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07-02-2010, 11:57 PM
I saw this post when I logged into CN today:

EDIT: Announcement has been removed.

07-03-2010, 12:03 AM
However, I would like to get your attention that starting from today, If we didn't cover the costs at any month, we will have to officially shut down.
Not because we want to or we don't want to support the site from our pockets, it just because we don't have more extra funds available to support CN anymore.

This doesn't make much sense to me. Clearly if they are willing to let the site die due to lack of member donations, then they do in fact not wish to pay out of their own pocket to keep it afloat. Right? :huh:

07-03-2010, 12:07 AM
hmm Interesting. It doesn't make much sense now thinking of it.

07-03-2010, 12:44 AM
Copycats. FTN already did it.

I can't imagine cn closing its doors. :cry:
Oh the refugees, the drama, please guys donate!

07-03-2010, 01:33 AM
HIf we didn't cover the costs at any month, we will have to officially shut down.

The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 2 characters.

07-03-2010, 02:30 AM
To be honest, it's really sad to see all the effort we spent here disparaging because of low funds.

I could say something disparaging about the choice of words but I won't.:unsure:

Also enough of these "look what is happening on x site " threads .They only have relevance to people already on those sites and therefore unless there are larger issues involved like a crooked staff or something should probably be discussed exclusively there .
I mean this way all you get is either trolls looking to randomly bad mouth anything or anyone or actual members apparently too gutless to say what they truly think hopefully to some positive effect where it should be said on the actual site .

07-03-2010, 03:08 AM
What idol said.

I can not see whats wrong about telling our users we are changing servers and that therefore we do need some extra cash to pay the bills. Enough with the dumbass attitude already.

07-03-2010, 03:12 AM
Enough with the CN dumbass attitude already.


07-03-2010, 04:01 AM
Enough with the CN dumbass attitude already.


Quite the witty edit, there. I bet you felt all special belonging to the hate-a-tracker club.

CN's a great place, tbh, and I'd hate to see it go down. As great as it is, though, it's replaceable, and I fear that that's what might lead to its demise; especially with these funding issues that came up.

Opening a thread about it here solves nothing. You're better off talking about "what the world is coming to" on the tracker side of things, on the trackers in question themselves.

07-03-2010, 04:19 AM
Maybe take it easy of the coding, and get a real job to pay for the servers? Must have spent hundreds or thousands of hours designing that stupid bullshit inventory system and whatever other fancy pointess stuff they use to bait dumbfucks to spend their whole day on the site.

07-03-2010, 04:21 AM
i wish i was a member of a torrent tracker that i would actually want to donate my hard-earned riches to, too bad typophile doesn't have torrents

07-03-2010, 04:40 AM
i wish i was a member of a torrent tracker that i would actually want to donate my hard-earned riches to, too bad typophile doesn't have torrents

Have you considered the possibility that the problem lies not in the irreparable quality woes of trackers, but in the inseparable aspect of the relationship you share with your money? :shifty:

07-03-2010, 05:14 AM
To be honest, it's really sad to see all the effort we spent here disparaging because of low funds.

I could say something disparaging about the choice of words but I won't.:unsure:

Also enough of these "look what is happening on x site " threads .They only have relevance to people already on those sites and therefore unless there are larger issues involved like a crooked staff or something should probably be discussed exclusively there .
I mean this way all you get is either trolls looking to randomly bad mouth anything or anyone or actual members apparently too gutless to say what they truly think hopefully to some positive effect where it should be said on the actual site .

One thing it does point out is this will likely to become the norm with sites begging for donations.Just way to many sites out there to compete with specially 0day racers.

07-03-2010, 07:22 AM
This probably deserves its own thread but just going to reply to ExtraDry.

The one overiding factor that ppl seem to miss is, 90% of the members on trackers (and just do P2P/downloading) are either tight with their money, or skint. (if they were not they wouldnt do it in the first place).

and 90% of those would probably rather go to the cinemas once a week/month, buy a game, buy a DVD/Album etc than donate to a tracker.

There is also the fact that a lot of members have a few trackers, so its which one to donate to, and usually (not 100%) its the one that has the best deal for them.

So it pretty much goes without saying, a tracker with global ratio, banned at 0.4 ratio, but donate $25 and get 350 gig upload bonus, will get a lot more takers than a ratio free tracker where all they get is a star. even if they both have the same members exactly.

There probably is oversatuation as well of trackers, but if there were 20,000 trackers, if all had unique members, all 20,000 could survive, the problem is, probably 80-90% have other trackers, so it goes straight back to my point above.

Lets say i was looking from the outside, i never owned a tracker, i would look at BCGs and think, 34,000 members, they must be making a killing, but the truth is, last month we had 141 donors, and a lot of those were for £1 donations, that is less than 0.5% of our memberbase that donate, yes it probably is because we are virtually ratio free and even I admit, the bonuses you get are not fantastic, but without going back to a P2L Global ratio only site, what can we do, we cant force members to donate, and i wouldnt want to go down that route anyway, we have never accepted cash for an account, we have never once gave an invite for someone making a donation, and we wont start doing either of those any time soon either. (I have never once sent a begging PM either).

anyway to cut a long story short, i can see why a lot of trackers are struggling, its just the nature of the beast.

PS: btw Truesounds, if you owned a tracker, and wanted to keep it alive, how much would you pay per month out of your own pocket to keep it alive and kicking? just curious.

07-03-2010, 07:59 AM
PS: btw Truesounds, if you owned a tracker, and wanted to keep it alive, how much would you pay per month out of your own pocket to keep it alive and kicking? just curious.

I'd never want to deal with the shit of owning one, does not interest me in the slightest. :lol:

Hypothetically, if I ran one I'd make it p2l like SCT once it becomes 'l33t', and then hope to eventually make a steady income by selling upload and designing ranks to encourage ratiowhores that will take the brunt of the damage to the ratio economy from the p2l scheme. But as you said, the market is oversaturated, there's no sense in starting or running a tracker these days, you'd never get to the point of making profits. That, and the climate seems to be changing. Canada's looking like they will clamp down soon, it's seems its time to get outta this game, not dive into it. But yeah, I'm not the kind of person to run some charity, or do it for the power associations of the job either. But I guess that's why you staff a successful tracker and I never will :P

07-03-2010, 08:20 AM
So the answer to my question is a big fat 0 then lol or as little as you could get away with and the closer to 0 the better.

Like i said its the nature of the beast, its not a business, as we dont sell anything, we cant borrow on it (loans/mortages etc) we cant even say we do it as a hobby on job applications, to get a better job to pay for it ourselves if the shit hit the fan lol

I can tell you now though "IF" donations dried up for us, then we would have to close, no way can i afford what this costs a month, and even if i could afford it, I still wouldnt pay it, why should I pay a fortune for others enjoyment, and if no one donates, then they are not enjoying it that much, so probably wont be missed if we do close.

07-03-2010, 08:40 AM
Well the answer is I'm not dumb enough to run or start a tracker I can't afford, which would be the answer from every other sane owner.

I will donate to trackers that others run, but only if it's irreplaceable to me. There is only one, maybe two trackers I do donate to, because you can get warez everywhere and my tastes aren't really niche or anything. You're right, I'd rather go out and catch a movie in a theater and let other people pay for my movie trackers. If they die I'll just switch to demonoid, no big deal! I doubt they will all die anyways, it's just economics that the worst ones sometimes will.

07-03-2010, 08:47 AM
lol there is such a thing as growing you know, or becoming unemployed, even bloody recessions are a killer.

I just took offence at the dumb enough statement, I doubt many/any tracker owners can run them from their own pocket, not the succsesful ones anyway (bigger ones). We dont all run on a £20 a month kimi you know. and most of us dont have ads and millions of visitors a day to make a profit off (demonoid et all) pisses me off when TPB/Demonoid are seen as brighter than white and not making any cash, when they make more in a month than 99% of private tracker owners see in 10 years. ( i know you didnt say that, it just pisses me off lol).

PS: If we could afford to run them ourselves, we would not have a donation button to start with.

07-03-2010, 09:06 AM
TPB/Demonoid are seen as brighter than white and not making any cash, when they make more in a month than 99% of private tracker owners see in 10 years. ( i know you didnt say that, it just pisses me off lol).

You've got such a great content and seeder base, I'd bet you could make a killing if you threw all your ethics out the window and ran the tracker like a business. Not something that is necessarily out of reach for you, but I'm not sure the risks that come with that change are worth it

07-03-2010, 09:26 AM
I still couldnt make as much as those. I worked it out last year but lost the thread now on our forums, someone said that we make more cash than TPB because we accept donations, and they dont, I nearly fell off my chair.

When i had ads for 1 month, I believe it was $0.03cents per unique view, which doesnt sound a lot, but if you have a website with 1mil unique views a day (and porn ads were more) it soon adds up to quite a tidy sum.

And its not just about ethincs, its about fairness to all the members, and to nulify the cheats as well.

Why should someone be able to pay whatever it is a month, to just keep hit and running month after month, and "buy" ratio to get out of low ratio, when someone that cant pay for whatever reason either gets banned, or has to seed forever, or even worse, partial seed.

Its just to make the tracker fairer for everyone, we all have asymetric ISPs, well unless you use a seedbox anyway.

anyway going to bed, been up all night, and we have hijacked this thread somewhat.

07-03-2010, 10:43 AM
just liar.if they pay from their pocket several month ago they never go on until now

07-03-2010, 11:49 AM
You should not open a tracker if you yourself cannot pay the bills. Period, end of story.

The mantra I have heard is 'sharing is caring' not 'we will share and care for you only if you give us money, and if you dont we will threaten to take it all away'.

07-03-2010, 02:09 PM
So the answer to my question is a big fat 0 then lol or as little as you could get away with and the closer to 0 the better.

