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View Full Version : Scenelife forever in our hearts

04-01-2010, 06:57 PM
Dear Scenelife Members

As you know things haven't been going well lately and we apologize for that. But we would like to say that there is an explanation for everything that has happened in the past months.

In the past 7 months – ScL’s owner and coder SScript has been really inactive. He has been even less active than he was before, which basically means he has been spending approximately an hour a week on the site. He has also been leaving for many weeks without letting any other staffers know, leaving the site on its own and constantly forgetting to pay the server costs (which I'm sure you all noticed since the site constantly went down at the start of each month). SScript was never a good owner. Coding issues that were supposed to be dealt with almost 11 months ago are still not done, and yet he was too arrogant to give direct access to other coders so they could help us out.

In the past year the site has basically been ran by it's mods and admins paying the server costs from their own pocket. And if it wasn't for staff members like pedrowsky, MSO, HL, aquirre, ViperMM, scrappen and winnie - the site would have died a long time ago. Of course we also have to mention KS, z7x, nbf, bananafurry and all other ex-staffers when talking about this in general - though the names we mentioned in the first sentence are the people who have had the most influence in the past year.

Around 4 months ago ScL went down for a long period because the owner SScript had issues paying for the server. He claims that he had paypal problems. The other staffers – supportive as always wanted to help him to get ScL back up and perhaps ask you guys to donate a little extra so he can keep running the site. But SScript didn’t have a recent copy of ScLs code and DB (His last copy was 8 months old!). Yes we know – The owner and coder of ScL doesn’t have a copy of his own site? As crazy as it sounds – It’s the truth, so now you can understand why we call him a bad owner. After this we really understood how little he cared about the site – so we decided not to support him anymore.

Anyway after weeks of hard work – MSO managed to find a 2 month old copy of the ScL and then host it on aquirres server. This copy – as everyone noticed didn’t have the torrents backed up, so therefore ScL came back up with 0 torrents.
We have been trying for months to find a way to get our torrents back and trust us – if there was a way to do it, it would have been done a long time ago. This is one of the main reasons why we didn’t give out any info to our members – We simply hoped that we could get our torrents back and that everything could go back to normal. Other reasons for us giving you guys information about the sites status this late was that SScript removed the domain (scenelife.com) since he realized that we are against him now. And as mentioned earlier, we were really far behind on the coding front – so we simply didn’t have a function to mass email our users. However – thanks to mrstonedone (who is actually not a site coder, but an IRC coder) we managed to make a function like this to finally inform you guys about what’s going on.

So what happens now? As tragic and sad as it may be – It’s time for ScL to shut down. We were blessed with the finest community the BT world has ever known and there is no doubt that our members will forever be in our hearts. There is no other tracker and there never will be a tracker with a community as strong and warm as the one ScL had.
But there is still some hope left: ScL will never come back, no. But – The Scenelife Crew is working on a new promising project and would like to welcome our active and loyal members to join us. This tracker is going to be a magnificent tracker – including a reckless design, a magnificent community, and the one thing ScL always missed – LOTS OF TORRENTS. We’ve got sponsors for this project and we got a really nice budget to work our way around. More info about this project will be given later.
Last but not least – We would like to say that our time as staffers on this tracker has been great and we’ve had a lot of fun serving this community. Even though we’ve had our ups and downs, it has been a pleasure to be staffers of a community this amazing. We will surely miss our fine members and we would like to wish you the best of luck in life.
And PS: The forums will be up until further notice.

Take care,

04-01-2010, 07:02 PM
yeh this email came yesterday,but the good thing is,scl staff is workin on a new better tracker by the looks :D

04-01-2010, 07:08 PM
/me waits for "ex-ScLer looking for a new place" request threads :P

04-01-2010, 07:56 PM
/me waits for "ex-ScLer looking for a new place" request threads :P

Back on Topic,

It's sad to see that yet another tracker has died, but the good thing is that staff members are working on a new and better site as you said. Let's see if this is true because I wasn't very active at ScL for many reasons (not only torrents, but too much downtime, etc). I will keep on waiting and I'm eager to see what the new site is going to be like. :)

Best wishes for the ex-staff members of ScL. I would like to thank you guys for everything. :)

04-01-2010, 08:31 PM
Have SCL invite!
PM me offer !

