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05-30-2010, 08:31 PM

Trader Hate

Well, I’ve been busy all week, finally found some time to write this post that has been in my head for like a month. So the whole trader hate thing seems to be a major thing in the BitTorrent Community. From newbies to veterans. There seems to be a major hate on people merely for their method of getting trackers, with no real reason for this hate, especially from the newbies who say they hate trading and then go and trade their invites for rep. At least the hated traders trade for something real, made up rep is just taking the piss. So lets dive into the piss take that is

Staff Haters

Well there are always going to be staffers that spend way too much time caring about traders and cheaters than caring about new features and the fact their server is piss slow. At some point last year one of the staffers that was seen floating around on a bunch of forums stepped down/demoted and then spilled all the juicy gossip on the new site at the time LL/ETI. Well I tried to find the post on there but I failed but I did find one of the many pastes made.

Originally Posted by jwsisliving1
1. Its not that am bitter but i think you guys deserve the truth.
2. thedevil is brandonblack is lucifer. he was staff at T rackereactor when it was a trading forum. then he was staff at PTN. he tried to delete himself at t rackereactor to erase all traces of himself but there are still some posts remaining. TSOL claimed once, before he got banned at T rackereactor for being an ex-trader (known there as Refused), that thedevil had a trading history too.
3. deadcell was also staff at t rackereactor when it was a trading forum. he is still a member there known as kingjeb. he voted to keep the trading forum at T rackereactor.
4. one of the newest members of revolt is
5. Intr4ns1t
6. he was staff at t rackereactor when it was a trading forum. he is also staff of PTN. he is known as roameyroam at TR.
7. Rodin is also a member of Revolt. a longtime member. he is also a longtime staffer of t rackereactor and PTN. also known as Rodinhas.
8. dv8type let me join FSC when i was known as jwsisliving1. i reported TSOL’s history to him, along with proofs. he was never banned. traders dont get banned at FSC. TSOL isnt banned, cabalo isnt banned, waldopepper isnt banned.
9. Squizzle, staff at Uk-T, has helped staff at PTN. he is known there as Sexmeup. he supports TSOL, who was invited to Uk-T by Muri.
10. Parkbenchi who is a longtime member of FST, is also an ex-trader. he traded there and at zeropaid. as parkbenchi or benchez. look it up.
11. Parkbenchi has FST staff at iTS. they are members. Also one of his FLS, deleric, is staff at PTN. Nothing happened when he joined PTN. He is also a member of Revolt, which has claimed in the past it hates PTN. Paladin, aka artemis, is also a longtime and still very active member of FST. Same with squirr3l. Wonder how people who hate FST so much can be so active there.
12. z7x who used to run ScL was banned at ScT and then had his account deleted for using dupe accounts to hit & run and steal their torrents. Pedrowsky one of their staff was banned once from waffles for cheating. his username was found at a cheating forum. it was active there, meaning he had posts. this was before he started staffing ScL. they arent so clean believe me.
13. Gibberish is also known as completegibberish. besides running the trading forum realpoor for a long time, he is also a member of CFS and CN.
14. PTN was started by traders. Several of the early staff had shady trading histories. Trust me i know. I was one of the founding staffers.
15. Some of those early staffers left to start CN. They got their start at TR, then started PTN, before starting CN. like ikiller and thedevil.
16. PunkIT or Punk!T. was a staff member at T rackereactor. he is also an invite seller. known as Iinvite or something like that. its hard to spell. but the point is T rackereactor has been staffed by an invite seller, traders, and a cheater called Masterchief.
17. Wonder how i can get those IPs from CN and T rackereactor. Because i was staff of them both at the same time. besides staffing CN and T rackereactor at the same time, i was also staffing PTN again as theplay. Beano, aka jwsisliving1, aka MichaelJackson, aka Pokerpays, aka WeldenSmith, aka SettinDice. There was of course a whole coverup. The main guys who started those places with me, from the beggining, knew me very well and my whole history. obviously im talking about ikiller and thedevil. i was demoted from CN after i was demoted at PTN and stepped down from T rackereactor. they were afraid the truth would come out. maybe they were afraid the #staffers at p2pg would be angry they helped get me into their channel. especially considering how i was once banned from revolt, iTS, and FTWR. thedevil even had a plan to get all the CN staff invited to the btssu channel, including me.
18. bannana6986 sells pay2leech sceneaxx to FSC members, among others. ScL sells pay2leech scene axx to their uploaders. Serb who is staff of gft is a bigtime member of the scene, which he likes bragging about to his friends. Several trackers use scene axx to auto upload to their trackers. even PTN has a plan to do this. I wonder how happy real sceners would be if they knew about this.