Like i said its the nature of the beast, its not a business, as we dont sell anything, we cant borrow on it (loans/mortages etc) we cant even say we do it as a hobby on job applications, to get a better job to pay for it ourselves if the shit hit the fan lol

I can tell you now though "IF" donations dried up for us, then we would have to close, no way can i afford what this costs a month, and even if i could afford it, I still wouldnt pay it, why should I pay a fortune for others enjoyment, and if no one donates, then they are not enjoying it that much, so probably wont be missed if we do close.

Nicely put.

Maybe take it easy of the coding, and get a real job to pay for the servers? Must have spent hundreds or thousands of hours designing that stupid bullshit inventory system and whatever other fancy pointess stuff they use to bait dumbfucks to spend their whole day on the site.

For some reason, which is unlike you, your talking out your ass (or using the word you did, a dumbfuck statement).

You should not open a tracker if you yourself cannot pay the bills. Period, end of story.

The mantra I have heard is 'sharing is caring' not 'we will share and care for you only if you give us money, and if you dont we will threaten to take it all away'.

For some reason, which is like you always are, you're a dumbfuck. Which is why I won't even begin to argue your stupid comment. Nuff said.

just liar.if they pay from their pocket several month ago they never go on until now

While I am tossing out insults, I might as well include you. Find a better translator or stfu since you fit into the dumbfuck category as well.

07-03-2010, 03:01 PM
I didn't expect so many responses, but yeah I've been looking around and I think bumrocks wins! lol

07-03-2010, 03:25 PM
You should not open a tracker if you yourself cannot pay the bills. Period, end of story.

The mantra I have heard is 'sharing is caring' not 'we will share and care for you only if you give us money, and if you dont we will threaten to take it all away'.

Quite correct. Only a dumbfuck wouldn't understand this.

07-03-2010, 03:37 PM
You should not open a tracker if you yourself cannot pay the bills. Period, end of story.

The mantra I have heard is 'sharing is caring' not 'we will share and care for you only if you give us money, and if you dont we will threaten to take it all away'.

Quite correct. Only a dumbfuck wouldn't understand this.

Wouldn't expect anymore or less from you (at the present at least)...

Sharing is caring needs to be from everyone. Only dumbfucks see it as a one way street.

Once again Cabalo...Instead of repeating myself I will just point you back to a previous statement.


07-03-2010, 04:49 PM
If you would take your head out of the sand, you would be able to understand how ridiculous, pitiful and sad it looks CN's announcement.
You should open your eyes and start looking for a new job, as sooner or later they will close. Unless you are happy to read every month the same threats "donate or we close", and you like to associate with such idea, then it's fine with me. It's not me who cares about having a "reputation" on some bt circles.

07-03-2010, 05:00 PM
Dude use your brains. Our members didn't know we were changing servers, we told them about it because we would still have to pay for both servers this month. Stop being a dick. Go stalk another site. Or get a life. Just leave CN alone, gosh.

07-03-2010, 05:07 PM
I'm not going to say much, but if a tracker cares about it's members then they should not do the 'donate or we'll close down x tracker' story every month.

07-03-2010, 05:10 PM
If you would take your head out of the sand, you would be able to understand how ridiculous, pitiful and sad it looks CN's announcement.
You should open your eyes and start looking for a new job, as sooner or later they will close. Unless you are happy to read every month the same threats "donate or we close", and you like to associate with such idea, then it's fine with me. It's not me who cares about having a "reputation" on some bt circles.

You have referred to me and my importance to reputation on numerous occasions. I am not sure what made you come to that conclusion. Do I have a good reputation? I like to think so. BUT it is only because of who I am. Not who I pretend to be (I am not trying to say you are a pretender, btw). I am a straight up guy who doesn't bullshit. I also like to be helpful. So sue me. I didn't ask or apply for the CN "job". It was offered to me because of who I am and my reputation. I make no apologies for having a good rep and being the person I am.

Do I like the announcement about donating? No. I doubt the sysop did either. Imo opinion it just opened the doors for us to be lumped in with all the other donation drama shizzle that has gone on elsewhere. But as a staff member who is privy to certain info by the sysop who, unlike other drama related donation stories/sites, actually keeps us informed. Unlike other sites, nobody is profiting from donations. Unlike other sites, the only time such an announcement is made is when funds are truly low. This is not a recurring announcement or mass PM 1, 2, 3-4 time a month every month thing. As a matter of fact, a couple a months ago, I know of one senior staff members who made a sizable donation so not only could we continue on but so that a mass PM/announcement didn't have to be made. You could say I am full of shit...But then you wouldn't know me.

I don't believe I will make anyone believe anything different than what they already think. I'm not naive. But I will continue to write...

I'm not going to say much, but if a tracker cares about it's members then they should not do the 'donate or we'll close down x tracker' story every month.

I agree with you 100%. I'm glad this is not the case at CN. That type of message has been seen at CN approximately 2 times in the last 6 months.

07-03-2010, 05:40 PM
I actually like CN tbh I did not want to criticize them for making this statement, I realize now, that is what this thread has become, but I didn`t want to criticize them. I just wanted to see your reaction on a statement in which many trackers are now posting. I don`t want CN gone. I may be new but I really like it there.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot they would have to pay for both servers that month. I get that announcement much better now.

07-03-2010, 06:16 PM
I actually like CN tbh I did not want to criticize them for making this statement, I realize now, that is what this thread has become, but I didn`t want to criticize them. I just wanted to see your reaction on a statement in which many trackers are now posting. I don`t want CN gone. I may be new but I really like it there.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot they would have to pay for both servers that month. I get that announcement much better now.

If you really had loved the tracker, you would have read their rules properly and understood that it doesn't like publicity.
So stop repenting what you have done and making it sound otherwise.

07-03-2010, 07:20 PM
Dude use your brains. Our members didn't know we were changing servers, we told them about it because we would still have to pay for both servers this month. Stop being a dick. Go stalk another site. Or get a life. Just leave CN alone, gosh.
Who stalked who? :huh:
I would find it rather interesting to see you make such comment fit on this threat:

However, I would like to get your attention that starting from today, If we didn't cover the costs at any month, we will have to officially shut down.

Do I like the announcement about donating? No. I doubt the sysop did either. Imo opinion it just opened the doors for us to be lumped in with all the other donation drama shizzle that has gone on elsewhere. But as a staff member who is privy to certain info by the sysop who, unlike other drama related donation stories/sites, actually keeps us informed. Unlike other sites, nobody is profiting from donations. Unlike other sites, the only time such an announcement is made is when funds are truly low. This is not a recurring announcement or mass PM 1, 2, 3-4 time a month every month thing. As a matter of fact, a couple a months ago, I know of one senior staff members who made a sizable donation so not only could we continue on but so that a mass PM/announcement didn't have to be made. You could say I am full of shit...But then you wouldn't know me.

Not much to add to my previous post, but seems to me CN has its days counted. Maybe this post is even helpful to your cause, as some people will spend their money to prove me wrong, instead spending it on other real life things.
Glad to help. :)

07-03-2010, 07:37 PM
hmm. I am that dumb. They do not like publicity :mellow:
I read rules. Obviously they didn't stick with me. Sorry.
I'm closing this thread

EDIT: I can't freaking remember how to close it!!

07-03-2010, 07:55 PM
Who stalked who? :huh:
I would find it rather interesting to see you make such comment fit on this threat:

However, I would like to get your attention that starting from today, If we didn't cover the costs at any month, we will have to officially shut down.

threat lol

Not much to add to my previous post, but seems to me CN has its days counted.

For how long have you been saying that again? It's been almost 2 years mate, your predictions have been failing all along apparently.

07-03-2010, 08:02 PM
EDIT: I can't freaking remember how to close it!!

You can only close your threads in the invite sections. Report this one to have a Mod lock it.

07-03-2010, 08:03 PM
OHHH K I will do that soon. I'm lazy right now.

07-03-2010, 08:04 PM
hmm. I am that dumb. They do not like publicity :mellow:
I read rules. Obviously they didn't stick with me. Sorry.
I'm closing this thread

:frusty: :pinch:

07-03-2010, 08:10 PM
.... has its days counted.

Note from the language police,in English we say "has it's(his) days numbered" or more appropriately " it's(his) days are numbered" :happy:

07-03-2010, 08:13 PM
.... has its days counted.

Note from the language police,in English we say "has it's(his) days numbered" or more appropriately " it's(his) days are numbered" :happy:

lol :D

07-03-2010, 08:13 PM
.... has its days counted.

Note from the language police,in English we say "has it's(his) days numbered" or more appropriately " it's(his) days are numbered" :happy:

:yes: :naughty:

07-03-2010, 10:24 PM

it helps tho..

trackers that ask for money are just lame imo.. good luck CN!

07-03-2010, 11:57 PM
Pretty sure ScL was doing much better.

07-04-2010, 12:13 AM
trackers that ask for money are just lame imo.. good luck CN!

Pretty sure ScL was doing much better.

Comedy gold. :rolleyes:

07-04-2010, 02:26 AM
Well, people should understand that running BT sites cost $$. BT, being a non profit venture that it is.. finally comes down to members donating towards ensuring the sustenance of something which they like and appreciate.
Having said that, if you genuinely like a site, help the staffers in any way you can.. If not, simply ask for an account deletion and move along.
Am sure its something the staffers would appreciate, over veiled sarcasm and all the unnecessary trashtalk that is.


07-04-2010, 05:31 AM
if you genuinely like a site, help the staffers in any way you can.. If not, simply ask for an account deletion and move along.

lolwut? Nobodies dispositions are black and white.

I hope you understand there are different degrees of importance regarding trackers from preference, and its foolish to expect anyone to do anything to help any trackers that are of any importance. Would love to see you back up your statement and donate to every single tracker you're a member of, now matter what you take from the site.

