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View Full Version : Downloading Games

11-02-2003, 12:02 PM
Basically its like this , I use Kazaa Lite, always have done, always will do. Mainly it is used in my home to get Music Files, and the odd images for the CD Covers! ;) However I myself would tend to attempt to download a lot of games. I do have to commend myself, that some of the games did work, however many were corrupted, sketchy, or completly different games. Definitely not worth the long download times.

I have read about things called 'Bittorrent' and stuff? I was wondering what is the best for getting new, up-to-date reliable games? I know that that is a bit much to ask when it comes to getting things for free - but it must be out there right?

I have been using http://www.up2dat.com to get verified game files to load directly into Kazaa, which is great. Unfortunatly they have been sitting there for days and haven't even managed to download 1 kilobyte between them.

Someone please help me, I know you can, and just because I'm a dumbass please don't ignore my completly! If you would, you could always sort of explain it 'Step-By-Step-For-Dummies' style so that I understand, rather than directing me to another post where they are all talking about 'leechers' and 'seeders'

Thanks, ALOT


11-02-2003, 12:13 PM
Yes, u can get all the newest games from bittorrent or emule (slow). So just download bittorrent here: http://bitconjurer.org and then go to suprnova.org everything u want 100's of game titles.

11-02-2003, 12:20 PM
Thanks :)

11-02-2003, 12:21 PM
No problem.

11-02-2003, 01:02 PM
Have a look at this great guide by Lindorez