This one paste is full of drama and proofs that a lot of ex-traders become the biggest trader haters. But I think I should reveal a little more than is pasted here. Gibberish aka completegibberish has been known to hand IPs of realpoor’s users over to tracker staff, kinda explains why he is everywhere. The whole TSOL trading thing was an epic drama when he joined UK-T, Serb wasn’t too happy and kept on bitching, this resulted in him getting banned at Uk-T,PTN,ScT and a few other places and one mod being demoted at PTN for unbanning serb too. SexySmile Aka Devine Hate Aka an asshole made the statement that uk-t had shot it’s self in the head by allowing TSOL to join. A few months later Uk-T shutdown! So we all know who to blame! <3 TSOL hahaha. The whole FSC doesn’t ban traders thing is correct, FSC doesn’t care aslong as you don’t trade FSC or try and make monies. They have a moral police…

p.s. Lets not forget the guy who orginally posted this post has been seen offering pay2leech axx himself so it’s a complete piss take he is trying to rat out who has scene axx.

So as you can see from this paste, trading has been done by most of the veterans in the BitTorrent community. Will many of the staff that hate traders being ex-traders themselves. I was gonna post more but the awesomeness of the paste is doing most of what I wanted to say.

PS : Read comment on that forum also :shifty:

05-30-2010, 08:52 PM
He managed to google a pastebin that's been floating around for forever. Good for him.

05-30-2010, 08:54 PM
Like I said in another thread you are an idiot and doubly prove it by quoting the words of an embittered fellow idiot.
All you are attempting to do here is justify something that you yourself know is inherently wrong( not trading but lying) .If you didn't at least subconsciously feel( probably actually the only level you function on) that trading was wrong you would not feel the constant need to try to prove otherwise.
As for some of the people listed they are dicks but that hardly proves anything as they would be still dicks whether staff,trader,"trader hater" or kumquat.

As for me my advice to newbie traders - either do it or don't( I'm not your conscience or your Mom so i really don't care ) but if you decide to do it then don't come back here whining and tattling like a little girl while attempting to blame everyone else for your self-induced problems.

05-30-2010, 09:18 PM
Old news. http://www.punjabijanta.com/Smileys/default/yawn2.gif

05-30-2010, 09:21 PM

05-30-2010, 09:24 PM

05-30-2010, 09:31 PM
truth always hurt :yup:

05-30-2010, 09:41 PM
At some point last year one of the staffers that was seen floating around on a bunch of forums stepped down/demoted and then spilled all the juicy gossip on the new site at the time LL/ETI.

That pretty much says it all.

Why the hell would anyone who actually has something worthwhile and interesting to say on their blog randomly decide to post something (more than) half a year old? :idunno:

The answer? He doesn't have anything worthwhile or interesting to say.

05-30-2010, 10:14 PM
Like I said in another thread you are an idiot and doubly prove it by quoting the words of an embittered fellow idiot.
All you are attempting to do here is justify something that you yourself know is inherently wrong( not trading but lying) .If you didn't at least subconsciously feel( probably actually the only level you function on) that trading was wrong you would not feel the constant need to try to prove otherwise.
As for some of the people listed they are dicks but that hardly proves anything as they would be still dicks whether staff,trader,"trader hater" or kumquat.

As for me my advice to newbie traders - either do it or don't( I'm not your conscience or your Mom so i really don't care ) but if you decide to do it then don't come back here whining and tattling like a little girl while attempting to blame everyone else for your self-induced problems.

truth always hurt :yup:

Regarding the article: Good for him for digging up a pastebin from half a year ago that wasn't ever verified as anything other than the rantings of a global banned torrenter against the people who implemented said ban. Props to TSOL though who's featured prominently enough to get his own tag on the article. :)

Throw in some irrelevant crap about uk-t clearly added for the increased google hits and a few pot shots against people that have pissed off backie, and we've got a barely coherent wall of text that really doesn't have much to do with trader hating at all past the first paragraph or so.