04-01-2010, 10:11 PM
Looking to trade ScL account for something PM me! Such a good buffer you could download every torrent on the site and still have a ratio over 10.0!

04-01-2010, 10:28 PM
Looking to trade ScL account for something PM me! Such a good buffer you could download every torrent on the site and still have a ratio over 10.0!

Who cares, all the torrents are freeleech now :shifty:

But seriously, it's really bad to loose another decent torrent site with few years of history and such a beautiful design and friendly folks. I almost stopped using it after I got invited to ScT (ouch), but I'll be definitely looking forward to the new site they are working on.

04-02-2010, 01:15 AM
Looking to trade ScL account for something PM me! Such a good buffer you could download every torrent on the site and still have a ratio over 10.0!

Who cares, all the torrents are freeleech now :shifty:

But seriously, it's really bad to loose another decent torrent site with few years of history and such a beautiful design and friendly folks. I almost stopped using it after I got invited to ScT (ouch), but I'll be definitely looking forward to the new site they are working on.

ScL > ScT imo
But I have seen the falling of ScL over it's time, and it's death was not much of a surprise. Hopefully the new site is just as good as ScL was back in the old days. :)

04-02-2010, 01:21 AM
AsianDVDClub had created a program a little while ago that scanned users' hard drives for missing .torrent files, and then it would upload any that it found back to the site, where staff would have to re-add it. It was a great idea, and it worked, recovering ~4200 torrents. Maybe more sites that hit trouble could adopt such a method.

04-02-2010, 03:54 AM
AsianDVDClub had created a program a little while ago that scanned users' hard drives for missing .torrent files, and then it would upload any that it found back to the site, where staff would have to re-add it. It was a great idea, and it worked, recovering ~4200 torrents. Maybe more sites that hit trouble could adopt such a method.

Well depends how people download I guess, me I download .torrent in folder, add to client and delete.

04-02-2010, 03:59 AM
haha I totally called this. SCL was dead years ago; a new front and a new name might bring this tracker some new life.

ScL > ScT imo

Crazy talk.

04-02-2010, 10:45 AM
they failed so hard in the first place...this is an example to the rest of new supersecret wannabe trackers

04-03-2010, 12:22 AM
they failed so hard in the first place...this is an example to the rest of new supersecret wannabe trackers

No, when they were newer they kicked ScT's ass, they were the best tracker, but did not last to long, and they slowly became worse and worse.

04-03-2010, 12:59 AM
No, when they were newer they kicked ScT's ass, they were the best tracker, but did not last to long, and they slowly became worse and worse.

Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but that's still not true. Perhaps people assumed that it was better because of the amazing amount of effort you needed to put in, in order to get in. However, it was nothing special.

The bigger joke was the fact that the Sys-Ops sold their uploaders axx. Instead of reeling in professional uploaders, they just brought in people with enough money for a line. Great, is it not? It's one of the old bt archaic examples of why P2P truly WAS a risk to the scene. :)

04-03-2010, 03:48 AM
they failed so hard in the first place...this is an example to the rest of new supersecret wannabe trackers

No, when they were newer they kicked ScT's ass, they were the best tracker, but did not last to long, and they slowly became worse and worse.
:noes: Not at all. It was never even near what ScT accomplished.
One will go as a legend, and another one will soon be forgotten.

04-03-2010, 04:25 AM
Damn, that sux, always hate to see a tracker go down! I joined there once, but it wasn't active at the time, and I let the acc fade away. At least this closing has nothing to do with the police or anti-piracy groups. From going on only what I just read, I too would have to agree that the owner was bunk. But at least the good staff comes out with a complete explanation of what exactly happened. As these days more & more trackers shut down with basically zero explanation or info. So props to the good staff for sharing the truth, and it looks like they gave a lot of money and time to that place. :-/

04-03-2010, 09:38 AM
There's only blood and stuff like that in my heart but OK.

04-03-2010, 01:02 PM
The bigger joke was the fact that the Sys-Ops sold their uploaders axx.

most scene sites do that, i think.

04-03-2010, 03:12 PM
The bigger joke was the fact that the Sys-Ops sold their uploaders axx.

most scene sites do that, i think.

Not really. A lot of scene trackers ask for uploaders with their own lines/hook-ups, as well as have their own auto-up bot. Selling axx to your uploaders is asking for trouble. Look at trackers like ScT/SCC/GFT even TorrentVault, they all don't need to sell it to their uploaders; their uploaders know their way around, and upload out of their pockets/good will.

