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View Full Version : Is it really true that all ratio cheaters eventually get caught?

07-24-2010, 03:08 PM
This is what I would like to know: anon-sbi insists that you will never be banned if you cheat in a smart way. However, this is what this blog ( http://www.****************.org/blog/?p=273 ) mentions: "Eventually, all cheaters will be caught and in most cases will be globally banned from any torrent site they are a member of." So, who's right and who's wrong about that: is it the author of the blog or is it anon-sbi? I know that anon-sbi himself was banned for cheating at what.cd, but managed to get another account. So, were you ever again caught for cheating, anon-sbi? What about you, Mihai? Were you ever caught because of your cheating? I read on the bitmetv forums that some people had been cheating for years before they had been caught. So, if it's possible to get away with cheating for years, it's possible to get away with cheating forever? What are your thoughts on it, anon-sbi? What are the thoughts of other cheaters and non-cheaters concerning this subject?

By the way, for some reason, that link kinda concealed itself. I was talking about a pirate society blog.

07-24-2010, 03:22 PM
Of course not everyone gets caught, or people wouldn't still be trying it on private trackers. A huge number of them do get caught and banned, and the oh so lovely folks you mentioned in the OP have had several dupe accounts on various sites after being banned, but if that's how they choose to act there's not much you can do about it, it merely speaks to their character.

07-24-2010, 04:11 PM
Actions speak louder than words.

07-24-2010, 04:11 PM
New way to cheat <-> gets busted,Its an endless loop.

P.S:A piece of my mind on TPS.What it publishes shouldn't be taken as it is.It is what everything a fucked up place can be.Its been run by certain people who imposes their set of rules,"mind set" and practices gestapo methods against the members.They should be the last ones who should be talking about Rules,Morals etc.A decent place which got fucked up by certain power freaks with fucked up ego and no sense of morals or proper etiquette.All that is left in that forum are collectors and new members who join TPS who dont know how fucked up the place really is.

07-24-2010, 04:19 PM
this is what this blog ( http://www.****************.org/blog/?p=273 ) mentions: "Eventually, all cheaters will be caught and in most cases will be globally banned from any torrent site they are a member of."

What else would you want them to say? Seriously.

And I wasn't banned from What.cd for cheating. It was some shit involving transparent pixels and the infamous CSS hack, which we weren't shielded against at the time. That no longer holds true, however.

I also lost my first BCG account that way. But What.cd was the biggest loss - a 2008 account, that should speak for itself. I didn't even bother trying to get back in, until exactly one year ago someone PMed me asking me if I wanted an invite. He said he didn't know anyone else to give it to, and that he'd be honored to have me on his invite tree. Great guy. I took it, registered, and that account remains enabled to this day.

And to answer your question, no, it isn't true, and anyone trying to convince you of the opposite is either an idiot or doesn't know any better. Not that the fact a large chunk of cheaters don't get caught means you or anyone else should attempt to do it, anyway.

07-24-2010, 04:43 PM
bottom line,dont do the crime if u cant do the time..lol

07-24-2010, 05:11 PM
I do not see the point of cheating at all. I would rather let my account be disabled if running into ratio issues.
Do most cheaters do it for invites to trade or to up their ratio,both?

07-24-2010, 05:16 PM
Do most cheaters do it for invites to trade or to up their ratio,both?

I'd throw a guess and say a very large part of them do it for the latter reason, at the very least. :lol:

07-24-2010, 05:24 PM
I think they cheat because life on the internet is empty in some sense; they don't really care about what can happen to them on the internet. They care about real life outside of the internet.

07-24-2010, 05:32 PM
Same goes to those who do not cheat Empty how?

I think they cheat because life on the internet is empty in some sense; they don't really care about what can happen to them on the internet. They care about real life outside of the internet.

07-24-2010, 05:41 PM
Same goes to those who do not cheat Empty how?

Well, on the internet, it's really hard to understand what people think about you; why they react to you in a certain way; why you get banned from certain places, and etc.

07-24-2010, 05:41 PM
Cheating is damn stupid. You will be caught eventually. End of story.

07-24-2010, 06:03 PM
I didn't even bother trying to get back in, until exactly one year ago someone PMed me asking me if I wanted an invite. He said he didn't know anyone else to give it to, and that he'd be honored to have me on his invite tree. Great guy. I took it, registered, and that account remains enabled to this day..

did you let him know about your previously banned account?

07-24-2010, 06:06 PM
did you let him know about your previously banned account?

He already knew.

