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07-15-2010, 08:51 PM
How come when I go to the login page I get redirected to this site: http://**************.com/2009/07/10/the-10-best-ways-to-get-banned-from-a-private-tracker/

Did I get band?

07-15-2010, 09:02 PM
Yes, your IP is banned.

07-15-2010, 09:04 PM
lol I like that link they redirect to: -best-ways-to-get-banned-from-a-private-tracker/

07-15-2010, 09:26 PM
this is why you were banned:

nice job using the same name here as you do there :lol:

bummer too, 4 year old account with 1.271 TB up

07-15-2010, 10:41 PM
this is why you were banned:

nice job using the same name here as you do there :lol:

bummer too, 4 year old account with 1.271 TB up

If traders were smart they wouldn't have to trade to get into torrent sites.

07-15-2010, 11:39 PM
Do you really think that intelligence or the lack thereof has the slightest thing to do with trading or not trading to get into sites?
One quick perusal of any sites member list shows evidence to the contrary.

Shit some of the most "connected " people are also apparently the dumbest.Certain bt exclusive skills aside ,staff included.

07-16-2010, 12:19 AM
Do you really think that intelligence or the lack thereof has the slightest thing to do with trading or not trading to get into sites?

It's not rational to pay for something that's available for free.

07-16-2010, 12:27 AM
oh lord...

07-16-2010, 01:08 AM
this is why you were banned:

nice job using the same name here as you do there :lol:

bummer too, 4 year old account with 1.271 TB up

07-16-2010, 01:22 AM
It's not rational to pay for something that's available for free.

stuff wouldn't be free if someone didn't pay for it...

07-16-2010, 01:44 AM
Do you really think that intelligence or the lack thereof has the slightest thing to do with trading or not trading to get into sites?

It's not rational to pay for something that's available for free.

It's not rational to murder other people in the name of religion but that does't seem to stop certain educated people from doing it.
As with trading or cheating it's a moral and not necessarily an intellectual choice.

07-16-2010, 01:52 AM
People with brains somehow manage to reason out that by not doing something that you're explicitly told will get you banned, you won't get banned! While the collective IQ of the participants often seems to be in single digits, obviously there are exceptions.

What never ceases to amaze me in their stupidity is that if the OP just made a request for TvT.com or BTN or something like that here, and wasn't a trading moron, it'd probably be filled. But because he decides trading is the smart thing to do, he still lacks a TV tracker and has now lost RevTT. Traders will bitch and moan about how invites are so hard to come by, and yet the entire reason they have problems getting people willing to invite them is because they're traders.

The only reason this isn't an intellectual exercise is because most traders lack the brain capacity necessary for intellect.

07-17-2010, 03:56 AM
Some people will pay anything for something if they want it bad enough.

07-17-2010, 04:17 AM
Imagine you are really really thirsty. You really need something to drink.

Now you have option A to get an ice cold bottle of water for free. Option B is to pay for an identical bottle of water.

Do you choose A or B? Everyone who's right in the head would chose A - get it for free.

When it comes to invites, traders choose option B. That's what I call not smart.

07-17-2010, 04:54 PM
Now you have option A to get an ice cold bottle of water for free. Option B is to pay for an identical bottle of water.

Do you choose A or B? Everyone who's right in the head would chose A - get it for free.

When it comes to invites, traders choose option B. That's what I call not smart.

However, for some traders or simply misinformed people, bottle A is a few miles away. Or so they say. :lol:

07-17-2010, 05:37 PM
Imagine you are really really thirsty. You really need something to drink.

Now you have option A to get an ice cold bottle of water for free. Option B is to pay for an identical bottle of water.

Do you choose A or B? Everyone who's right in the head would chose A - get it for free.

When it comes to invites, traders choose option B. That's what I call not smart.

The options more accurately being
stand in the blazing sun for maybe hours and maybe at the end of which the person decides that he does like your style of dress and so declines to even offer you the water
pay for the water on the off chance it's contaminated or stolen and you could be seriously screwed in the end.

As I see it either way it's a crapshoot so I as I said it's more about the ethics involved ,whether you think that being honest is of more or less importance than being a member of a silly tracker .

Besides comparing something completely unnecessary like bt to something truly essential like water is comparing apples and oranges and therefore not a valid argument .

07-18-2010, 12:46 AM
My thoughts:

I see it as a utilitarian decision based on too little data. Are you guys familiar with the hedonistic calculus? If not, indulge me. It appears that certain folks simply believe that in a pleasure-pain analysis that trading comes out atop. The question is, does it? For me it does not. Here is why:

1) Here at FST, I have never really had any real difficulties getting invites to wherever I wanted to become a member. (I have bitched a bit when they were not forthcoming quickly enough but that is merely my own thorn in the flesh showing itself)
2) I have a certain ethos that I try to operate under- often failing, and clearing filled with blind spots- and trading/cheating causes certain qualms.

So, for me, the clear winner is to ask for and then wait on invites. If they do not come, what have I lost?


To quote my mentor from many, years ago. "Yes, in the end, all came be framed as moral arguments". I had just accused of framing every argument in terms of morals. The man is dead now but was a genius of the first order. I recall going to on campus debates and watching him in action.