EDIT: Of course in SCC's case, a five minute conversation with SpX and 200-300$ a month for a line/p2l pass will get you the same uploader result, but as far as I know, most of the current uploaders didn't opt for it that way and had their own setup already going.

04-03-2010, 03:16 PM
Yea go and enjoy their new tracker scenexpress | net
Stolen borders from scl's design, they are also using some of scl's functions. Almost half of those news is not true, that's what happens when you trust some staffers.
Yes, we had lack of donations, and again when it was too late to pay for the server we lost our server and there was no way to get backups again. It's too hard to start the site from a zero when staff decides to make another project and there is almost no one left. Even when I told aquirre to turn off the site from her server she just disabled owner's acc and posted these news. Also it is hard to say that it was nothing to do with a police, there are too some personal reasons of closing the site too and I guess after reading this topic you do know enough reasons...

04-03-2010, 03:27 PM
Yea go and enjoy their new tracker scenexpress | net

Powered by ScTBDev, I thought it wasn't released, yet.

Anyways, ss thanks for at least being honest, you won't be at the reincarnation, I suppose? Well have fun with whatever you do, and don't forget, you take the good with the bad. The bad right now just makes it seem like no good came out of it, but a lot did. The laughs, the gratitude from the members, and the nostalgia that you'll eventually have, looking back at ScL. Just be happy it ended this way, lots of other places have died under worse conditions. Take OiNK/ET for example.

Good luck with whatever you do next. :)

04-04-2010, 01:59 PM
i got the email but still no torrents there

04-04-2010, 07:24 PM
How are old members getting back in then? My username/pass doesn't work, and I haven't received an email... presuming I was disabled for inactivity from ScL....

The "login" bar is that of ScT?

and if the abbreviation of SceneXpress is SeX I lol'd so hard...

[Edit Edit]
Nope not disabled...

04-04-2010, 07:39 PM
i'll trade FTN+FSC for buffered sex.

04-04-2010, 07:52 PM
How are old members getting back in then? My username/pass doesn't work, and I haven't received an email... presuming I was disabled for inactivity from ScL....

I wasn't disabled (either), and the only e-mail I've received was the one with their IP.

and if the abbreviation of SceneXpress is SeX I lol'd so hard...

Could be SxP if necessary. :P TorrentIt's was TiT :lol:

04-06-2010, 04:31 AM
Sad, but hardly a shock. They were offline for long periods.

04-08-2010, 01:10 AM
me either..and i can't seem to log in..haven't got an email from them either

04-08-2010, 04:52 AM
me either..and i can't seem to log in..haven't got an email from them eithersame here. Is it a SCAM to steal our passwords ? :O

04-08-2010, 10:13 AM

I really hope everyone uses unique passwords on every site they join, it's just good security.

04-10-2010, 06:21 PM
So sad to see it go :(

04-10-2010, 06:40 PM
at least ScL is my first private tracker, and my first site i become uploader (Sniper)

maybe thats why i will remember ScL :)

RIP ScL.. :(

04-10-2010, 07:11 PM
me either..and i can't seem to log in..haven't got an email from them eithersame here. Is it a SCAM to steal our passwords ? :O
don't worry we aren't like some sites out there..:yup:

04-10-2010, 11:00 PM
So sad to see it go :(

Even with all its previous shortcomings, I still had fond feelings for SCL.
I guess it was because, it was my first major PT.

04-10-2010, 11:43 PM
at least ScL is my first private tracker, and my first site i become uploader (Sniper)

maybe thats why i will remember ScL :)

RIP ScL.. :(

correction.. my first 'elite' PT :P

04-12-2010, 01:20 PM
my first 'elite' PT :P

Glad you put "elite" between quotes :lol:

04-20-2010, 08:23 PM
NEW ScL is here with 15k torrents

04-20-2010, 08:30 PM
NEW ScL is here

Where, where!? :w00t:

04-20-2010, 08:35 PM
THE X: Invite from ScL Staff
Dear member!
You are one of approximately 600 ScL users whom we want to invite to our site. You should feel proud. We've selected our most loyal, active and trusted members.
Enjoy the new site!
SceneXpress Crew

Stats atm:

Members Information:

Registered Users: 96/15000
Users Online: 13
Unconfirmed Users: 449
Donors: 2

Tracker Information:

Forum Topics: 105
Torrents: 15625
Forum Posts: 268
New Torrents Today: 15625
Peers: 15684
Unconnectable Peers: 17
Seeders: 15631
Unconnectables Ratio: 0
Leechers: 53
Seeder / Leecher Ratio: 29492
Utility Workers: 75
Ticket Clerks:

04-20-2010, 08:39 PM
No such e-mail here. I guess I'm not special :(

04-20-2010, 08:40 PM
I guess they got the trusted stuff wrong :P
atleast in your case

04-20-2010, 08:42 PM
Very active menbers on forums, top seeders and uploaders, donators, FLS have been invited.

04-20-2010, 08:48 PM
THE X: Invite from ScL Staff
Dear member!
You are one of approximately 600 ScL users whom we want to invite to our site. You should feel proud. We've selected our most loyal, active and trusted members.

No offense to anyone but that's just wank.
"You should feel proud" .You know who should feel proud? maybe somebody like this girl's parents and not some people wasting their time on the internet .


04-20-2010, 08:50 PM
I guess they got the trusted stuff wrong
atleast in your case

i saw ViperMM and scrapen read this thread, if there are problems about these infos (stats and mail) i can remove it of course :)

04-20-2010, 09:00 PM
I guess they got the trusted stuff wrong
atleast in your casei saw ViperMM and scrapen read this thread, if there are problems about these infos (stats and mail) i can remove it of course :)

there's no problem showing the stats we don't want to be like those super mega hiper secret 10 users only leet tracker lol.. but we still are in the beta stage so.. we are just inviting our trusted users to test it.. and after that we will open the signups

04-20-2010, 09:47 PM
I'm happy to see news from ScL crew ;)

04-21-2010, 12:41 AM
Is it actually running on the legendary ScTBDev? (How pathetic am I, generating hype for a tracker that just re-started up)

04-21-2010, 01:24 AM
THE X: Invite from ScL Staff
Dear member!
You are one of approximately 600 ScL users whom we want to invite to our site. You should feel proud. We've selected our most loyal, active and trusted members.

No offense to anyone but that's just wank.
"You should feel proud" .You know who should feel proud? maybe somebody like this girl's parents and not some people wasting their time on the internet .


Wow, I should read the news more often. I actually know the people involved in that one. Sad. It's pretty treacherous in northern Saskatchewan.

04-21-2010, 02:50 AM
O lol they have a video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHG1lrXeePw&fmt=37
But I am saddened I wasn't invited, I was only a member of ScL for a few months, but when I was a member I was a good member. :(

04-21-2010, 08:31 AM
Scl is dead ?


04-21-2010, 01:02 PM
Is it actually running on the legendary ScTBDev? (How pathetic am I, generating hype for a tracker that just re-started up)
Well, yes, their code is based on ScTBDev. And yes, HYPE ON!

04-21-2010, 01:46 PM
Is it actually running on the legendary ScTBDev? (How pathetic am I, generating hype for a tracker that just re-started up)

Let the hype begin. :happy:

I got a hold of their FAQ yesterday and my attention was drawn to how they plan to stop ratio whoring (demoting users if their ratio goes above a certain figure). It's the first time I see such a system on a tracker.

04-21-2010, 02:00 PM
Is it actually running on the legendary ScTBDev? (How pathetic am I, generating hype for a tracker that just re-started up)

Let the hype begin. :happy:

I got a hold of their FAQ yesterday and my attention was drawn to how they plan to stop ratio whoring (demoting users if their ratio goes above a certain figure). It's the first time I see such a system on a tracker.

Idk if thats the right way to go about things... i mean thats like punishing someone for doing extra credit...

04-21-2010, 02:03 PM
He can always use his monstruous buffer to keep the ratio down and help others seed! :O

04-21-2010, 03:02 PM
Let the hype begin. :happy:

I got a hold of their FAQ yesterday and my attention was drawn to how they plan to stop ratio whoring (demoting users if their ratio goes above a certain figure). It's the first time I see such a system on a tracker.