Also, why the hell should newbie traders read this? They'd do better to read Idol's post earlier in this thread than that load of crap. The best advice I have for a newbie trader is to stop now before you've dug yourself in too deep. You'll be happier in the long run without the constant threat of losing your accounts looming over your head. Many people start trading early on because they see people on public forums do so and assume that it's the standard thing to do, but it's not. You put your accounts and future potential accounts at risk, as well as the accounts of anyone unfortunate enough to consider inviting you somewhere at risk of a ban. All of this is probably in the hopes that some day you'll pull off some big trade for a "high level" site that's praised for its "legendary community", which you won't even be able to participate in since anything that might draw a staff's eyes to your profile and IP history is a no-no.

Honestly I could count the number of worthwhile sites that you won't be able to get into after hitting Power User on a large site on one hand. It's funny, there are plenty of people here with invites to many trackers, including some of the "1337" ones, but we're simply sitting on them because the people requesting them here clearly can't be assed to put any effort into said requests, or better yet have trader rep from last month and try to say they're reformed or won't pawn the account you've risked your own account to give them off for some rarer tracker.

05-31-2010, 12:15 AM
trading is not a problem in itself.

trading for the sake of it or for collection purpose is what hurts private torrenting.

05-31-2010, 01:03 AM
The ass-fuzz that made this post (now pastebinned for posterity :sick: ), actually made a public apology about his antics recently: http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-bittorrent-43/t-my-belated-public-apology-406221 . It's more pathetic than anything else, so HDBits before you rush off to find examples to justify your point of view check to see if they are a douchebag first. (this isn't newbie trader help this is newbie forum posting help, if you look for cretins to support your point of view people will think you are a cretin......whoops too late ).

05-31-2010, 01:56 AM
oh get a fucking life, hdbits

05-31-2010, 02:03 AM
Since HDbits is unable to articulate enough to defend himself I feel obligated

oh get a fucking life, hdbits

So's the Bible:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

lolololol etc

05-31-2010, 03:35 AM
By the way, I did not make that idiotic first comment.

05-31-2010, 04:33 AM
By the way, I did not make that idiotic first comment.

Relax, it was clear that you didn't. Self-deprecation isn't one of your qualities. I kid, I kid.

05-31-2010, 05:58 AM
I've read this shite a dozen times already ... it's old news.

The funny thing is it completely missed it's purpose. Most of the people mentioned in this 'article' still have their places at forementioned trackers.

Some people try to defend their stance on trading by involving others. It's childish behaviour that reminds me of my kindergarten-years.

The one posting this here 'HDbits' has proven himself intellectually challenged so whatever he posts is automatically considered as the rambling of a senile idiot.

05-31-2010, 07:01 AM
What a complete load of toss. Like anyone over the age of 12 could have found that even remotely interesting when it was first posted, let alone now.

Pathetic attempt at creating e-drama is, well, pathetic.

05-31-2010, 07:24 AM
its reach 2 pages already :fst:

05-31-2010, 09:39 AM
Since HDbits is unable to articulate enough to defend himself I feel obligated

oh get a fucking life, hdbits

So's the Bible:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

lolololol etc


05-31-2010, 09:45 AM
(Just proving your point about the truth.. girls power..)

05-31-2010, 09:45 AM
I haven't read this before. Prolly since I don't google for drama. :P

HDbits, trading is not accepted nowadays, but it used to be. People who have traded in the past may now be trader haters. Maybe something suddenly changed? I dunno, I wasn't around back then. What is more likely is that trading is frowned upon just so you can't experience it first hand without worrying about the consequences and all of the people mentioned in the pastebin just like being hypocritical... .... very very much. :lol:

05-31-2010, 11:23 AM
People will defend when they feel -> threat :yup:

05-31-2010, 11:37 AM
Imbecile :yup:

05-31-2010, 11:51 AM
Imbecile :yup:


05-31-2010, 01:02 PM
Imbecile :yup:
Pity it's not a bannable offense, though this place would be a ghost town if it was :pinch:

05-31-2010, 01:48 PM
I've read this shite a dozen times already
congrats! :shifty:

Tv Controls you
05-31-2010, 02:00 PM
People will defend when they feel -> threat :yup:

Fst just got trolled.... by an idiot....