07-24-2010, 07:00 PM
You can be caught
-if someone from the staff actually verify your ratio on every torrent and see the magic, ratio 0.2 on most of the torrents but on 2 -3 packs 100 -500 gb upload --> idiots.
-or they have some great scrips that anon doesn't know haw they work,yet :P

07-24-2010, 07:14 PM
Not true. You should use that app for all your trackers and beef them up as much as you can, get the invites, and give'em away here. :-D

07-24-2010, 07:35 PM
Then when caught, you get your whole invite tree banned on most private sites.

Not true. You should use that app for all your trackers and beef them up as much as you can, get the invites, and give'em away here. :-D

07-24-2010, 08:19 PM
this is what this blog ( http://www.****************.org/blog/?p=273 ) mentions: "Eventually, all cheaters will be caught and in most cases will be globally banned from any torrent site they are a member of."

What else would you want them to say? Seriously.

And I wasn't banned from What.cd for cheating. It was some shit involving transparent pixels and the infamous CSS hack, which we weren't shielded against at the time. That no longer holds true, however.

I also lost my first BCG account that way. But What.cd was the biggest loss - a 2008 account, that should speak for itself. I didn't even bother trying to get back in, until exactly one year ago someone PMed me asking me if I wanted an invite. He said he didn't know anyone else to give it to, and that he'd be honored to have me on his invite tree. Great guy. I took it, registered, and that account remains enabled to this day.

And to answer your question, no, it isn't true, and anyone trying to convince you of the opposite is either an idiot or doesn't know any better. Not that the fact a large chunk of cheaters don't get caught means you or anyone else should attempt to do it, anyway.

To tell you the truth, you don't actually sound like a person who believes in cheating. Have you really cheated on any tracker?

07-24-2010, 08:28 PM
Have you really cheated on any tracker?

Do I have to come up with a creative way to reply, or does a plain "yes" suffice?

07-24-2010, 08:33 PM

07-24-2010, 08:48 PM
Have you really cheated on any tracker?

Do I have to come up with a creative way to reply, or does a plain "yes" suffice?

lol :lol:

07-24-2010, 11:34 PM
New way to cheat <-> gets busted,Its an endless loop.

P.S:A piece of my mind on TPS.What it publishes shouldn't be taken as it is.It is what everything a fucked up place can be.Its been run by certain people who imposes their set of rules,"mind set" and practices gestapo methods against the members.They should be the last ones who should be talking about Rules,Morals etc.A decent place which got fucked up by certain power freaks with fucked up ego and no sense of morals or proper etiquette.All that is left in that forum are collectors and new members who join TPS who dont know how fucked up the place really is.


Lets just say,after you went TPS has turned a little more interesting place.People have emerged with backbone and question things rather than just agree what the admins and mods say.


07-25-2010, 03:00 AM

Lets just say,after you went TPS has turned a little more interesting place.People have emerged with backbone and question things rather than just agree what the admins and mods say.


Yes I did say that.It was a nice place until those freaks started to ban people left and right for speaking their mind and turning the place into shit.

07-25-2010, 04:02 AM
Yes I did say that.It was a nice place until those freaks started to ban people left and right for speaking their mind and turning the place into shit.

Totally random related question. Are you still a member there? I'm not trying to make you out to be a hypocrite, I'm just trying to understand the full picture.

07-25-2010, 04:09 AM
Totally random related question. Are you still a member there? I'm not trying to make you out to be a hypocrite, I'm just trying to understand the full picture.
No.I left that place when my comments started getting deleted/edited to their liking.

07-25-2010, 04:40 AM
Totally random related question. Are you still a member there? I'm not trying to make you out to be a hypocrite, I'm just trying to understand the full picture.
No.I left that place when my comments started getting deleted/edited to their liking.

*nods* Understandable. Pity I wasn't there for the entire downfall, would've been funny to watch (I'm humored by idiots running themselves into the ground, like backie!).

07-25-2010, 06:44 AM
No.I left that place when my comments started getting deleted/edited to their liking.maybe you should bring some of your comments to cfs, that place is dead as a doornail

07-25-2010, 07:10 AM
No.I left that place when my comments started getting deleted/edited to their liking.maybe you should bring some of your comments to cfs, that place is dead as a doornail
killercam is taking a vacation.let him come back :happy: and all else are chasing after defcon chicks :shifty:

P.S:th0r,is that you in backies blog asking for ninecats boobs?nonetheless,I havent have laughed so hard in sometime but after reading some of that comments,I was just lol.

07-25-2010, 09:43 AM
Have you really cheated on any tracker?

Do I have to come up with a creative way to reply, or does a plain "yes" suffice?

hey anon

i really dont understand one thing about cheating

why do u or anyone cheat?

some of the main reasons can be

(1) to get a good ratio

but i dont think 20 to 30 dollars is more for anyone right now, u can easyly built a ratio of 1 tb on most of the tracker within a month with a good seedbox

more over if u are finding problems with some hard to seed tracker, then why to use it, use other trackers which are easy to seed.

(2) to get invites

I think the best way to get invites in almost any tracker is to donate and secondly having friendly relationship with staffmembers in irc, ratio thing helps very less as far as invites are concerned.

(3) to trade

I dont think that by trading we can earn our livelyhood or we can buy those things which we are found of in real life like iphone, good designer clothes or our college fees. and even if we manage to buy those things at times, this is only one type of once source of income, i think if we invest time in more productive place then all these things will be easy to come by then trading.

I just could not find a good reason to cheat

I think u would really be knowing more than me, so i asked u.

just a friendly question

07-25-2010, 10:12 AM
Dude,you seriously need a better perspective of things,tbh all those three points you made are totally stupid.I dont even feel like quoting each of them and explaining it.Sorry if I sound like a troll but thats how I truly feel.

That should give you some answers.

07-25-2010, 12:10 PM

very few people can understand me, the main reason is that, my post at first glance looks silly, childish and very basic, but if u have a closer look and if u think of those things which i want to convey then u will find that i was right, a small thing that incorporates everything.

I just want to tell that their is no need to put yourself into any hassle of cheating and keeping your mind stress about the fact that i will be caught one day and banned and may be global baned from this torrent world.

their are option to almost everything, why to waste time and hinder peace of mind for cheating.

just enjoy life.

07-25-2010, 12:15 PM
Of course not everyone gets caught, or people wouldn't still be trying it on private trackers. A huge number of them do get caught and banned, and the oh so lovely folks you mentioned in the OP have had several dupe accounts on various sites after being banned, but if that's how they choose to act there's not much you can do about it, it merely speaks to their character.

and there you go again with the big words,you refused to produce the scummeter so I'll just assume it doesn't exist.

character:the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. • strength and originality in a person's nature.

I don't really know how to go into this without coming off as patronizing towards you but what the hell are you using this time to measure anon's character or anyone's for that matter(you did know what character means,right?)

It's the last thing you can deduce about a person on the internet,all you get are personas and facades,these change.Am not going to swear coz I know you gonna use that as an excuse to dodge my question again.

Here's how I look at anon anyways,we can't really know who he is as a person and if you take your torrents too seriously like ca_aok you end up substituting real life principles with tracker rules and use those to judge people.This is the tragedy that ca_aok is struggling with.

Now speaking from a rational person's perspective(real world here,forget about torrents for a while),anon comes off as a good person to me.True,he's been helpful in the forums here but looking carefully at what he does and why he does it,you can't help but see a charitable person.

He is smart as an individual and unlike some people who see torrenting as a means to an end,truth is he doesn't(you do know his mods are apart of torrenting,right?).He could easily be selling these mods for as much as $20 a piece or more but guy decides to give them out for free with lifetime updates.Now if you got a caged mind like the quoted individual you'd be thinking he did that to spite p2pg and BT staff in general but opening your mind a little wider,you get to see a self
less person who decided to use his knowledge not for profit but to aid a group of people who lacked...sad that somebody else is trying to make a profit out of his work.

Most of you saw mbm's thread about jacking his 'distant' neighbours wifi and saw how it ended.That extra bandwidth was a necessity and the final solution was to cheat the system.Now does that make him a scum?Does it even attest to his character?ca_aok?Has it altered your opinion on him?

07-25-2010, 03:12 PM
Most of you saw mbm's thread about jacking his 'distant' neighbours wifi and saw how it ended.That extra bandwidth was a necessity and the final solution was to cheat the system.Now does that make him a scum?Does it even attest to his character?ca_aok?Has it altered your opinion on him?
Actually it did, as we've discussed among ourselves. And regarding your "scummeter", I'm not even sure what the hell you're asking me for as I never mentioned such a thing. When you run a tracker, putting your ass on the line if the authorities come knocking at the door, the last thing you want to see is people profiting off your hard work (sellers, traders), or people not giving back what they take, since this is the foundation of BT compared to DDL or direct P2P (cheaters). Is that the answer you're looking for?

