help in rebuilding infrastructure ? One of the major offensives of this war was the deforestation of large areas of the Mekong Delta with four chemical agents, agent orange being the most famous of the four of the so called rainbow herbicides. Dioxins were the key component of all four agents the second most poisonous substance known to man after plutonium.
Some areas of land are still not arable to this day, and second and third generation genetic mutations are still being caused.
I can go through the whole history lesson but the basic fact is there was no North and South Vietnam before the US' involvement, it was a proxy war between the two superpowers in which two million Vietnamese people died for their country. They had virtually unanimously 'as a nation' voted in a communist government after the ousting of the french colonial forces in 1954.
In no way was the U.S. a benevolent protector 'helping those who can't help themselves' from any foreign invader, a democratically elected government was fighting for the land of it's people, that America did not agree with the political ideology does not give it the right to topple the government or wage war on the people.
The major reason for taking this conflict from a 'police action' to a 'war' was the attack on the destroyer U.S.S. Maddox in the Tonkin Gulf an attack which was smoke & mirrors, a trumped charge to bring more force to the conflict after which the U.S. simply poured progressively more men and materiel into the conflict in an attempt to crush a people and what they had wanted and been fighting for for the last 20 years before the U.S. arrived.
(for further reading on america's secret war in vietnam 'The Pentagon Papers' a leaked top secret military report on the war is an excellent source and since it was internal government study an accurate appraisal ).
If history though, isn't your thing, we can always go to current events. The war in Afghanistan had exactly what aim ? I know it was the first strike in the ill defined 'War on Terror' but exactly why did it start ?
I mean the original premise was that the government of Afghanistan was harboring Osama Bin Laden, but then he was also being harbored by Pakistan and had training camps in both countries. I mean if your going to go and pick on a country to invade wouldn't you want to nail the military dictatorship that took the country by armed force ? But that military dictatorship was America's 'friend' and the reason why Bin Laden was never found was he simply slipped over the border.
Which leaves us with the war on terror in Afghanistan. The countries infrastructure had not even recovered properly from the last invader that spent eight years warring on the people. The current evil doers the Taliban had only been in power for 5 years before the invasion. Incidentally since the government has been toppled and the original objective to capture Bin Laden has not been achieved why is there currently a war ? In fighting the Taliban the U.S. is fighting a fundamentalist religious belief, it would be like waging war on the baptists, no amount of bombing is going to change their beliefs. The fundamental truth of this war is that the U.S. is not going to change the beliefs of the people by warring on them.
Once again though the U.S. is being selective, there are other fundamentalist islamic states out there, some far wealthier ones that actually do support and fund terrorist groups yet the U.S. has not got around to them in the war on terror and in continuing to wage war in an already war torn country that has had it's infrastucture blasted back to the stone age, the U.S. is not in any way being a benevolent benefactor, helping those who cannot help themselves.

Didn't know much of that, but thanks for pointing it out. Of course Skiz will say it's BS. :lol:

Omara, give it up. You don't seem peacefull if you keep snapping at people all the time, you know.

04-09-2010, 07:44 PM
That's completely untrue. It doesn't matter though, omara will take it as gospel because he read it on the internets.

how did u know that this is untrue

were u a politic man?

its very clear that u really know nothing about ur country's politic bro ...

it should fake u .. it wouldn't tell u we r bad .. we r rising wars on other countries for (the real reason) ...

no it should give u some stupid reasons which will be believed only by u cause u live in usa and c only (cnn and fox) news ...

which really (must) depict news to justify their country's war as mentioned by turesounds ...

the faked one are u man not me .. this is for real .. i don't blame u .. most ppl except few believe in what they live in since them born

The first sentence or two is decipherable so I'l respond to it. The rest was just gibberish.

I don't need to be a "politic man" (I assume you meant "politician" there) to know that CNN caters to the liberal left. They wouldn't be caught dead justifying any of the war in the Middle East. Hell, they hardly spend any time whatsoever even covering the topic. TS was wrong and as are you.

Anyone who lives here will tell you essentially the same thing.

Not that it matters at all as you've already made up your mind. :whistling

04-09-2010, 10:11 PM
i don't know why so ethic people want to defend other countries do what u had seen in the Abu Gharib Prison photos i showed to u before...

04-10-2010, 08:58 AM
i don't know why so ethic people want to defend other countries do what u had seen in the Abu Gharib Prison photos i showed to u before...

That's one side of the story. The other side is that everyone from your part of the world is the terrorist and I see such people in the nws all the time. What should I think now? You see, it's never so one sided...

04-10-2010, 09:54 AM
no man .. what u said is untrue .. watch the video that the korean man posted and the other reply of the others and u'll know that u r completely wrong ..

04-10-2010, 09:57 AM
no man .. what u said is untrue .. watch the video that the korean man posted and the other reply of the others and u'll know that u r completely wrong ..

You are a complete knob. Fact.

Do you honestly think that you are the first disgruntled pseudo-Muslim to come here spaffing on about how hard done by they are? Do a fucking search.

