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View Full Version : Installing A Dvd Rom

10-29-2003, 11:58 AM
need a little help installin a dvd rom-ive connected the power and other grey cable to the device, now where do i plug the AUDIO cable to-is it to the cdrom drive or onto the motherboard?also are there any other cables that need to go into the back of the DVD ROM?

thanks for any help given


10-29-2003, 12:20 PM
Audio needs to connected if you have two like I do or replace with the Cd audio cable,which ever way music sound will only come out of the drive(s) with cable on.
This doesn't affect sound from Dvd's if thats what you wanted to know also if you have the means (like I do) connect the two pin audio up (digital) to the soundcard (m/board),what sound card do you have ?

10-29-2003, 12:25 PM
i have got a SB AUDIGY soundcard

my problem aint with sound though-the drive is working as it should be with opening /closing etc but it not play the dvds in the drive. noticed on the MB there isa slot that says ''CDINI'' but that didnt help? there is also a slot with 'AUDIO'' written below-should i put that audio lead in that slot~? i must sound like a complete arse here! anyway it seems i have plugged in everything i got with the dvd drive in the back ofit!

any other help?


10-29-2003, 12:30 PM
Ok first have you got a software dvd player on your machine like say PowerDVD
this will at least test the dvd itsself.

10-29-2003, 12:45 PM
the audio cable is unnecessary. CD/DVD-Roms have a sort of hardware decoder built in, which can send the audio from audio-CDs (and no other disc types as far as i know-- not mp3 discs, DVDs, etc) to the sound card or the motherboard's sound input. it's an antiquated feature that drive manufacturers still insist on including, but it's essentially useless. you're better off just leaving the audio cable out, and using a software ("digital") audio-CD player-- it will take up a little bit of CPU power, but the sound quality is typically better.

10-29-2003, 12:47 PM
hi mate
yes i have POWERDVD installed on my PC

ive checked the drive using a DVD-R disk and also a genuine copy of 8 MILE on dvd and none work! the dvd drive buzzes for a little bit like it loading the cd but that just stops!

ive checked device manager and it says the drive is installed correctly and is working!??

on ''MY COMPUTER SCREEN'' i have DRIVE E AND F both saying they are dvd drives but when i try to open they say ''PLEASE INSERT DISK INTO DRIVE''

this is weird!


10-29-2003, 12:58 PM
the DVD-R disc may not be compatible with your drive. DVD drives can be quite finicky in regards to which brands of recordable DVD discs they'll accept.

i'm not sure why it should have any trouble reading the 8 Mile retail disc, though. you should first concentrate on getting the drive to read pre-manufactured video discs, and then worry about getting it to read your DVD-Rs (as i've said, compatibility can be unpredictable).

the only suggestion i can think of so far is that your cables might not be connected firmly. if the IDE cable is connected properly, but the power cable is not, Windows may still recognize the drive but be unable to use it. so you might wanna check the cables and make sure you've pressed the connections in as far as they'll go.

10-29-2003, 01:07 PM
Who server went down still yes I agree if need be disconnect the cd rom for now till the dvd is working plus in device manager make sure the drive as the tick in "DMA".
Can it read a CD disc ok ?

10-29-2003, 01:18 PM
something weird is happening now-if i press eject on the CDRW drive in my computer, both drives are ekecting? whats happening with that-have i cocked up?


10-29-2003, 01:48 PM
does the fact that this DVD ROM is SCSI change anything?

in device manage it says


not sure if this makes any difference, but i thought id add it


10-29-2003, 01:48 PM
Wow that saves opening them singlely clever :lol:

Joking really never had that in 10 years at this game have you done the forementioned to see if the Dvd works by its self only,you can check the jumpers too but it shouldn't really firer up if you have them wrong.

10-29-2003, 01:52 PM



10-29-2003, 01:55 PM
Oh little black (mostly) things on the back of your drives they should be differant ie ma(master) sl(slave) not the same.

Give us the setup what are the drives on primary/secondery.Includ the h/drive.

10-29-2003, 02:00 PM
sorry i have absolutely no idea what your are talking about?? :(

10-29-2003, 02:07 PM
Right you don't mention how the drives are connected so we'll take it that the h/drive is on pri/master if the cd is on pri/sec' thats fine that then leaves the dvd on sec'.master or slave no problems there.
Did you connect to another drive or put another cable in on install.

10-29-2003, 02:13 PM
when i installed i simply found a spare power cable and also spare grey think lead that were not doin anything and then i just plugged them in to the new DVD ROM-i also cnnected the audio lead but apprently that dont matter!


10-29-2003, 02:20 PM
Well that's what should be done great now for the problem can't seem to fine an answer in my head yet trying to get some food at the moment,does the cd only work and does the dvd read cd's.

10-29-2003, 02:34 PM
the cd drive is fine-still reading cds properly-the dvd drive seems to read the cd, well it makes the noise like its reading something but it jst does not load into POWERDVD.

i read something about REGION codes wont allow a dvd to play at all unless its set to my countrys(uk) code-this may be bullshit but??


10-29-2003, 02:40 PM
you ought to set the region to your country's code, yes. if you need to play imported DVDs, just get hold of a program like DVD Region Free which automatically supplies the correct code for each disc without affecting the drive's actual code.

10-29-2003, 02:44 PM
No that's right I don't have a dvd but put many in other people's machines I think its either under your drive in device man' or it should be in powerdvd in the options what's the disc your trying to view did you buy it here(UK) yes I am here too on holiday for a week from work and its great.
And this reg' thing is limited to only 5 if I recall unless you can get it opened with a bit of software from here .


10-29-2003, 02:51 PM
everytime i try to open anthng dvd rrelated on my oc now its locking up for some reason, i tried setting the region code earlier and it says i dont have correct privilages or something like that?
its well hard to write a post now as my PC is locking up every 20secs for a few secs?


10-29-2003, 03:11 PM
you mentioned earlier in your posts about enabling DMA or something? anyway while browsing power dvd system diagnostic i noticed that DMA in all of my drives were left unticked, but they were blanked out so i couldnt tick them to enable them? is there another way to enalble dma mode?


10-29-2003, 03:18 PM
I haven't gone away just can't seem to think of anything its easier to see it that write about it.
Sure I wouldn't think it would help but go to your device manager look under each (h/drive too) and go to the properties - settings you will have to reboot after this.

10-29-2003, 03:31 PM
hi-thanks for all your help but i think i myself am gonna give up and just egt my mate down when he finishes work to have a check over it-i dont wanna mess it up even more-he works in the computer industry on the hardware side so hopefully he'll know whats wrong!

thanks again

10-29-2003, 03:33 PM
Thats a good idea like I said its easier seeing than writing about it luck be with you my friend,bye.

Evil Gemini
10-29-2003, 05:39 PM
if you decide to do it your self.