It's ok that you lack any sense of respect or care for the people facilitating your filesharing, that's your choice to make. Re: anon's morality, you're not going to sway me here. We see one side of him here, I've seen another side of him elsewhere. He's great at what he does and a consummate professional, that doesn't mean he's a good person for what he does. Giving children a loaded gun when they don't know how it works and probably don't realize that they may end up shooting themselves in the foot with it shortly down the road is not a charitable action.

Edit: If you're desperate to continue this conversation, feel free to PM me rather than having us derail the thread. I doubt either of us will change our minds though, arguing on the internet is rather pointless.

07-25-2010, 03:45 PM
No, not ALL of them get caught

07-25-2010, 06:02 PM
Dude,you seriously need a better perspective of things,tbh all those three points you made are totally stupid.I dont even feel like quoting each of them and explaining it.Sorry if I sound like a troll but thats how I truly feel.

I wouldn't call BABBY's points stupid. That's not because I agree with them, however, but rather because I don't want to offend him (or anyone else here) by calling his point of view "stupid". We're all entitled to our opinion, after all.

I do recommend you read the link AbyBeats posted, though. I think I explained everything over there.

07-25-2010, 09:59 PM
The way I look at it, people who can't stand the hassle of seeding can bypass the whole torrent site route and just get their stuff through DDL. It is completely doable with limited loss of quality, variety ,speed and in the process there are no rules to worry about.

Why ratio-cheats need to create this whole system of complexity to snatch a few files they can otherwise get hassle-free from DDL is the most amusing part in all of this. Ratio-cheats enjoy the rush of just that: Cheating and getting away with it. It's like walking into wal-mart, palming something, breezing past store security and going.. woo-hoo Look at how good I am.

There are far way more interesting ways available in life to boost one's self-esteem or the 'life can be interesting' factor. Getting all caught up in the game of trying to beat a torrent sites stat's system is right up there with stealing condoms from wal-mart.

Totally lame.....

07-25-2010, 11:30 PM
I didn't take the time to read all this thread but in my point of view, those who try to keep an over buffered account with its seed boxes in any tracker are as bad as those who decide to cheat.

Well, actually I think I prefer cheaters... At least they leave me some room to seed =P
Btw, I have an account in a great tracker that I simply can't use (and I don't use) because it's impossible for me to survive there unless I "part-seed", but that's not worth the effort. Damn seed boxes when they're not wisely used!

ps.: I almost got banned from one of my favorite trackers for inviting a cheater (who promissed he woudn't cheat)... But that is easy to solve. Simply don't invite people to private trackers anymore! =/

07-26-2010, 12:17 AM
I took it, registered, and that account remains enabled to this day.

And you still cheat from time to time at what.cd?

07-26-2010, 12:22 AM
I didn't take the time to read all this thread but in my point of view, those who try to keep an over buffered account with its seed boxes in any tracker are as bad as those who decide to cheat.

Well, actually I think I prefer cheaters... At least they leave me some room to seed =P
Btw, I have an account in a great tracker that I simply can't use (and I don't use) because it's impossible for me to survive there unless I "part-seed", but that's not worth the effort. Damn seed boxes when they're not wisely used!

ps.: I almost got banned from one of my favorite trackers for inviting a cheater (who promissed he woudn't cheat)... But that is easy to solve. Simply don't invite people to private trackers anymore! =/
If you invited him via FST, you can be helped.

You're probably talking about SCC. It's indeed true. Even when I used seedboxes, I hardly managed to reach decent ratios there, and with my home connection it's very rare the torrent I reach over 0.5

07-26-2010, 12:45 AM
If you invited him via FST, you can be helped.

You're probably talking about SCC. It's indeed true. Even when I used seedboxes, I hardly managed to reach decent ratios there, and with my home connection it's very rare the torrent I reach over 0.5

Thank you Cabalo, but nevermind... it was a long long time ago. =/
And I was talking about bitme.tv, but good to know about SCC too so I'll never try my head there =P

07-26-2010, 12:50 AM
SCC isn't too bad considering all the freeleech stuff. That's mainly what I consume there anyway. It's much easier to get 0-day stuff from a ratioless tracker or a large site like IPT if you have a slow connection.

Along those same likes, you could try BTN for ratioless TV, or a large site like freshon.tv or TvT.com where it's much easier to gain ratio.

07-26-2010, 03:17 AM
Getting all caught up in the game of trying to beat a torrent sites stat's system is right up there with stealing condoms from wal-mart.
But the difference is Wal-Mart dosent steal those condoms.

