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View Full Version : Pain In The Neck

11-02-2003, 07:55 PM
Ever since friday I've had this brutal pain in my neck.

It's this viral infection-thingie, at first I couldn't move my head, but I did this bendy thing with my hands to loosen it up, I done pushed in my joints so now I can move my head.

My endocrinal system is pretty neat since I produce to much endorphins, so bad pain usually equals a pretty nifty high, I got that now+the effects of a bunch of pain-killers, it still hurts, but it takes the edge of the pain, and everything else.

I've been hooked up with this collar-thingie too, to take the weight off, it still hurts like an SOB though, for a while everything had this cool motion-trail thing. At first I thought it was the effects of this movie I was watching, "Hearts of Atlantis", but then I realized it doesn't have any SFX in it. I nearly cried at the end too.

So sorry if I haven't been around (to lilmiss). I would have but I didn't want to sit in front of the screen, when I'm all gone.

Things are quite blurry too at the mo'.

I gotta say it's quite interesting, though I wouldn't recommend the experience.

Any one else had anything like it?, wtf do you do to get better? :unsure:

11-02-2003, 08:03 PM
maybe you should pay a visit to Metrostars' clinic

11-02-2003, 08:23 PM
I wish i produced too much endorphin, im trying to build up my pain resistance

Sorry to hear about ya Snny, hope you feel better soon :(

11-02-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by DarthInsinuate@2 November 2003 - 21:03
maybe you should pay a visit to Metrostars' clinic
:blink: :lol: I didn't remember that thread, it's good :lol:

@RGX: thnx, it's got it's upsides and it's downsides, on the one hand I can do some weird stuff, like I once went skiing and dislocated my thumb, then I walked around with it for about 30 minutes before I figured out it was dislocated, then I set it myself.

But then another time, at work, I got my foot mashed, it stopped hurting after a while, less than an hour, completely, so I went back to work, which I really shouldn't have cuz' it sort of made me high and delirious, though I was to far gone to notice that anything was wrong, some of the people I worked with won't even talk to me today and I have no idea what I was saying.

And it didn't really heal up properly since I walked on it for three days before I went to the company doc, which I did because the boss made me, by then it had a shade of blue.

11-02-2003, 08:43 PM
ouch, you methinks you are turning into a superhero SnnY, Snnyman!

He feels hardly any pain!

Damage makes him stronger!

He is unstopabble (said in quick voice) untill a major organ fails......

11-02-2003, 08:49 PM
SnnY-man the super-high man :blink: :wacko:

I'd rather not.

I drove heavy-machinery at that particular job, imagine the risks :unsure:

11-02-2003, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by SnnY@2 November 2003 - 21:49
SnnY-man the super-high man :blink: :wacko:

I'd rather not.

I drove heavy-machinery at that particular job, imagine the risks :unsure:

11-02-2003, 10:18 PM

11-09-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by SnnY@2 November 2003 - 19:55

So sorry if I haven't been around (to lilmiss). I would have but I didn't want to sit in front of the screen, when I'm all gone.

awww...bless ya heart.

get well soon snny.
me misses ya. :(

11-09-2003, 04:50 PM
Sounds like spondolosys,wear & tear of the spinal cord & anyone can get this at any age,I suffer from this & use Ibugel Anti Inflammatory Gel,it's the best on the market been using it for years.

11-09-2003, 10:47 PM
:unsure: Sorry to hear it SnnY........also dislike that it's caused yer scarcity from the board. :(

;) Hope you can get y'self fired up again soon m8!