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06-20-2010, 01:44 PM

Just watched in HD on my new 42 inch tv, it was awesomeness itself!
I cannot wait until next week's episode :01:

06-20-2010, 01:56 PM
I fucking hate it when somebody puts Dr Who instead of Doctor Who. True story.

He's not a Dr, he's the fucking Doctor.

06-20-2010, 02:01 PM
I fucking hate it when somebody puts Dr Who instead of Doctor Who. True story.

He's not a Dr, he's the fucking Doctor.

why so hatefull :lol:

06-20-2010, 02:07 PM
I have been impressed with the acting and writing of this show. Matt Smith is doing a great job, Amy is still nice to look at, and the production quality is very high.

This ep was an outstanding tie-it-all-together cliffhanger. Love the use of next week as the current date!

Hope they aren't finishing the season with 13 eps. :fear:

06-20-2010, 02:13 PM
I fucking hate it when somebody puts Dr Who instead of Doctor Who. True story.

He's not a Dr, he's the fucking Doctor.

why so hatefull :lol:

You have yet to see hateful, child.

06-20-2010, 02:27 PM
What do you guys think of the new actor?
I watched about 10 minutes of the first ep of this season and didn't like him.
Something about him... he just seemed like he would be better suited for a children's show. :idunno:

06-20-2010, 02:37 PM
What do you guys think of the new actor?
I watched about 10 minutes of the first ep of this season and didn't like him.
Something about him... he just seemed like he would be better suited for a children's show. :idunno:

I think he's excellent. I was fully prepared for him being shite, but he disappointed me to the max in that regard.

He's ponderous, clever, juvenile and a little bit sad. Perfectly played.

06-20-2010, 02:44 PM
What do you guys think of the new actor?
I watched about 10 minutes of the first ep of this season and didn't like him.
Something about him... he just seemed like he would be better suited for a children's show. :idunno:

I think he's excellent. I was fully prepared for him being shite, but he disappointed me to the max in that regard.

He's ponderous, clever, juvenile and a little bit sad. Perfectly played.
Alright I will give him a chance.
Just as soon as I finish this season of Breaking Bad.
I'm so glad that I waited until the end of the season to watch it.

06-20-2010, 02:55 PM
I think he's excellent. I was fully prepared for him being shite, but he disappointed me to the max in that regard.

He's ponderous, clever, juvenile and a little bit sad. Perfectly played.
Alright I will give him a chance.
Just as soon as I finish this season of Breaking Bad.
I'm so glad that I waited until the end of the season to watch it.

Breaking Bad is the best thing on TV. Fact.

Quality show to the max.

06-20-2010, 03:33 PM
Haven't watched last nights episode yet, but i believe we focus on Amy ponds crack :unsure:

06-20-2010, 03:35 PM
Haven't watched last nights episode yet, but i believe we focus on Amy ponds crack :unsure:

That's always a given, effster.

06-20-2010, 04:47 PM
Alright I will give him a chance.
Just as soon as I finish this season of Breaking Bad.
I'm so glad that I waited until the end of the season to watch it.

Breaking Bad is the best thing on TV. Fact.

Quality show to the max.
Agreed. Though the first few episodes of this season were a bit dull, it's really started picking up after the fourth or fifth episode.
I really didn't care for the divorce drama crap, that's not what I watch breaking bad for. :pinch:

06-20-2010, 07:03 PM
Great episode, and not giving a trailer for next week is annoying but builds the suspence up.

Cant see how th doctor is going to get out of this one :)

06-20-2010, 07:54 PM
What do you guys think of the new actor?
I watched about 10 minutes of the first ep of this season and didn't like him.
Something about him... he just seemed like he would be better suited for a children's show. :idunno:

He is my favourite doctor to date. I really liked Chris Eccleston, and thought David Tennant did a pretty good job, but Matt Smith is just fantastic. He's just mad enough to make it work. And I love the bowtie :happy:

(I would totally do him btw)

06-21-2010, 04:46 AM
The "new Doctor" always seems wrong for a few episodes...until it becomes unimaginable that the "old Doctor" would be right.

The Pandorica closing and the Roman... :o

When does the next series air? 2011? It's going to be a long wait until the Christmas special....


06-21-2010, 05:49 AM
Out of coincidence, I stumbled across a user's signature on another site this morning. It described Matt Smith as a cross between David Tennant and The Cat in the Hat.

I can't really disagree, nor do I find that to be an improper role. :D

06-21-2010, 10:22 PM
I fucking hate it when somebody puts Dr Who instead of Doctor Who. True story.

He's not a Dr, he's the fucking Doctor.

I hate it when some imature kid thinks they are ever so clever and tough just because they can actually spell a swear word,
i've got news for you kid when you grow up and talk to someone like that down the town on a night you will get your face smashed in,
its not clever its not tough its just showing how imature you are.

06-22-2010, 06:30 AM
I fucking hate it when somebody puts Dr Who instead of Doctor Who. True story.

He's not a Dr, he's the fucking Doctor.

I hate it when some imature kid thinks they are ever so clever and tough just because they can actually spell a swear word,
i've got news for you kid when you grow up and talk to someone like that down the town on a night you will get your face smashed in,
its not clever its not tough its just showing how imature you are.

Thanks for the lesson in etiquette, dad. I'll tell you what's immature (not to mention somewhat ironic). It's when fucking spastics like you point out someone's immaturity when they can't even spell the word immature.