05-31-2010, 11:08 PM
<insert dramatic freak out here> :yawn:

*Intr4ns1t goes back to listening to Foundation and Empire on audiobook

06-01-2010, 06:03 AM
I've read this shite a dozen times already
congrats! :shifty:

Thanks bud, and on a side note, I have to admit I really liked the song France send to the Eurovision Songcontest ... :happy:

06-01-2010, 06:35 AM
Wow, you know its funny that i'm not the one keeping that pastebin alive umm let's see over half a year or more. Maybe some people should take my cue and keep silent. But backie likes to bring out the skeletons of other people to get hits to his website.

06-01-2010, 06:49 AM
Besides all the aforementioned...How does staffing at a trader site make you a trader?

The answer is that it doesn't. Plenty of staff members here that do not...Was the original OP of that pastebin a trader who used people and his staff positions to take advantage of people...Yes. Even tried to use me to get into a "high" level tracker. He is the real piece of shit. Shame on you for being a sucker and bringing up old news that you were quick to believe.

I have more to say, but will keep it to myself for now...

06-01-2010, 07:00 AM
Really this shit is getting tiring. I'm not doing shit to anyone right now, I'm not going out of my way to harm anyone. Just let it go already. And to anyone who still wants to shit talk about me, grudges aren't healthy. Continue hating.

06-01-2010, 07:13 AM
Really this shit is getting tiring. I'm not doing shit to anyone right now, I'm not going out of my way to harm anyone. Just let it go already. And to anyone who still wants to shit talk about me, grudges aren't healthy. Continue hating.

I will continue hating. Some have no reason or personal involvement. Some just hate cause what they have read. But for me it is personal. When you create a new identity (I already knew you by PokerPays and Weldensmith), settindice, and proceed to befriend me all over again as if we didn't know each other. That's fooked up. And then try to use that new friendship to get me to help you into FTWR. That's fooked up. Total disregard for my trust and what I believed to be a friendship.

Go fuck yourself. I hope everyone continues hating. BUT I hope you have changed. That was a messed up "Internet Life" you were living.

It is easy to say, let it go when you are the offender. I will let it go. But not right now.

06-01-2010, 08:46 AM
Really this shit is getting tiring. I'm not doing shit to anyone right now, I'm not going out of my way to harm anyone. Just let it go already. And to anyone who still wants to shit talk about me, grudges aren't healthy. Continue hating.

I will continue hating. Some have no reason or personal involvement. Some just hate cause what they have read. But for me it is personal. When you create a new identity (I already knew you by PokerPays and Weldensmith), settindice, and proceed to befriend me all over again as if we didn't know each other. That's fooked up. And then try to use that new friendship to get me to help you into FTWR. That's fooked up. Total disregard for my trust and what I believed to be a friendship.

Go fuck yourself. I hope everyone continues hating. BUT I hope you have changed. That was a messed up "Internet Life" you were living.

It is easy to say, let it go when you are the offender. I will let it go. But not right now.

Yeah I changed my username. Your acting as if a username is the most important thing ever. Do you honestly think everyone uses the same exact username everywhere? I guess you don't understand that because of my position at several sites I had to keep things seperated. My beef with z7x was the only reason i moved away from Pokerpays. And that beef was started because i banned him from TR. If you knew the difficulties I had to go through maybe it would give u more insight.

I didn't use you or anyone to get into FTWR. At one point I had lots of friends willing to help me out, and that was because I helped them out too. You were one of those friends I helped out at one point. I didn't need to seek you out or anyone else just to get an invite.

And what exactly was that "messed up" life i was living before the pastebin? I stopped trading in 2007 when i started staffing a tracker. You know all those trackers i hurt in that pastebin to WHICH I HAVE APOLOGISED SEVERAL TIMES IN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC ABOUT I helped in some form or another countless times over several years whether anyone realizes it or not.

Anyways why the hell are people like you and the OP still obsessed with me enough to make these threads and respond to them. I don't even matter anymore.

Why bump perfectly stupid threads just to spew hate at me. By bumping this thread we're not much better than the OP and Backie for digging shit up. Wasn't there an old rule about not replying to threads like these?

You've made your point. You hate me. Trust me I get it. Guess what, I will still wake up tomorrow morning and go about my business.