Once again Cabalo...Instead of repeating myself I will just point you back to a previous statement.

http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-cnmn-removed-all-invites-from-the-site-post3440766/postcount32 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../p-cnmn-removed-all-invites-from-the-site-post3440766/postcount32)

I completely agree with what kukushka said there. While PTN is adding DiAMONDS to their gold to their total traffic and CN is adding god knows what, all it's doing is attracting obsessive compulsive bittorrent users that feel the need to be members of secret invite swapping sites, and feel the need to collect gold or cash or double upload tokens ie completely trivial things that make NO logical sense in a healthy long term economic sense. My source is the forum posters, and my assumption is that they make up the trackers general userbase.

Serious and practical torrent users will just join goem or PTP, and spent 1 minute a week snatching what it takes your users probably hours to get, after sifting through all the filler. Maybe they don't even watch it, it might just get thrown on a server because of some special double upload double diamond bonus round or something. You're getting people who waste their lives uploading torrents to get ranks or advance in a pretend economy. I wouldn't say you're getting the cream of the crop.

I don't know why I wrote this in second person tense, it's not even addressed at you but a general rant, lol

07-04-2010, 01:28 PM
lolwut? Nobodies dispositions are black and white.

I hope you understand there are different degrees of importance regarding trackers from preference, and its foolish to expect anyone to do anything to help any trackers that are of any importance. Would love to see you back up your statement and donate to every single tracker you're a member of, now matter what you take from the site.

Did I use the word 'donate' even once? :ermm:
//Edit: in terms of ways of being helpful towards the site, that is. Donating is not the only way of helping out ya know.

Do yer bit by seeding stuff you download, or help others on IRC or forums. That counts towards helping the site as well.
Merely pitching in towards server costs is just one way of 'helping out'.

07-04-2010, 02:40 PM
You should not open a tracker if you yourself cannot pay the bills. Period, end of story.

The mantra I have heard is 'sharing is caring' not 'we will share and care for you only if you give us money, and if you dont we will threaten to take it all away'.

For some reason, which is like you always are, you're a dumbfuck. Which is why I won't even begin to argue your stupid comment. Nuff said.

Quite correct. Only a dumbfuck wouldn't understand this.

Wouldn't expect anymore or less from you (at the present at least)...

Sharing is caring needs to be from everyone. Only dumbfucks see it as a one way street.

Once again Cabalo...Instead of repeating myself I will just point you back to a previous statement.


First of all, who are you to insult me? Just cause I suspect you are a mod or something at some shitty fucking pirate the net site you think you should get everything handed to you and youre better than everyone else?

Second of all, fuck right off you fucking jackass.

Thirdly, it is a two way street. The site gets opened by the owner and the users contribute the content. One does not work without the other. Theres your two way street you small minded cunt.

07-04-2010, 03:31 PM
BUT it is only because of who I am. Not who I pretend to be (I am not trying to say you are a pretender, btw). I am a straight up guy who doesn't bullshit.

Do you really think you can say such a statement with a straight face, especially at FST?

Just cause I suspect you are a mod or something at some shitty fucking pirate the net site you think you should get everything handed to you and youre better than everyone else?

No, of course not. He had to work especially hard for those IPs he phished.

07-04-2010, 03:36 PM
Thirdly, it is a two way street. The site gets opened by the owner and the users contribute the content. One does not work without the other.

Just to be devils advocate here, but when you start a tracker, you have no members, so the only one that can put the content on is the owner, because without content, no users would come or stop.

OK after a while the owner can sit back and let the users get on with it, if he so wishes, but the owner has to put more into it, than just creating the place in the first place.

07-04-2010, 03:41 PM
I agree with stoi, but how I wonder has stoi only put out 10 torrents on BCG?

I'm still fairly new, so I don't know everything, but was stoi not the original Owner or something?

07-04-2010, 03:46 PM
.... has its days counted.

Note from the language police,in English we say "has it's(his) days numbered" or more appropriately " it's(his) days are numbered" :happy:

maybe she was referring to the Countdown Timer on the homepage, counting the days till the tracker closes? :whistling or was that the donation meter? :P

users can choose what sites they want to go to and if they want to donate or not. I've run lots of free Internet projects and never started one I (or the group) couldn't pay for ourselves. If donations help with costs, great, if they support a project, amazing! if they don't oh well...

...and if youre sitting there thinking youre going to start a tracker that pays for itself and makes you money, I've got a bridge in downtown Brooklyn for sale ;)

07-04-2010, 03:55 PM
I agree with stoi, but how I wonder has stoi only put out 10 torrents on BCG?

I'm still fairly new, so I don't know everything, but was stoi not the original Owner or something?

I am the original owner, when we first started 7 years ago i was the only one to upload, i done 100`s but we were a public tracker like h33t.

Then we went to a ratio tracker so again had to start from scratch, so again uploaded crap loads to get the members in.

From then on we have been hacked and moved servers 3 times but we have had the same core members. so since 2006 (when we got hacked and when we had the members already) i have done 10 or so, but before then it was 1000`s and i have lost TBs over the years.

07-04-2010, 04:06 PM
Thirdly, it is a two way street. The site gets opened by the owner and the users contribute the content. One does not work without the other.Just to be devils advocate here, but when you start a tracker, you have no members, so the only one that can put the content on is the owner, because without content, no users would come or stop.

OK after a while the owner can sit back and let the users get on with it, if he so wishes, but the owner has to put more into it, than just creating the place in the first place.

I agree, but my only point was that it wasn't a one way deal, both users and owner must work at it. Each has their role, and to make a successful tracker both must do their job well.

On an unrelated note, bumrocks is still a little cunt.

07-04-2010, 04:22 PM
lolwut? Nobodies dispositions are black and white.

I hope you understand there are different degrees of importance regarding trackers from preference, and its foolish to expect anyone to do anything to help any trackers that are of any importance. Would love to see you back up your statement and donate to every single tracker you're a member of, now matter what you take from the site.

Did I use the word 'donate' even once? :ermm:
//Edit: in terms of ways of being helpful towards the site, that is. Donating is not the only way of helping out ya know.

Do yer bit by seeding stuff you download, or help others on IRC or forums. That counts towards helping the site as well.
Merely pitching in towards server costs is just one way of 'helping out'.

It was a fair assumption considering this thread is about money problems, and your first two sentences were on topic about members needing to donate money. Don't know what preaching that you think everyone should help on IRC and follow the general site rules has to do with CN failing

I'm closing this thread


On an unrelated note, bumrocks is still a little cunt.

should rename thread 'lets all state obvious truths'.

07-04-2010, 04:37 PM
:mellow: ouch. I didn't realize BCG's history was so wrong and had so many downfalls.
That sucks. Hopefully that all stays in the past right? ;)

EDIT: Can no one else post on this thread please and thank you.

07-04-2010, 05:43 PM
:mellow: ouch. I didn't realize BCG's history was so wrong and had so many downfalls.
That sucks. Hopefully that all stays in the past right? ;)

I'm pretty sure majority of the successful trackers have had their pitfalls. it's nothing new or big of a deal imo.

07-04-2010, 05:43 PM
EDIT: Can no one else post on this thread please and thank you.

I don't take orders from 13 year olds ,even extremely polite ones.Sorry :(

07-04-2010, 05:53 PM
EDIT: Can no one else post on this thread please and thank you.
Click Cabalo's Profile,click send PM and type in "Please close the thread".Try it,even retards can do that flawlessly so it should be easy :shifty:

07-04-2010, 05:56 PM
Too late I just sent him one requesting he not close the thread.

07-04-2010, 05:58 PM
Click Cabalo's Profile,click send PM and type in "Please close the thread".

Then they invented the report button.

07-04-2010, 06:00 PM
I already PMed Cabalo, and he wouldn't. Lol damn you IdolEyes! Anyways I'm PMing more soon. Mwahahaha

07-04-2010, 06:03 PM
Too late I just sent him one requesting he not close the thread.
You denied a guy the chance to learn new stuff!:ermm:

Then they invented the report button.
Idoleyes should learn from anons helping mentality :cool:

07-04-2010, 06:03 PM
I didn't really PM him ,I think it's probably that he just doesn't like you.:(

07-04-2010, 06:27 PM
Too late I just sent him one requesting he not close the thread.
Don't be mean. He was pushed asked by their staff to close this thread as it is bringing unwanted attention to the tracker.
Maybe soon they won't have to worry any more with this. :shifty:

07-04-2010, 06:29 PM
why CN staff want this thread closed? getting worry truth are reveiled? :shifty:

07-04-2010, 06:32 PM
meh I don't really care about why they want this thread closed. I think that is their business.

07-04-2010, 06:47 PM
They could have said it themselves here, and not "ask" you to.

07-04-2010, 07:23 PM
And then he PMed me as well.

I stand by Cabalo's decision, I don't see any need to close this thread.

07-04-2010, 07:30 PM
why CN staff want this thread closed? getting worry truth are reveiled? :shifty:

yaaaaay why don't you go eat a bag of dicks?

Keep it open or delete it, we do not care. It doesn't have any influence on whats going on over our site ATM.

07-04-2010, 07:33 PM
Keep it open or delete it, we do not care. It doesn't have any influence on whats going on over our site ATM.
Then why did you ask Champo101 to close the thread?:unsure:

07-04-2010, 07:34 PM
I didn't do it. And whoever did it shouldn't be caring that much.

07-04-2010, 08:01 PM
one of the mods asked me to close it.

07-04-2010, 08:05 PM
I am aware of that now. Still be my guest to keep it open, at least it ensures FST stays active...

07-04-2010, 08:25 PM
I am aware of that now. Still be my guest to keep it open, at least it ensures FST stays active...
Thank God,its because of CN that FST stays active.I love you so much God for making CN support FST <3.

07-04-2010, 08:32 PM
I am aware of that now. Still be my guest to keep it open, at least it ensures FST stays active...

I'm fine fine keeping it open. What class are you on CN, Supervisor?

07-04-2010, 08:34 PM
I am aware of that now. Still be my guest to keep it open, at least it ensures FST stays active...

I'm fine fine keeping it open. What class are you on CN, Supervisor?