07-26-2010, 04:06 AM
Pirating apps/games/movies is what it is. I'm under no illusion about that nor is this the point being discussed in this thread. I'm talking about ratio cheats who seem to catch a thrill from what otherwise is easily available, not reliant upon invites and ratio free - namely DDL. That's where my stealing condoms analogy comes in.

What would serve as an interesting counter-point is to hear a rationalisation as to why those who do use cheat clients find it necessary to do so. If the over-whelming answer that floats out is that they just 'have' to be a member of xyz site and it's the only way they can do so because they have a crappy home connection.. well...that's even more lame than stealing condoms.

07-26-2010, 05:59 AM
Its a matter of perspective.You find it justifiable(?) and ok(?) to pirate stuff and cheaters find it justifiable and ok for cheating/trading in a system created by Pirates.The margin is drawn by rules.Nothing more,Nothing less.Cheaters will do what they do,Trackers will do what they do.

If the over-whelming answer that floats out is that they just 'have' to be a member of xyz site and it's the only way they can do so because they have a crappy home connection.. well...that's even more lame than stealing condoms.
Now thats interesting.Are you saying people who have crap home connection shouldnt join sites they cant maintain an "acceptable" ratio?

07-26-2010, 08:32 AM
of course you shouldn't join a tracker/site/company/whatever if you cannot follow the rules. Maintaining certain ratio is one of basic rules.

07-26-2010, 08:41 AM
Stupid thread. Off course not all of them get caught. But a large majority of them do get caught because of some mistake they make, for becoming to greedy, for being stupid ...

Why is this even discussed here?

@ Abybeats: People that do not have the means to get a decent ratio should not join at those places imo.
If you didn't have any money, you wouldn't stay in the Ritz/Hilton/Waldorf wouldn't you?

07-26-2010, 09:13 AM
If you didn't have any money, you wouldn't stay in the Ritz/Hilton/Waldorf wouldn't you?

Well, if all they could do was to kick me out with no jurisdiction, I most certainly would...

07-26-2010, 09:16 AM
Stupid thread. Off course not all of them get caught.

Well, since I don't know anything about cheating, I asked this question.

07-26-2010, 11:47 AM
@ Abybeats: People that do not have the means to get a decent ratio should not join at those places imo.
Now that brings me to the next argument.How do people maintain a good "acceptable" ratio in sites like BitmeTV from home connection?

07-26-2010, 12:24 PM
They seed stuff for long periods of time.
I normally download some shows now and then for my wife which aren't really available on larger easier to seed sites.
I end up seeding them for about 3 weeks at a time before I reach 1:1.
Theres normally someone out there who looks for the show... its just a matter of waiting for them to come along.
Another thing that works on bmtv is uploading your own shows that they dont have yet... or even requests.

P.S. Is this post going to be deleted from this thread like my 4 posts last week were from other threads for no reason whatsoever?

07-26-2010, 12:34 PM
Now that brings me to the next argument.How do people maintain a good "acceptable" ratio in sites like BitmeTV from home connection?
Seed season packs, especially if you can cross-seed.

I used to RSS stuff there on my home connection (40kB/s up) and I could often get a ratio of 1-2 after leaving a torrent seeding for a week or two. Seedboxes tend to drop off after the first few days.

But as I said a few posts up, there are plenty of viable alternatives to BitMeTV for those with slower connection speeds.

07-26-2010, 12:35 PM
@ Abybeats: People that do not have the means to get a decent ratio should not join at those places imo.
Now that brings me to the next argument.How do people maintain a good "acceptable" ratio in sites like BitmeTV from home connection?

I have managed to get decent ratio's on every tracker (including BitmeTV and other harder to seed trackers). BUT I do know what to download and what not, and I also realise I could buffer 1TB easily with a seedbox, but I haven't used those for a very long time and don't intend to in the future.
Since I seed on a home-connection (upspeed about 130-140 KB/s) and got into HD-content (1080p rips, etc...) that are many GB's per movie, I have explored other download-methods, that don't require me to seed 24/7/365 and still struggling with my ratio.
I've been using http-boards, where you can find everything and more on RS/MU/HF/NL/MF, etc ... (JDownloader FTW).
Lately I've started to use newsgroups also as a source of download, and must say I'm more than pleased. Mind you ... I have no payserver, no subscription whatsoever, but when looking a bit on the net you always find ways to get what you want without paying.

I just mean people should be realistic and realise some trackers aren't meant for people on a home-connection. Maybe it's not fair but that's the way it is. I just search for other ways to get what I want.

