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View Full Version : What makes a Private Tracker popular?

05-04-2010, 01:36 AM
Recently I thinking about this question, I'm new to private tracker
things so its answer is up to veteran torrenter.

I've made a poll for its possibly answer. Please vote mate and give me the reason.

AFAIK, all big trackers come from small one first. :happy:

It seems I can't see the option for poll creation.

Then here is some possibility:

1. Content and uploader
2. Staff and rules
3. Community and forum
4. Speed and retention
5. Eliteness and niche
6. Media and hype
7. Other

Tv Controls you
05-04-2010, 01:49 AM
Online reputation, specialized content, quality uploads, fast pretimes, design, staff, community, age, speeds, and much others play into the "popularity" of a tracker.

*wrote before you put up your polls.
When I look to join a tracker I analyze all aspects.

05-04-2010, 01:52 AM
Added the poll for you. ;)

05-04-2010, 02:06 AM
What makes a tracker popular or what should make a tracker popular?

05-04-2010, 02:28 AM
I'd say that content, community, speed, and design makes a tracker popular. Eliteness also works for collectors, but for people wanting a "home," the things I stated are pretty much essential...

05-04-2010, 02:39 AM
Levels, rarity, hype, "legendary community", and of course, awesome packs.

The sad part is, I'm not kidding :(

As for what should make a tracker popular:
Diversity of content, torrent retention, special features (useful ones mind you, not just useless fluff), and dedicated staff.

05-04-2010, 02:54 AM
Content and uploader

05-04-2010, 02:58 AM
As for what should make a tracker popular:
Diversity of content, torrent retention, special features (useful ones mind you, not just useless fluff), and dedicated staff.


Any tracker that has dedicated staff, useful features (such as AJAX search-as-you-type), and great content is a win in my book.

Content and uploader

Another leeching scum. :frusty:

05-04-2010, 03:18 AM
@Rart, What can make a tracker popular in your eyes?. So with this poll we can find who's true collector. :D.

A tracker that popular so you can spend days to find invites for it.

E.g. BCG, I've seen many members looking for it just because it rarely open invite. But after that they doesn't even use it. They're collectors or even traders.

In short, I was looking for answer on "Why trackers can be grow so popular from a small tracker?". Popular in term of many invitee avaiable or many user want to join it.

But you can add some side answer too about what should make a tracker popular?. But I think mostly people's answer for this is "content" option and second "community". We're downloader after all. :P

05-04-2010, 06:48 AM
Content and uploader

Another leeching scum. :frusty:
Don't see why.
I primarily joined most trackers for the contents. Aren't they trackers? Aren't they supposed to help people getting the stuff they want?
I don't like to be forced into a community. If I join a site, I do it because I want to get files from there in the first place. Then, if one day I browse the forums and I find myself liking what's being discussed there, then I may join the fray.
I'll never join a site merely for the community. No. I want the files, and then I may find myself getting the "click" and starting to be active. Can't really describe the "click", but that's what happened to me some day at FST and here I am.

05-04-2010, 07:09 AM
content for the most part. Then speed and retention

05-04-2010, 07:40 AM
The smaller the chances to get in the popular the tracker it is, sadly but its reality
I remember in the beginning when i started torrenting, i just wanted to download stuff, when i join TL,thx to fst, it was the biggest achievement and it remained the nr 1 tracker i use.
Now people want what they cant get, to be a part of a tracker,simply to have it bcz the content its pretty much the same, i think a lot of low level trackers has more torrent activity or forum posts than a h33t one but sadly this doesnt count anymore

05-04-2010, 12:04 PM
What makes a site popular with its members...... hmmmmm........Your poll options are too narrow for me because it is a combination of many factors.

Tracker content is fine - but what I like is when the site has amazing request fillers/uploaders. 0day comes in to most sites, that is not as important to me. What matters instead is that I know I (or anyone else who requests) can request almost any file even the most obscure and it will be on the tracker in no time.

Forum activity/content - Lots of sites are loaded with spam and even the best of them can't get around the tonnage of fluff posts. I enjoy a site where there exists a core element within the forum where I know that interesting discussion emerges in certain threads all the time. As well, the help section gets an immediate and accurate response whenever someone is stuck and needs to know how to get something to work (be it software, or buying new hardware, etc). Help sections that are not filled with thread trolls is most refreshing :)

Staff/Site Design options - The running and framework of a site is often overlooked in terms of its importance; but no matter how feature-rich a site is, it won't matter much and only serve to be a disappointment if the staff behind it either don't maintain it, or are a bunch of immature asshats. When staff set the example by being the most obnoxious forum trolls of all, or don't intervene and set things right when it should, what next right?

Speed, pre-times - all that stuff is not as important to me, but it is to many others so some effort needs to go in to giving decent speeds and most sites do.

What catches my eye are sites that are not pure ratio-driven. If a site wants activity, and diversity of content, creativity is needed in how members can maintain their ratio, or better yet, that they really don't have a ratio-system at all.

So..... you put a package together of a site like ^^ than that will hold my interest far more than just a site that has 'good speed' or 'good content'.

