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View Full Version : PassThePopcorn is Give My Your Money

08-12-2010, 08:47 PM
The new sysop of PTP is as bad as the old ones. Spektormax was into child pornography. Pham was stealing donations to buy his son diapers after his wife left him. and now z (also known as Jerrcs or Jeremy) is doing unethical actions regarding donations.

The following screenshot shows a new announcement by him regarding PTP’s paypal account: http://i34.tinypic.com/34o680g.png
The following screenshot shows our conversation in the staff channel: http://i35.tinypic.com/sep25e.png
most members believed his hoax, except few clever members like these who suspected foul play:

this happen at Backie blog. you can verify. PtP is really a site with worse karma all time.

08-12-2010, 08:50 PM
this is thé first time

08-12-2010, 08:58 PM
nevermind, all fake

08-12-2010, 09:26 PM
the tracker is fully functional at the moment which is enough to most donators and all other users so why start this all over again? :sick:

08-12-2010, 11:20 PM
Those IRC logs are easily faked, easy to simply make those channels on a different server and take their nicks. You can't even see what server they're on in the screenshots. Also, it's funny because the screenshots are from the point of view of "z" (the sysop being bashed here) and I doubt he emailed backie about himself taking donations.

More idiots that like to stir up shit most likely, especially since that blog has been completely dead.

08-12-2010, 11:38 PM
PTPC has been the center of a lot of negative rumors, I do not believe most of the rumors. Never saw any proof about stolen donations(i don't care to).
Only if those who donated recently have proof that what was posted is a fact. As said above, the screens/convo could easily been photo shopped.

08-12-2010, 11:57 PM
I don't think they're photoshopped, I think they did exactly what I described... went onto a IRC server that didn't belong to PTP (possibly their own for less probability of a conflict in channel names, it could easily be put onto a seedbox), just had a few tards make channels with those names, and then spoke as if they were the staff. In X-Chat (by default) the nick of the user is always gray while the other nicks are blue. This shows that the person who took the screenshots had the nick "z", meaning that either he sent the email incriminating himself, or it's all bullshit.

Also, X-chat displays the server address in the title bar, which was conspicuously cropped out of those screenshots.

08-13-2010, 12:03 AM
how did the cp rumor start again?

08-13-2010, 12:39 AM
That one was actually true if I recall correctly. Azaeal or whatever his name is got butthurt over it and posted the whole thing on FST, then dox'd the staffer when we laughed at him.

08-13-2010, 03:04 PM
so PayPal froze PassThePopcorn's account because of child pornography allegations, detailed here: http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/403539-PassThePopcorn-or-PassTheChildPorn

from Z, the sysop of PTP: "Earlier this morning, our paypal account was frozen - it was suspected that our site was the front for some sort of child exploitation service."

PayPal wouldn't freeze an account because of a simple report from an anonymous person on the internet saying "THAT SITE HAS CHILDPORN LOL FREEZE THE ACCOUNT PLZ" without any proof... I'm inclined to believe that authorities are investigating PassThePopcorn because of childporn allegations which resulted in PayPal closing the donation account.

I wonder if people who donated to PassThePopcorn will be investigated for child pornography as well... hmmm.

08-13-2010, 03:30 PM
Who cares? Keep using the site if you like it, and if you don't trust where the money goes then don't donate.

08-13-2010, 03:42 PM
Who cares? Keep using the site if you like it, and if you don't trust where the money goes then don't donate.

You just wrote my point of view about 100% accurately.

08-13-2010, 04:38 PM
All I will say is Paypal will never, under ANY circumstances reset account balance. I've known money laundering schemes and scams that were run through paypal (some of which even made it to the news) and paypal never reset the account balance. At best, they keep it around so that people can chargeback.

It's as absurd as saying a bank reset someone's balance to 0 because they were about to become an inmate. Retarded.

08-13-2010, 04:56 PM
I do not know how paypal deals with that type of situation.
Not really absurd if someone had their bank account balance set to 0 or worse,if the person got in trouble for tax evasion,acquired the money by breaking the law, the bank would freeze the account and then close it after investigating. Assuming paypal would do the same ,dealing with stolen Credit cards,etc.

It's as absurd as saying a bank reset someone's balance to 0 because they were about to become an inmate. Retarded.

08-13-2010, 07:32 PM
Who cares? Keep using the site if you like it, and if you don't trust where the money goes then don't donate.

You just wrote my point of view about 100% accurately.

Funkin' is very good at that...

08-14-2010, 03:01 AM
I wonder if people who donated to PassThePopcorn will be investigated for child pornography as well... hmmm.

Hearsay, bro.

08-14-2010, 03:41 AM
I wonder if people who donated to PassThePopcorn will be investigated for child pornography as well... hmmm.

Hearsay, bro.
It's okay, during the last bout of drama he tried to convince us that the entire site was a front for secretly distributing CP, probably a conspiracy involving a bunch of members. It's hard to say whether he's an elaborate troll or just an idiot. Pretty much anything to stir up the shit from whatever butthurt he was caused.

08-14-2010, 06:53 AM
How did you get the IRc chat screenshot??

08-14-2010, 10:50 AM
good tracker for movies

08-14-2010, 04:29 PM
How did you get the IRc chat screenshot??

He copy & pasted it from Backie's blog, of course. :yup:
