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05-01-2010, 12:21 AM
”Child Pornography Is Great,” Anti-Pirates Say
April 29, 2010

" It is no secret that pro-copyright lobbyists are exploiting child pornography to get file-sharing sites pulled offline. They have done so for years. Their ultimate goal is to use child porn as an excuse to impose a global Internet filter, and with a new directive being presented in the EU their strategy seems to be paying off.

In 2007, a year after the Swedish police raided The Pirate Bay’s servers in Stockholm, there was a seminar in the same city titled ”Sweden — A Safe Haven for Pirates?” There, in a room filled with like-minded souls, Johan Schlüter of the Danish Anti-Piracy Group took the stage with the ultimate plan to curb piracy.

”Child pornography is great,” he said enthusiastically. ”It is great because politicians understand child pornography. By playing that card, we can get them to act, and start blocking sites. And once they have done that, we can get them to start blocking file sharing sites.”

Where one would have expected an averse reaction from the public, cheers started to fill the entire room instead. For years the music and movie industries have tried to convince politicians that piracy was killing their businesses, without much result. Using child porn as an excuse could just be what they needed for an extra push.

”One day we will have a giant filter that we develop in close cooperation with IFPI and MPA. We continuously monitor the child porn on the net, to show the politicians that filtering works. Child porn is an issue they understand,” Johan Schlüter told his fellow attendees.

In the months and years that followed, the pro-copyright lobby continued to put pressure on local governments and courts to disarm The Pirate Bay. In Denmark, they had some success in court as a local ISP was ordered to block access to The Pirate Bay.

Increasingly, the child porn argument is used all around the world to get governments to implement state run Internet filters. “The big film and record companies want censorship of the net, and they are perfectly willing to cynically use child porn as an excuse to get it,” Pirate Party MEP Christian Engstrom writes in brilliant a blog post discussing the issue.

Engstrom’s comments are a response to the plans of Swedish EU commissioner Cecilia Malmström to build a European Internet filter. As Engstrom also notes, a filter is only going to hide the real problem while the real offenders can easily bypass the restrictions. Wouldn’t it be much better to track down the sources spreading the material and throw them in jail?

Wouldn’t that be great?

The Cleanternet, Our Future? (Watch until the end)

RkmcupFx3FQ "

:source: Source: ”Child Pornography Is Great,” Anti-Pirates Say (http://torrentfreak.com/%E2%80%9Dchild-pornography-is-great%E2%80%9D-anti-pirates-say-100429/):view: Homepage: TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com)

05-01-2010, 12:54 AM
As long as man has the education to copy and distribute information,
Governments will do everything in their power to stop people from getting it, This Idea has been around since the invention of the printing press.
Using this as an excuse to filter the Internet will just do as the statement says,"a filter is only going to hide the real problem while the real offenders can easily bypass the restrictions."
Welcome to the Internet. 2010

05-01-2010, 07:57 AM
Aw Damn! The pedobears went and screwed everything up.

05-01-2010, 07:20 PM
"Lets follow China, Korea and Iran in using the website blocking system to protect our freedom and democracy", I nearly punched the screen in disgust at that statement, you can stick your Cleanternet up your fucking arse Commie bastards

05-01-2010, 07:27 PM
(If you didn't notice, or didn't stick it out to the end, it became pretty evident the sarcasm laden in that video.)

05-01-2010, 07:42 PM
Oops my bad, I'll put my missing the satire down to being tired :blushing:

Tv Controls you
05-01-2010, 11:09 PM
Promoting child pornography to take down piracy?

We should all start supporting Rape to take down anti-piracy.
Politicians Understand that right?

Come on...
This guy sounds like a retarded pedo who feels the need to justify his pedophilia.
We, just as the majority of other sites, work at removing any child pornography.

You are putting up a filter?

Fair enough, I am running peerblock blocking your snake ass as we speak.
I'm looking forward to having your filter cracked and then rubbing your ill spent money in your face.

05-02-2010, 02:30 AM
Reminds me of the phrase:
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"....

05-02-2010, 03:17 AM
As long as VPN's and Anonymizers exist there will always be a way round all filters, Peado's should rot and die

05-02-2010, 05:32 AM
Total bullshit!!! It's for those who didn't know to use the internet.....

We should end humankind so there won't be any child pornography. Better solution :)

05-02-2010, 06:22 AM
End humankind what!!!- Shouldn't that be end kiddie fiddlers so us normal people can enjoy the Internet and life?
Anyone who tries ending mankind is a very sad individual indeed.Life is great.

05-03-2010, 04:57 PM
"Lets follow China, Korea and Iran in using the website blocking system to protect our freedom and democracy", I nearly punched the screen in disgust at that statement, you can stick your Cleanternet up your fucking arse Commie bastards

haha i thought the same thing till the end

05-04-2010, 06:59 PM
Luckily filters are so eeeasy to avoid :)

05-05-2010, 03:01 AM
To my knowlege I've never seen child porn available on any of the trackers I've been to. So how is this going to let them block all torrent sites if their plan is to use that as the means to stop it?