07-26-2010, 02:24 PM
Yes,thats it.Majority of people who torrent are not hard core torrenters who keep their PC 24*7*365 days.They want "results" in quick succession.Thats the main reason why seedboxes sell like hotcakes and the reason why people tend to cheat if they have no money to shell out for a seedbox.Once people realize the vast diverse of content and quality that private trackers deliver,It is irresistible not to have a bite of it.When trackers make getting even the smallest bit of buffer(or downloading more) like hell under "realistic living" condition,I believe they themselves are the ones igniting the use of seedboxes/Cheats.When we put ourselfs in the shoes of a normal college student or a normal working man,what I say becomes clear.
The way I see it,only uploaders and the people who seed for long periods of time so that others get the files just as they did,deserves thanks.All else are just leechers.To top it all,its people who have slow net connections that seed for longer periods of time.Do you think a guy with seedbox or a fast connection will seed for longer periods of time?As I said before,there is no "good guy" or "bad guy" in BT and never ever can the character of a person be determined by their actions in net.Sucking up and rationalizing that a tracker is not meant for them is just not how "Humans" are,especially when its for free and has no consequences whatsoever for the actions they take in "net".Just Causality determined by the Rules of people who control the tracker.(How ever freakish the rules maybe)

07-26-2010, 05:22 PM
And you still cheat from time to time at what.cd?

You're starting to sound like their staff. :fear:

07-26-2010, 08:14 PM
Morality issues aside, is ratio cheating as much of an issue today as it was even just a couple of years ago?

Even just a few years ago home connections were pretty much the norm, and seedboxes were rare. With those conditions, if someone wasn't contributing their fair share, then the whole swarm suffered. Nowadays with the proliferation of 100mb seedboxes, and with Gbit boxes becoming more popular, if a small percentage of a swarm is only leeching and not contributing any upload to the swarm would it even make a difference in the overall swarm speed?

07-26-2010, 09:18 PM
if a small percentage of a swarm is only leeching and not contributing any upload to the swarm would it even make a difference in the overall swarm speed?

No but at least they are being honest about it, and will seed for longer in order to upload something on it, rather than cheat and the torrent dieing afer a week or so.

You cant have your cake and eat it, most crave for fast speed, you get that with seed boxes, then they crave for retention of older stuff, just incase, but they dont want to seed what they download, they just cheat, so when torrents die quick, its not a very good tracker as it has no retention. you cant expect seedboxes to stay on torrents for months, and if they did, they would still get blamed for pinching all th bw from normal users for months, but then you get old torrents that are slow, because the SB members have jumped off, the cheaters have cheated their ratio so they can jump off, only ones that are left on are the slow stragglers, so the tracker has good retention but slow speed. trackers cant win, its a fine balancing act, and most of us fuck it up, because there is no way to have.

Fast new torrents
Fast old torrents
Great retention.
+ratio for everyone

without someone or other complaining about something or other.

all you have to do is leave your torrent seeding, its not hard, even a monkey could do it (after a human set it up for him).

PS no all cheaters do not get caught, they seed slowly, which i have never undertood, if you seed slowly cheating, you may as well upload properly.

07-26-2010, 09:57 PM
PS no all cheaters do not get caught, they seed slowly, which i have never undertood, if you seed slowly cheating, you may as well upload properly.

I would have to think most of those cheaters are the ones from countries with terrible bandwidth? If it was someone like that who was only "padding" his stats a bit in order to survive and to be able to maintain a 1.0 ratio, I wouldn't have much of an issue with that, as long as he was actually seeding the torrent as well. It's the cheaters who are only doing it to give themselves "impressive" stats, or to buffer accounts to make them more valuable to trade/sell that I have issue with.

07-26-2010, 10:02 PM
PS no all cheaters do not get caught, they seed slowly, which i have never undertood, if you seed slowly cheating, you may as well upload properly.
Often the first check I'll do when looking at a potential cheater is the maximum speed offered by their ISP. If they cheat slowly, it's much more likely to look reasonable in that respect.

The problem is most cheaters aren't doing it as just a slight padding, they're using their cheat client like a seedbox, except worse since they aren't even helping anyone's download speed. Just sit there, cheat your way to a huge ratio, and drop the torrent a few hours later.

07-26-2010, 10:06 PM
but they seed slowly when there are leechers on, in fear of getting caught, and they dont upload and cheat, they just cheat, they dont need to upload, its not like they have to upload, so yes to the tracker he is seeding, to the leechers he is giving 0 at all.

and seed a few torrents at 150KBs for a week, and you have quite a large buffer to play with. and there is quite a few ways to cheat, its not just download, then cheat. but you will have to do the research on that one, i am not going to tell people what you can do and cant do with these programs.

