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View Full Version : Waffles - New Free Leech System!

07-13-2010, 12:10 AM
Mr. J talked:

From this point forward, site-wide free leeches will be based entirely on the total download of all users combined. We will not disclose the triggers, but it's safe to say that the faster stuff is downloaded, the faster you'll see a site-wide free leech. This does NOT apply to free leeches bought from shop.

Additionally, we will be massively changing the ratio system in the next couple of months. Stay tuned for more information.


Invites are also open right now.


07-13-2010, 12:11 AM
waffles sux. What.cd is much better, only staff is better in waffles.
i dl stuff and shit, so i prefer what.cd

07-13-2010, 12:18 AM
waffles sux

Shit, it's new??

Better design, staff, policy. You found the same stuff.

What.cd is a b***s**t.


07-13-2010, 12:49 AM
this world...of blinking stereotypes...
what's the point of this thread btw? the new is damn old.
or this part about invites is any important or something?
i dont get it.

07-13-2010, 01:40 AM
Shit, it's new??

Better design, staff, policy. You found the same stuff.

What.cd is a b***s**t.

# Torrents: 858,331
# Releases: 384,875

# Torrents: 302,229

What has more albums than Waffles has torrents across all formats. You're an idiot if you think that somehow equates to Waffles having the same content. Also, good job quoting a two month old news article that as far as anyone has seen hasn't led to a single freeleech (the last one was store-bought). As for design, the only reason anyone could possibly think TBDev is a better design for a large music site (no grouping, artists, or collages) is stubborn as a mule or in denial. Staff is personal preference.

In short, cool post bro.

Tv Controls you
07-13-2010, 03:21 AM
I really miss waffles as they had alot of good content, despite what the numbers say.
They usually had everything I was looking for, and their waffle iron approval was a cool feature.
The community was the main feature of waffles that I loved, as they were soo community orientated that it made everyone feel like a big family....

I was just recently re-enabled at what.cd, and I must disagree with your staff statements as they were genuinely nice to me despite my previous actions.
What.cd has a killer code backing their site that drives an amazing appearance and great options to help members get to their desired content.

Both sites offer similar content but at the heart of it are two completley different sites. A comparison between the two almost seems unfair, as they are both so unique.
Waffles and what are truly gems... Anyone who has a love for music or a community can easily pick this up upon entering.

07-13-2010, 09:35 AM
the new is damn old.

I was blind yesterday. I saw 2010-07-11 on waffles. My mistake...

07-13-2010, 04:01 PM
only staff is better in waffles.
i dl stuff and shit

A bit more than I wanted to know, however I'm curious now, do you shit after every dl??!! Or just when you're really excited.... :O

I'd rather be on a tracker with friendly and helpful staff which would probably cater for most of my needs than be on a tracker where I knew I could get absolutely everything but the staff were assholes...

Bearing in mind I'm not on either tracker so don't know what their content or staff are like (your opinions are your own), I just mean generally decent staff make for a better site overall...

07-13-2010, 04:25 PM
Waffles community is the Bee's knees, Waffle iron approvals are also another reason I like it over what.cd but to each their own, no reason not to have them both...

07-13-2010, 06:45 PM
As ca_aok mentioned, this announcement is quite old. The tip-off about open invites isn't, however - if you don't have anytime ones and there's someone you'd like to invite, hurry up.