You pretty much answered yourself there. Check the FAQ :)

07-04-2010, 08:52 PM
I thought so, but I was wondering, the mod who PMed me said consider this a warning and to PM mods on FST until it closes. Hmm. Just wondering why it is so important for it to be closed. The topic is barely even about CN anymore. And if you think about it, it never REALLY was. It was more centered around ALL trackers going through these problems. And the same post appearing on different trackers' Main Page. Just food for thought again I guess.

07-04-2010, 09:00 PM
I am aware of that now. Still be my guest to keep it open, at least it ensures FST stays active...
Thank you very much. Maybe this month we won't have to mass PM the members asking for donations, or put an announcement on the Home page.
Appreciated for helping us pay for the servers. :happy:

I thought so, but I was wondering, the mod who PMed me said consider this a warning and to PM mods on FST until it closes.
:lol: L O L
No, seriously, LOL.
Make him grow some balls and come up front and say who he is. I want to personally greet him. Is it TheDog, by any chance? :whistling

07-04-2010, 09:03 PM
Was more because of the lack of respect some users obviously had to show towards our owner and coder who made the announcement and pays all the site costs when its needed, here:

just liar.if they pay from their pocket several month ago they never go on until now

Obviously FST supports all the BS because, once again, it brings activity.

Champo101 one thread for that matter would suffice, I call it spam. But who am I to judge. And no, we do not have any sort of problems with these threads, our members should know whats going on and if they still feel like they should come here and post our site news, well pointless actions are pointless. Keep it open though, its alright.

07-04-2010, 09:06 PM
Thank you very much. Maybe this month we won't have to mass PM the members asking for donations, or put an announcement on the Home page.
Appreciated for helping us pay for the servers. :happy:

I thought so, but I was wondering, the mod who PMed me said consider this a warning and to PM mods on FST until it closes.
:lol: L O L
No, seriously, LOL.
Make him grow some balls and come up front and say who he is. I want to personally greet him. Is it TheDog, by any chance? :whistling
OMFG yes. It is TheDog. That made me laugh :lol:

07-04-2010, 09:10 PM
Thank you very much. Maybe this month we won't have to mass PM the members asking for donations, or put an announcement on the Home page.
Appreciated for helping us pay for the servers. :happy:

I can and will do it anytime I want, it's none of your business how CN is run AFAIK.

And interesting how you talk as if you had ever been an important piece in how FST evolved to get where it is today, prolly the most visited forum in this small BT world. I got news for you though, you didn't do anything to help it reaching this point, so I'm not sure whether you can add such ton to your post. The arrogant ton of someone who actually succeeded in making this site what it is today. It doesn't suit your position, so drop it.

07-04-2010, 09:11 PM
Was more because of the lack of respect some users obviously had to show towards our owner and coder who made the announcement and pays all the site costs when its needed, here:

just liar.if they pay from their pocket several month ago they never go on until now

Obviously FST supports all the BS because, once again, it brings activity.

Champo101 one thread for that matter would suffice, I call it spam. But who am I to judge. And no, we do not have any sort of problems with these threads, our members should know whats going on and if they still feel like they should come here and post our site news, well pointless actions are pointless. Keep it open though, its alright.
Now you should put a leash on your dogs. While you are aware your site has had the worst PR ever on BT, a step in a different direction was being made by you and bumrocks, no matter how much we will always disagree.
Now comes another neurotic imbecile bullying around your members in public boards, and hurting all the work you have been doing. This is the kind of shit you (CN) never knew to avoid, just put a tape on the dog's mouth and let those who have responsibilities talk. Otherwise, you'll never get out of this vicious circle.

07-04-2010, 09:13 PM
Thank you very much. Maybe this month we won't have to mass PM the members asking for donations, or put an announcement on the Home page.
Appreciated for helping us pay for the servers. :happy:

I can and will do it anytime I want, it's none of your business how CN is run AFAIK.

And interesting how you talk as if you had ever been an important piece in how FST evolved to get where it is today, prolly the most visited forum in this small BT world. I got news for you though, you didn't do anything to help it reaching this point, so I'm not sure whether you can add such ton to your post. The arrogant ton of someone who actually succeeded in making this site what it is today. It doesn't suit your position, so drop it.

:unsure: whoa

07-04-2010, 09:14 PM
Thank you very much. Maybe this month we won't have to mass PM the members asking for donations, or put an announcement on the Home page.
Appreciated for helping us pay for the servers. :happy:

I can and will do it anytime I want, it's none of your business how CN is run AFAIK.

And interesting how you talk as if you had ever been an important piece in how FST evolved to get where it is today, prolly the most visited forum in this small BT world. I got news for you though, you didn't do anything to help it reaching this point, so I'm not sure whether you can add such ton to your post. The arrogant ton of someone who actually succeeded in making this site what it is today. It doesn't suit your position, so drop it.
Now you really hurt my feelings. And here I was feeling an important part on what made FST become what it is today, spreading it all over the board at every possible chance, bragging in IRC, and now, without any mercy, you annihilate my dreams. :(
I will run to my corner and hide now. Like a dog on a leash.

07-04-2010, 09:26 PM
Was more because of the lack of respect some users obviously had to show towards our owner and coder who made the announcement and pays all the site costs when its needed, here:

Obviously FST supports all the BS because, once again, it brings activity.

Champo101 one thread for that matter would suffice, I call it spam. But who am I to judge. And no, we do not have any sort of problems with these threads, our members should know whats going on and if they still feel like they should come here and post our site news, well pointless actions are pointless. Keep it open though, its alright.
Now you should put a leash on your dogs. While you are aware your site has had the worst PR ever on BT, a step in a different direction was being made by you and bumrocks, no matter how much we will always disagree.
Now comes another neurotic imbecile bullying around your members in public boards, and hurting all the work you have been doing. This is the kind of shit you (CN) never knew to avoid, just put a tape on the dog's mouth and let those who have responsibilities talk. Otherwise, you'll never get out of this vicious circle.

I'm aware we did our best and we have been doing it, I'm sorry if that is not enough for some of you but we did what we think was correct at that time and we still try to do it every day.

I have said it already, I will say it again, CN has been alive for almost 2 years and it will be kept alive for as long as possible. We can and should remind our users our site needs donations to be kept alive, that announcement was posted mostly because we had to pay twice as much as we are used to pay due to the server change. Obviously none of you cared about this small detail but yeah, thats just how you roll.

07-04-2010, 11:08 PM
I'm aware we did our best and we have been doing it, I'm sorry if that is not enough for some of you but we did what we think was correct at that time and we still try to do it every day.

That's the most that you could ask of anyone .Please keep in mind Cabalo is ( apparent CN sore spot aside) trying to do the same :)

07-05-2010, 12:34 AM

07-05-2010, 01:14 AM
Obviously FST supports all the BS because, once again, it brings activity.

No, we don't "support" this to "bring in activity".

We "support" this and keep the thread open because freely and openly allowing members to say whatever they wish is one of the (if not the most) important principles upon which this board runs. Closing this thread or censoring any of the comments made flies straight in the face of that.

If you (or any of your CN cohorts) are uncomfortable with that, there are always other avenues for you to express what you wish.

07-05-2010, 01:32 AM
Who said anything about closing this thread? Pretty sure I haven't. If by freely discussing you mean bashing serious people who try to help BT as much as they can then your definition of discussion is wrong. Maybe if you had read my post carefully you would have understood we do not care about this thread but about the fact some users don't have the ability to simply discuss, they have to be rude and troll cause thats what gets them down. But obviously its a problem that some do have, only read what they want and interpret as they want.

BTW champo101 your account has been disabled from CN just now. PM me if you care about the reason. Or simply go to our IRC, the details are posted here at FST somewhere in case you don't know them.

07-05-2010, 02:01 AM
Who said anything about closing this thread? Pretty sure I haven't.
Maybe if you had read my post carefully you would have understood we do not care about this thread
BTW champo101 your account has been disabled from CN just now. PM me if you care about the reason.

So... you don't care about this thread at all?

Yet Champo was constantly pressured into closing this thread and consequently was banned from CN?

Sugarcoat it however you like, it seems pretty clear to me.

07-05-2010, 02:10 AM
We can tell him the reasons if he wants to. I really don't care whether it looks clear to you or not, neither does anyone else for that matter. He can post the reasons if he feels like it then. Until then please don't spread rumors or make theories up. We have had our share of random thoughts created by some people.

07-05-2010, 02:31 AM
If you haven't read the PM, I would like to know. Right in this public thread please. :D:D

07-05-2010, 02:38 AM
We can tell him the reasons if he wants to. I really don't care whether it looks clear to you or not, neither does anyone else for that matter. He can post the reasons if he feels like it then. Until then please don't spread rumors or make theories up. We have had our share of random thoughts created by some people.

just because of this thread?.. :mellow:


07-05-2010, 02:38 AM
I have PMed you. Feel free to post it here if you believe it is the right thing to do. I have not posted the reasons here because obviously it's only of your business.

07-05-2010, 02:39 AM
If you haven't read the PM, I would like to know. Right in this public thread please. :D:D

you should start speak lick-ass like mokhtar if you want to stay in CN :yup:


07-05-2010, 02:48 AM
what is problem with you?
i like cn because reasons i say before. i dont believe champo101 banned because this thread.

07-05-2010, 02:50 AM
what is problem with you?
i like cn because reasons i say before. i dont believe champo101 banned because this thread.

I can be re-enabled by jumping in IRC. But idk if I will.

07-05-2010, 02:55 AM
but what are the reason bro ?
i think we all curious, if u can tell us. i think u do not wrong post this thread.

07-05-2010, 02:56 AM
If you read the rest of the thread it might tell you.

07-05-2010, 02:57 AM
so they ban u because FST mods didnt close thread?!?

07-05-2010, 03:10 AM
Not really. It was because it was against their rules. But TheDog told me to close it and to consider this as a warning and I said I tried to close it and then the owner banned me.