07-26-2010, 11:50 PM
i stated torrenting with 25 kB/s or less up speed. joined several sites...ended up deleting/quitting those where i had to plan how to "survive". i'll stick with ratio free sites and sites with huge 20k+ userbase...and avoid all the hassle that comes with hard to seed on tracker. downloading a freeleech torrent that i'll never use, downloading something from one tracker only to crossseed in another, carefully watching my ratio....those never been my thing anyway.

07-27-2010, 06:05 AM
Now that brings me to the next argument.How do people maintain a good "acceptable" ratio in sites like BitmeTV from home connection?

Three words: Pay to leech Upload Credit Donations

Of course, if you don't want to pay money for a seedbox/fast connection or donation, you can pay with your time (IRC announce monitoring, partial leeching, cross-seeding, and other staff-approved shenanigans). Either way, you're gonna pay.

If you don't like the way they play the game you can always go up the road to one of the many other TV Trackers.

07-27-2010, 06:08 AM
i'm sad to admit that i've gotten by most, if not all, of my private tracker memberships by donating money (pay2leech) or designing graphics for upload credit

07-27-2010, 11:07 AM
If you don't like the way they play the game you can always go up the road to one of the many other TV Trackers.
Cheaters dont play by their rules.I thought it was obvious.And from a cheaters pov,why should he leave an organized and content rich site when he can get what he want.

07-27-2010, 11:19 AM
No not all ratio cheaters get caught because some cheaters cheat with their "real" connection & then itīs not so risky ..

07-27-2010, 02:26 PM
Cheaters dont play by their rules.I thought it was obvious.And from a cheaters pov,why should he leave an organized and content rich site when he can get what he want.

If your hypothetical user takes this attitude toward cheating, then he would probably cheat regardless of whether it was easy or hard to keep ratio on BMTV. In the post I was replying to, you seemed to be asking whether the difficulty of keeping ratio on BMTV leaves home users with no alternative but to cheat. This is not the case. If you don't want to cheat, you have viable options. If want to cheat, then just do it and face the consequences. Don't try to dress it up and pretend that you were forced into cheating by BMTV.

07-27-2010, 02:49 PM
Now that brings me to the next argument.How do people maintain a good "acceptable" ratio in sites like BitmeTV from home connection?

With responsible downloading, I've had no trouble on a home connection @ BitmeTV. Don't go hog wild with the packs, seed for resonable amounts of time, and you'll be fine. I've NEVER paid for upload credit there.

07-27-2010, 04:07 PM
If you don't want to cheat, you have viable options.

Three words: Pay to leech Upload Credit Donations

Of course, if you don't want to pay money for a seedbox/fast connection or donation, you can pay with your time (IRC announce monitoring, partial leeching, cross-seeding, and other staff-approved shenanigans). Either way, you're gonna pay.
Some very good viable options indeed ...

If want to cheat, then just do it and face the consequences.
Who said the contrary here? :unsure:

Don't try to dress it up and pretend that you were forced into cheating by BMTV.
Who tried to dress up here? :blink:

The reasons why cheaters cheat is discussed here and I did make a post about that above.

07-28-2010, 06:25 AM

07-28-2010, 08:36 AM
Globaly banned? Impossible if they are smart cheaters and on dynamic IPs.

07-28-2010, 04:54 PM

It's better than that cafe PC where they ripped the Ctrl and Alt keys and filled the remaining void with glue so that people wouldn't "hack" the timer system Alt-Tabbing out of it.

07-29-2010, 01:35 AM
Now that brings me to the next argument.How do people maintain a good "acceptable" ratio in sites like BitmeTV from home connection?

With responsible downloading, I've had no trouble on a home connection @ BitmeTV. Don't go hog wild with the packs, seed for resonable amounts of time, and you'll be fine. I've NEVER paid for upload credit there.

Just checked (after a long time) and I got disabled there... My ratio was good there but it was a pain to keep the ratio. I don't know what kind of "home connection" you have or if you live in Japan but my home connection can't keep an account there without partial leech/seed or without grabbing things in other trackers to seed there to make some ratio.

07-29-2010, 02:22 PM
when i had 10/10 line, it took me around 24 hours to become PU @ bitmetv. Yes, it took some effort and time, but after that i was pretty free to download what i want, and then seed it...