Idk if thats the right way to go about things... i mean thats like punishing someone for doing extra credit...

not really, why does one need to obtain huge buffers anyways?.. there's only 2 reasons i can think of.. those are: for trading pruposes.. and to leech without feeling that you need to seed back. the later i've seen some say they do, they'll build up a big buffer.. then hit and run feeling like they are covered because of it.. both are undesireable ....

04-21-2010, 05:06 PM
not really, why does one need to obtain huge buffers anyways?.. there's only 2 reasons i can think of.. those are: for trading pruposes.. and to leech without feeling that you need to seed back.

You're missing one:

I rent a Gbit seedbox and I seed as much as I can so I can get a uberleet ratio and pretend to be an even better and reputable member.

04-21-2010, 06:48 PM
I think ScL has returned, see this: http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-43/t-scenexpressnet-is-the-new-scl-v2-408019

04-21-2010, 09:16 PM
Like many people, I do upload a lot and then stick to my insane ratio. Let me explain why. I do not have a disposable amount of income at my grasp that I can throw around to a seedbox every month. So, I go out every 3-4 months buy me a 1/10gbit line, buffer every tracker I go to, to a ridiculous ratio, then sit there chewing at that ratio for as long as I want (by my calculations, I can last 5-6 years on some trackers without needing to seed a single byte, but I still seed every torrent for at least 6 months). Basically, there are legitimate reasons to have a crazy ratio, and regardless of The X's rules, I think I'll still behave like I normally do, because it works for me.

Otherwise, so far, without the intention of making people go crazy about it, The X is a nice place right now (got on a few hours back).

04-21-2010, 09:32 PM
Otherwise, so far, without the intention of making people go crazy about it, The X is a nice place right now (got on a few hours back).

Considering the sites that you are already on( and no judgment on X which I'm sure is wonderful),begs the question why?:unsure:

04-21-2010, 09:35 PM
Considering the sites that you are already on( and no judgment on X which I'm sure is wonderful),begs the question why?:unsure:

I'm not going to lie about it, I joined because of the hype. I heard a lot of people saying it's a great place, decided to try it out for myself.

04-21-2010, 10:06 PM
I have a better idea,how about we all start posting lyrics of justin bieber's songs.
...and when u are fifteen and somebody tells u they love u...u gonna believe them...:wub::wub::wub:

04-21-2010, 10:13 PM
I have a better idea,how about we all start posting lyrics of justin bieber's songs.
...and when u are fifteen and somebody tells u they love u...u gonna believe them...:wub::wub::wub:

Hate to be the one to break this to you, but you got your artists mixed up. Although, if you ask me, Justin Piper's high pitched voice is just as good as Taylor Swift's (not much).

04-21-2010, 10:22 PM
I have a better idea,how about we all start posting lyrics of justin bieber's songs.
...and when u are fifteen and somebody tells u they love u...u gonna believe them...:wub::wub::wub:

Hate to be the one to break this to you, but you got your artists mixed up. Although, if you ask me, Justin Piper's high pitched voice is just as good as Taylor Swift's (not much).

/me faggot :dry: no not me...^him..not like him^-->me but him him!

04-23-2010, 12:21 PM
Shutting down - 2010-04-23

Dear Members

Our new project has finally gone public. We are glad to announce that we have invited our best, most loyal and most trusted users from ScL. Unfortunately we couldn’t invite all our ScL members, and there are several reasons for that. As many of you know, sadly we had many collectors in our userbase. Around 4700 of our 9800 userbase were users who barely did anything besides logging in to prevent being banned. So to those users – You didn’t think of us, therefore we didn’t think of you either.
As mentioned we invited all our finest and most loyal users on ScL. This leaves out the group between these loyal users and those bad collectors, which is a group of around 2000 people. This group is not a bad group, they weren’t collectors, and we are willing to give them a fair chance to join:

We are willing to give all our members a chance for a freshstart. For invites to the new tracker, you need to be interviewed. For interviews go to:
Server: irc.p2p-net.eu
Once your there, read the topic and you'll know what to do.
IMPORTANT: We have a very strict activity policy - so unless you plan to be active, don't even bother applying.

To all of you whom got invited – Welcome to the new tracker. To the rest of you – thanks for a wonderful time here at ScL. We will never forget this tracker and will always take a proud look back, despite the problems we had during the last months.
With all that said, the site will shutdown in 24 hours – So now is the time to say your finale goodbye’s.

We wish you all the very best of luck in life for the future.
Take care,