Now fuck off back to whichever remedial hole you recently ascended from to berate my fabulous posting style before I really say something that'll make your sensitive little eyes bleed, you silly cunt.

06-22-2010, 09:56 AM
Dr. who?

06-22-2010, 10:19 PM
This series has been fan-tastic. True story.

In other news Going Postal was also fan-tastic. Fact.

That is all.

06-22-2010, 10:27 PM
In other news Going Postal was also fan-tastic. Fact.

That is all.
Thanks, added to the queue.:)

06-22-2010, 10:39 PM
Excellent as ever from Sky, mate. All of the Pratchett stuff they have done is top rank. You can see they spent a lot of money on it and the acting, production values etc are quality.

Obviously they have had to miss some bits out and amalgamate others, but that's always going to be the case with this type of thing.

06-22-2010, 10:44 PM
This series has been fan-tastic. True story.

In other news Going Postal was also fan-tastic. Fact.

That is all.

Ornery fucker.

On the positive, Missus J is a lifelong Doctor Who fan, and is well-enamored of the latest incarnation.

I have DLed all of Top Gear and am occupied thus; I cannot claim the slightest familiarity with Doctor Who.

06-22-2010, 10:58 PM
This series has been fan-tastic. True story.

In other news Going Postal was also fan-tastic. Fact.

That is all.

Ornery fucker.

On the positive, Missus J is a lifelong Doctor Who fan, and is well-enamored of the latest incarnation.

I have DLed all of Top Gear and am occupied thus; I cannot claim the slightest familiarity with Doctor Who.

Then you, Sir are missing genious to the max.

Can I suggest you work your way through the Christopher Eccleston incarnation and onwards from there.


Don't mistake him for Bernie Ecclestone, that would just be mental


The letter e is very important in making the differentiation.

06-22-2010, 11:03 PM
Ah, don't have time for all that.

Top Gear fits into the work-day; anyone coming through the door shuts-up and watches, rather than prating.

06-22-2010, 11:07 PM
Interestingly "praties" is an old Irish word for tatties.

And so the circle of life goes on.

06-22-2010, 11:11 PM
Interestingly "praties" is an old Irish word for tatties.

That is interesting.

Freud must have a comment on that.

And so the circle of life goes on.

It do, indeed.

06-22-2010, 11:15 PM
He's got a comment on everything else, going by form one can only surmise that the potato in question represents a cawk.

Or in Baldrick's case, the turnip in question.

06-22-2010, 11:42 PM
He's got a comment on everything else, going by form one can only surmise that the potato in question represents a cawk.

Or in Baldrick's case, the turnip in question.

Or his Lucky Willie, perhaps.

06-23-2010, 05:50 AM
ok, is this the NEW Doctor Who series and why can't I find it in the NZB downloads section?

06-23-2010, 09:09 AM
Why was I not informed of this latest Pratchett tv thingie???

Does anyone have a decent download link, and does it come in HD? I'm dying to try out some HD stuff on my new telly

06-23-2010, 05:00 PM
I got it from the usenets.

Sky1 HD did it so you should be able to get an HD copy


06-23-2010, 06:36 PM
I got it from the usenets.

Sky1 HD did it so you should be able to get an HD copy


Found it!

I remember the day when you used to send me stuffs on dvds...

BTW; have you seen the pictures of our newest family member yet?

06-23-2010, 07:52 PM
He may be the best yet.

06-23-2010, 08:28 PM
I got it from the usenets.

Sky1 HD did it so you should be able to get an HD copy


Found it!

I remember the day when you used to send me stuffs on dvds...

BTW; have you seen the pictures of our newest family member yet?

I have not, or wee Ben in the hoops either.

06-23-2010, 10:03 PM
I'll bump the thread

06-23-2010, 10:10 PM
ok, is this the NEW Doctor Who series and why can't I find it in the NZB downloads section?
Use the search term "Doctor Who". You can definitely find this season there.

06-27-2010, 06:52 AM
So what'd you think of the second half of the finale?


06-27-2010, 09:02 PM
It was alright - not as good as last week's episode by a mile, but still.

Can't wait to finally find out what the deal is with River Song. Guess we'll have to wait another year for that though :(

06-27-2010, 09:13 PM
Thought it was kinda funny that this "super prison" opened with the push of the Doctor's screwdriver. :lol:

06-27-2010, 09:26 PM
Thought it was kinda funny that this "super prison" opened with the push of the Doctor's screwdriver. :lol:

It was the screwdriver of the FUTURE Doctor though.

06-27-2010, 09:59 PM
Excellent series. Really enjoyed that.

Another interesting twist if the new companions are a married couple.

06-28-2010, 01:48 PM
Doctor Who wiki says that River Song will be someone other than we think she is :o

06-29-2010, 03:58 AM
I've been hedging my bets on River being either The Rani or an older Amy Pond. I also wonder if the voice in the TARDIS is actually The Valeyard... if Doctor 2.0 counts as a "regeneration" then it fits the timeline, and being trapped in nothingness for eternity certainly would drive the good Doctor mad.

OTOH, John Simm is listed as uncredited in The Pandorica Opens, so having the Master return would be fun.


07-01-2010, 10:49 PM
I thought John Simm was an excellent Master. I would really like to see him again.

In fact, if I'm honest I think he would also make an excellent Doctor, which would be really interesting.

07-01-2010, 10:52 PM