07-05-2010, 03:12 AM
ban happen because u open thread? :blink:

07-05-2010, 03:14 AM
Pretty much yeah

07-05-2010, 03:24 AM
what is problem with you?
i like cn because reasons i say before. i dont believe champo101 banned because this thread.

ban happen because u open thread? :blink:

.... :ermm:


07-05-2010, 03:40 AM
I'd gladly take whatever blame for you, but I doubt it would help you out much with them folks. Doubt you're you're the kinda dickwad that cares much for these kinda sites anyways :P

Syntax Error
07-05-2010, 03:48 AM
ban happen because u open thread? :blink:

CN news and announcements should not be leaked outside of CN without permission from staff.That was the third line of the rules page and it has nothing to do with the drama surrounding this thread.
I only read about 5-8 posts from this thread and I am not planing to continue as I don't have free time to spend on something like this :huh:.
If someone insulted me among those posts, ok, I am cool with it, I don't have the ability to add additional drama.
Btw, almost no one from the people who posted here are going to change anything at all.
I am pretty sure anyone bashes the site has been banned before or one of his close friends was banned and he is just mad for him.
The only people who can change the way we run CN are the majority of CN active members, other than that, you are just wasting your time bashing our way of running the site.

:: iKiller

07-05-2010, 03:59 AM
CN news and announcements should not be leaked outside of CN without permission from staff.That was the third line of the rules page and it has nothing to do with the drama surrounding this thread.
I only read about 5-8 posts from this thread and I am not planing to continue as I don't have free time to spend on something like this :huh:.
If someone insulted me among those posts, ok, I am cool with it, I don't have the ability to add additional drama.
Btw, almost no one from the people who posted here are going to change anything at all.
I am pretty sure anyone bashes the site has been banned before or one of his close friends was banned and he is just mad for him.
The only people who can change the way we run CN are the majority of CN active members, other than that, you are just wasting your time bashing our way of running the site.

I hope you are a staffer at CN, because that would make this post a million times more laughable and pathetic.


Syntax Error
07-05-2010, 04:06 AM
I hope you are a staffer at CN, because that would make this post a million times more laughable and pathetic.


I already saw your intelligence and your childish way of starting a discussion in the first page of this thread, in fact you were the 1st reason to hold me from reading the rest of it.
However your opinion doesn't matter to me at all. go get a life kid.
Anyway, I am off, I need to be @ the Air Port in half hour.

07-05-2010, 04:13 AM
aghbnbabjbjajndfkdasfkdnn. Goodnight.

07-05-2010, 04:22 AM
go get a life kid.oh shit, t.s.o.l., someone on the internet just told you to get a life! are you going to take that?

btw, t.s.o.l. is bangin'

07-05-2010, 04:25 AM
don't think his effort warrants a comeback. derp derp

07-05-2010, 04:58 AM
If by freely discussing you mean bashing serious people who try to help BT

If someone insulted me among those posts, ok, I am cool with it, I don't have the ability to add additional drama.
No one even mentioned your name.You seem to have an opinion of yourself when discussions like this happen.

P.S:I really dont understand when a guy says "I dont care about this thread" and keeps coming back.

and lol @ champo101's ban.Well cant blame the staff,they are the people who go on publishing urls in public blogs and demands their members not to use it when the whole world knows/uses it.Their ability to reason is kinda very low.We need to understand that and behave accordingly. :rolleyes:

07-05-2010, 11:12 AM
Ok, I see posting CN's details outside of CN is against one of their rules and that's why Champ was warned(and now banned).

07-05-2010, 11:44 AM
I thought so, but I was wondering, the mod who PMed me said consider this a warning

I wonder what mod told you that...

Probably the same one that pm'd me(before I had my account closed) just for typing the two letters 'CN' in a thread here. He babbled something along the lines of, you're putting the trackers security in jeopardy. That was back when they still thought noone knew of the site.

They open invite applications to the public, but this mod warns you for making a public thread. :rolleyes:

Firstly, if you don't know what you'r talking about shut the fuck up. He was not banned because he opened a thread about CN, AFAIK other threads have been opened about us in this last weeks here and we didn't ban anyone, so get your facts straight before attempting sarcasm, or else it might fail.

Secondly, we can make up our rules as we feel its better and its far from being any of your business. Any user who does not agree can either break them and have his account disabled or go inactive and we end up disabling the acc. So don't whine. We don't own you anything.


If someone insulted me among those posts, ok, I am cool with it, I don't have the ability to add additional drama.
No one even mentioned your name.You seem to have an opinion of yourself when discussions like this happen.

If your head was not full of rocks you would have read the thread before failing at trolling again.

just liar.if they pay from their pocket several month ago they never go on until now

P.S:I really dont understand when a guy says "I dont care about this thread" and keeps coming back

Alright. You trolls first whine about the fact we try to get every thread about CN deleted in every forums. Now that we are not creating such problems about it and some CN staffers have actually been cooperating here and trying as much as you let us to justify whatever its up for discussion, like I first posted in this thread now you say that? I say make up your mind. I'll take it as a big lack of any kind of arguments from your side.

and lol @ champo101's ban.Well cant blame the staff,they are the people who go on publishing urls in public blogs and demands their members not to use it when the whole world knows/uses it.Their ability to reason is kinda very low.We need to understand that and behave accordingly. :rolleyes:

He broke CN's rules, he was banned. I'm sure if this was another site banning him cause he broke the site's rules you wouldn't be whining that much. Fucking troll.

07-05-2010, 12:07 PM
No matter how you want to phrase it, or sugarcoat the decision backing it up with "CN's rules", nothing convinces me it wasn't a petty move to disable the guy.
The thread was open for 2 and a half days, you and other mods at cn were aware of its existence, you even said it was ok to keep it open, and all of the sudden he is disabled.

Why don't you show some coherence, and leave him alone? After all, he was told by a dog on a leash to harass us (the mods) to close the thread. He PM'ed every single one of us and got the same reply. We explicitly said in public we are not going to close/trash this thread (you guys at CN should know this by now), so blame it on us! Me, TrueSounds and Rart.

What was done to champo101 was done out of frustration. Man up, assume your mistake, and let him stay, if he still wants to. That would be called good PR.

Not that I care.

07-05-2010, 12:16 PM
No matter how you want to phrase it, or sugarcoat the decision backing it up with "CN's rules", nothing convinces me it wasn't a petty move to disable the guy.
The thread was open for 2 and a half days, you and other mods at cn were aware of its existence, you even said it was ok to keep it open, and all of the sudden he is disabled.

Why don't you show some coherence, and leave him alone? After all, he was told by a dog on a leash to harass us (the mods) to close the thread. He PM'ed every single one of us and got the same reply. We explicitly said in public we are not going to close/trash this thread (you guys at CN should know this by now), so blame it on us! Me, TrueSounds and Rart.

What was done to champo101 was done out of frustration. Man up, assume your mistake, and let him stay, if he still wants to. That would be called good PR.

Not that I care.

The rule has been in there since forever. I did not ban him, as I told him, because I know he didn't mean to bash CN, and as he said himself, he was not aware all the dickheads were gonna bash the site (he didn't use the term dickheads). So there you go, now you know why I didn't ban him myself. The rule is there though, so I could have done it as someone else ended up doing anyway.

07-05-2010, 12:27 PM
*A bunch of insults because strangers on the internet are making me mad...*

It's this type of attitude that I saw from the majority of the staff there(is bumrocks seriously the only grown up on the staff team?) that made me want to close my account. If all the criticism about Cosa Nostra coming from a bunch of people that you don't even know is getting to you so much that you have to start acting like a little bitch, then I suggest you stop reading this thread. Because as long as it's open, you're going to get more and more of it.

You can go ahead and whine and cry and call me whatever names you like in the inevitable reply that you will undoubtedly give, but this will be my one and only post to you. Don't expect some kind of long and drawn out kiddie flame fest from me. You've shown me by the type of responses that you've given in this thread("yaaaaay why don't you go eat a bag of dicks", and so on) that you're pretty much a joke... And I cannot be bothered to continue to have any type of conversation with someone that I don't respect.

Have fun with your site.

07-05-2010, 12:29 PM
If your head was not full of rocks you would have read the thread before failing at trolling again.
I did read the thread and I aint trolling.Since you fail to understand the meaning of yet another word,I would like you to go and read that up as well(FYI Discussions =/ Trolling).And when a person who was never mentioned in the thread comes up and says something along the lines "Did you talk about me?",It means ...

Alright. You trolls first whine about the fact we try to get every thread about CN deleted in every forums. Now that we are not creating such problems about it and some CN staffers have actually been cooperating here and trying as much as you let us to justify whatever its up for discussion, like I first posted in this thread now you say that? I say make up your mind. I'll take it as a big lack of any kind of arguments from your side.
When I type "I dont care what you say".Its when I don't care and leave them be.Well it seems its different for you.

He broke CN's rules, he was banned. I'm sure if this was another site banning him cause he broke the site's rules you wouldn't be whining that much. Fucking troll.
When champo101 wrote:"If you read the rest of the thread it might tell you. ".As a normal person with normal IQ,I can only reach to an understanding based on what I read/see.sorry we are not Intelligent Super humans like you guys.:shifty: but what I said still holds.

and lol @ champo101's ban.Well cant blame the staff,they are the people who go on publishing urls in public blogs and demands their members not to use it when the whole world knows/uses it.Their ability to reason is kinda very low.We need to understand that and behave accordingly.

07-05-2010, 12:33 PM
Just delete this please.

07-05-2010, 12:34 PM
Reply to post #117: (damn, 3 posts while I typed this :huh:)

Funny I was going to mention that myself.
I think it was clear to most people that participated in the thread that you were understanding with him, and wouldn't take drastic actions. I'm not blaming you personally, I'm blaming the site or who did it. It wasn't clear on my post, but I was replying to ikiller, my bad.
It's normal that you stand by the owner's decision. I respect that.

But my thoughts are these: you (supervisor, I don't know which of them you are at CN, just curious) were trying to debate your points of view on a board known to have members who express their hostile views freely, where everyone stands on the same level and subject to harsh criticism, no matter if they staff here or at CN or at the Olympus, and your efforts to pass a more positive message about how you guys deal with your members were shot dead with this move.

