View Full Version : Best newsreader to view binaries?

the mighty
07-07-2010, 02:01 PM
I've been using Newsleecher to search through newsgroup binaries, but for some reason when I subcribe to the group that I want to search through it will only show me the binaires for the last 30 days each time I open Newsleecher.

When I first subsribe to the group and select "Update> Selected: All new Headers", all the binaires in the group appear, but every time after I load the software after that I can only view binaires from the last 30 days, and I am unable to load the binaires from any days before that. Can anybody help?

07-07-2010, 02:09 PM
I use only either Unzbin or SabNZBd+.
Newsleecher is only useful for its SuperSearch function.

07-07-2010, 05:03 PM
I can't comment on Newsleecher specifically, as I don't currently have it installed and have not used it in awhile, but I suspect that Newsleecher has been set at a retention period of 30 days for your usenet provider. For instance, if your provider has 30 days binary retention, then there's no reason to keep headers dated longer than 30 days, since the bodies will already be retired off the server, so therefore the older-than-30-day headers will automatically get deleted. You need to change that setting to match your provider's retention -- or whatever header-retention period you prefer to have. (this is just a presumption - I really don't know how Newsleecher actually handles this issue)

Anyway, if you download headers, I suggest that you have a recent beta version of Newsleecher that supports compressed headers. (the regular non-beta version does not) Otherwise, it will take you 10x as long if you are downloading uncompressed headers.

When you say "best newsreader to view binaries?" are you talking about viewing pictures such as jpg's? If so, the online web services like UsenetBinaries.com or Easynews.com are really far better than any newsreader because they allow you to browse an index of thumbnails to find what you want before downloading it. Although there are some newsreaders that will "thumbnail" the pictures for you, but this is generally only after you have already downloaded them.

07-08-2010, 08:26 PM
Tools, settings, Group browsing, Group Browsing retention. Set the value far higher than needed otherwise NL will flush the headers away.

As for viewing binaries for small jpg and text groups I use Forte Agent. Great old fashioned reader that blows NL away in reading, posting and replying in smaller groups.

If you want to download large binaries video files large rar archives etc NL is pretty good, Forte Agent becomes a little clunky on larger files. I am not going to say NL is the best because I would not know. It works a treat for me in general NZB work and downloading of headers in the medium sized groups. SS on NL is pretty cool to, as Cab has already mentioned.

the mighty
07-15-2010, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the help. I've set Newsleecher to keep its binaries for 700 days, and it seems to have worked for the groups that I've subscribed to after doing this, but the groups I had subscribed to before changing this setting still only show 30 or so days worth of binaries. When I press "update", these groups update the new binaries and keep the 30 days from the previous setting, but I don't know how to view the full 600 days worth. I've tried unsubscribing and then resubscribing to the group, but every time I resubscribe it seems to have saved my last binaries download, so won't let me load up the full 600 again. Can anybody help, if that made any sense? The group I've added is alt.binaries.comics.dcp, and I'm trying to search through all the binaries that I have avaliable so that I can downlaod any comics that I might have missed.

07-17-2010, 10:03 PM
Click on a newsgroup other than the one you want to fix.

Right click on the newsgroup that is stuck at 30 days retention and click "Wipe Group Cache." Then click ok twice.

Right click it again and click update selected all new headers.

Repeat as necessary for any other groups you updated before correctly setting the retention in options.

And NL is the best for searching through large amounts of headers from my experience.

07-17-2010, 11:47 PM
and nl is the best for searching through large amounts of headers from my experience.


07-18-2010, 02:11 AM
Thanks for the help. I've set Newsleecher to keep its binaries for 700 days, and it seems to have worked for the groups that I've subscribed to after doing this, but the groups I had subscribed to before changing this setting still only show 30 or so days worth of binaries. When I press "update", these groups update the new binaries and keep the 30 days from the previous setting, but I don't know how to view the full 600 days worth. I've tried unsubscribing and then resubscribing to the group, but every time I resubscribe it seems to have saved my last binaries download, so won't let me load up the full 600 again. Can anybody help, if that made any sense? The group I've added is alt.binaries.comics.dcp, and I'm trying to search through all the binaries that I have avaliable so that I can downlaod any comics that I might have missed.

