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View Full Version : [Req]seedbox

05-18-2010, 05:04 AM
Hello all i wonder if someone will be able to give me a seedbox acces don't really know i much time i need it,every hour will be great,why i need it?i've download some old torrent on my tracker and they was be difficult for seed after if impossible lol.I can't buy one acces this month but i will be happy to help someone too next month.thanks in advance

05-19-2010, 06:26 PM
up :)

05-19-2010, 08:43 PM
So to clarify, you want someone who's paying money for a service to give you access to said service for free, especially since they'll be giving a random stranger access to their server and potentially passkeys/personal info (if they don't set up permissions right, most people using seedbox slices probably don't even have shell access to set them)?

Why would you download a large old torrent on what I assume is either a new account or an account close to the ratio limit and then expect to be able to seed it?

05-19-2010, 09:48 PM
I've had a nice mocking reply when I read the title
but now that I think about it
I really don't have any problem giving you access to my seedbox (regarding the I-pay-you-don't thing)
The main problem would be that you'd have access to all of my files and passkeys.

Edit: Here's what I can offer, PM me your .torrent and I'll seed it for you for couple of days (or a week if you want)