06-01-2010, 09:24 AM
You guys seriously need to get some perspective. Pointing out that a few trackers were founded by trader didn't really hurt the trackers it just embarrassed a few people. Just because jwsisliving1 got punked and said sorry for it doesn't take away the fact it was true and did no real damage.

p.s. I don't think making a single thread is classed as obsessed.

06-01-2010, 09:50 AM
internet and traffic is serious business and I figure that's the only thing that backie cares about.

OP if you are really a girl then your boobies alone have the power to get you into more trackers than trading will ever do.Just stop posting like you are partially retarded,you are sounding like ishare_i care's inbred sister.I don't think anybody wants to cam with a mentally unstable female(ok maybe the germans are an exception)
But seriously post sexily and you just might attract some invite attention,use italics,rainbow colours and lots of these :wub: :wub: :wub:

06-01-2010, 11:17 AM
Really this shit is getting tiring. I'm not doing shit to anyone right now, I'm not going out of my way to harm anyone. Just let it go already. And to anyone who still wants to shit talk about me, grudges aren't healthy. Continue hating.

While I don't hate you, or have any strong feelings about you personally, you along with Dunson/BasilHeydens/Trollin Thunder are poster children for what not to do in the BT community.
One of my favorite homilies is by Joseph Satanaya : Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it. Within the bt community what you have done historically is something which should be remembered, for the simple reason that your behavior can only be described as despicable, and just because you aren't 'doing shit to anyone right now' doesn't mean with your history that you might not do that tomorrow ? Someone as amoral as you simply can't be trusted.

06-01-2010, 11:29 AM
@sez : if u think this post to attract invite, u can kepp that for yourself.

this is old to 'older' but new release to 'newbie'. so u can keep that opinion for yourself. i never again request anything in this forum. and yes, i got what i want so far from fst if those invite what you pointing out.

06-01-2010, 11:40 AM
i never again request anything in this forum. and yes, i got what i want so far from fst if those invite what you pointing out.

You never requested anything anyway except for FTN.:blink:

@jwsisliving1 I think the point bumrocks was trying to make was not that you just changed usernames but that you made up entirely new identities and feigned total ignorance to your previous association with him.

06-01-2010, 01:03 PM
i never again request anything in this forum. and yes, i got what i want so far from fst if those invite what you pointing out.

You never requested anything anyway except for FTN.:blink:

That wasn't requesting, more like obsessivly stalking people :rolleyes:

06-01-2010, 01:26 PM
@jwsisliving1 I think the point bumrocks was trying to make was not that you just changed usernames but that you made up entirely new identities and feigned total ignorance to your previous association with him.

Thank you for making the point I thought I was going to have to type out again...How he missed the point on that I don't know.

Next, mark it on your calendar. On this day, I agree with backie's last comment.

06-01-2010, 01:46 PM
congrats! :shifty:

Thanks bud, and on a side note, I have to admit I really liked the song France send to the Eurovision Songcontest ... :happy:
is it me or you just admitted that you followed the eurovision contest? :unsure:

06-01-2010, 08:15 PM
You know all those trackers i hurt in that pastebin to WHICH I HAVE APOLOGISED SEVERAL TIMES IN PRIVATE

ORLY? It's funny, I don't recall you ever saying jack shit to me about this pastebin. The pastie itself I could give a fuck about, as the only people you really accused of trading in it were yourself, thedevil and TSOL. Not only did I give you a second chance, I gave you a third chance, and you lied outright to me. Hell, I even corrected some of the "truth" you posted about me in a thread here made by that BrianH dude, so people could go to TR and look at my post history and judge for themselves, as I am well aware that the uninformed masses will eat up whatever you put on a plate in front of them.

You can talk contrite and nonchalantly tell us about how you just don't care anymore, but you still rehashed that drama with your "apology" thread here. You didn't wait very long to post in this thread or at backie's blog, which only tells me that you still hunger for attention. The fact of the matter is that YOU started all this, and by virtue of that initiation, every time it comes up, it's STILL YOUR FAULT.

I really did consider you a good and trusted friend pokerpays, and you lied to my face, then stabbed me in the back. Not once have you made any effort to approach me about this whole mess since YOU started it, so fuck you and your transparent facade. It's guys like you that fucked up BT and made it into this stupid time wasting game it's become.

06-01-2010, 09:07 PM