05-04-2010, 01:35 PM
Good content, speeds and retention, I guess. Pretimes and forums are of secondary importance for me.

And most important, it must have something giving it a cut above the rest of the sites of its same category.

05-04-2010, 01:40 PM
1) community
2) friendly staff
3) rare content
in my opinion these 3 r must for a private tracker

05-04-2010, 01:45 PM
Number 1 is content for me. If a tracker does not have what I need, there's not need for me to use the tracker. Number 2, the community. I am a member of certain trackers that I have downloaded anything in months from, but I keep going to the site mainly because of the forum. They community posts interesting and hysterical threads that keep me coming back. Number 3, design. I have joined some trackers and immediately never went back to them because I did not like the design of the tracker. It usually has to do with the visual concept of the tracker and the cumbersome use of the tracker's feature that turns me off.

05-04-2010, 01:50 PM
Number 1 is content for me. If a tracker does not have what I need, there's not need for me to use the tracker. Number 2, the community. I am a member of certain trackers that I have downloaded anything in months from, but I keep going to the site mainly because of the forum. They community posts interesting and hysterical threads that keep me coming back. Number 3, design. I have joined some trackers and immediately never went back to them because I did not like the design of the tracker. It usually has to do with the visual concept of the tracker and the cumbersome use of the tracker's feature that turns me off.

that is mainly the things i would cover, the content is always king and secondly for me the speeds if you can get both right you have yourself a epic site. To put the icing on the cake add a sex styled theme and you have yourself a winner!

05-04-2010, 01:52 PM
"Eliteness" and "Media hype" mean nil.

05-04-2010, 02:34 PM
content first and foremost...if I continually have to go to another site to get the content I want, whats the point of me spending my time in their community? Granted there are a lot of people who downloaded from newsgroups and just like to hang out in torrent sites forums and irc

but I think for the vast majority content is king

05-04-2010, 02:56 PM
Why do I think certain trackers are more popular than others?( which btw might be in fact totally opposite to why they really are) in order.
1.Reputation( real or imagined)/or more simply- being aware it exists
Contrary to the skewed perception many people have here most bt users don't know or don't care about every tracker under the sun .They hear the name TL someplace .They read it's "good" .They join and that sole membership for a majority of people is more than enough.End story.
2.Size ( which usually addresses at least in part, speed/retention/ease of seeding )also interconnected to the first point.
3.Ease of actually getting into it .Self explanatory .Some sites are "less popular " by design.
4. Content . Here we start getting into something past the "casual user " so numbers effected are clearly not going to be as great.
5. Design .Again process of diminishing returns .The more "involved" you are the more you are likely to care about such things.

and then the rest( however important they are or not in reality )follow

Personally however if the question was why do I prefer certain trackers over others the order would be something like ...
The people associated with it .Whether that means "community" or staff or whatever.Doesn't even have to do with activity on forums or irc(not that I'd know about irc)Really just a certain feeling that everyone is there because they actually care about the content and respect the fact that not everyone else there is necessarily the same . This being opposed to being a member(or staff) in some juvenile attempt at proving themselves better than anyone else or as some hopeful stepping stone to whatever next level they wish to attain..
I guess I illogically choose trackers by who I prefer to associate with .
Seriously I can get movies/games/music at the store or :Oeven do without.At the end of the day I want to feel good about what I'm doing.

After that content and retention and to a much lesser degree design and then to me at least none of the other things matter at all( not saying that they never did btw.Live and learn like).

05-04-2010, 05:54 PM
Well, question was "What makes a Private Tracker popular?" not "What I like about tracker (or something like that)".

So here's the formula how to make a popular tracker (only works for the start, if your tracker won't be any good, popularity will drop in a short time).

First thing to do - get a catchy name with the.net in the end (this is must have).
Second thing - it must be ratioless. It's the new hit, everything ratioless is popular nowadays.
Third - get a nice layout/design to attract users showing your reviews on FST or any other filesharing forum, but remember, showing pic's of your tracker is forbidden...
Last thing - get a nice review on torrentfreak. ;)

This is how things work nowadays...:dry:

So my vote goes for "Media and hype".

05-04-2010, 05:59 PM
content and speed , what else

05-04-2010, 06:00 PM
fourth thing - close the tracker and give invites to vip/donors only.

05-04-2010, 06:05 PM
You seem to be ignoring the point I tried to make that being the most sought after by a small percentage of people isn't the same thing as being "popular":unsure:

05-04-2010, 06:14 PM
Last thing - get a nice review on torrentfreak. ;)

I think you mean FSF? :lol:

05-04-2010, 06:17 PM
You seem to be ignoring the point I tried to make that being the most sought after by a small percentage of people isn't the same thing as being "popular":unsure:

I'm not ignoring anything.
You might think this way but the truth is I often don't understand what you mean in your posts. Your way of writing is pretty complicated for peoples with not so good skill of english. :mellow:

Last thing - get a nice review on torrentfreak. ;)

I think you mean FSF? :lol:

Maybe, they all seems so similar as I don't read those blogs so often. :happy:

05-04-2010, 06:19 PM
The poll totals out of 214.82% btw.