Also, read the Qur'an. You might learn something.

04-10-2010, 09:59 AM
no man .. what u said is untrue .. watch the video that the korean man posted and the other reply of the others and u'll know that u r completely wrong ..

No man, you didn't even read what I said, methinks. :dabs:

04-10-2010, 10:23 AM
no man .. what u said is untrue .. watch the video that the korean man posted and the other reply of the others and u'll know that u r completely wrong ..

You are a complete knob. Fact.

Do you honestly think that you are the first disgruntled pseudo-Muslim to come here spaffing on about how hard done by they are? Do a fucking search.

Also, read the Qur'an. You might learn something.

no man .. what u said is untrue .. watch the video that the korean man posted and the other reply of the others and u'll know that u r completely wrong ..

No man, you didn't even read what I said, methinks. :dabs:

i think that u both didn't understand my post !!

Chalice, who told u that i think that? i know that i'm not the first ... and i already read the Qura'an my baby.

the martinator, u said all muslims in other countries are terrorists !!

and i replied this point (the video in which the muslim packistani super market owner who gave the thief money) and other examples i have no time to mention...

04-10-2010, 10:29 AM
You are a complete knob. Fact.

Do you honestly think that you are the first disgruntled pseudo-Muslim to come here spaffing on about how hard done by they are? Do a fucking search.

Also, read the Qur'an. You might learn something.

no man .. what u said is untrue .. watch the video that the korean man posted and the other reply of the others and u'll know that u r completely wrong ..

No man, you didn't even read what I said, methinks. :dabs:

i think that u both didn't understand my post !!

Chalice, who told u that i think that? i know that i'm not the first ... and i already read the Qura'an my baby.

the martinator, u said all muslims in other countries are terrorists !!

and i replied this point (the video in which the muslim packistani super market owner who gave the thief money) and other examples i have no time to mention...


04-10-2010, 01:43 PM
I said the media is telling me that every day (there is a typo in my post, though, so I can see why you didn't understand it). Very different.

What I'm saying is that, there's always two sides of a story and in life almost nothing is black and white. Not all Americans want to invade the rest of the world, you know.

04-10-2010, 01:51 PM
by the way, y majority of the muslims r terrorists ?

04-10-2010, 01:59 PM
Not all Americans want to invade the rest of the world, you know.

No some are happy to just vacation places and look down their noses at the locals.

04-10-2010, 02:26 PM
Not all Americans want to invade the rest of the world, you know.

No some are happy to just vacation places and look down their noses at the locals.

That's common with other cultures too...

04-10-2010, 02:32 PM
No some are happy to just vacation places and look down their noses at the locals.

That's common with other cultures too...

Especially when it comes to looking at you.

Darth Sushi
04-10-2010, 02:45 PM
why why ?
Most are suckered in with the promise of 72 virgins if when they die as a martyr for the Muslim. If I can only sell the idea of 72 mother-in-laws is included with the deal, air travel will definitely be safer!

04-10-2010, 02:51 PM
72 virgins you say?

Why the fuck did nobody ever tells me this? I'm fully qualified.

I've murdered somewhere in the region of 17 proven Americans.

Where do I send my CV?

04-10-2010, 03:43 PM
That's common with other cultures too...

Especially when it comes to looking at you.

You phailed with that last one. I'm 6'2'' and have a big noses, so I look down at other people most of the time... :P

04-10-2010, 03:50 PM
Especially when it comes to looking at you.

You phailed with that last one. I'm 6'2'' and have a big noses, so I look down at other people most of the time... :P

I'm 6'2"" too. Most of that is brain, however.

You can keep your noses. You can even have mine.

I don't need it any more.

04-10-2010, 03:58 PM
You never know what sort of virgins you'll get though.


04-10-2010, 04:01 PM
A virgin is a virgin.

Any virgin'll do.

Darth Sushi
04-10-2010, 04:08 PM
You never know what sort of virgins you'll get though.


LOL, those are weirdgins!

04-10-2010, 04:42 PM
Not all Americans want to invade the rest of the world, you know.

No some are happy to just vacation places and look down their noses at the locals.

Actually the last few years I'm impressed with the transformation of the Americans. Probably they are scared that anyone can become a terrorist but they are polite and friendly when they are on vacation. Although they are less than a decade ago their manners are improving.

04-10-2010, 06:52 PM

04-10-2010, 09:46 PM

04-10-2010, 10:38 PM
Oh come people, don't be so harsh. Islam is all about love, not war!


04-10-2010, 10:38 PM
why why ?
Most are suckered in with the promise of 72 virgins if when they die as a martyr for the Muslim.
The funny thing is that recent studies show that this interpretation of the Qur'an is in fact wrong. Martyrs are promised 72 white raisins, not 72 black eyed virgins.

Wouldn't it be a funny sight to watch a martyr going to hell heaven looking for his 72 virgins and getting a small pack of raisins instead. I imagine he would be somewhat pissed..