I know you won't reinstate his account, because you can't (or shouldn't), I understand that perfectly. I wouldn't reenable a member if it was RealitY or tesco the ones who did it. But if I remember all the thread correctly, you never asked the staff to close/trash whatever the thread. This way we could have said no, and be the ones to take all the blame.
You also know that these donations problems are the issue of the moment on bt, generally speaking. It's the recession, no one runs away from it. And sooner or later this issue would have gotten here and become discussed. You were handling it well, but unfortunately for CN, you were the exception.

I don't expect you to reply to most of my points, but the way it ended up for champo101 doesn't look good on CN. This is the bare truth.

07-05-2010, 12:39 PM
Reply to post #117: (damn, 3 posts while I typed this :huh:)

Funny I was going to mention that myself.
I think it was clear to most people that participated in the thread that you were understanding with him, and wouldn't take drastic actions. I'm not blaming you personally, I'm blaming the site or who did it. It wasn't clear on my post, but I was replying to ikiller, my bad.
It's normal that you stand by the owner's decision. I respect that.

But my thoughts are these: you (supervisor, I don't know which of them you are at CN, just curious) were trying to debate your points of view on a board known to have members who express their hostile views freely, where everyone stands on the same level and subject to harsh criticism, no matter if they staff here or at CN or at the Olympus, and your efforts to pass a more positive message about how you guys deal with your members were shot dead with this move.

I know you won't reinstate his account, because you can't (or shouldn't), I understand that perfectly. I wouldn't reenable a member if it was RealitY or tesco the ones who did it. But if I remember all the thread correctly, you never asked the staff to close/trash whatever the thread. This way we could have said no, and be the ones to take all the blame.
You also know that these donations problems are the issue of the moment on bt, generally speaking. It's the recession, no one runs away from it. And sooner or later this issue would have gotten here and become discussed. You were handling it well, but unfortunately for CN, you were the exception.

I don't expect you to reply to most of my points, but the way it ended up for champo101 doesn't look good on CN. This is the bare truth.

I told him I didn't want it to end up like this, in part it is his fault, because he broke a simple rule. He could have brought up CN in the other thread about all this donations theme thats going on, you guys would have discussed it there, probably less bashing would even have occurred but he had to create a new thread only about us. And in part it is not as he didn't know the thread would lead to insults, doesn't matter to me whether it's one or twenty and it certainly doesn't matter to our owner, who works his ass off to keep that site up and running and doesn't deserve to be called liar.

I have also told champo101 that it could be worked out. Not sure what he did but while the path this thread took is not entirely his fault, he is certainly no angel in all this small story either.

Syntax Error
07-05-2010, 01:58 PM
Reply to post #117: (damn, 3 posts while I typed this :huh:)

Funny I was going to mention that myself.
I think it was clear to most people that participated in the thread that you were understanding with him, and wouldn't take drastic actions. I'm not blaming you personally, I'm blaming the site or who did it. It wasn't clear on my post, but I was replying to ikiller, my bad.
It's normal that you stand by the owner's decision. I respect that.

But my thoughts are these: you (supervisor, I don't know which of them you are at CN, just curious) were trying to debate your points of view on a board known to have members who express their hostile views freely, where everyone stands on the same level and subject to harsh criticism, no matter if they staff here or at CN or at the Olympus, and your efforts to pass a more positive message about how you guys deal with your members were shot dead with this move.

I know you won't reinstate his account, because you can't (or shouldn't), I understand that perfectly. I wouldn't reenable a member if it was RealitY or tesco the ones who did it. But if I remember all the thread correctly, you never asked the staff to close/trash whatever the thread. This way we could have said no, and be the ones to take all the blame.
You also know that these donations problems are the issue of the moment on bt, generally speaking. It's the recession, no one runs away from it. And sooner or later this issue would have gotten here and become discussed. You were handling it well, but unfortunately for CN, you were the exception.

I don't expect you to reply to most of my points, but the way it ended up for champo101 doesn't look good on CN. This is the bare truth.

Why don't you ask champo101 to reply to your post, However, the guy was enabled about 10 hours ago anyway :huh:.

I was in a hurry because I have a real busy life and I didn't even get the chance to tell supervisor about enabling champo101 .

I only banned him when I first saw the thread, but 10 minutes later I got an explanation from a person who you really hate from our staff members and I came here to contact the guy then I enabled him as he explained that he wasn't sure about leaking CN news outside the site being against the rules because he is used to do it with his other sites.
I asked him to remove the news item, my name from the 1st post and re-read the rules. He agreed and so I enabled him.

And before the smart-asses start building theories, he wasn't an ass kisser.

But hey, feel free to blame me for anything you want.

Anyway, I am not much of a drama talker, I do my job and that's all about it, there will always be haters and lovers, I understand this fact.

but seriously what you are doing here is wasting your personal time, I bet you spent the last day just on this thread building theories, blaming CN and the staff members.
Name one good thing you came out with from this thread.

As for the person who was asking me why I am here while I don't care about the thread, I was just here to contact the guy who I banned to clear things with him.
And now I am here again just to clear champo101's situation for people who are interested in it for a mystery reason.

I just want you to take an overall look @ the thread, most of haters are fst staff members, the fact is true sound just insulted about 1500 members calling them dumpfucks in the first page just because they spend their time on something he doesn't like or doesn't know how to use, do you think this was a wise decision from him ?
Or you guys just play the blind part on others mistakes and wait for your first moment to ride your horse and bash CN like we will be responsible for the end of the world!

Btw, Cabalo, I don't want to check this thread anymore, however, If you have a question pm me with it or email me, otherwise I am pretty sure I will miss it and you will have one more reason to blame me for and probably more funny theories.

07-05-2010, 02:56 PM
I'm with iKiller now. I made a dumb mistake and tbh if I was the staff members involved in this, (but there was no closing or locking of threads or any of that argument) I would have banned the guy who did it too and I would not of re-enabled him. You broke a rule in the "Breaking these rules can and will get you banned" section, and you have been banned. End of story. I'm happy iKiller handled it this way and gave me a chance to explain myself and to re-enable me. I don't care what any of you think. Supervisor helped too. That's what I think. Think what you want.

07-05-2010, 03:03 PM
Name one good thing you came out with from this thread.

I came out with a better understanding of how CN staff decide to ban individuals because they prioritize a(n) (irrational) rule breaking offense over the understanding of a sincere member's situation. As soon as Champo was banned I pm'ed him to get a better understanding of the proceedings (an ability 99% of your entire staff apparently lack) and he was extremely pissed off. Way to actually care for your members as a family.

By the way, if your life is unbearably busy to the point of not being able to reason with a situation fully before acting upon retarded impulses, you shouldn't be running a tracker.
In the words of Mr. Pink: "The words 'Too fucking busy', shouldn't be in a [staffer's] dictionary."

EDIT: Champo, there's really no need to bend over backwards. CN staff insist they're not an elitist site, but then they go ahead and behave this way to what is clearly a nice/reasonable person, based on an elitist rule. Sugarcoat it anyway you want to, but let's call spades, spades.

EDIT2: Supervisor, you said if this were any other tracker, this entire flame-fest/ordeal/argument/bashing wouldn't have gone down. Name me one other tracker that would have behaved similarly in this situation, and you'll have a better understanding of why there's a lot of hate.

07-05-2010, 03:07 PM
Name one good thing you came out with from this thread.

I came out with a better understanding of how CN staff decide to ban individuals because they prioritize a(n) (irrational) rule breaking offense over the understanding of a sincere member's situation. As soon as Champo was banned I pm'ed him to get a better understanding of the proceedings (an ability 99% of your entire staff apparently lack) and he was extremely pissed off. Way to actually care for your members as a family.

By the way, if your life is unbearably busy to the point of not being able to reason with a situation fully before acting upon retarded impulses, you shouldn't be running a tracker.
In the words of Mr. Pink: "The words [i]'Too fucking busy'[i], shouldn't be in a [staffer's] dictionary."

I was nothing more than pissed. I then proceeded to get PMed by Supervisor and iKiller which would end up solving the problem.

EDIT: lol every post i make seems to have an edit... Anyways most of my frustration was at TheDog for asking me to harass the mods to close the thread. I only PMed Rart and Cabalo to clear that up. Whatever. They can deal with situations whatever way they please. I probably won't be talking to staff or be in forums/irc much anymore after all this. Another point of frustration was the fact that this mod did not seem to have an understanding of this forum or anything about it. Once again, in the past already in my books. I don't care.

07-05-2010, 03:58 PM
i want invite, damn it!

07-05-2010, 04:23 PM
most of haters are fst staff members

Maybe that's cause we're actually not afraid to post whatever the hell we think :unsure:

I have never had any sort of conflict or personal involvement with the staff at CN, but I still clearly see why so much crap is being tossed around from an outsiders perspective. Maybe it's the fact that your staff love to phish IPs and hunt traders here while continually posting at FST as if they were the victims. Maybe it's the fact that while Supervisor was trying to glance off this thread as if it was nothing, behind the scenes your staff was constantly pressuring Champo101 and ultimately banned him for a simple thread.

I do have to admit however, that the unbanning of Champo101 was a step in the right direction. Thanks for that.

However, the most important aspect of running a tracker that the staff at CN simply don't seem to get, was most aptly put by Funkin:

It's this type of attitude that I saw from the majority of the staff there(is bumrocks seriously the only grown up on the staff team?) that made me want to close my account. If all the criticism about Cosa Nostra coming from a bunch of people that you don't even know is getting to you so much that you have to start acting like a little bitch, then I suggest you stop reading this thread. Because as long as it's open, you're going to get more and more of it.

As the staff quite an (in)famous tracker, you have to realize, that no matter what you do, and no matter how hard you try, there will always be dissenters, people unhappy with the latest ban they got, or how you run your site. However, how you handle that criticism is truly the most important mark of how competent your staff is. You simply cannot let the everyday criticism that is bound to appear, get under your skin and cloud your better judgement.

