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10-25-2003, 05:09 AM
ok i dont nkow if this goes in the right place but i wana do business....

i wana download games and then sell them but im gona say that the games are for free, im charging the person for the CD and the burning process and the download process....10 bucks :D would that be illegal

10-25-2003, 05:13 AM
Yes, it's illegal it's illegal just to download them but hey do it, If I was still in school I would be still selling cd's I got a few customers left and I have a dude I sell games to for 10.

10-25-2003, 05:20 AM
but lets say there is a SQUEALER in my school and he squeals on me could the school do somting to me

10-25-2003, 05:25 AM
yes they could.... well unless ur not trading at school. Trade outside of school then ur be safer. But I dont condone selling games for 10$. I think 5$ is enough 10$ is a bit over the top

10-25-2003, 05:31 AM
as much as you must hate me, I hope we can bury the ax
you can get into big trouble selling of pirating anything, in fact the FBI has a special team to track counterfeits and people that sell bootlegs(notice the FBI warning at the beginning of any movie)
please listen when i tell you not to do anything like what your asking

10-25-2003, 05:31 AM
yea i know 10 is too much but the problem is my friend and i are doin the business...im burning hes gettin customers....and we do the deal safe...like my past drug deals we go in the bathroom and then pass it understalls

10-25-2003, 05:53 AM
are you serious? selling pirated games?

10-25-2003, 05:58 AM
I even pm him to tell him how fucked up that was
and he still asked me what my problem was

10-25-2003, 06:01 AM
selling movies that are in theaters is my specialty :D

10-25-2003, 06:04 AM
I never knew there was a market pirated files off p2p.

10-25-2003, 06:05 AM
yall nutz :lol:

10-25-2003, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by Octopussy@25 October 2003 - 05:09
ok i dont nkow if this goes in the right place but i wana do business....

i wana download games and then sell them but im gona say that the games are for free, im charging the person for the CD and the burning process and the download process....10 bucks :D would that be illegal
not only will it be illegal but it's the worst form of piracy there is

also u'll be looked down upon by fellow file sharers

it's not the right thing to do

10-25-2003, 06:30 AM
I rather just trade...
I have htis circle of frens at school where we trade cds of various games. So I can exchange Halo for WC3:FT (what I just did 2 days back) You can get heaps of games this way esp when your group of rens haf a gd adsl connection :lol: .

I'm owning that circle now, with about 33 games on HDD, 10 of which r ISOs but those guys dun care whether they traded a ISo for a rip :lol: .

trading is much better imo. You get games or if better, you rather want money.

10-25-2003, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by muchspl2@25 October 2003 - 05:58
I even pm him to tell him how fucked up that was
and he still asked me what my problem was
well i didnt know it was that bad...cuz my friend told me its only illegal if you charge for the game which i wasnt...iw as gona charge for downloading time and cd....but ok i wont sell it...ill do the trade thing...taht isnt illegal right? and i didnt uderstand ur pm cuz u just said delete that shit and i didnt know what...

10-25-2003, 06:47 AM
just downloading the game is ilegal unless it's freeware. but, that's never stopped me before. however, if you run into something you really like try and go out a buy it. if you don't buy the stuff they won't make more of it.

Rip The Jacker
10-25-2003, 08:03 AM
I used to sell pirated movies, but these days all the new movies have that message at the bottom, so I stopped. :P


10-25-2003, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Octopussy@25 October 2003 - 00:31
yea i know 10 is too much but the problem is my friend and i are doin the business...im burning hes gettin customers....and we do the deal safe...like my past drug deals we go in the bathroom and then pass it understalls
This is the right price what are yall talking about 10-15 dollars do u know how much u would pay in the store for the game.

10-25-2003, 08:16 AM
to what broken said...i do buy good games, i have purchased games taht i dont get bored of such as battlefield 1942, and its expansons, ut2k4, starcraft, chaser