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View Full Version : Of a Noob,Newsgroup and HD Content

08-04-2010, 05:32 PM
A friend of mine has recently got a High Speed Connection in the range of 20-40mbps. I had around 1Tb of HD movies on Two WD Green 1TB . Both of these drives are dead keeping in line with their high failure rate.
So now i exploring an option to download at high speed a large chunk of these HD movies ( no particular list now) without worrying abt download limit. NewsGroup seems like a nice option but i have no idea on how to go about doing this.
So can you please get me started with
1) A cheap unlimited one month plan
2) Client
3) Good Indexer and links

I read Rarts thread <http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/384765-Noob-s-guide-to-usenet> in which he recommends Newsleecher but again i dont want to go through the trouble of configuring this so can someone specify the various settings and options/ recommend a client which is pre configured.

I am going through <http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/396406-NZB-Indexing-sites!> for indexing sites but can you list down some sites that specifically cater to HD movies and stuff.

Thanks for reading

08-04-2010, 05:47 PM
1) A cheap unlimited one month plan
astraweb (http://www.news.astraweb.com/specials/kleverig-11.html)

2) Client
Start with unzbin, then move on to Sabnzbd when you understand the settings (it's not complicated). Don't bother with header downloaders like Newsleecher, they are a primitive and retarded way of doing things nowadays.

3) Good Indexer and links
If you want decent categories you have to pay (with the exception of Nzbs.orgs). Newzbin has the best organisation and server software, but the worst retention (atm). Nzbmatrix has the best retention and has the fastest upload-report times on most scene stuff.
Nzbindex.nl and binsearch are good for what they are; a last resort when the other indexers haven't got it.

08-04-2010, 06:20 PM
Thanks for replying c0ld.
Can you give me an example of a pay category site(Usenet is it?) with a wide variety of collection. I dont mind paying as long its not expensive and the cost it well justified. Build up my collection is more of a headache to me now so i want to get this done quickly :P
Oh bty i thought retention had to do with Providers like Astraweb and not indexing sites like u mentioned Newzbin. I dont get the concept here

08-04-2010, 06:53 PM
Newzbin (https://www.newzbin.com/): low monthly fee (think it's a few dollars)
Matrix (http://nzbmatrix.com/index.php): (one off fee of ~$15?)

imo, it's quite obvious that newzbin is better, despite its retention (which is going up soon). Can't deny that matrix is faster though as a lot of the scene stuff is bot posted.

Oh bty i thought retention had to do with Providers like Astraweb and not indexing sites like u mentioned Newzbin. I dont get the concept hereYep, providers are the main drivers of retention, but indexers must try to keep up. Whilst they don't need to massive amount of storage the providers have, they still need to have processed SQL that holds the header data and extra metadata they add. Most indexers have kept up, but Newzbin hasn't, mainly due to an uncertain future when they had legal action looming.

08-05-2010, 02:42 PM
So now i exploring an option to download at high speed a large chunk of these HD movies ( no particular list now) without worrying abt download limit. NewsGroup seems like a nice option but i have no idea on how to go about doing this.

Before you go off down this road, just a bit of a warning, so to speak.

Most (all if you're in certain countries) ISP's enforce certain levels of caps on service, meaning that x MB or GB of transfers and you'll hit the limit, getting anything from a simply warning letter to prohibitively expensive charges.

Not saying you do or have, but just saying. In an era where major multinational companies are currently (literally, like RIGHT NOW) about to carve up the internet into pay-tv tiers of service, and are will down the road of buying internet access at deeply discounted wholesale and reselling it at highly inflated retail prices, it's something to keep in mind.

But there are several good services out there, Astraweb in particular, for pricing and good connections, is a heavy favorite.