07-29-2010, 03:42 PM
With responsible downloading, I've had no trouble on a home connection @ BitmeTV. Don't go hog wild with the packs, seed for resonable amounts of time, and you'll be fine. I've NEVER paid for upload credit there.

Just checked (after a long time) and I got disabled there... My ratio was good there but it was a pain to keep the ratio. I don't know what kind of "home connection" you have or if you live in Japan but my home connection can't keep an account there without partial leech/seed or without grabbing things in other trackers to seed there to make some ratio.

I have comcap, with their lowest package available. I get 1.5MB down, with ~240KB/s up. Although when I started on BitmeTV I only got ~50KB/s up. It was harder to maintain ratio then, but entirely possible, as I did it. If I jump on a new show with already 100+ seeders, it usually only takes ~24 hours or so to get 1/1 ratio, then a little longer for a small buffer. Not unreasonable IMO.

07-29-2010, 04:41 PM
when I started on BitmeTV I only got ~50KB/s up. It was harder to maintain ratio then, but entirely possible, as I did it.

If you check my post again you'll see I also had a good ratio there. It was just harder then it was supposed to be in my opinion. And no way I would grab every new show only because they had a 100+ "leechers". I would like to feel free to grab what I wanted to grab, including old tv shows and series and I couldn't handle that without MUCH effort.

The thing is... after being a user at trackers like IPT (with some great speeds) and BCG (with huge content) for some time, I don't see the point in being part of a tracker like Bitme.tv.
And I don't see why someone would decide to cheat and risk their accounts at trackers like BCG and IPT simply because you don't need to cheat to survive there. At the same time, someone could give you plenty of "good" motives to cheat in other hard-to-seed trackers.

I can't even see the point for spending more money with seedboxes =/
I think that only "professional" uploaders should use seedboxes and hence, those should also receive support from the trackers.

Ah, those are just newbie' ideas anyway so don't take it too serious... =/

09-29-2010, 08:41 PM
And I don't see why someone would decide to cheat and risk their accounts at trackers like BCG and IPT simply because you don't need to cheat to survive there.

I totally agree with that!

You don't even need to keep a ratio on BCG, because all you have to do is leave the torrent you've actually downloaded, the seedpoint system will do the rest!
Wait until it's 1:0 and that's it. If every torrent ratio is 1.0 ,than your global ratio is 1.0! Why do you need then buffer? For nothing! :)

09-30-2010, 04:40 PM
one year ago someone PMed me asking me if I wanted an invite. He said he didn't know anyone else to give it to.

why am i not that lucky

09-30-2010, 05:08 PM
Well, I know a few people that have mass cheated on many trackers. Both small and big. They never get caught in cheating and they never will! Just use your brain if you want to cheat and then you will never get caught even on the big trackers! :)

09-30-2010, 05:28 PM
one year ago someone PMed me asking me if I wanted an invite. He said he didn't know anyone else to give it to.

why am i not that lucky

Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with luck.

10-02-2010, 01:16 PM
why am i not that lucky

Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with luck.

10-02-2010, 03:26 PM
And I don't see why someone would decide to cheat and risk their accounts at trackers like BCG and IPT simply because you don't need to cheat to survive there.

I totally agree with that!

You don't even need to keep a ratio on BCG, because all you have to do is leave the torrent you've actually downloaded, the seedpoint system will do the rest!
Wait until it's 1:0 and that's it. If every torrent ratio is 1.0 ,than your global ratio is 1.0! Why do you need then buffer? For nothing! :)

Nice point.. But you should not stop seeding after reaching 1:1 ratio as it will violet the main principle of p2p which is sharing..

10-02-2010, 04:15 PM
you should not stop seeding after reaching 1:1 ratio as it will violet the main principle of p2p which is sharing..

Although taking bonus points, SP and the like apart, if you have a ratio above 1, it's because someone else has a ratio below 1.

As you can see, the world isn't perfect.

10-04-2010, 02:27 AM
Every cheater, and I do mean every single one, who cheats long enough and on a wide variety of trackers will get caught on at least one of them. Anyone, including people who have posted in this thread, telling you otherwise is not only a cheat, but a liar as well. Now, when they do get caught, they have two options: continue cheating, getting banned, returning, cheating, etc., or they can quit and hope quietly that they won't be globalled and that their past won't come back to haunt them sometime. Surprisingly enough, that often works, since - contrary to common belief - if you screw up once most staffers would be willing to look the other way and give you another chance if you've proven to be a good member. Now, if you cheat and get caught twice.. then you're really in trouble.