View Full Version : Is DVDFab Loosing Ground?

07-31-2010, 09:33 PM
I've been 'fighting' the last two versions of DVDFab (vr. 6 and the newer vr. 7's) for quite a while, and now have 2 blu-ray discs right in front of me that the latest (v7.0.9.0, released quite literally yesterday) will not either recognize or decrypt.

Yes, one of the discs is 'brand new', released a couple of weeks ago, but the other came out over two years ago.

BTW, I've tried Slysoft's AnyDVD, and found it (at least when I tried it) to be worse than DVDFab. But that was then, now is.... now.

So, I gravitated toward the DVDFab 'free' version (although I've found that to be a bit of a misnomer, as it works 'when it wants to'), but wonder how AnyDVD is working these days.

So, just wondering if anyone else has seen the same problems (with DVDFab) or that AnyDVD has gotten a lot better of late. I do suspect that, like with DVD encryption, that there is a 'war of techniques' going on with the disc makers and the folks programming both of these 'tools', but I've run them through Google and have found no reference to any specific problems, so...

Guess we're all in the trenches on this. :w00t:

07-31-2010, 11:27 PM
Have you tried DVD43? Hasn't let me down yet.

08-01-2010, 02:09 AM
Back in my ripping days, I found that I needed several different ripping applications and several different computers/drives to rip everything properly, as no single one worked best on everything. Games were of course the hardest to copy, and also required some background research to get it right.

Also keep in mind that copy protections are reverse-engineered to thwart specific ripping applications. Many times I've discovered that using a less-sophisticated -- but also lesser-known -- ripping program would sometimes work when the "celebrity" ripping applications failed. I've never ripped (or even used) a BluRay; most of my copy-protection busting was done on CDs, but I realize that protection strategies (and methods to bust them) are much different now.

There's got to be websites where people discuss how to bust specific blue-ray titles (just as there are for games) and I'm sure you'll find much better advice in those dedicated sites than in FST's Newsgroup section.

08-01-2010, 02:53 PM

08-01-2010, 02:53 PM
Problem with most if not all those sites is the 'fanboy' types that over-run them, and one can't ever get a straight answer.

08-01-2010, 11:44 PM
Fanboys seem to be everywhere, as is heated debate. Just look at all those Giganews vs. Astraweb bar-room brawls that seem to break out in every usenet/NZB site :P