View Full Version : Murderer Uses Google Earth to Target Victim

Darth Sushi
05-21-2010, 02:46 AM
http://media.bestofmicro.com/Google-Earth,9-D-8113-1.jpgMurderer Uses Google Earth to Target Victim
May 20, 2010 - By Jane McEntegart

" A British woman has been murdered after a heroin addict used Google Earth to pick out the target for a burglary.

A burglar in the United Kingdom used Google Earth to target an elderly woman in her 80's. Steven Hodgson is said to have broken into Patricia Thompson's home and tortured her until she gave him her bank PIN number. Once he had her bank information he killed her, filled two suitcases with her jewelry and other valuables and phoned for a taxi.

London's Telegraph this week reports that 33-year-old Stephen Hodgson checked out the neighbourhood on Google Earth two days before breaking into Thompson's home. Files found on his computer by police indicate he spent time looking at aerial images showing a corner of the sheltered accommodation where Patricia lived. Mr. Hodgson is said to have selected Patricia's home because it was 'an easy target.'

"You knew the house was occupied by an old lady, that’s one of the reasons why you deliberately targeted it," said Mr. Justice Davis at the trial. "I can detect at no stage the slightest degree of remorse on your part at the death of this lovely woman. You are a very dangerous man."

Hodgson was unanimously convicted of murder and burglary after a six-day trial in Teesside Crown Court. He has been ordered to serve at least 34 years of a life sentence before being considered for release. "

:source: Source: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/Google-Google-Earth-Google-Maps,news-6850.html

05-21-2010, 01:15 PM
..and phoned for a taxi.