05-04-2010, 06:21 PM
It's because you could choose more than 1 answer.

05-04-2010, 06:24 PM
content and uploader

speed is also important, difficult to say

05-04-2010, 06:29 PM
I'm not ignoring anything.
You might think this way but the truth is I often don't understand what you mean in your posts. Your way of writing is pretty complicated for peoples with not so good skill of english. :mellow:

And here I was assuming it was because I usually don't make any sense.

05-04-2010, 07:54 PM
wait were they asking what we look for in a tracker and what makes it "popular"(i guess thats what its asking tho its kind of out of context in this situation) to us, or is it asking what we feel makes it popular to other ppl?

EDIT: i just assumed it was what we think makes it popular to others

05-04-2010, 08:07 PM
Well, question was "What makes a Private Tracker popular?" not "What I like about tracker (or something like that)".

So here's the formula how to make a popular tracker (only works for the start, if your tracker won't be any good, popularity will drop in a short time).

First thing to do - get a catchy name with the.net in the end (this is must have).
Second thing - it must be ratioless. It's the new hit, everything ratioless is popular nowadays.
Third - get a nice layout/design to attract users showing your reviews on FST or any other filesharing forum, but remember, showing pic's of your tracker is forbidden...
Last thing - get a nice review on torrentfreak. ;)

This is how things work nowadays...:dry:

So my vote goes for "Media and hype".

You are quite correct as to the question! Somehow I managed to completely lose sight of the interrogatory itself.

05-04-2010, 09:53 PM
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, or even if they did more than sleep in their own drool during maths class, but it seems the board has had a major brain fart :blink:
If you add up the percentage of voters for each option in the poll the total comes to 213.74% :naughty:
tesco (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/members/tesco-42066) what the fuck have you done :blink:

05-04-2010, 09:56 PM
Check posts #27 and #28. :happy:

05-04-2010, 10:09 PM
still seems bizarre that you can have a percentile greater than 100, I can understand that from the coder's point of view it would be the easiest way to add up the totals in a multichoice poll but damn !

05-04-2010, 10:58 PM
I believe media and hype is what makes a tracker popular, but personally it's content, retention, speed and fast load times. Anything else is just things that make it even better.

I find myself quite often going to one place to search and another to download. Quite simply because the first one is fast as hell, but a bitch to seed back on.

05-04-2010, 10:59 PM
Depends on the time. For example, if a tracker like HDBits goes down, I'm stuck looking for both, a community, and content. If a tracker like GFT goes down, I'm stuck looking for purely content. If both are up, then for the most part, I'm content. This is not to say I wouldn't join a tracker, I sometimes do, and sparingly regret not joining said tracker earlier.

Primarily, I join trackers for content, as I'm sure a lot of people do the same. Since summer has just started (university's out, yay) I've been job hunting, and there's this one guy hiring a website coder/designer (I'm no prodigy, but I have style), so as of late, I've been collecting the sort of material that would help me do that work promptly, and while TPB is a great resource, I'm not going to wait on a torrent for a week to end up downloading. Now, for a person in my position, the last thing on my mind would be the elitism of the community, rather I would chase after how much its content has been hyped.

Not all the leetness factor works, or we'd have thousands of people flooding this place looking for WDMA trackers, which to my understanding, you only have a chance getting into if you were part of the original WDMA. Similarly, not all the "ease-of-getting-into works", otherwise most people would be happy with their IPT/TL fix. Whether people would agree with me or not, we all want to "feel good", and that sparks people chasing FTN, or people chasing WDMA the same. I remember posts on ScT like "We're the kings of the internet" were not uncommon, yet people enjoyed the place (and so did I); because not only did we get the files we needed, we also got a little bit of elitist exclusivity along with it.

That given, I would be especially surprised if anyone could, without even hesitating a little bit, say they would ignore one/more of the options you listed. Maslow's theory/laws apply here. People just need to satisfy different levels of their private tracker needs at different times/intervals. Hierarchical speaking, I'm sure content would be one of the lowest needs, while others like elitism would be one of the highest.

05-05-2010, 12:42 AM
1337ness + Hype + Acute shortage of invites. :lol:
That goes a long way in makin a site famous and their staff ego and power tripping megalomaniacs.

05-05-2010, 04:41 AM
Ok, BT community is still BT community then, be it for people out there and for FST member. People still sought for content and speed at tracker.

But the conclusion to make a new tracker grow big is in order:
1. Media and Hype
2. Eliteness
Then go for most sought after by real user:
3. Content and uploader
4. Speed and Retention.

I'm just want to see your point of view about private tracker aspects.
BTW, if content was a priority why trading and even selling exist in the first place? :unsure:

05-05-2010, 01:43 PM
BTW, if content was a priority why trading and even selling exist in the first place? :unsure:

Because of the first two points in your list.

05-05-2010, 03:06 PM
1337ness + Hype + Acute shortage of invites. :lol:
That goes a long way in makin a site famous and their staff ego and power tripping megalomaniacs.
+1.In that Acute Shortage of invites is the de facto way to be popular :yup:

05-06-2010, 08:16 PM
Content and uploader