Just look at What.CD. The massive stream of "unfair this, unfair that, wahhh, yadda yadda" threads that we get easily outnumber the amount of threads with regards to CN by 10:1, at least. Contrary to what vindicative members such as TVCY may say, I have never seen those thread handled with anything but the utmost professionalism from the staff when they have posted. They have never even come close to escalating into such a level experienced by this thread. Perhaps you guys should takes some notes.

07-05-2010, 04:51 PM
OHHH K I will do that soon. I'm lazy right now.

when i read that, i really thought you deserved to be banned.
Sadly, i still think the same. I dont know why an exception has been made in your case, but if one cant respect a tracker's rules one shouldnt be part of it. No one forced you to join it.

If someone is that unhappy with any XYZ tracker or its "rulez"
go ahead open your own and edit the rules to your desired choice, you'll get the required support if you really speak for the majority of the public's opinion. :dry:

lol, some people either cant digest someone's success OR just hate em too much and wish em dead. :whistling

07-05-2010, 04:59 PM
If someone is that unhappy with any XYZ tracker or its "rulez"
go ahead open your own and edit the rules to your desired choice, you'll get the required support if you really speak for the majority of the public's opinion. :dry:

lol, some people either cant digest someone's success OR just hate em too much and wish em dead. :whistling

Neither. I have always been a fan of CN, read all my posts if you want to. I've supported them uptil this point.

Banning a member for a healthy off-tracker discussion is as low as it gets. I stand by what I said, name me one other tracker that would have done the same. FTN/FSC/ScT/SCC/GFT/TS have all been dragged through the same ordeal on these very forums. I'm yet to see such drastic measures taken against any of their members involved in any of their respective threads.

There's a distinct difference between asking members to adhere to reasonable rules, and banning a member for a ridiculous one, even after they did everything within their willful power to succumb to the staffers' expressed dismay.

You can make me out to be rude/foul-mouthed, but you absolutely have no basis for saying I'm jealous of success or want to see CN dead, as leading up to this thread, I've said nothing but good stuff about the tracker, even when all others about had quite differing opinions to express.

07-05-2010, 05:21 PM
[QUOTE=Champo101;3479644]OHHH K I will do that soon. I'm lazy right now.

when i read that, i really thought you deserved to be banned.
Sadly, i still think the same. I dont know why an exception has been made in your case, but if one cant respect a tracker's rules one shouldnt be part of it. No one forced you to join it.

I don't know why I didn't just say it, but, I'm in the process of moving right now and I have SOO much shit in my house I'm moving a lot about 4 times a day. We are going through financial troubles right now and cannot really afford any movers or anything like that. We gained possession of our new house before we moved out of our current one and they are only about 2 minutes away from each other so we just load stuff into our car and drive there, unpack and continue doing the same thing over and over again. On one of the last few days o school, I got into a LOAD of trouble and I'VE BEEN LIMITED TO my time on the computer and when I said I was lazy on that post I really meant: My parents told me to get off. So yeah that is my answer to your statement there. And try to maybe ask why before you make a remark like I really thought he should be disabled.

07-05-2010, 05:32 PM
I just want you to take an overall look @ the thread, most of haters are fst staff members, the fact is true sound just insulted about 1500 members calling them dumpfucks in the first page just because they spend their time on something he doesn't like or doesn't know how to use, do you think this was a wise decision from him ?

I have plenty of friends/acquaintances on yer expendable circle-jerk of a tracker, and I doubt I'd lose any of em over calling em fucked for being there . I stand by my words, the shit hawks are circling man.

07-05-2010, 05:36 PM
Everyone has teh right to voice his/her opinions on any/everything under the sun (As long as one knows what he/she is goin on about). Those who think otherwise, need to grow up and take their heads outta their asses.
Some people may like XYZ site, some may not. Acknowledge the fact.. and move on, for believer being happier than a skeptic, is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.


07-05-2010, 06:00 PM
If someone is that unhappy with any XYZ tracker or its "rulez"
go ahead open your own and edit the rules to your desired choice, you'll get the required support if you really speak for the majority of the public's opinion. :dry:

lol, some people either cant digest someone's success OR just hate em too much and wish em dead. :whistling

Neither. I have always been a fan of CN, read all my posts if you want to. I've supported them uptil this point.

Banning a member for a healthy off-tracker discussion is as low as it gets. I stand by what I said, name me one other tracker that would have done the same. FTN/FSC/ScT/SCC/GFT/TS have all been dragged through the same ordeal on these very forums. I'm yet to see such drastic measures taken against any of their members involved in any of their respective threads.

There's a distinct difference between asking members to adhere to reasonable rules, and banning a member for a ridiculous one, even after they did everything within their willful power to succumb to the staffers' expressed dismay.

You can make me out to be rude/foul-mouthed, but you absolutely have no basis for saying I'm jealous of success or want to see CN dead, as leading up to this thread, I've said nothing but good stuff about the tracker, even when all others about had quite differing opinions to express.

Firstly, that last line wasn't intended at you, that's y i wrote it separately. My bad, it wasn't obvious.

I think you misconstrued my words there. I dont want you or anyone gunning for CN, and ofc you are free to air your own opinion. I havent mentioned CN anywhere in my previous post.
All m sayin is if a tracker has a rule and abides by it strictly, i'd respect that, given i want to be part of it.

07-05-2010, 06:01 PM
Andreaz, I'm pretty sure you haven't read a word on this thread.

given i want to be part of it.

And what if we don't want to be part of it? What if we even aren't a part of it and don't intend on ever being part of a certain tracker?

You really have to put these things into consideration, otherwise somebody could take your very own words and use them against you.

07-05-2010, 07:10 PM
I don't care what any of you think. Supervisor helped too. That's what I think. Think what you want.
We'll keep that in mind, be assured.

07-06-2010, 05:14 AM
Andreaz, I'm pretty sure you haven't read a word on this thread.

given i want to be part of it.

And what if we don't want to be part of it? What if we even aren't a part of it and don't intend on ever being part of a certain tracker?

You really have to put these things into consideration, otherwise somebody could take your very own words and use them against you.

I was talking in context of champo101 bein booted. And if you're not part of a tracker (nor intend to be in future) how will you get banned from it? :blink:

07-06-2010, 02:59 PM
They can IP ban you if they wish. :P

07-06-2010, 04:26 PM
They can IP ban you if they wish. :P
IP ban with dynamic ranges? Good luck.

07-06-2010, 04:56 PM
As the staff quite an (in)famous tracker, you have to realize, that no matter what you do, and no matter how hard you try, there will always be dissenters, people unhappy with the latest ban they got, or how you run your site. However, how you handle that criticism is truly the most important mark of how competent your staff is. You simply cannot let the everyday criticism that is bound to appear, get under your skin and cloud your better judgement.

Just look at What.CD. The massive stream of "unfair this, unfair that, wahhh, yadda yadda" threads that we get easily outnumber the amount of threads with regards to CN by 10:1, at least. Contrary to what vindicative members such as TVCY may say, I have never seen those thread handled with anything but the utmost professionalism from the staff when they have posted. They have never even come close to escalating into such a level experienced by this thread. Perhaps you guys should takes some notes.

Agreed. Well put, young one. :lol:

And it's not just BT, it's life in general. A lot of who you are has to do with how well you can take criticism.

07-06-2010, 08:13 PM
HIhi, funny thread :D

why hasn't thedog replyed yet? :( isn't he cn's dog?

07-06-2010, 11:07 PM
pfft it just gets better by the day.

07-06-2010, 11:27 PM
That's because it's summer.

07-06-2010, 11:32 PM
lol I guess.

07-06-2010, 11:40 PM
Will this thread ever die lol?

07-06-2010, 11:40 PM
Btw were you once just plain old visor but then got bitten by a radio-active spider or hit by gamma rays or something and became Supervisor?:01:

Will this thread ever die lol?

If people keep writing lol I will ask to be reinstated as staff and personally delete it .

07-06-2010, 11:46 PM
Will this thread ever die lol?

We'll keep bumping this until you get banned a second time, lolboy. Kinda like my own personal protest against stupidity.

07-06-2010, 11:46 PM

07-06-2010, 11:55 PM
We'll keep bumping this until you get banned a second time, lolboy.rofl, wrecked

07-07-2010, 12:04 AM
Is it possible to put a thread on ignore?

07-07-2010, 12:10 AM
It should be. Not much story behind my nick idol, someone decided my userclass at the site should stand for supervisor, as the original is in italian I guess supervisor works as translation :p

The spider certainly helped me getting there though!

07-07-2010, 01:33 AM

07-07-2010, 02:01 AM
Detale's is actually a misspelling of Defail.
Couldn't even get that right.:(

07-07-2010, 02:55 AM
That would imply that at one point he didn't fail :dabs:

07-07-2010, 04:36 AM
I think they will return soon..its just a way to get more donations...lol.....

07-07-2010, 05:15 AM
Classic example of defail.

07-07-2010, 10:58 AM

07-07-2010, 02:33 PM
This is one of those threads I wish we could just start over...I went away for a few days and didn't expect it to turn into this. People losing their minds over trivial shit, to say the least. I have alot I could say but I will just leave it alone at this point...

On a unrelated note I am still a cunt...

07-07-2010, 02:57 PM
On a unrelated note I am still a cunt...

Nature vs. nurture... you know the drill. :tease:

07-07-2010, 03:36 PM
On a unrelated note I am still a cunt...

Nature vs. nurture... you know the drill. :tease:
Bad joke :angry:

07-07-2010, 05:28 PM
Detale's is actually a misspelling of Defail.
Couldn't even get that right.:(

Fuck you!

That would imply that at one point he didn't fail :dabs:

Fuck You Twice!

You sad little muppets. Keep it up I'll tell Real-T you have tracker staff buddies and you'll get fired too!!

