View Full Version : Trackers That Ban US Xirvik Seedboxes List

08-03-2010, 01:52 PM

I thought it would be good for us to have a list of different private trackers that ban US seedboxes from Xirvik. I just recently joined Waffles and can't connect. I emailed Xirvik support and they said that Waffles bans the US data center. They can transfer me to another server. Anyways, if anyone knows of any trackers that ban Xirvik seedboxes that are located in the US post it in this thread and I will update the list. You can also post your own experiences here.

Trackers That Ban US Xirvik Seedboxes

08-04-2010, 07:40 AM

I thought it would be good for us to have a list of different private trackers that ban US seedboxes from Xirvik.

NO tracker bans us - trying to be polite here but this thread is misleading at least.

Waflles bans *a datacenter* we use as other companies as well. They do not ban Xirvik, they ban FDC. This is a totally different thing.

Please don't start spreading false rumours.

We (Xirvik) never had a problem with any tracker - those who have contacted us for any reason have always found a friend and cooperative response and we are in good terms with all of them that ever needed anything from us.

08-04-2010, 10:11 PM
I did not intend to harm Xirvik in any way. I apologize for my behavior and my problem has been solved. Any mods can close and delete this thread.

08-10-2010, 10:38 AM
NO tracker bans us - trying to be polite here but this thread is misleading at least.

Actually there are a bunch that do, though I cannot mention names and they have all less than 5000 members and are almost impossible to get into. So, in reality yes, some do, but it doesn't affect anyone (since they are high level trackers and Xirvik has no compelling Gbit offer).