Right click on the group/s: wipe group cache or unsubscribe and then delete, close NL and re-add the groups..

NL is awesome now, I finally upgraded about 2 months ago to v4 and love the new compressed header support and the new super search engine.....posts are up about 60-3 mintues after posting, very nice...and the grouping feature is great to.

I use only either Unzbin or SabNZBd+.
Newsleecher is only useful for its SuperSearch function.

nah, it's great for header searching one of the few that does this, also repair and extract is great to, NL is one of the best "pay for apps" out there...it has a lot a lot of great features and make it close the best out there, if SAB supported headers and I could use SS I would probably use it, but since it does neither I choose not, it only has one advantage I think and that is RSS, and since I'm always in teevee and have my TV stuff I would never need it, I could see if I wasn't around as much and needed RSS, but other than that, that's the only SAB (for me IMO) has over NL.

07-18-2010, 07:15 AM
Id say Usenet Explorer. It prevails in all aspects over the rest of others especially in LOTS of different useful features except
for built-in search engine (its very good but it doesnt support different search options like NL search does)
The only disadvantage of UE- its kinda sophisticated for a beginner.

PS i got newsbin pro\newsleecher\UE
PSS ultraleecher sucks big time

07-18-2010, 07:26 PM
Yah but with Usenet Explorer is setup for rocket scientists though.

07-19-2010, 01:37 AM
Newsleecher all the way, it just keeps getting better and better.

07-19-2010, 02:29 PM
Using grabit and imo verry good,self repair,self extract and so on,and free :)

07-19-2010, 07:43 PM

You should go to the Usenet Explorer forum and request this.

UE's developer has been quite good at incorporating feature requests into the software. (maybe a bit too good - as UE's ever-growing list of features, options, and settings have turned it into this giant 6-headed monster for the average user who just wants to download an NZB in the simplest way possible)

07-21-2010, 10:40 PM
Using grabit and imo verry good,self repair,self extract and so on,and free :)
Grabit sucks tbh. It used to be the best free download only client, but it got overtaken fast by SAB and others. Besides it doesn't do headers, which I think the OP is refering to. I had no real complaints with newsbin when I still bothered with headers. The gui always looked dated, but it's fairly flexible and powerful.

07-21-2010, 11:15 PM
Yeah I loved Newsbin for headers, only because for some odd reason it would pull them faster than NL and this was a old version though. Now with NL and it's compressed headers and the SS engine now taking about 60 seconds after post to show headers are almost pointless, well that is if you don't mind paying for SS, very very few clients download headers, Newsleecher, Newsbin and I cannot for the life of me think of any others off the top of my head.

08-07-2010, 02:29 PM
Does Newsleecher still offer unlimited upgrades for life once you initially buy it, or was that Newzbin I am thinking of? I would buy NL for sure if it offered unlimited upgrades instead of only for 1 year like most.

08-07-2010, 03:05 PM
newsbin is permanent, I still have license even though I don't use it. not sure about newsleecher, but most ppl just use a hacked version with SS anyway.

08-07-2010, 03:33 PM
No unlimited updates for life for newsleecher. U get free updates for a year then u have to update ur license.But the search is way better and with lots of features compared to newsbins search that costs almost twise as newsleecher. ($5\month=60\ year)

08-09-2010, 08:18 PM
Newsleecher has to be the best with the intergrated search. What is it now 800 odd days. Even my Newsserver cant keep up with that, not on binaries.
Easy to use , regular updates.

08-09-2010, 09:31 PM
What is it now 800 odd days. Even my Newsserver cant keep up with that, not on binaries.Bit of a pointless feature then.