Do either of you know where my nick is really derived from BTW?

Oh yeah and besides Bum Cocks and maybe a few others there, fuck the nostra they're ghey anyway. Now that I think of it you two morons would fit right in as staff there. Maybe Mel will take you into dirty hoes as well :O

07-07-2010, 05:36 PM
You sad little muppets. Keep it up I'll tell Real-T you have tracker staff buddies and you'll get fired too!!

Idol was already fired for being unable to comprehend that Canadia had nothing to do with anything at all. Guess that comes with illusions of grandeur. :rolleyes:

Do either of you know where my nick is really derived from BTW?I'm guessing ElatedCawk, something you were never able to quite achieve without the assistance of... ahem... "other" forms of medication.

07-07-2010, 05:48 PM
Maybe Mel will take you into dirty hoes as well :O


Now that's a classic.

07-07-2010, 06:21 PM
I always assumed this was the source:


07-07-2010, 07:17 PM
On a unrelated note I am still a cunt...

yes. yes you are.

07-07-2010, 09:00 PM
Thank God finally my kind of thread.

Fuck you!

That would imply that at one point he didn't fail :dabs:

Fuck You Twice!

You sad little muppets. Keep it up I'll tell Real-T you have tracker staff buddies and you'll get fired too!!

Do either of you know where my nick is really derived from BTW?

Oh yeah and besides Bum Cocks and maybe a few others there, fuck the nostra they're ghey anyway. Now that I think of it you two morons would fit right in as staff there. Maybe Mel will take you into dirty hoes as well :O

I'm guessing it comes "God is in the Dephails", either that or you clean cars for a living.
Also I can't speak for the other muppet but I don't have any friends other than Salman Rushdie, Doug Gilmour and Lady GaGa so it who be hard to have "tracker staff buddies".:dabs:

07-08-2010, 12:32 AM
Do either of you know where my nick is really derived from BTW?I'm guessing ElatedCawk, something you were never able to quite achieve without the assistance of... ahem... "other" forms of medication.
Your wife never complained:whistling

I always assumed this was the source:



Location: Ellicott City, MD
I'm from Brooklyn, NY bud

Thank God finally my kind of thread.
I'm guessing it comes "God is in the Dephails", either that or you clean cars for a living.
Also I can't speak for the other muppet but I don't have any friends other than Salman Rushdie, Doug Gilmour and Lady GaGa so it who be hard to have "tracker staff buddies".:dabs:
Oh don't get all Dabby now bitchboy, what did Chalice hack your acct? I just figured we were making up random nonsense about each other. Like the rumor you have six nipples I plan on starting next week.

07-08-2010, 01:31 AM
Thank God finally my kind of thread.
I'm guessing it comes "God is in the Dephails", either that or you clean cars for a living.
Also I can't speak for the other muppet but I don't have any friends other than Salman Rushdie, Doug Gilmour and Lady GaGa so it who be hard to have "tracker staff buddies".:dabs:[/QUOTEOh don't get all Dabby now bitchboy, what did Chalice hack your acct? I just figured we were making up random nonsense about each other. Like the rumor you have six nipples I plan on starting next week.

:lol: I second that rumor

07-09-2010, 01:42 AM
Oh well YOU second it, it must be made into law now. You don't even deserve a fuck you yet. I'll muster up the pussy Brit version and say fuck off instead.

07-09-2010, 02:02 AM
If you need to tell someone to fuck off you've already lost.
The greatest warrior is the one that never has to throw a single punch.:shuriken:

07-09-2010, 02:36 AM
Is that the latest chant of you puss Canuks these days? Grow some balls maple boy.

What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?

The taste.

07-09-2010, 02:40 AM
What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?

The taste.

That's repugnant... :sick:

07-09-2010, 02:42 AM
Is that the latest chant of you puss Canuks these days? Grow some balls maple boy.

The opinions expressed by Idol, as an effect of his mental senility, or not, are to be regarded as just that. Idol's opinions. It is not to be taken as a reflection of the behavioral norm of most Canadians.

I, for example, would gladly bury my shoe in someone's face granted they piss me off enough. What's a fight without a fight?

07-09-2010, 02:49 AM
But online fights are won through wit, not cursing. Assuming you are not chalice..

07-09-2010, 03:17 AM
Online fights are never won really they can usually go on almost indefinitely.

Chav gets the biggest fuck you I could possibly muster. That man is a true gem with his evil gift of wit. Too bad he's like semi retired I miss his insults.

07-09-2010, 03:31 AM
But online fights are won through wit, not cursing. Assuming you are not chalice..

Online fights are never won really they can usually go on almost indefinitely.

The pros win those fights by pre'ing random information.

07-09-2010, 03:46 AM
Online fights are never won really they can usually go on almost indefinitely.

The pros win those fights by pre'ing random information.


07-09-2010, 03:52 AM
thanks for teh lulz

07-09-2010, 09:14 AM
What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?

The taste.

Eventhough that was funny, the same is true about all the golden pilsner beers(Bud, Miller, Coors, Pabst, and the rest of the bullshit). It's best to spend a couple extra dollars and drink the better, darker beers.

07-09-2010, 09:50 AM
What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?

The taste.

Eventhough that was funny, the same is true about all the golden pilsner beers(Bud, Miller, Coors, Pabst, and the rest of the bullshit). It's best to spend a couple extra dollars and drink the better, darker beers.

... or German beer.

07-09-2010, 12:01 PM
Is that the latest chant of you puss Canuks these days? Grow some balls maple boy.

What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?

You enjoy drinking both?

fixed to better approximate reality
Please lets not get into a pissing contest although Detale might enjoy a drink over which country makes the best beer because overall Belgium is the best,simple fact of life like if you fall down you are going to get hurt or the next thing Detale is going to post is going to be vulgar and make very little sense.

07-09-2010, 12:18 PM
lol :lol:

07-09-2010, 08:01 PM
What do urine samples and Canadian beer have in common?

The taste.

Eventhough that was funny, the same is true about all the golden pilsner beers(Bud, Miller, Coors, Pabst, and the rest of the bullshit). It's best to spend a couple extra dollars and drink the better, darker beers.

You and I have been friends now for a while bud, so i'll let that go....once!

You can talk shit about my wife, my kids, even my mother, but if you say one more word about Bud I'll track you down and beat you senseless. NO ONE talks about bud....or Lionel Richie.

... Detale is going to post is going to be vulgar and make very little sense.

Oh shut up before I send you back to the sperm bubble you hatched from.

You know me so well Idol

07-09-2010, 08:12 PM
Even if you're predictable at least you're funny looking.:yup:

07-09-2010, 08:44 PM
You and I have been friends now for a while bud, so i'll let that go....once!
NO ONE talks about bud....or Lionel Richie.

And if it had been anyone else, I would have had immediately lost respect for. I'm talking about the Bud thing(everyone loves Lionel Richie).

... or German beer.

Seeing as I can't even pronounce most German Beers, I'm pretty sure I haven't had any.

07-10-2010, 04:33 AM
... or German beer.


Oohhhh I misread

07-10-2010, 05:31 AM
is that pedobear/?1

07-10-2010, 06:16 AM
is that pedobear/?1
Is that the first thing that came to your mind? :shifty:

07-10-2010, 03:24 PM

07-10-2010, 09:20 PM
user create all this mess, makes fight between FST and CN mods, and no one bans his ass ? :mellow:

07-10-2010, 09:21 PM
user create all this mess, makes fight between FST and CN mods, and no one bans his ass ? :mellow:

07-10-2010, 09:26 PM
user create all this mess, makes fight between FST and CN mods, and no one bans his ass ? :mellow:

i know rite :rolleyes:

07-10-2010, 09:37 PM
user create all this mess, makes fight between FST and CN mods, and no one bans his ass ? :mellow:

i know rite :rolleyes:

If your that retarded that's fine, but scroll back a bit where I said I was happy they RE-ENABLED after they BANNED me and then I said If I was them, I would have never re-enabled anyone who did such a dumb thing like this. Jeez. read before you make a stupid statement.

07-10-2010, 09:46 PM
I would have never re-enabled anyone who did such a dumb thing like this.

so you admit you deserved to be banned and stay banned? :dry:

07-10-2010, 09:47 PM
user create all this mess, makes fight between FST and CN mods, and no one bans his ass ? :mellow:

And this is why Egyptians should never be staffers. :lol:

Fey 2eh lao 2al ra2-yoh?

07-10-2010, 10:14 PM
fuck, once AGAIN: I'm glad CN staff handled it that way and re-enabled me but In my opinion, Yes babab007

07-11-2010, 04:59 AM
user create all this mess, makes fight between FST and CN mods, and no one bans his ass ? :mellow:

And this is why Egyptians should never be staffers. :lol:

Fey 2eh lao 2al ra2-yoh?
Racist :dry:

07-11-2010, 05:15 AM
And this is why Egyptians should never be staffers. :lol:

Fey 2eh lao 2al ra2-yoh?
Racist :dry:

No idea what you're talking about. :whistling

Although, it's true. As "a people" most Egyptians are brought up to be law abiding citizens, otherwise brute violence is used to streamline their community contribution. You expect to reason with people who have or have had relatives repeatedly beaten back into conformity, especially when they are given a position of power, themselves?

Unruly behavior, even under retarded rules, remains basis for punishment.

Meh, this post is probably falling on deaf ears, and will be filed as one for "lolinternet."

07-12-2010, 02:23 AM
Hehe, finally a much needed laugh in this thread courtesy of ringhunter :D
And back on topic, a 32% beer that is totally awesome:

07-12-2010, 02:55 AM
Not even close.


Actually even that is outdated.


Penguin's cute though.

Oops referring to the article saying the beer was the world's strongest.:pinch:

07-12-2010, 02:59 AM
I am saddened by how wrong I really am. And I still remember a time, in the innocence of my youth, I thought 10% Faxe was a pretty strong beer.

/Still think it is pretty damn tasty for 10% beer, although a real good Russian Imperial Stout is better