View Full Version : Combat Arms - Online FPS

07-06-2010, 02:10 PM
Anyone plays / used to play this one?
I'm torn whether I should install it or not, as I've been with BF:BC2 last couple of months and everything else I play seems crap.

07-06-2010, 10:36 PM
I'm one of the top players in the game (well not status board wise, I am one of the best players league-wise in this game).

It's fun, but recently they've started adding a lot of (for lack of a better word) useless shit like auto turrets. TBH, my clan and I moved on for the most part. I go back every once in a while to see how it's changing through the times but let's put it this way:

The latest CS:S update is better than anything CA ever put out.

If you need any pointers/quick experience in the game, though, I wouldn't mind walking you through the tricks all the "pros" use.

EDIT: Not the entire game is infested with mindless morons who try to overpower people with pay-gear. There are usually secluded rooms in a specific server where all the pros hang-out/play with the most default possible gear in order to actually turn it competitive/closer to an actual free-to-play franchise. The recoil is close non-existent, and to be honest, if you find a fun bunch of people to play with, it's hardly an experience you'd want to give up. A lot of ex-CS CAL players usually retire to either this game or Insurgency. So, the level of players isn't too terrible, but of course, being free to play there are caveats like immature brats, and an over-abundance of hackers in "low level" servers etc.

EDIT2: By the way, if you're at the point in your FPS life where you have admittedly decided that most games are terrible, CA will only keep you entertained for a week. Sadly, there are really no decent FPS games out there currently.

07-07-2010, 12:55 AM
I've been hooked to Battlefield Bad Company 2 as I said before.
I have installed CS:S and CoD 4 but I don't remember the last time I played them, must have been over 10 months ago. I was pretty good at both, always topping the score tables, same happening now with BFBC2. Too many years playing online FPS.
What I like the most on BFBC2 is the concept "nowhere is safe", as nearly everything on the scenery is destructible, so camping is not an option.

What's the deal with the new CS:S update? I thought Valve had stopped releasing updates for the game. It was too infested with kids when I left it, and I only played it to rage the servers, always on the mic and camping like there's no tomorrow. CoD4 I couldn't tell, as the voice chat was almost always disabled.

07-07-2010, 03:49 PM
I haven't started BF:BC2 to be honest. My clan arranged for sponsors and everything but I didn't get around to it (university woes etc. you know the drill), but I suppose I should now that you described it that way. If you want a challenge, screw both CS:S and CoD4/5/6; join a CS1.6 server. Veteran players (with the occasional 12 year old breathing down his headset mic) + harder to aim = FPS gamer heaven. :lol:

The new update basically turned Steam/Valve/CS:Source into a Wii/360 outlet. Achievement crap that nobody ever actually needs (I hate in TF2, now I hate it in Source), kill cam (which completely screws over ghosting even further) etc.

Again, I'll venture to say that as someone who's probably played FPS games for as long as you have (Quake 1999 was my first experience), nothing comes close to that. Nowadays it's always closer to "Wherever you find a bunch of fun people to fit in with, stick with that game" since all games are derailing into character-classes/achievements/easier-aim crap.

07-07-2010, 04:20 PM
BF:BC2 uses the same classes ranking as CoD4 introduced. I also thought that as I progress I will find better weapons and aids, and then I would crush the newbs, but I find I'm playing mostly with weapons unlocked at earlier stages.
If you know how to play the game, every weapon will do, it's truly teamwork and boldness that set the difference.
Nothing works in this game without teamwork, no matter how good you are, if you haven't a team, you won't stand a chance.

I see you are a clan guy, then definitely this one will hook you up. Just don't let yourself go down because you think you don't stand any chance against guys with "better weapons". The ones you start with are extremely balanced and make it for a easy learning curve for the harder to handle ones.
You will have difficulties against experienced engineers carrying Carl-Gustaf/RPG7 and great close quarters combat weapons.
It's the class I find most differing from any other online FPS. Add to it some twists in the Recon class and you have a very challenging game.

Go ahead, give it a try.

07-12-2010, 12:09 AM
Heh, sorry to hijack, but CA isn't on my list of FPS's to play. Always seems to be new gun after new gun after new gun, it almost looks like they've never actually tried to touch the game engine (save for putting in hack protection which gets cracked after every new release.) It my personal opinion, they have some work to do, and they don't seem to want to do it. That's my two cents.

I've never actually played any of the BF series, am I missing out?

07-17-2010, 05:48 PM
hey have some work to do, and they ya there are really no decent FPS games out there currently.

07-17-2010, 06:04 PM
I don't agree with that. BFBC2 is excellent, and so could have been CoD:MW2 if they decided to allow private servers. As they didn't, my money went to DICE.

07-18-2010, 05:58 AM
was a huge bf2&bf2142 fan
literally just bought BC2.. downloading on eadm... sounds like it was a good decision :shifty:

07-19-2010, 07:30 AM
Call of Duty, forever :D
The graphics are very nice, the gameplay is excellent... A really beauty :P